View Full Version : slight clicking noise
04-04-2012, 09:47 PM
was out of town for a couple days, came home to a clicking a 6 week old baby.
he is lethargic and cool to the touch. slight clicking noise, his breathing is shallower than normal but not labored. feeding was semi un-interested but took almost a 5cc of FV.
can he make it through the night? how long can they go without AB's? i am working on getting something tonite but its unlikely.
will vet supply have this in stock?
need local baytril source if available west ft. worth
Jackie in Tampa
04-04-2012, 10:27 PM
let me pm some texans, brb
04-04-2012, 10:37 PM
You need to get this baby warmed up. A heating pad on low under 1/2 it's cage/box/container. A sock filled with rice nuked 20-30 seconds rub it between your hands should be toasty warm not hot will help.
04-04-2012, 10:54 PM
im keeping him warm, my online research shows other options for treatment of pneumonia. i have several fish meds on hand that are good for treatment but my concern here is converting the strength. :(
i have no issue getting baytril in the morning, i just dont want him to suffer or worse yet perish overnite.
is death normally from dehydration? if that is true, i think he will make it to morning if he stays warm as he is still taking his formula (just not enthusiastically and less than normal.
Mrs Skul
04-05-2012, 03:09 AM
:morning Paulne
I am in Houston and that is at least 5 hr away from you. I sent Pat Jones a PM. He is in Waco TX. :thumbsup3
You need to get the Baytril from a Vet. :thumbsup5 The local Vet Supply will not have Baytril. The Fish AB are not good for Squirrels. They are made to go into gal. of Water for the fish. They are usually Penicillins type.
(Penicillin is VERY HARD on Squirrels!) Do you have any Human Antibiotic or Antibiotic for your Dog or Cat? Do you have friends with Children? Ask if they have any AB left over. (Be sure to add some Yogurt to the formula when on the AB.)
You need to call the Vet in the morning and ask if they will see the Squirrel. ""Be careful it is illegal to Own a Squirrel in TX."" Let them know you are doing a Soft Release When the Squirrel is old enough. :D
Is this Baby Dehydrated? Take the skin at the scruff of the neck & between the Shoulders. Then pull it up like a Tent. Let it loose. If it goes down quickly then he is not dehydrated. The slower it goes down the moor Dehydrated he is.
Do you have the Weight on this baby? How long have you had him? How long were you away, and was someone else taking care of him while you were away? :thinking
Did they Aspirate the Baby Squirrel? Do you know what day? This can help us better help you.
Hear is my Email address. {(( ))}
:grouphug I am sorry to say that all of these Symptoms can and will cause Death. Being To Cold, Dehydration, Weakness, and the Pneumonia. :shakehead :grouphug
Keep this Baby Warm And if he is have trouble breathing. You might try running the Shower on HOT. Make the bathroom very steamy.
You and the baby will need to stay in their for 45 min to 1 hr or more, if it is helping him breath easier. {Keep him warm and dry during and afterwords.}
Then feed right afterwards. ("This will help break up the mucous in his lungs and nose.")
Jackie in Tampa
04-05-2012, 06:14 AM
Pauline, Mrs Skul has given you good advise..
Do you know a safe vet that will help you?
If not ask friends and family.
Baytril or cipro is choice.
If you find anti biotics, we can help you dose them.
Baby sqs go down hill fast, this needs to be priority for her to live.:grouphug
Good luck and Welcome to TSB:Welcome
04-05-2012, 07:48 AM
Fish antibiotics. Fish antibiotics are made to go into a tank, but they clearly state the dose and can be broken down to a squirrel dose.
They sell all sort of antibiotics for fish tanks. I have cephalexin on hand for fish tanks. I know it is NOT the best choice for squirrels as it can cause Stomach problems, but if you have nothing else on hand, and none in reach, stomach problems are better than dead. Fish antibiotics saved a near death situation with a squirrel I had with Pnuemonia.
As long as the ingrediant list has only the antibiotic listed and no extras like copper and such.
I know baytril is the best, but this is so life threatening that other antibiotics will work for an emergency situation.
If we just can not find a rehabber near us, and wildlife is not allowed at local vets, and it would be days before we got Baytril from a friend in the mail, then a baby with pneaumonia would die.
I dont like to stir up trouble, as we have some of the best advice on here and everyone has helped me so much. But if a good hearted person has nothing else on hand and can not get any Baytril for a few days, a few doses of other antibiotics can make the differance between life and death. Does anyone agree?
04-05-2012, 11:03 AM
i indeed had cephalexin and appears to have improved his condition. So, in this particular instance wonka was correct, i am sure buster would not have made it through the nite or at best reached the point of no return by morning without AB's. we will get him on baytril today. it was a long and restless night, i was up every two hours re-warming his pad and checking on him. his condition is still grave but he seems to have a little giddy up to him this morning and was ready for his groceries.
i want to thank everyone here for both their support and knowledge over my lack of, and relience on reading material.
buster and peanut have been with us now for 6 weeks, they were pinkies when i inadvertently took down their nest clearing briars. i would estimate their age was less than 10 days old (no hair, no cord) when we become their foster family. we intend to enjoy our time with them and soft return them back to our 8 acres of heavy oaks (sq paradise) once they are ready to say good bye.
buster thanks you too !
04-05-2012, 11:40 AM
Oh, I am thrilled!!!! They do tend to recover quickly if they get what they need on time. otherwise they die quickly from this.
I assume someone helped you privately with the dilution and dosing? Or you found it out on your own? I think Cephalexin would require two doses per day. Keep it up til you get the Baytril or the baby will relapse.
10 day old pinkies????? Way to GO! pinkies are very hard to save.
Sounds like you are doing great. Maybe add a bit of yogurt to his next formula feeding? Too help digestion.
04-05-2012, 02:02 PM
i indeed had cephalexin and appears to have improved his condition. So, in this particular instance wonka was correct, i am sure buster would not have made it through the nite or at best reached the point of no return by morning without AB's. we will get him on baytril today. it was a long and restless night, i was up every two hours re-warming his pad and checking on him. his condition is still grave but he seems to have a little giddy up to him this morning and was ready for his groceries.
i want to thank everyone here for both their support and knowledge over my lack of, and relience on reading material.
buster and peanut have been with us now for 6 weeks, they were pinkies when i inadvertently took down their nest clearing briars. i would estimate their age was less than 10 days old (no hair, no cord) when we become their foster family. we intend to enjoy our time with them and soft return them back to our 8 acres of heavy oaks (sq paradise) once they are ready to say good bye.
buster thanks you too !
Glad you got something in the baby and it is better I was away from the computer til now. I am in Waco and happy to help with whatever I can I am not one of the heavy hitters here but I will do my best.
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