04-11-2012, 06:25 PM
There is a squirrel who frequents my backyard with a severely injured front leg. It looks almost as if he got it stuck somewhere- it appears broken, and just hangs off of him like rubber. I thought it might be an old injury but there is dried blood on the leg. He is incredibly fast, energetic, and is constantly burying peanuts in my backyard. While the injury doesn't seem to get in the way of his movement and insatiable eating habits, its a gruesome injury. Should I just keep an eye on him? We have a ton of rehab centres where I live but I fear trapping him would cause more harm than the injury...
Are there any foods I can give him that will keep him healthy? He seems to have taken a liking to my backyard and he comes about 5 feet away from me when I'm sitting outside, so I have gained some feelings for the little guy.
Are there any foods I can give him that will keep him healthy? He seems to have taken a liking to my backyard and he comes about 5 feet away from me when I'm sitting outside, so I have gained some feelings for the little guy.