View Full Version : Is there a way to encourage Trooper to like my wife???

03-06-2012, 03:49 PM
Hi Forum: My 6 month old male eastern gray squirrel just came back from an escapade of 5 days on the cold outside, and his behavior has changed a bit since he returned home on his own.

Since most of his behavior now could be attributed to what he experienced on the outside (hunger, cold, wet, scared, loneliness, lack of affection) he has maintained one behavior that comes and goes: he likes to play with me and I can do just about anything I like to him (including pulling his nuts from his mouth when he is trying to stash them, grunts and all he never has bitten me [yet]).

On the other hand my wife who also adores him, is starting to get her feelings hurt since Trooper sometimes plays with her when he is playing with me, but sometimes he gives her nasty bites. I mean the teeth sinking types, and the last time he did, I was holding him when he bit my wife and I could feel his teeth grinding into her finger bones.

I have to state though, that she is more of a trooper than Trooper, because even though she is hurt (physically and emotionally), she continues to forgive him because she does understand that you can take a squirrel out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the squirrel.

So I am once again appealing to you most knowledgeable ones for advice on what can we do to make him like her more. In view of the several posts on this subject from the past, I thought of the following;

1) I am Trooper's designated human and so he will be jealous of my attention/affection, so I should never approach my wife while holding him?
2) While playing with Tropper (boxing and wrestling are his favorites) we should stay separate enough so he does not feel that my wife wants to "steal" me from him (although I am sure she would tell Trooper that he can have me!).
3) She should slowly try to play with Trooper alone, without me.
4) She should wear chainmail or kevlar gloves when playing.
5) She should bring food to him instead of me on a daily basis to encourage a tighter bond (she already does that across the cage with nuts, rosebuds/hips or veggies and they do well with each other).
6) I should give my wife a squirrel outfit for next Valentines day, serving a dual purpose for me and Trooper.

Joke aside, I would appreciate your opinions!

Thanks, Trooper's dad:wave123 :bowdown

03-06-2012, 04:06 PM
6) I should give my wife a squirrel outfit for next Valentines day, serving a dual purpose for me and Trooper.

:eek: :eek:

Ok yes, kidding aside, have you tried discouraging that specific biting behavior? We used the 'spray bottle/saying "no!" firmly' technique and our squirrel now knows how hard she can bite before breaking skin - and she hasn't bit hard in months (only drew blood one time ever).

Hope this helps!

03-06-2012, 04:33 PM
IrishHarps: thanks for the tip. I used that trick to train my dogs, so I did not know that would work with squirrels. He does understand the high pitched scream or loud "no" I give him when he bites me, yet my wife was hollering like she was being butchered (so to speak she was) when Trooper bit her, and yet he still stuck on her until I removed him.

Maybe I should carry some sort of ultrasound whistle or something he might not know and really get the message.

Thanks, Trooper's dad

03-06-2012, 05:17 PM
:eek: :eek:

Ok yes, kidding aside, have you tried discouraging that specific biting behavior? We used the 'spray bottle/saying "no!" firmly' technique and our squirrel now knows how hard she can bite before breaking skin - and she hasn't bit hard in months (only drew blood one time ever).

Hope this helps!

I second this....mind learned not to bite to hard and when he is acting out sort of speak one spray stops him... I have had no problems in a year.

03-07-2012, 11:24 AM
Hey Trooper, I found this on eBay, made me think of you :D


03-07-2012, 02:43 PM
Ha!:rotfl Ha!:rotfl Ha!..I thought I was making this stuff up? Unbelievable! I guess if anything else fails, she'll have to wear one.

I already ordered her a pair of Kevlar gloves, providing protection against sharp knives cuts or puncture (like an ice pick). I know some of you will repy stating that squirrel bites are more acute than ice picks, and I already gave it a serious thought, after seeing Trooper's damage to my wife and cousin. I will keep you posted as to how it performs.

But the suit is adorable. I think I will get it and give it to her for her bday in May. I will pack it in one of those Victoria's Secret bags or boxes to disguise its meaning!! I am sure her first explicit will be: "you are sick!",

We started today playing with him with my wife at a safe distance. He includes her in the satellite run around our bodies, but she is afraid to show her fingers.

Tomorrow we will start with having her feed him his dinner and see how it goes.

Thanks for the laugh!:wave123