View Full Version : Some advice would be nice.

03-06-2012, 10:29 PM
Okay so I found a baby squirrel a day ago,about 5 weeks old Judging by what iv read,and i have him on an esbilac formula diet,and iv been feeding him with an eye dropper and have him in a nest box with a heating pad on,and not 20 minutes ago we found another baby in the same spot.(they both fell from a pretty high place and had a little bit of blood around the nose but both are active and are eating so im pretty sure there okay physically)I want these babies to live so if i could please get some advice as to where i can get feeding syringes with a nipple and is the diet i have them on okay,and also what else i should do?(I was also wondering is there a chance the mother abandoned these babies,because i tried to leave them where they were in hopes that the mother would come for them,but its too windy and rainy to leave them for long,and should i look for anymore,i can see where the nest is,but i have not seen the mother?)PLEASE HELP

03-06-2012, 10:40 PM
If they came down two days in a row chances are mom's not around and they are crawling out from the nest driven by hunger.

Can you post pictures to confirm age and condition?
How much are you feeding and how often?

You can get supplies at henryspets.com which is based in Melbourne so you can get it real quick!

We'll get more detailed instructions in a bit. Need to go cut and paste the info!

03-06-2012, 10:42 PM
(If anyone else has the basic instructions ready to paste, please do...I'm typing with one hand in the dark so it's a bit of a challenge!)

03-06-2012, 10:47 PM
Hmmmmm there seem to be two threads going at the same time...confusing :D

03-06-2012, 10:52 PM
QL 1st of all welcome and thank you for taking care of those little ones, you are a kind soul!

The first thing to do is make sure the baby is thoroughly warm before you offer it ANYTHING - not even water!!! NEVER FEED A COLD BABY, it could send him into shock and may cause death. Not trying to scare you, just want you to resist the temptation. Warm him up 1st... then rehydrate him... and only after he's properly rehydrated do you start feeding him.

If you look in this forum, Non Life Threatening Help Needed, you will find there all the basic instructions to help you in thread "I found a baby, what now". Make sure you follow those and you will do fine.

As for the formula, a lot of babies have developed problems - like diarrhea - with Esbilac since the company changed its formula. We strongly suggest you order some Fox Valley formula instead. In the meanwhile maybe some people near you can loan you some until your order comes in... we have a lot of members in FL. If not, then you can make some home made formula that is much easier to digest for babies... using Jackie's goat milk recipe in the nutrition thread.

I have to go but I hope this can be of help to you and keep checking back here, people should be popping in.

03-06-2012, 11:38 PM

Thank you everybody for the help so far,I have ordered supplies from henry's pets(including fox valley formula). I'm feeding them every couple hours for now with the Esbilac, will change once the order comes in. Will look into the goats milk recipe as well. As for the diarrhea i have a question, so far the first little guy that came out, urinated and defecated only when stimulated,but is now going on his own and his poop has an orangish color and i want to know if its normal,also he has opened his eyes and is very active,the second one not as much but is eating and I did warm them up before giving them anything.And iv been checking more for other babies.

(also im not sure why there is 2 threads i dont know what happened)

03-06-2012, 11:41 PM
Sorry about the size of the picture thats the way it loaded

03-06-2012, 11:51 PM
Sorry about the size of the picture thats the way it loaded
You can't post pics yet because of your member status QL. but if you can email them to me in the next 15 minutes or so ('cuz I really have to go) then I can post them for you.

If you click on my name you will see in my profile a link to send me the email.

03-07-2012, 12:00 AM
Thats weird the picture appears on my page,also it says i cannot view your profile due to my status so im just gonna give you my email its quinteng614@gmail.com

03-07-2012, 12:21 AM
I emailed you back QL. I really have to go now (hubby's gonna shoot me if I don't duhh....;) ) but maybe someone else could help you post if you email the pics to them.

Somebody please help QL with that?...

If not I'll try to check in later - can't promise. If I can't I'll post them in the morn if nobody did.

G'nite ... prayers for you and the little ones.

03-07-2012, 12:22 AM
Also the new little guy just sneezed up blood,some pinkish liquid i cleaned his nose and he seems okay,I'm thinking its from the dried blood on his nose?
Is it okay to use a baby aspirator for this?

03-07-2012, 12:25 AM
Also the new little guy just sneezed up blood,some pinkish liquid i cleaned his nose and he seems okay,I'm thinking its from the dried blood on his nose?
Is it okay to use a baby aspirator for this?

Just got the pic :) I noticed it seems to be a towel you have in there... if it is, please try to replace that with either fleece or an old t-shirt or such. Towels and terrycloth can catch their claws and can cause sprains and other injuries. Also see if you can put a rice buddy in there for them and some other little blankies, for them to snuggle into. They get cold easily at that age.

I think it would be safe to use a baby aspirator... but go VERY gently and keep a watch on his belly and torso, to make sure there is no swelling and/or sign of internal bleeding.

