View Full Version : Glad to be here

03-02-2012, 11:13 PM
I'm very excited to have found this board, I'm going to try not to write a book as it's way past my bed time. My fiance works as a tree trimmer Tues am they cut a tree down and a nest of baby squirrels in it momma took off and would not return for her babies, they fell about 40 feet. We have no rehabers here so I am going to do it. I have been taking care of them since Tues afternoon. He didn't see the mother but I'm assuming they are grey's.

From looking online I believe they are around a week old, years ago I was a vet tech and I have raised puppies but they were all tube feed. I'm in love with the little guys so far they seem to be doing ok, I'm a nervous mother.

I'm feeding them kitten formula as that is what I was told to do, they are eating about 1cc to 1.5 cc each except one of the females who will only eat .5cc she seems to have trouble and stop eating. I'm gonna to order a better formula. Everyone seems to be going to the bathroom well, they do have large tummy's but not hard. I'm using a rice bag under a towel right now to keep them warm and feeding every 4 hrs.

Tomorrow I'm going to weight them and I think mark them with a marker so I can tell them apart. I have 3 females and a male.

I think that's all the important stuff. I'm very happy to have found all of this info. I also have 3 dogs, 2 prairie dogs and a bunch of fish.

Glad to be here.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-02-2012, 11:26 PM
WELL...Hello and welcome!!

Did you make sure you hydrated them first?
They must be warm in order to digest the food, try to get a heating pad that does not turn off and leave it on low placed under half of the container they are in.

First off No Kitten formula, you need to order some fox valley
@ http://henryspets.com/
In the mean time give them goats milk

3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt

Are you using a 1cc syringe with a silicone nipple?
Be sure to stimulate them to pee and poop.
What state are you in? You will need a vet or rehabber that can help you if you run into any troubles.

Jackie in Tampa
03-02-2012, 11:29 PM
:Welcome :wave123

03-02-2012, 11:38 PM

You are right, this is the right place to come ;-), especially, when your fiance is a tree trimmer.;)

It's great that you were a vet. tech - that kind of knowledge will be really handy.

Yes, kitten formula is not good.
The best formula for squirrels is Fox Valley, available on either of these:


My other question (sorry, if I missed it in your post - it's past my bedtime, too, ;), so I am kind of rushing through posts) - when you first got them, did you hydrate them first?
It is always suggested to hydrate babies for a few feedings after finding them, before the formula.
Do the "tent" test (pinch the skin on the back b/w shoulders and see how fast it will fall ). Although, tent test is not always accurate either (the "tent" might be fine, but they might still be a bit dehydrated, that's why it is suggested to hydrate them anyway).
But since they are peeing well, maybe, they are fine now.

It's great that you made a rice buddy for them!

BUt you didn't mention: do you have a heating pad?... they should be on a heating pad with no auto-shut off, set on low, under half of their container (not directly under them) and half - so that if they get too hot, they can move off it to the other unheated half.

Make sure they are warm before you feed them - never feed a cold/chilly baby.

What size syringes are you using?...
1cc syringes are recommended, especially, for the first-time "nervous" ;) moms. They allow for greater control and thus - help with avoiding aspiration pneumonia.
You can order syringes and nipples at www.henryspets.com or www.chrissquirrelsandmore.com

Another thing about formula:

It is also suggested that people use Goat's Milk formula as temporary formula while people are waiting for goat's milk.

Will post it in a sec - have to copy and paste it here.

EDIT: NEver MIND! SSM and JACKIE BEAT me to it!!!! :D which means it's really past my bedtime

03-02-2012, 11:44 PM
I'm going to order formula asap.

I have goats milk but no whipping cream or yogurt I can get some tomorrow.

I did hydrate them first but now I wonder if I did it long enough I only mixed the formula with double water for the 2 feedings. Found info after I had already done it.

Peeing and pooping going well.

I haven't been using a heating pad as they have to go to work with me during the week and plugging in a heating pad is not possible. So far I haven't had any trouble keeping them warm.

I was using a 1cc but no nipple, it broke this evening and I had to use a 3cc, will get more 1cc.

I'm in WV and I'm pretty sure this is illegal but I wasn't going to leave them to die. My best friends mom is a rehabber but she's 7 hrs away she's actually the one that told me to use the kitten milk. I looked online but could find any rehabbers around me.

Thanks for any and all info.

03-03-2012, 12:21 AM
I'm going to order formula asap.

I have goats milk but no whipping cream or yogurt I can get some tomorrow.

I did hydrate them first but now I wonder if I did it long enough I only mixed the formula with double water for the 2 feedings. Found info after I had already done it.

Peeing and pooping going well.

I haven't been using a heating pad as they have to go to work with me during the week and plugging in a heating pad is not possible. So far I haven't had any trouble keeping them warm.

I was using a 1cc but no nipple, it broke this evening and I had to use a 3cc, will get more 1cc.

I'm in WV and I'm pretty sure this is illegal but I wasn't going to leave them to die. My best friends mom is a rehabber but she's 7 hrs away she's actually the one that told me to use the kitten milk. I looked online but could find any rehabbers around me.

