View Full Version : Huney suckel or jasmine
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-13-2012, 02:25 PM
are these ok for the babies to play with and chew??
Don't know if it is honey suckle or Jasmine, I think its Jasmine, smells divine, bunnies love it but I dont see the wilds eating it.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-13-2012, 04:12 PM
04-13-2012, 05:15 PM
That is Star Jasmine. Nonnative.
ASPCA says nontoxic for dogs/cats.
Listed as NONTOXIC for birds (and they are so sensitive).
So, I would venture that is safe, but I don't know if its tasty!
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-13-2012, 05:44 PM
Thanks treeman... I don't see the wilds eating it so I guess I will just leave it for the bunnies, too bad wish I had more stuff to give them.
Jackie in Tampa
04-13-2012, 06:46 PM
the magnolias are in bloom..soon to have cones!:thumbsup
my sweet gum {actually neighbors sweet gum, try telling that to my sqs)..
is about to have helicopters..
the mulberry is loaded with fruit...
my rain tree is getting foilage, always the last thing to get green, they love the new shoots.
Crepe mrtles are in bloom..
I wish I had one of those (RHAPSODY has one for me) red pom pom bottle brushes..
they love hibiscus, the entire plant (like the mulberry) is edible...
mine like red best
also geraniums are blooming :thumbsup
lots to gather and feed!
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-13-2012, 06:52 PM
Wilds have polished them all off, no flowers no shoots no more plant, I'll take picture tomorrow
bobby taylor
04-13-2012, 07:39 PM
One thing i have noticed about the jasmine is that it emits a milky like sap when you cut it. I dont know if its toxic or not but I dont ever see my yard squirrels around them. However, birds nest in the vines so it must be ok.
04-13-2012, 10:06 PM
Like Jackie says:
the squirrels here in SC are definitely eating Mulberry but we don't have berries yet so they eat the buds.
I'm offering Honeysuckle. <---ours are more white/Yellow in color
Muscadine grapes will be soon.
Here are some common wild plants edible for humans so likely also for squirrels:
dandelions, clover, onions! you will be amazed at whats in your own yard :jump
04-13-2012, 10:46 PM
Stormy Lee likes the honey suckle and dandelions that are in the yard. She also likes the wild violets and clover. Is Crepe myrtle edible? The Tulip Poplar tree had lovely flowers on it, and she got a large limb full to munch on. Her daddy brings big tree limbs of anything I tell him its safe for her to chew on for her room. She has a forest inside! She loves the blueberry limbs, and several types of oak, sassafras, birch, pine, hickory, sweetgum and dogwood. I haven't given her Mimosa or chinaberry because I didn't know if they were toxic. I get a big mess to clean.
Charley Chuckles
04-14-2012, 06:36 AM
One thing i have noticed about the jasmine is that it emits a milky like sap when you cut it. I dont know if its toxic or not but I dont ever see my yard squirrels around them. However, birds nest in the vines so it must be ok.
I was always told that any vine when it gives off a milky substance is very much like a poison ivy and can react to you just like a poison ivy plant ....whenever I have come in contact with my jasmine etc. I really wash my hands so as far as CC or LG ever getting any :nono Just my thoughts but they have so much else to chew on that I know is good for them :thumbsup
04-14-2012, 10:05 PM
There is a plant that has yellow flowers and is a vine that some people call jasmine, but it is really Carolina Jessamine. It is toxic.
05-25-2017, 10:48 AM
Are chinaberry trees poisonous to squirrels? Im changing BoDeans cage up and have alot of chinaberry brush with berries on them, is it safe to put in his cage?
05-25-2017, 09:07 PM
I would not take a Chance with China berry. I have always been told it's toxic
05-25-2017, 09:09 PM
Are crepe Myrtle tree branches, leaves and flowers ok for squirrel's
My 10 week old school that I have been given for mental reasons and I were on the fence line of Carolina Jasmine it acted as though it wanted to I'd like the blooms so I put it in the blooms and it kind of munched on the leaves in the blooms like it liked it so I didn't wasn't concerned and then I came in cuz it was getting too hot and I googled if it was toxic I I mainly for myself and but then I found out that it might be for the squirrel too but I've been on poison control and nobody's answering the phone and I can't get an answer if and I'm starting to freak out about not having an answer it's the weather my little baby squirrel is is what I need to do is it going I can't get emergency help anywhere does somebody know for sure if I don't think the squirrel actually ate it I think you just like put it in his mouth cuz he was interested he liked it but I don't think he ate it he's acting fine an hour later but I don't know if what the window is or or what may still yet happen does anybody know for sure can somebody help me please
03-31-2024, 05:25 AM
Carolina jasmine can be toxic to animals if it’s ingested. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea and death. Some varieties of honeysuckle are more toxic than others. Most squirrels instinctively know not to eat toxic plants. There have been instances where a squirrel kept in captivity was given a toxic plant accidentally and did consume it and died. It’s for this reason it’s best to research plants before giving them to a captive squirrel. Here’s a list of foods that are safe for squirrels. At the bottom of the chart are wild foods that are also safe.
If you have a captive squirrel it is very important that you feed a balanced diet that contains some form of hard extruded rodent block, like Oxbow Regal Rat or Mazuri Rat Diet. A diet high in nuts, seeds or corn will cause the squirrel to develop metabolic bone disease which will eventually kill it.
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