Prayers for you and your little angels.


03-07-2012, 12:35 AM
Thank you again and iv already replaced the towel and they have plenty of little pieces to snuggle with and crawl under.

03-07-2012, 10:25 AM
Just checking to make sure you have them on a heating pad set on low. Babies that young can't regulate their body temp. Make sure it's only under half their box (not directly in their box) so they can crawl away if they get too hot. The goats milk formula would definately be recommended over esbilac. You can get goats milk at most health food stores, fresh or powdered works best rather than canned. Hope the babies are OK.

03-07-2012, 11:00 AM
Definitely use Fox Valley for your little ones. Here's the url: http://www.foxvalleynutrition.com/main/home.asp

Good luck with them!

03-07-2012, 12:28 PM
Just checking in, hoping all is fine with the babies. :Love_Icon

03-07-2012, 01:42 PM
So far today they are both up and moving the second little guy is doing much better. He is much smaller then the first little man. Still has his eyes closed, unlike the first one who opened his eyes the next day we had him. He is still weak but moving, keeping him hydrated, finally warm as well he stayed cold for a very long time last night. Our first little man seems to be doing great, his eyes are wide open, he is wiggling around everywhere eating, very eager to eat, so much bigger then his brother. The towels have been taken out, replaced with a soft blanket and other pieces to burrow. The heating pad is underneath the box and on low, moved it to half way. Foxvalley should hopefully be here by the end of the week. Until then we will be getting goats milk have not been able to go to the store yet.

Thanks for all of your concern,
Quinten & Lauren

03-07-2012, 02:16 PM
Poor little ones..were probably without mom for awhile...sounds like you are doing a great job!!:grouphug

03-07-2012, 03:03 PM
Sounds like you're doing great. Keep a close eye on the smaller one, he may have issues. Maybe place a rice buddy in there also, even if you have the heating pad... it helps them feel like they're snuggling with other squirrels. Maybe the smaller one will need a few extra feedings. Just wanted to remind you also to keep them (at least the little one) wrapped in a warm blankie while feeding him. They often get chilled during the feeding and will stop nursing.

Do you have a gram scale? You should weigh them so you can keep track of their weight gain or loss. It would also help you gauge if they're eating enough.

I strongly urge you to read all the various stickies in nutrition and in health for them. Babies can do well and have sudden turns on us very quickly. Best way to avoid that is to provide the best right off the bat and be prepared/know what to do should anything happen.

03-07-2012, 03:54 PM
Just weighed both,and the little guy is exactly 2 oz and the big man is almost double his size at 3.8 oz.both are doing well and were gonna make a rice buddy for them,and we are also gonna make the change to goats milk until the fox valley formula gets here.

Thank you again

03-07-2012, 08:33 PM
The baby still has not gone to bathroom, I am keeping him hydrated and stimulate him afterwards and nothing. Is this normal? Any suggestions on what to do? Still no swelling, he is moving around on his own, eats well. Just starting to worry why he has not gone to the bathroom.

03-08-2012, 08:06 AM
Nevermind he went went shortly after I posted this.

Q & L

Jackie in Tampa
03-08-2012, 08:18 AM
I am so sorry,..it sounds as if he was smaller than normal and had other issues. Thank you for trying.
How is the other little baby doing?

Rest in Peace Sweet Baby Squirrel:Love_Icon

03-08-2012, 09:18 AM
I am so sorry,..it sounds as if he was smaller than normal and had other issues. Thank you for trying.
How is the other little baby doing?

Rest in Peace Sweet Baby Squirrel:Love_Icon

Jackie, I think he went POTTY soon after this... I hope??

03-08-2012, 10:25 AM
While you are getting all the food stuffs together, time to go out and get a plastic container at Wally-World. Cardboard sucks moisture from their little bodies and they need all that for themselves :D . Since First has his eyes open get a deep box that will help keep him from jumping out--hunting a loose baby is no fun.
You're doing a great job being Mommy! Keep up the good work.:thumbsup

03-08-2012, 02:22 PM
Will be getting a plastic tub in a bit, thank you. Right now we have a grate basket over the top so he cant climb out but yet still gets plenty of air. He did crawl out the first day he opened his eyes. The big guy is doing great, we have named him Squirt. Extremely active and eats very well. The little guy, we named Mighty Man since he is so much smaller but is getting better everyday. He is going to the bathroom as well as eating, eating so much better today. Strong little guy just like his brother. There has not been any swelling on either of them both seem to be doing great. Little guy is half the size of his brother. Both amazing little creatures. They have a rice buddy now, thank you for that suggestion. They are doing great, may be to soon to say but I think both will be ok. Complete night and day difference between now and when we found both of them. Thank you all again. Time to feed!

Q & L

03-09-2012, 10:22 AM
Mighty Man opened his eyes!!!

03-09-2012, 10:59 AM
Mighty Man opened his eyes!!!

Hold onto your hat, then! Now the fun starts!