View Full Version : Releasing my three overwintered amigos

03-27-2012, 02:50 PM

My three squirrels are doing very well after being overwintered and the weather has been really nice. I've been bringing them out onto the deck, so tramatizing to them and being stuck in the critter nation cage (great cage, but they've overgrown) is just not helping. So I realized that we really needed to build a bigger one ( I say we, but it's really Norbert doing the work :)). I'm attaching recent pictures of my guys and the new release cage. One male, BD, actually escaped last week, I thought he was hurting Twigger and when I opened to cage to check on her (she was fine, just very dramatic), BD flew out. I followed and watched - he touched real dirt for first time and then a rock, wow. Amazing and fortunately, he ran close to the house and in the back where we will be releasing - you can see from picture. So he was hanging out in the threes and I can see on his face and movements he was really enjoying it. I tried to get him to come to me, but the most he would do is just smell my finger (I guess this is good, but just makes it harder for me, which is why I'm here). Around dusk, he was laying on one of the branches, right by the house and I was able to grab him and had to hold him tight - hate doing that, but he skirms right out of my hands - again, which is why I'm here :). My squirrels are very cool and have never attached or bit us - we are not stupid and know they can and will, but so far they are respectful of us.
What I really need help with right now is how the ... do I get them from their room in our home to their new home outside. I'm, of course, doing soft release so I will be carrying them back and forth for a little while.
I thought what about wrapping in towel and carrying out and then trying to get each one in without the others getting out. Then I thought one of my carriers (cat carrier :sanp3 ), but I'm thinking a bad idea to have all three in one of these small carriers - or would that be ok?, but how the ... do I get them into the carrier. I've been thinking about this for days and thought I would reach out and see if anyone has anymore ideas?
They are 8 months old and the male is ready to go venturing out in our trees, but the females are not as anxious, but getting better since I've been bringing them out on deck.
In the picture with three of them together, is not how they behave in the critter nation. Also, it's interesting BD/male and Hope/female now sleep together, but Twigger/female/runt is the outcast and she has her own nest in their winter room.
Any help, advice, experience, etc anyone can share, I would surely appreciate. I've been reading as many threads as I can and have found mucho help so I'm always thankful for this site. And even after my release, I'm going to check the site here and there, because maybe I can help in some ways.



Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-27-2012, 02:55 PM
can you give us a blow by blow how you guys built it??

I have my guy ride on my shoulder when I move him from one place to another.
I am assuming the outside cage is not mobile?

Can you walk into the outside cage ?? it looks like you can, if you have to I would put them one at atime in a pillow case to transport so they don't get away a head of time. but I am no expert

03-27-2012, 02:56 PM
We are planning to make their release cage similar to their current room - putting picture - so Norbert will be putting branches going across top and rope and other stuff - so cage will not be this empty. Plus he is building 5 nests (currently have the house in picture which will go outside and then 2 more smaller ones for release cage and I thought we should also have 3 more in the trees, for when they are living outside their release cage. I think Norbert thinks I'm over doing, but he is appeasing me :)
What's cool is we have several large logs with holes in them that he will be using the make the nests.

03-27-2012, 03:27 PM
I don't have experience with the "overwintering" releasing and I have 5 amigos :D to release very soon.. I'm subscribing to your thread hoping we will have tons of sugestions. :)

I love your cage!!! :bowdown Such as great idea.. Could you please share how did you build it ?

03-27-2012, 03:28 PM
I want the cage blow by blow too!

03-27-2012, 03:34 PM
I have some basic release info on my website........ :)


03-27-2012, 03:36 PM
They are gorgeous! :Love_Icon
Since it looks like you can walk into the cage I would use a pet carrier(or pillow case) to get them back and forth. Maybe lure them into the carrier with a special treat (1/2 a peanut or frozen grape?) then close and transport?
My outdoor cage is much smaller so it was alot more difficult and unfortunately BooBoo got away from us too soon. But when I sucessfully transported her it was by peanut in a pillow sack.

Good luck!

03-27-2012, 03:42 PM
Thanks Sweet Sammy's Mom - pillow case, hmm, that's an interesting idea.

