View Full Version : My Trooper is gone, need advice please
02-26-2012, 11:19 AM
I don't know how to start this, as I am still trying to come to terms with my feelings. Yesterday early evening my 6 months old singleton Trooper, a male eastern gray squirrel got out of my lab where he had his large cage, through a half open window, into my backyard.
In the past 4 to 5 weeks he had been very restless in the mornings when the day broke, and some of you attributed his behavior to becoming 'wild' again. Realizing that his time may have come to be released we were preparing for a soft-release when the spring was in full course, but he got away before we could do that. I need advise in how to best serve him now that he is out, because of my fears that he might not adapt well.
As I am sure some of the professional rehabbers out in the forum would like to know before answering with any advise, here are his statistical data:
DOB: Approximately September 23, 2011
Gender: Male
Species: Sciurus carolinensis (Eastern Gray)
Abnormalities: None
Molting: half through his rump, gray patches.
Disease/sicknesses since birth: none
Calcium intake: full dose Boo balls, Mazuri blocks and calcium bearing veggies.
Behavior: single human type (me, his father and mom), does not like other members of family (son, wife and cousins) demonstrated by biting them at some times.
Fear of domestic pets: became familiar with our female Dalmatian who found him after falling from his nest, although never got too close to after he was 4 months old. Preferred to stay away and sometimes scratch her when got too close.
Habitat before escaping: Had a large two-story redwood nest box inside a 4' x 4' x 2' wire cage with all the amusements inside, overlooking a window to our 50' x 100' backyard.
Temperature when he escaped: between 48 and 55F, although the south west coast is in full spring mode (blossoming trees) and average temperatures are in the high 60's.
I realize that some of you would want to reply with shouldn'ts, wouldn'ts and couldn'ts, but he is out now and I would really appreciate constructive support as to how to best serve Trooper now that he is out. We left his cage window and the one he escaped from open all night and mount towel ramps in case he wanted to come back. Should we:
1-Put his cage out during the day or night with the nest inside?
2-Put some food outside the cage, outdoors or inside the cage outdoors, indoors?
3-Put his nest box outside on a tree (have 50' tall redwood and Japanese maples)?
4-Make a flyer and distribute to neighbors about his escape and how he behaves next to humans?
Needless to say, him and I became better than friends or pet-and-master relationship, so if I sound overly concerned for him is due to my deep love for him and wishes of well being.
I would sincerely appreciate any constructive advice on this matter.
Thank you, Trooper's dad
02-26-2012, 11:28 AM
Don't be surprised if he's at the window today looking to come in. Have you gone out to look for him? He may come running to you if he sees you outside.
I would try and find him and if you can't get him back in put out a nest box, food, water and even his cage. The temps are warm so that is a plus.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-26-2012, 11:31 AM
If it were me
I would put the whole cage out side for him to come back to..
If he doesnt after about a week I would put his nest
box up in a tree.
call him and put treat out..
don't know what else you can do.
He may want to come home , yet the others may chace him off.
Jackie in Tampa
02-26-2012, 11:32 AM
not sure your neighborhood situation, but doubt he will approach another human unless he is extremely unusually friendly.
Dogs and cats can be a bigger issue right now, has he been exposed to domestics in your house??
cage...yes, outside right now, cover the top, open the door he is normally used to going in and out of ONLY if you are around and monitoring. Otherwise open a small door if cage has one...
if home built cage, make a 2.5 x 2.5 acsess opening up high on the cage, same side as his original door.
object to keep bigger critters OUT.
keep food inside cage during the day only, his feeding times.
keep water 24/7
are there trees near said window?
what avenue did he have to get away?
a tree? a fence? the ground etc
if neighbors are nice, explain, if you do not know neighbors or they are buttheads, I would not say anything...
make yourself seen to him if possible..
hang out out there.
take one hour at a time and keep faith
02-26-2012, 11:43 AM
Oh dear...always so awful when our worst fears are realized. Prayers for all including the escape artist. I will bet that he will turn up today. He is out running around exploring but he will (like most kids :D ) come home to have a bite and maybe have some laundry done. Just be around for him to see and/or hear and keep your eyes open for him looking for you. He may be a bit nervous so he might be peeking out looking for your familiar face. :grouphug Trooper:grouphug
02-26-2012, 12:08 PM
all of the above advise is the best. Put his cage out side. he should come back looking for his nest box. Best of luck to you and trooper
02-26-2012, 02:35 PM
Thank you all for the support and good advice. Although my guts were saying to do some of the things you all remarked, there are some I did not think of doing, like the small door on his cage.