Thanks for any and all info.
you are doing great!
Just don't let all this info to overwhelm you - can happen easily :grouphug

Just never mix pedialyte with formula - those two have to be separate.
Just do the "tent" test and see how they do.

If you follow all the suggestions by our exp. rehabbers, you will do fine.

Another question: when you bring them to work with you, how do you keep them warm there without a heating pad?... but at least at home, it will be better if they are on a pad. Warm babies eat better and digest better.
And the formula needs to be very warm, almost hot (BUT not hot so as not to burn them), but very, very warm - to match mother squirrel's body temp, which is about 102 degrees (or something like that).
So, warmth is very important.
I also think that what might be helping you here is that they have each other to keep warm.

I do not know the nature of your work, of course, but if there is a way for you to keep them in some kind of pouch next to your body, that too, could help keeping them warm.

Anyways, I think you've got enough info for a very late Friday night (or very early Sat morning ;)).

Welcome again!

If you could post pics - that would be great!

And please do not hesitate to ask ANY questions you might have!!!

What might be a good thing to do is to start their own thread in The Nursery forum http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=144 (where all babies are collectively monitored ;)) - post pics, track their progress, post updates etc etc.
Do they have names yet?...:poke

Oh, one more thing - do keep them and your doggies completely separated.
Not only because doggies are their predators and can hurt them unintentionally.

BUt also, when they open their eyes, they need to grow up with a natural fear of dogs. So, they should not see any dogs, nor should they see you interact safely with them (since you are their momma now :), they will take all cues from you). Of course, right now you don't need to worry about it, but this is something for the future.

Ok, I am really going to bed now.

Welcome again!:grouphug

And again :D - please keep asking questions!:)
There is so much info here, tried and true through years and years of rehab and work with wonderful knowledgeable vets - so much to learn!!!!

We also have a forum for ground squirrels - you could share your prairies there http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=97. We have a few ppl who have ground squirrel experience. It would be great to have another one. We love pics (and would love to see your prairies) and learn about them and keep up with their life and antics and whatever else they do.

It's just as exciting when someone like you - who falls in love with tiny squirrel babies - joins the board!!!! :jump :grouphug

03-03-2012, 12:47 AM

yeah, yeah, I am still up - WaYYYY past my bed time.

But I will be up for another 20 min or so, if you email me, I will email you a phone number of one of our experienced members who is up late and who can answer your questions and concerns.
My email is ad_astra81@hotmail.com

03-03-2012, 12:52 AM
I'm up feeding, the small female has diarrhea. Cries.

03-03-2012, 12:53 AM
I'm up feeding, the small female has diarrhea. Cries.
It's probably because of KMR. Please email me! Really quick and I will email you Mrs Skul's phone number - she will help you with this RIGHT NOW - Mrs Skul is up right now and will help you right now.

I will be waiting for your email!

03-03-2012, 12:57 AM
I emailed you thanks.

Mrs Skul
03-03-2012, 12:58 AM
:wave123 Hi Ksmith
PLEASE Do Not Give Pedialyte for more then 24 hr! :nono It will start to Poison there Systems.
If you have to give more Hydration Fluid. You can offer Molasses & Water, or Maple Syrup & Water. You wont it to add a Little Color and Flavor. :thumbsup
If you need any help tonight Please send Your Phone Number to me in a E-Mail. I will Call you, Or You can Send your E-Mail address to me. Then I will send my Phone Number.
Your doing a good job.Hang in their. Christal
CAN You Call ME?

Mrs Skul
03-03-2012, 01:01 AM
KSmith Do you have any Immodium Children or Adult? :thinking
Anything for diarrhea?

03-03-2012, 01:04 AM
:wave123 Hi Ksmith
PLEASE Do Not Give Pedialyte for more then 24 hr! :nono It will start to Poison there Systems.
If you have to give more Hydration Fluid. You can offer Molasses & Water, or Maple Syrup & Water. You wont it to add a Little Color and Flavor. :thumbsup
If you need any help tonight Please send Your Phone Number to me in a E-Mail. I will Call you, Or You can Send your E-Mail address to me. Then I will send my Phone Number.
Your doing a good job.Hang in their. Christal
CAN You Call ME?
Mrs Skul,

I just emailed ksmith your phone number - expect her call!

Thank you!!!

Mrs Skul
03-03-2012, 01:06 AM
KSmith Have you ordered the FoxVally 32/40 yet?
Do you Have the GOATS Milk? Have you started the Goats Milk? :thinking
Hear are a few cites you might find useful in the Future when ordering Squirrels Supply's.

Mrs Skul
03-03-2012, 01:47 AM
I am On the phone with KSmith.:thumbsup

03-03-2012, 02:16 AM
Everyone is fed it's 3:15 am and I'm gonna have to lay down for a moment. I've been up for 23 hrs. Switched to all goat milk for now.

Thanks to everyone for their help. I'll post an update later on today.