My three or one would never stay on my shoulder way too indepent, definitely they want to be on their own. Tried, not sure why I can't do this, from all the threads I read, so many people can just have their squirrels walk with them, stay on them, etc -- maybe it's because I have three squirrels and this changes the dynamics of things? They really like me, but :dono

I let Norbert know everyone likes his cage :) He basically used plywood for floor and conduits to shape where he layed the hardware cloth - did the 1/2 inch holes - thanks to squirrel board threads I read. That's about it - he says use your imagination and build your size -- or call him and he'll fly out there for the plane ticket -- :jump

Yes, I can walk in the cage and just about stand in the middle. I go through the door you see and that is how I would bring them in and out. What is really neat is if you see a white thing in the back of cage - this is a 4" sewer pipe and cap - this is where they will be able to go in and out once they are ready to -- as you can see this is pointing to the tree path rather than the house :D

03-27-2012, 03:48 PM
Ok, pillow case again, I think I'm going to give this a try :) I'm thinking all three and since they are all cuddled together in pillow case, maybe they won't be so crazy? Or were you all thinking one at a time in pillow case, but then I have the issue of going in and out of the release cage.

- thanks Rhapsody, I'm checking out the link now.

Please share experiences here, if everyone can, would sure appreciate it.


03-27-2012, 03:49 PM
For how long can we keep your Norbert in Montreal?


03-27-2012, 03:59 PM
Add some branches, a few nest boxes. get them to climb into a smaller cage you can carry outside and no more going back and forth....they stay outside until they are ready to go (usually I give a good month in the outside cage.) If you really want to make that outside cage work even better, add another entry door built off the door, so there will be no escape. Just build a frame and add to to the front of where the existing door is and add hardware cloth....no escapes when you go in to feed them, clean them, etc. And you should also put a small release door, (cut a 3" square out of the front, near the top, and attach a bigger piece of the hardware cloth, making a door you can latch, so when you release, they go out that door, and can also go back in that way, so other critters cannot follow.) Great cage and idea!!!

03-27-2012, 06:02 PM
You are so funny, iwonka:rotfl

Thanks Mary, this is good info. We already have their door - you can barely see it in the picture so I'm putting closeup picture of the squirrel door in the release cage. This is what we hope they will use to go out and 'maybe' back in.
We are definitely putting branches, their big house (the mansion :rotfl ), two smaller nests, ropes, etc. in the cage. We always get fresh aspen branches about once a week, which they love.
I think I'm also going to put a piece of carpet from their room - they really love the carpet.
So, once I put them in this release cage, that is it, no back and forth? That will make my life easier, but I thought I had to introduce slowly before over nighting them.

03-27-2012, 06:06 PM
Not sure if anyone noticed and if I mentioned, but the cage is on our lower roof of the house -- we were hoping this could possibly help keep safer since they are in the air rather than on ground - so when they leave the cage, they are going directly into trees. I warned Norbert that they could attack the house, but we are hoping they won't. When BD escaped, he actually stopped for a split sec to start to chew on the deck stairs -- :sanp3

03-27-2012, 06:11 PM
Is there a way to secure that cap so it will not come off sooner then it is supposed to? Plastic scares me, they chew on it, so keep a good watch for signs they are trying to eat their way out before they are ready!!!! That is an amazing cage, and what a great idea on where to put it!!!! Already in the trees!!

Btw, love how they all sit side by side to eat! My guys last year did that....not this years crew....omg...they want to kill each other most days!!!! lol

03-27-2012, 06:36 PM
I know what you mean, Mary, because staying close together is getting less and less - the avacado definitely makes it work, but it's becoming less and less :(

I will watch very closely and if they are busy with this plastic, I'll figure out something to keep it safe.

Norbert already finished all 6 houses/nests !! and I had only asked for 5. I think he was so willing, because we have these beautiful stumps with holes in them for so long taking up room in our storage place -- plus it was really simple/fast to make. I love them - hopefully the squirrels will love them more.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-27-2012, 07:08 PM
Looks like my next vacation home, I'll rent one of those for a week.:jump

03-27-2012, 08:06 PM
I love the nest houses!! So creative! :bowdown

03-27-2012, 09:05 PM
Those log nests are awesome I hope the squirrels move in and stay!! What a great idea

