View Full Version : Probiotic question

04-06-2012, 09:07 PM

I was prescribed a product for one of my cats called Pro Pectalin.
The vet said it had probiotic, and I see it's sold as anti-diarrheal.

Wondering if this would be safe to use on squirrels or possums.
I don't anticipate using all of it, because I'm only supposed to use it until
his stools normalize and would like to save the rest to use for my rehabbing.

Has anyone used this product for wildlife?

04-08-2012, 10:25 AM
Not sure.
I think of probiotic as being normal gut flora.
Seems to me that all natural yogurt has the same thing.
IMO, the term "probiotic" is just a marketing tool.
I might do a little more checking.

Contains Kaolin (a type of clay), pectin(think jelling agent), and gut bacteria (yogurt).
Do you have any Kaopectate? Basically the same stuff. Give some natural yogurt as a treat.

04-08-2012, 10:26 AM
If not for squirrels this product may work on Opossums or Raccoons,
so I am definitely gonna keep checking.
Hate wasting meds when they are not used up by the patient!

04-08-2012, 10:33 AM
It'll work for squirrels, too.:)