View Full Version : New to The Squirrel Board

Squirrel Girls Mom
04-18-2012, 12:40 PM
Hello, fellow squirrel parents. I am mothering two gray "squirrel girls" named Lucy & Lily. I got a call back in March from my nephew & his wife that a friend had cut a tree down with two babies inside the tree. Momma didn't come back, so they called me to see if I would take them. So, here I am. They were about 5-6 weeks old when I got them and are about 10-11 weeks old now.

I had a pet squirrel when I junior high age. We didn't know back then that squirrels weren't supposed to make good pets and that one should never give a squirrel cow's milk. "Priscilla" came to us with her eyes still closed and hardly any hair. My mother mixed heated milk (fresh, full-fat from the cow) with a little Karo syrup, had me put the baby in a doll suitcase with a heating pad underneath, and Priscilla was a wonderful pet as well as best friends with our poodle. She was with us about three years until she was killed by my best friend's tomcat. What a day of mourning that was!

Anyway, here I am, trying to do all the right things for the babies in my care, which is why I joined The Squirrel Board. I've been feeding them GNC Kitten Formula from Petsmart (Did I hear a collective gasp of horror?) and so far so good. Hey, that's what the Petsmart guy told me to feed them! Anyway, they've pretty much weaned themselves in the last few weeks and are eating HHB with veggies, fruits, and nuts. They also like to dig all the dirt out of my purslane plant and eat all the buds off, leaving me a battered plant with no flowers to be any time soon.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your squirrelly community. :wave123

04-18-2012, 12:44 PM
WELCOME! I am also a new squirrel "mom" of two baby boys. The mom was nesting in an attick and the owner removed the babies in attempt to get them all out of his house but the mom never came back so my fiance brought them home to me to take care of.. and here i am!! lol This board has given me so much helpful advice already! I was so glad to have found it. Would Love to see pictures of your two girls! :)
:Welcome :D

island rehabber
04-18-2012, 12:48 PM
:Welcome SGM, Lucy & Lily! Glad you found us.
Now, while your Petsmart guy was predictably NOT smart :shakehead, your squirrel girls are downright brilliant, eating their purslane and HHB's. :thumbsup Purslane is an excellent squirrel-nutrition plant (lots of calcium, etc.) and HHB's are formulated to give squirrels everything they need in the calcium & vitamin dept. Good job!

Okay enough talking now we need pix of Lucy & Lily. :D :poke

Squirrel Girls Mom
04-18-2012, 01:08 PM
I will get pictures of my girls posted ASAP. I'm at work right now. Uh, yeah slow day. :wahoo I have some on my computer at home that I can share. What squirrel parent doesn't love to share pictures of their little darling(s)?!

I need to talk to someone about a possible head injury. I guess I need to put that in a different place. :thinking