03-31-2012, 02:33 PM
Just wanted to give an update. They were just killing themselves in the critter nation cage and I was in the office working. Well, Norbert decides to move them to the new cage and twiggy got away from him. I finally come out and he is frantic trying to get her and then I start in on him why he did what he did - poor guy :soapbox Well, we ended up getting twiggy, but she was not anywhere near as comfortable as DB was - I watched her on the trees and she is not there yet. I think she will get there, but it's going to take time with her.
It turns out that I was actually glad Norbert did this, because they are so much better in the new cage - complete difference.
I tried the pillow case to take them in and out and it works great -- thanks so much for the suggestion :thumbsup.
For now, I need to take them in each night, because it is still somewhat cold and we are expecting snow tomorrow night and all day monday. Problem is, I think bringing them out and in is 'somewhat' tramatizing. So, I understand what you mean, Mary. I think if I was to leave them out there, it would be better. The delima is, I really need them to get over the 'anxious,fear' of outside. Each day seems a little better. My plan is by mid april, they'll stay out permanently and then end of April, I open the escape hatch :).
It came to my mind, that I'm actually weaning myself, too. My heart is breaking, because I'm no longer just their friend, I'm a person that is doing things to them that they don't particularly like. I'm worried about twiggy, but I'll just keep working with her. Twiggy is 'kind of ' the outcast, whereas BD and Hope seems to be more of a pair. Dealing with Twiggy, makes me really really feel for the people that raise/release only 1 squirrel, that must be soooo hard - unless you are dealing with a male, they seem so much more independent.
I was just about to bring them out, but they are napping, so I will just wait until they wake. We setup their outdoor cage with branches, hammock, nests, etc - it's been 3 days I've been taking them out and in at dusk. It takes a toll on them and maybe why they are sleeping a little later, but they are fine, they all ate their hhb this morning as usual. I notice they will sleep during the day when they are busy the day before.
This is so much harder than I had thought. Almost as hard as the 1st month, but -- nahhh -- that was torture and a rollar coaster ride way bigger than this one - the driver being :Love_Icon

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-31-2012, 03:18 PM
Thank you so much for your up-date. I have two little girls that are 8 weeks now and will be taking them outside just for a little while each day in another 2 or so weeks. I am going to do the really slow release. We have so many snakes, raccoons and hawks the whole idea is overwhelming, to me, so I am going to be diligently reading all release threads for any and all advice and ideas I can get.
The pillow case started for me when I was stuck in a garage apartment during a tornado back in1976. I put my kitten in the pillow case and my 6 month old baby boy in a pillow case , so I could hang on to it better in case we got blown out of the building. The windows got blown out but we didn't. I use pillow cases to cover and catch, then drop down into it, makes carrying an animal that wants to do something else much easier:D

03-31-2012, 05:32 PM
Wow, simon's mom, what a story. That must have been so scary, even your son you stuck in the pillow case :) We deal with forest fires here :(
Putting them in the pillow case almost calms them, so thank-you :)
Good luck with your release, man, it is hard -- I'll think of it as a challenge -- :tilt. I hope I can do it for them.
They are still sleeping and, of course, I'm worried sick. Norbert says they are just tricking me. Today is over and tomorrow another day - I will play it by ear. They can't go out on monday due to weather, so I'm thinking to keep them in until wednesday when weather will be good again. :dono

I'm learning that slow release is a literal - it is SLOW

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-31-2012, 05:51 PM
I was thinking i should stop feeding the outside squirrels so that when my little girls go out they wont get chased away..I was told not to do that..keep feeding as normal and the trick is to take a long time, for me it will be 2 to 3 weeks on the porch just during the day..then another two weeks on the porch all day and night ..them move the cage out into the woods ....
another 3 to 4 weeks before I open the small door..
Keep feeding wilds close to the cage so they will know each others smells so by the time they go out for good, everyone will already know everyone else:D
sounds good, lets see if it works,
but not yet, they arent ready and neither am I :shakehead

island rehabber
03-31-2012, 05:55 PM
spamrestricted, do your guys not sleep in a nest box now, in their cage? That's the best way to move a bunch of squirrels from one cage to another -- I've been doing it that way for years and haven't had an escape in a long time. :thumbsup

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-31-2012, 06:00 PM
That would be too easy IR :rotfl
didnt think of that...you can tell how green I am

03-31-2012, 06:23 PM
IR, this was the day I was going to try and get them into their new nest boxes, that is another hard thing I have with them. So today, I put a trail of mix from floor, to nest opening and inside, but they are still napping and I thought maybe I should give them the break - it seems to take a lot out of them the change from their overwinter big, nice, warm room to the outside new, smaller, colder cage. Am I doing the right thing or am I being too soft and I should just grab them from their nests in the overwinter room and take them to the outside cage?
Thanks for any advice.

