View Full Version : Donations needed for bursting eye / surgery

03-30-2012, 02:39 PM
Hello, I'm not here often and I apologize for that but most of the old timers will know who I am.

I need $$ to take Pippa to U of F for help with her eye. It is bursting and my regular vet - Dr. Paula Jenkins at Maverick Animal Clinic in Orange Park FL has said she needs to be seen by a specialist that can do an ultra sound and surgery on squirrels. Poor Pippa has been suffering for a long time with this eye and it's getting worse and worse. It's $300. just to walk in the door not including any tests or surgeries. It's $86. just to walk in the door if I wait until Monday - so I made an appointment and hope that it waits until Monday.

I can't have her die on me, this is not an option, she is a loving sweet girl that deserves happiness and LIFE!

The specialist just called and said she NEEDS to come in now (While I was typing this) but I just can't afford it! I've spent $500 just this last month on her. If anyone can donate to my husband's paypal account, Todd.Springberg@gmail.com we would greatly appreciate it. Pippa is really a sweet and wonderful girl!
Thank you,
Joanne in Jax

Jackie in Tampa
03-30-2012, 04:20 PM
Pippa and Joanne:grouphug

03-30-2012, 04:29 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

03-30-2012, 04:31 PM
Take her in. We'll worry about money later. If she dies, no amount will bring her back.

03-30-2012, 05:31 PM
I'm taking her in, Monday at noon is my appointment. It's about 3 hours away so I'll be gone most of the day and may have to take a motel or sleep in my car but I'm not going to let this precious jewel who brings so much joy to my heart die. I'd sell blood but because I'm an insulin dependent diabetic they wont take it lol. I'll work on it, figure things out etc :-) We can eat Raman too. I actually like Raman, it's just bad for diabetes.

03-30-2012, 05:35 PM
Can you post some pictures?

03-30-2012, 05:37 PM
I sure will as soon as I can figure out how to get my Mac computer to resize them. They might be blurry as one of my other squirrels ate my camera so I'm going to look for another camera or use a phone lol.

03-30-2012, 06:21 PM
Thank you, 1 person has donated some. It's not enough to walk in the door but I'm still going down and hoping that I don't have to pay in advance. Maybe I can make payments. Pippa deserves to live. She lights up my life :-) Perhaps more will donate to Todd.Springberg@gmail.com (Paypal account for us both). I appreciate ANYTHING you can give, if it's a quarter or a dollar, every bit adds up :D


Joanne Springberg in Jax and Pippa will thank you also!

03-30-2012, 06:42 PM

This is a picture of :Love_Icon Pippa :Love_Icon while her eye was getting bad, it's the best picture I have since Princess ate my camera. The eye is a LOT worse but you can see it here a little.

PLEASE help save her!

Thank you, Joanne in Jax