View Full Version : how much poop is enough poop

04-15-2012, 05:12 PM
there is a part of me that thinks i am just being paranoid and freaking out for no reason but i thought i would consult some experts to ease my mind or let me know i have good reason to worry.

i think Skiaura is getting constipated or something. her stomach isn't hard (until she flexes she doesn't like me palpating her tummy) so i'm not sure if it is bloat but she has not been a good pooper since thurs and its sun.
up until thurs afternoon she has pooped alot after every feeding. when she hadn't pooped in 12 hours i started a 12 hour pedialyte regiment. i would soak her lower half in warm water give her some pedialyte and one drop infant gas x every hour. after the first bath and pedialyte she started pooping again but i came out in large clumps. the little yellow pellets stuck together and came out in clumps of 2 or 3. after 12 hours of warm water soak and pedialyte i reintroduced FV. i mixed it 2:1 and then made a syringe that was 25% FV 75% water gave it to her. the first feeding she pooped like a champ and as i added more FV she began to poop less and and less and it started to get a little slimy, when i got to 75%FV her poop started to get more yellow less slimy.
Today we are back to not pooping. i am at a loss it almost seems like the FV is binding her up. i use a Kurig to get 192 degree water to mix her formula but i started just using hot water from the facet. i wonder if this means that the FV is not disolving properly and binding up which would also mean she isn't getting her nutrients. i do remember someone telling me on my post about switching from Esbliac to FV that when i switch her she will eat less and less often and that she would get a schedule for her bowel movements. but i didn't think that meant she would go half a day without pooping.

any advice would be great. she lost 2 g on friday when i did the 12 hours of pedialyte ( but suspect that was in some part because of all the poo that came out)
i saw in another post that pedialyte should only be given for 24 hours, but i am reluctant to do it again because she has already lost weight.

04-15-2012, 05:25 PM
Maybe a bit of pumpkin? The kind in a can is fine as long as it isn't pie filling.. You want it to be plain pumpkin. It is good for constipation. Feel better baby!

Orphan Mom
04-15-2012, 06:01 PM
Also, any time mine seem a little constipated I also give them gas drops to ease the discomfort and keep them from getting bloated while it's all working out.

...at least that's what I think I did. It's been so long since we've dealt with anything resembling constipation around here... :shakehead

04-15-2012, 06:37 PM
i gave her a drop with the first few feedings but i stopped because i worry about giving meds too long ( again prolly my own paranoia). I'll try the pumpkin and see how that works i was also considering switching her to 25/50 since i have it and though i'm not sure how old she is since she has her bottom teeth now she is over 3 weeks but less than 5 since her eyes are still closed

04-15-2012, 07:23 PM
i was also wondering what kind of pumpkin is best, mashed baby food or just plain canned pumpkin and how much should i give she is eating 4.2cc per feeding

04-15-2012, 07:33 PM
I have just used regular canned pumpkin. I don't remember how much. I think probably 2 - 3 cc's?

04-15-2012, 09:21 PM
sammysmom do you mean you gave them straight pumpkin? or mixed it with formula? any advice about switching to 2o/50 i have seen mixed reviews about changing them over but if she is getting constipated would it help or make it worse?

Mrs Skul
04-15-2012, 10:53 PM
Hi Goobertoast:wave123
I just sent you a PM to call me and my Phone number. What formula are you feeding? Is it the KMR or Esbilac with Cream???:thinking .

Mrs Skul
04-15-2012, 11:00 PM
When did you start adding the Cream and Are you adding a Full Fat Yogurt? :thinking
Some times when you add the Cream the Baby will have a hard time Poohing. If you are using a 1 cc syringe just Pull up 0.5 of WATER then the Rest Formula. Feed it to her.
You can offer a little Water in between the Feedings. But Stop Giving the Pedialyte. :nono You can run into Problems if you give to much and to Often. (UNLESS Your Baby is Dehydrated! Then only for 24 hr.)

04-16-2012, 03:12 AM
thank you so much Mrs Skul for the help over the phone. i got her back on 32/40 the cream i had had gone bad so i'll get more tomorrow and get some yo baby to add to it but for now i'm just giving the water and FV as you advised. Thank you so much for stopping me from making things any worse than i already had.

04-16-2012, 04:54 AM
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou her second feeding after our conversation and taking your advice and she pooped a good size little pile of pellets. thank you so much Skiaoura Thanks you for setting me straight :thumbsup :wahoo

Mrs Skul
04-16-2012, 05:15 AM
:poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop :poop
I need to have a little Music for the Pooh to dance to! :D :rofl4
I am so glad she is Poohing for you. Good Luck to you both. :grouphug

04-16-2012, 05:18 AM
omg gotta love the :poop dance