04-01-2012, 10:31 AM
What IR means, is take their in-house box outside. Them in it of course.
I might suggest placing a couple of tree branches in the cage.
If you have some jack pine or willow/poplar around, throw a few of those in there too.
Checking the cage photos....gray PVC hoops?

04-01-2012, 04:05 PM
ah, I see, that would make it so much easier, but their winter home is attached to a tree branch and pretty large, not sure if I can carry it easily back and forth. I'm going to put their winter home out when I leave them out permanently.
This morning they were all really awake - gave them their hhb and since weather is so beautiful, took them out right away. They seem to be getting more comfortable. I guess, I just need to be more patient and if they need to rest a day, so be it. I think it will be much better when I leave them out permanently.
I think I have enough in their cage, but if any more suggestions, let me know :)

08-02-2013, 12:19 AM
Amazing cage and nest logs :). I wonder if they never use them cause they are on the floor of the cage, or was that just for the picture? If I was a squirrel, I would use them :D. Awesome story it is so cool your babies still visit everyday. And your husband not only can build functional, he has a creative side too :).

08-13-2017, 02:46 PM
I wanted to share some photos from today of two of the three amigos, Twiggy and BD. I think Hope has passed, because it is way too long since I've seen her. She had litters twice a year and it was hard on her. She did really good and entrusted us with her babies one time when something must have happened to her tree nest - previously opened a topic on that :) I do miss her.

The release cage is still holding up, although it looks nothing like before all the squirrels made it their home. I also released several from a friend and squirrel lover near me - there are topics on that, too. Currently just released another from my friend, her name is Hollie and she is doing really well. She had claimed the log in the release cage as her nest :)

Twiggy is the first two photos, still keeping her weight trim. She has never had a litter, at least I have never seen any signs of her nursing or pregnant. I almost think she is sterile, which I'm happy, because life is a little easier on her. Her tail had damage and she only has 1/2 tail and this has been for many years.


BD is the next two photos. He looks like an old man.

08-13-2017, 03:18 PM
I had to post again for the other photos :)

Here is BD, he looks like an old man. He is doing good.



Here is Hollie, resting on the release cage open door. She was released mid July and was born February, so she is only about 6 months old.


Just confirming that rehabbing squirrels is so worth it. 5 years later and they are still doing good, but I do wish I can say that about Hope.

I don't see them everyday, which is a good thing, because I would much prefer nature take care of them as that is the healthiest life a squirrel can have. I was starting to worry about Twig, because I haven't seen her in a couple of weeks and then she showed up today. It is so strange, because each time I really start to worry, she shows up and relieves my fears ;)

08-14-2017, 12:33 PM
All your babies are just beautiful! We dont have fox squirrels in my area of Florida...so Im totally jealous of your guys! :grin2 I read back from the beginning of the thread...love your RC, no wonder they keep hanging around! Looks like you've been a great squammy! I too have had a few babies, even some super friendly wilds, that when I dont see them for a few days I start worrying. And then they show up! Oh, more pics! You take great photos! And super lucky to have had you guys around for 5 years! WOW! :blowkiss

08-16-2017, 02:12 AM
Thanks Jennefer, I am so lucky and I am so thankful to this site as it helped me with my squirrels and I learned so much from all the experience member on here.

08-16-2017, 10:09 AM
Thanks Jennefer, I am so lucky and I am so thankful to this site as it helped me with my squirrels and I learned so much from all the experience member on here.

I second that!!! :gigg

10-28-2017, 02:37 PM
I had to post again for the other photos :)

Here is BD, he looks like an old man. He is doing good.



Here is Hollie, resting on the release cage open door. She was released mid July and was born February, so she is only about 6 months old.


Just confirming that rehabbing squirrels is so worth it. 5 years later and they are still doing good, but I do wish I can say that about Hope.

I don't see them everyday, which is a good thing, because I would much prefer nature take care of them as that is the healthiest life a squirrel can have. I was starting to worry about Twig, because I haven't seen her in a couple of weeks and then she showed up today. It is so strange, because each time I really start to worry, she shows up and relieves my fears ;)

You do an amazing job and great deal of work for these little ones, Thank you for being so kind.