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Mad Max's Mom
03-04-2012, 03:41 PM
Um, I have been lurking for quite some time now. My husband is in lawn maintenance and was trimming trees for one of his clients when a nest was "trimmed through". I'll spare the horrible details, but my little Max was the only survivor. My husband felt major guilt so when I got home from school (I teach PE), he shoved a box in my face that had a towel in it. Under the towel was Max. I have to tell you it wasn't love at first sight. I knew I couldn't let myself get attached because he just didn't look like he was going to make it. I googled for info on what to feed him and I sent Hubby out for Esilbac and a pet nurser (please understand that I know I made a multitude of mistakes). A couple of years ago I raised an orphaned raccoon successfully and was able to release her back into the wild (that was a trip teaching her how to find worms, eat crawdads and stuff!). So that was my experience with raising a wild baby. So I figured it couldn't be THAT much different. Anyway, I settled in for a bumpy ride with Max, who I wasn't going to get attached to, but was falling madly in love with! I estimated from the info I found on the internet that he was around four weeks old. His eyes were still closed. I immediately got him warmed up and borrowed a heating pad from my neighbor. I started him on pedilyte and then on the Esilbac. He was a great eater right from the start. My biggest mistake has been the bottle. :shakehead Max and I have been very lucky I didn't kill him with the aspiration of formula. My first nipple was way too big, so I kept experimenting...I finally got the perfect size hole! After I found out I should use a syringe, I did try it but Max wouldn't have it. So we have stuck with the bottle. I took him to work with me and kept him a pet carrier with a fleece blanket and fed him on my lunch break and during my planning time (and at home and in the middle of the night). He is now around nine weeks old and is such a handsome squirrel. My husband built an elaborate cage for him and he has the run of my bedroom when I am home watching him. He is still getting plenty of formula but I have also started placing a Henry's block in his cage each day as well. He nibbles at it...and likes to hide it! So, there's the majority of mine and Max's story. He seems to be doing VERY well. I will post pictures soon and I want to say how much I have appreciated the information I have been able to learn from this forum. This little squirrel has really taken over my heart. :Love_Icon Thanks again for all the good info! :thankyou

03-04-2012, 03:45 PM
Sounds like you have been doing a great job with him, especially, introducing him to HHBs!!!!!:thumbsup :)

Mad Max's Mom
03-04-2012, 04:49 PM
Trying to post pics...

Kristin Ward
03-04-2012, 05:02 PM
Welcome! Looks like you're doing a great job with Max. I had a squirrel named Max years ago. He is sooo... adorable. Good luck with him. Keep the pictures coming, we all LOVE pictures.

03-04-2012, 05:15 PM
Many of us use Fox Valley formula in lieu of Esbilac,,after they adjusted their old (and slightly better) formula.
Max looks great...
Thanks for saving and nurturing him...and thanks to your husband for rescuing him from that tree.

Fox Valley @

We also start all our squirrels out on HHB (at henryspet.com) around 7 weeks old -
Daily supplement squirrel block that is given in the AM along with a healthy diet.

Healthy Squirrel Diet:

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-04-2012, 05:27 PM
He is a Handsome Fellow!!!:thumbsup

03-04-2012, 06:01 PM
What a sweet story. Your husband cannot blame himself for what happened... life is full of trials and heartache, and the beauty is, Max will teach you and your husband all about these wonderful squirrels. He is precious, the pictures are so sweet, and you are doing a great job. I am new here, too, so I learn from everyone.

03-04-2012, 06:07 PM
Welcome to TSB!

Max is precious (what squirrel isn't, REALLY? :tilt )

I am always grateful to those who work with landscape or trees that DO CARE about the wildlife.
We know it's inevitable to have some casualties in that line of work,
but I commend you for trying to help who you can and not leave them behind to perish.

What part of Florida are you in?
We have a lot of members in FL and we are very active in rescues so I'd love to put you on The List :D

03-04-2012, 07:08 PM
He's gorgeous!

03-04-2012, 07:12 PM
Welcome!!! What a good story when it could have been ALL bad news! What a sweetie! I just love squirrel photos!!!

03-04-2012, 07:24 PM
:Welcome What a handsome Boy you are Max mjs

Mad Max's Mom
03-05-2012, 05:34 PM
Welcome to TSB!

Max is precious (what squirrel isn't, REALLY? :tilt )

I am always grateful to those who work with landscape or trees that DO CARE about the wildlife.
We know it's inevitable to have some casualties in that line of work,
but I commend you for trying to help who you can and not leave them behind to perish.

What part of Florida are you in?
We have a lot of members in FL and we are very active in rescues so I'd love to put you on The List :D

I live in the Naples area. I would love to take in more babies! BUT, someone will need to teach me the skill of syringe feeding. :thinking Max and I couldn't master it (he isn't very patient when it comes to food). Max and I were very lucky I was able to get that nipple perfect for him. :squirrel1

03-05-2012, 06:06 PM
LOL...The syringes and nipples from Henrys Healthy pets...are priced cheap ...the nipples they have ARE PERFECT with the hole already in them...they go on the tip of the 1cc syringe....The larger syringes can easily cause aspiration...so i stick with the thin 1cc ones! Slow and steady with a break here and there wins the race...lol!

He is absolutly precious! :thumbsup :Welcome