View Full Version : Thank you.

03-22-2012, 05:34 AM
Squirt the squirrel has been eating the nutriphase rat food his whole life, four years. My local pet store quit selling it a few months ago. I've bought every kind of rat food I can find, eight bags of feed at least. I finally found one he likes. Now he is over weight. Your picky eater and nutrition guide have been a blessing. I wish I would have found this site a long time ago.

island rehabber
03-22-2012, 06:46 AM
That's so great to hear, thanks for letting us know! We'd love to see pix of Squirt if you have any....and congratulations on getting him on a healthy diet!

03-22-2012, 07:06 AM
:wave123 rivadawnmorris,
:Welcome to TSB. If you have been owned by a squirrel for 4 years you have found the right place--a whole bunch of squirrel nuts here.:D We have another member in Texarkana. Glad you found TSB.:)

03-23-2012, 03:23 PM
Squirt is doing better. He is actually eating his kaytee rat blocks. I took his fieata max away. He is still fat, but his energy level is back to normal. Hopefully he will trim up if I stick to the picky eater plan. Thanks again.
I'll try to get my kids to take more pictures. My camera broke. The kids are a bit scared of squirrel. He only loves his mommy.