View Full Version : Revolution for fleas
04-12-2012, 01:39 PM
The fleas here in Central FL seem to be on a rampage.
My neighbor has been fighting them even though she treats indoors, outdoors and her pets.
I think they are visiting me too.
Found one on one of my cats.
I want to treat everyone.
I recall for Squirrels it's best to use Revolution and it's one drop of the kitten dose.
Is that correct?
I have 10 squirrels to treat so I'm wondering how many tubes I will need.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-12-2012, 02:43 PM
The fleas here in Central FL seem to be on a rampage.
My neighbor has been fighting them even though she treats indoors, outdoors and her pets.
I think they are visiting me too.
Found one on one of my cats.
I want to treat everyone.
I recall for Squirrels it's best to use Revolution and it's one drop of the kitten dose.
Is that correct?
I have 10 squirrels to treat so I'm wondering how many tubes I will need.
thats what I used
04-12-2012, 02:52 PM
I have 10 squirrels to treat so I'm wondering how many tubes I will need.If done right 2 tubes should do the trick.
Jackie in Tampa
04-12-2012, 03:00 PM
I may be wrong...but it's all selemectin...all the same med, just different amounts in each tube. I have always bought the largest tube and dosed from that. It is alcohol based I does evaporate, so it must be resealed with wax or completely used..
I always dose the cats with any left overs.
04-12-2012, 03:08 PM
Well I am confused by the recommendations I get by different experts.
My TSB'ers say Revolution and that's what I'm going to go with,
since it is what I'm going to use for my cats and bunnies anyways.
The rehabber I volunteer with uses Advantage on wildlife.
I just went to have Trixie's teeth trimmed and her vet says Frontline spray
is better and he uses it on wildlife because there's less risk of side effects.
I will be getting the Revolution cat 5-15lb so is that just one drop?
All my squirrels are different ages and sizes.
The youngest is about 3 months old.
Jackie in Tampa
04-12-2012, 03:16 PM
Dawn dish liquid baths will kill fleas..
Revolution kills everthing..
I use one drop no matter the size of sq..
If it's a wee baby...I would bath it with Dawn and hand pick the fleas......
Adams Flea Spray in the blue bottle can be used on kittens, spritz a cotton ball and wipe it on same area, shoulder blades.
Rev stopped working on Fido...resistant monsters...I am now using Comfortus big huge tablet for him...but the Rev seems to be okay on the cats.
PS, I have used Advantage on sqs for fleas too.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-12-2012, 03:28 PM
Dont like frontline, it is a different type of poison Dino was very allergic, got all swollen and very sick.
Got the revolution for Simon's ear mites, worked like a charm, he has never had fleas even though I have been battling with them on the doggies for 3 months now, got the revolution, didnt work, so I am dusting them with Diatenatious earth and that is working
04-12-2012, 03:36 PM
I will be treating the carpets with diatomaceous earth too.
In the 20 years I've had pets in FL I only had one year like this where fleas penetrated my home.
It was a BAD year that I ended up having to do Capstar AND bomb the house (my last resort :shakehead)
I really really really hate using chemicals but I did not move quickly that time and it got out of control fast.
Wish me luck!
04-12-2012, 05:50 PM
Yes, its 1 drop of Kitten Revolution per Squirrel 8 weeks and older...... other wise wash with Dawn dish soap and hand pick the fleas as suggested by Jackie.
Jackie in Tampa
04-12-2012, 06:57 PM
they say vacumn daily helps...
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-12-2012, 08:24 PM
I get the flea collars from walmart (cheaper there) and put them in my vacuum bag, so when I suck those bad boys up bam, they never know what hit them, and they don't come running back out. don't want to change the bag every time I vacuum.
Unless of course you feel you must rehab them too
04-12-2012, 08:28 PM
I draw the line at fleas and roaches. :D
I do rescue and immediately release all other insects :thumbsup
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-12-2012, 08:30 PM
I draw the line at fleas and roaches. :D
I do rescue and immediately release all other insects :thumbsup
04-12-2012, 09:20 PM
I draw the line at fleas and roaches. :D I hear you....... I know we are supposed to love all animals, but there is some thing
about a roach that just makes me want to jump on it squish it and flatted it to death.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-12-2012, 09:30 PM
Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-12-2012, 09:32 PM
04-12-2012, 09:35 PM LOVE ME some JOE'S APARTMENT...... I have watched that movie at least 10 x in 45 years. :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
04-12-2012, 09:45 PM
The calculation for the Revolution is:
(6)*(weight in kg) /(concentration)
The cat's format concentration is usually 60mg/ml so the dosage should be as below:
1lb --------- 0.05cc
1.5lb --------- 0.07cc
2lb --------- 0.09cc
2.5lb --------- 0.11cc
3lb --------- 0.14cc
3.5lb --------- 0.16cc
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