View Full Version : Just found an orphaned squirel help a greenhorn out?

04-18-2012, 03:45 PM
I recently was sitting outside smoking a cig and this little 7 week old squirrel walked into my life. It turns out it was sittin at a bas of a tree for 2 days freezin his little tail off. I couldnt just leave him so i took with open arms and now i'm tryin to research takin care of this little guy.

I got him in a cage with a water bottle. Its a pedialyte water mix 20/80

I got some cat milk but researched around and realized its not gonna work so i'm glad i looked it up before the actual feeding

what milk do i need to get? i saw a goat milk recipe i just need to know how long i can use that substitute until i find the real milk he needs.

I gave him rodent block and he seems to be eatin through that like a machine!! I also gave him unsalted sunflower seeds and will be introducing apples and bananas

bedding - towels and my ripped up shirt so he can get used to my smell...

if i missed anything lay it on me i got all the time in the world!

04-18-2012, 03:51 PM
They can eat the goats milk recipe forever, but the Fox Valley formula is a better fit and actually less expensive.

Don't give sunflower seeds. They love them but they are NOT good. If this little one likes the rodent blocks, you are golden.

Loose the towels in the cage the loops can catch on the their toenails and many a baby has broken a leg trying to get untangled. T shirts are okay and that polarfleece material is really good as it does not ravel into threads.

Don't give pedialyte for more than 24 hours - just plain, clean water.:thumbsup

04-18-2012, 03:54 PM
Well, to start you're going to need to feed the pedialyte (I'd do it straight w/o the water) with a small syringe (he's not going to know how to drink out of the bottle) and rehydrate the poor little guy. You're going to need to get him warm, so make a sock buddy (rice tied into a sock, nuke it for 30 seconds or until it's warm but not hot) until you can get him a electric heating pad.

You'll want to rehydrate him for up to 24 hours before giving him food, and you'll want to do it stat. Even if he only takes 1cc, give him 1cc every hour. If he'll take more, you can space it out a bit. Basically, the more liquid the better.

Hopefully the experts will be on to help you soon!

island rehabber
04-18-2012, 03:55 PM
You'll want the Day One formula for Squirrels, 20/50 (for older babies). 1 lb bag will last you awhile.

Get yourself a 1cc and a 3cc syringe from Fox Valley as well, or you can also get them from www.henryspets.com.

Start him on formula as soon as you can: dilute at first (3 parts water to 1 part powder) and then after 1 day give him full strength (2 parts water to 1 part powder).

Everything you need to know is pretty much right here on this Board, but feel free to ask questions anytime and WE LOVE PIX !!

04-18-2012, 04:10 PM
:wave123 Wherescarl123 :Welcome
Your in the right place now! :thumbsup
What IR said including....

04-19-2012, 03:24 PM
at seven weeks he might still need some heat. also i have found a small stuffed animal of some sort keeps them company. give the baby some veggies too.

04-19-2012, 05:05 PM

04-19-2012, 05:12 PM
Welcome. Another black and gold squirrel. :wahoo

04-19-2012, 05:15 PM
He's a cutie all right, looks quite comfortable in your hands there. :thumbsup
Thanks for the pics...

04-22-2012, 06:36 PM
UPDATE, Got the goat milk formula and its been great!!

stopped the feeding of unsalted sunflower seeds.

took him off the pedialyte.

no towels and only mah scented shirts, scent of me.

and i made him a hemp rope toy XP


04-22-2012, 07:40 PM
I think you got all the correct information. AND-I see you are now a confirmed squirrel lover, just like all of us.:Welcome :Welcome To your new home on the web.:D Beautiful little squirrel, seems very happy too.

04-22-2012, 09:19 PM

What a cutie pie. What is his or her name. I can see that you are OWNED already.:jump

04-22-2012, 10:08 PM

His name is Refieki :alright.gif

someone told me about worms if they don't have there moms milk, :secret and that scared me a tad. Thoughts?


04-22-2012, 10:27 PM
UPDATE, Got the goat milk formula and its been great!!

stopped the feeding of unsalted sunflower seeds.

took him off the pedialyte.

no towels and only mah scented shirts, scent of me.

and i made him a hemp rope toy XP


Your baby is just soooo sweet!!!! :Love_Icon
Just a note re. the goat's milk formula. Don't forget that it keeps in the fridge for 48 hours; you need to make a fresh batch after that.

Thanks for caring for this little one :bowdown

04-23-2012, 06:39 AM
Nah, don't mess with worms. Still a bit young for those.
If you'd like to try something else, a small bit of cooked chicken or egg, can provide protein. Looks better, too.:D

04-23-2012, 08:17 AM
Just sent you pm.

04-23-2012, 12:39 PM
let me revise my last post. i heard the can get worms if they don't have there mothers milk, is this true?

04-24-2012, 08:39 AM
Hi Wherescarl123,

There is a licensed rehabber in Naperville, IL. I have spoken with her and you can contact her for assistance. She is willing to offer help as needed. Her name and contact info are as follows:

Here is a link to a list of licensed rehabbers in your state. . http://www.dnr.state.il.us/law3/pdfs/rehab_permit.pdf

Good luck with your baby!

04-24-2012, 11:43 AM
Question: i know i'm not licensed if i take the squirrel will it be taken away? I want the best for him and would love the help. I'll even get licensed if i have to! I also have a friend who is licensed and she's been giving me some great info as well :)

04-24-2012, 12:15 PM
Question: i know i'm not licensed if i take the squirrel will it be taken away? I want the best for him and would love the help. I'll even get licensed if i have to! I also have a friend who is licensed and she's been giving me some great info as well :)

I spoke to the rehabber I mentioned and she said she has no interest in confiscating the squirrel, just offering help as needed.

island rehabber
04-24-2012, 12:30 PM
wheresCarl, I am removing the rehabber's contact info from public view -- as we always do here -- to prevent spammers & scammers from using it. If you still hadn't copied it down, send me a PM. :thumbsup

04-24-2012, 03:39 PM
:Welcome Refieki is beautiful!!!

You have found the right place for advise on your little baby. Best of luck and I look forward to more pics of that sweet little face!!

04-25-2012, 07:26 PM
I spoke to the rehabber I mentioned and she said she has no interest in confiscating the squirrel, just offering help as needed.

can i have her info??:thankyou

04-25-2012, 07:28 PM
i'm gonna call her tomorrow he's startin to poop goopy/stringy golden yellow :(

04-25-2012, 07:48 PM
:grouphug :dono :sanp3 :thinking :hissyfit :skwredup :fireworks

what should i do here!!

04-25-2012, 08:35 PM
I just sent you a PM with the rehabbers name and number.

04-25-2012, 09:17 PM
called :) she's gonna give me some food that she has :)