View Full Version : Another season, another batch of overfed squirrels

04-06-2012, 06:17 PM
I swear that someday I will put up a billboard (y'know when I'm independently wealthy and NOT spending all my money on squirrels) that says:

"Even if you knew WHAT to feed them, you STILL wouldn't know HOW MUCH!"
"There's no such thing as a FULL baby squirrel!"

Because every year we get these poor babies in that the finder has fed who-knows-what and that alone might be okay - sometimes - but it's the vast amounts they feed them! I just got in a litter of 3, all male, eyes-closed, weighing 62-65grams, but I think that 10grams of that is KMR!
They look pregnant. You can see the VEINS on their distended bellies. Ugh. They're not dehydrated, so I just 'whizzed' 'em and am leaving them on heat. I can't bare to put anything else in their poor little mouths. I got them at 2pm, she last fed at 10am. I think I'll wait until 10pm to even give them electrostat. Poor little things.

Anyone have some really great tips on bloat? We sometimes soak them mid-belly down in warm water and stimulate them under the water to get them to pass as much as we can, but it's slow going. I'm open to ideas. The photos don't even do it justice. You'd have to see them. 1st photo is a front view, second is a side view. They're baby pregnant squirrels.

04-06-2012, 06:22 PM
Why are they so huge? Here's links to photos:




I'll try to attach from the web. But now you have the links if you need it.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
04-06-2012, 06:38 PM
here you go

04-06-2012, 06:45 PM

Nancy in New York
04-06-2012, 06:58 PM
And the other two:


04-06-2012, 08:42 PM
For bloat we hold all food, push pedialyte, give infant gas x and soak in warm water.

04-08-2012, 10:19 PM
Ugh...I was just saying to my rehab partner yesterday when I recieved a bloated and wheezy baby...."Why is it that people can research the internet and find out how old the baby is, what to feed it, who to call, and where to take it....yet they completely miss the part that says DO NOT FEED!!!!!" The baby I got yesterday was from some seemingly smart folks who were referred by game and fish. They had obviously researched heavily but still felt compelled to feed her(a lot) during the 2 hours before they brought her in.