Mrs Skul
03-03-2012, 02:38 AM
Get some Rest.
Call me when you get up. Your Doing a wonderful Job KSmith.:thumbsup3

03-03-2012, 07:05 AM
Are you in Pike County Ohio? Going crazy waiting for spring babies and would absolutely LOVE to help you out with these little tykes. PM me if you're in Ohio and would consider giving them to me to raise. I am about 4 hours from you, but if you could meet me around Columbus I could go that far (that's how crazy I am about rehabbing).

island rehabber
03-03-2012, 07:14 AM
ksmith, welcome to TSB and let me tell you that you have had several of our BEST advising you here on this thread already. Hopefully you've got some children's immodium or even Kaopectate and the little one's diarrhea is cleared up by now. Diarrhea in tiny ones can kill swiftly. :(

Definitely order the Fox Valley but the goat's milk will do in the meantime. KMR is too high in protein, being made for extreme carnivores (cats) instead of basically vegetarians (rodents). That's why the babies can't digest. There is an "old school belief" still kicking around with many vets and Wildlife Centers that KMR is what you use on baby squirrels -- AGH I wish I could go around the country with one of those speaker trucks like the politicians use and set everybody straight!

Anyway please let us know how the little ones are doing. BTW, I don't think you have ANY laws about squirrels in West VA. Unfortunately I don't believe you have a wildlife rehabilitation program, either, so you are not likely to find rehabbers listed. If you're anywhere near squirrelsrule&bunniestoo, you'd be in GREAT hands. :thumbsup

03-03-2012, 07:21 AM
Darn, in my excitement I didn't see you were in West Virginia. Ah, but just mapquested it and waverly, west virginia (provided there is only one) is actually only 3 and a half hours from me! Would totally be willing to meet up with you somewhere if you're willing! Could mean the difference between life and death for the little tykes. I can promise you they will get the absolute best care possible with me. I have an incubator, have raised hundreds of baby squirrels. I am going to be a vet too, I start vet school this fall.

Please PM me. You would make my day, week, everything if I could take in the little tykes. Check out my other posts to see some of the little tykes I have raised. I raise a lot, but I love each and every one with all my heart. Rehabbing is my life, there is nothing I love more.

OK will stop begging now.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-03-2012, 07:21 AM
How are your little darlings today??

03-03-2012, 07:53 AM
:Welcome YAY!!! :multi Another tree-person!! :wave123 WELCOME and I'm glad you found TSB too! :thankyou Thank you for taking this baby on! We have a tree-care company and run into LOTS of displaced wildlife. TSB is invaluable and you are in the best of hands here! :bowdown

Once you get settled with your new little one(s), be sure to do some reading on nutrition, cage needs, etc. so you can prepare for him as he grows.

In this business, arborists frequently run into perfectly healthy babies still in the nest. There are some easy ways to move the nest to safety or reunite healthy 'refugees' with mama. Knowing how to do this will give your fiance some peace-of-mind and make for some very happy squirrel mommys! :jump I can't find the link off-hand right now but there is a guide and many here can help you.

However, there are occasions when moving the nest is not possible or the babies were not found in time and got injured (this WILL happen). Some basic skwerl-first-aid and a trusted vet are invaluable in an emergency.

In addition to squirrels, your fiance will likely come across other baby-wildlife (and adults) like raccoons, opossums, and birds. Now that it's on both of your minds, locate your closest rehabber and raptor center. I can offer you basic help with raccoons and will PM you some contact info and a raccoon board like TSB.

It's getting to be Spring and you may suddenly find all manner of babies literally coming out of the woodwork!! :rotfl

03-03-2012, 08:33 AM
KSmith :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome you are in good hands with this crew:wave123 :wave123

03-03-2012, 08:33 AM
Thanks for all the welcomes, the babies are doing pretty well this morning and I'm still hanging in here. I also work 60 hrs a week and I have a horse I try to get a few rides a week in on. I am really enjoying my squirrels though, even if I'm so tired I can't see straight. I'm going to start them a thread in the nursery.

03-03-2012, 08:35 AM
Thanks for all the welcomes, the babies are doing pretty well this morning and I'm still hanging in here. I also work 60 hrs a week and I have a horse I try to get a few rides a week in on. I am really enjoying my squirrels though, even if I'm so tired I can't see straight. I'm going to start them a thread in the nursery.
:thumbsup :thumbsup Don't forget the pictures:poke

03-04-2012, 09:34 AM
Oh WOW, I felt like I was watching a drama movie.... my heart was just pounding reading through the thread; I know I'm totally squirrel addicted! Welcome, bless your heart for rescuing - and APPLAUSE FOR ALL THE GREAT FOLKS OFFERING ADVICE: YOU PEOPLE ARE WONDERFUL AND AMAZING.

I am so sad for the little girl who cries and has diarrhea... is she better? Praying for the little tykes.... keep us posted.

03-04-2012, 10:15 AM
For all who do not know yet, these babies' story is now in The Nursery:) :