Placed the cage outdoors, big door open while I have a sight of it. Opened a 4 x 4" door and framed it with yellow tape (his favorite color) so he can spot it better in the open air, and placed it just above the big door which is 18" x 18".
His exit from the window looked towards a Japanese maple tree, which being exfoliated at this time, he might have not chosen to go to. 35' into the backyard we have a 50' tall redwood which are the natural homes for our squirrels. Behind that about 25' there are several tall acacia trees with full foliage too, loaded with critters and squirrels as well. All the other tress are all exfoliated due to winter. The back yard has a running water fountain with fresh water and a bird bath (both have daily automatic fresh water replenished).
Place his favorite nuts and veggies inside the cage and covered the corner of his nest for more feeling of security. Attached are pictures of window he escaped, cage and new entry opening and the general look of the backyard and trees he is exposed to.
This morning we saw a sunbathing juvenile too close to his description. He/she allowed me to get close enough that merited being him, burt slowly darted to the top of one tree. He is not visible right now.
Have advised neighbors and will talk to other we feel comfortable with.
Thank you all again for your support and I only hope he can have a safe stay if he chooses to be free.
Trooper's dad.163569
02-26-2012, 03:07 PM
I think he will be fine and I'm sure it was him that you saw. Did you call to him when you approached him? I would keep the window open too.
02-26-2012, 03:37 PM
It sure looks like you've done everything possible to coaxe him back in to his cage, or at least give him a familiar place to go if he gets scared in the big world. I would just keep it stocked with his favorite foods and water and I'm sure he will be fine. Those little stinkers can really be fast when they want out. Good work!
02-26-2012, 04:26 PM
All of my guys have been outside on their own by now. Sometimes it was intentional, and sometimes it wasn't. They all came back. Even my little Babe, who I was always scared to let loose (on account of his being terribly skittish and easily scared off or into hiding) got out on his own and made his own way home.
When Babe got back (after 48 hours outside) he was totally freaked out, though. He came into the kitchen and then ran out three times when I approached him. He was just hypersensitive to any danger, real or imagined, and in that moment that included me.
I left the door open for him to come back in on his own since when I tried to coax him he would freak out. That worked. He came back in and gratefully settled down to dinner like nothing had happened. After he was safely back inside his personal space he was climbing on me again as usual, too. It was only then that he let that hypervigilance go and was able to relax with me.
Personally, I would suggest that you try letting your guy come back to what is familiar instead of shuffling his world around... Leave the window that he escaped from open and his house right next to it, ideally in the same place where it was when he got out. They definitely seem to seek the familiar when they are scared and confused. Moving his cage (his personal space and territory) out into the weird outside might not be helpful at all... jmho.
Squirrels do have gigantic mental maps, especially the Eastern Greys, so he is almost surely capable of finding his own way back. He will want the comfort and security of his familiar home around the time that the sun starts going down, and he will likely come looking for it then.
I know it's hard, but try to give him space if you see him and just talk calmly to him. See if you can get him to come to you before you try doing anything else. You just don't want to pressure or scare him because they find both hard to deal with. In either case their instinct is to go up, away and out of sight - the opposite of what you want.
02-26-2012, 05:30 PM
Kristal: thank you for your different point of view. I can see now there is no set pattern as to what to do or what is right for every particular squirrel. Since each one has its own personality I would lean to say that Trooper was not skittish but very inquisitive. He really got tangled into messes in the house, climbing the most weird structures.
My initial thought was to leave everything as-is and have him get back, if he wished so; to his familiar surrounding. Later on after the advise of many, I put the cage out as seen on the pictures but to no avail 21 hours later. I have been feeding nuts to what seems the neighborhood juveniles in the back garden as they all came to take the food I placed there for Trooper to smell.
No troubles, at least I felt sort of a symbiotic closeness with his kin coming to visit and taking my food. I will have to wrestle with my feelings of worrying for his well being a little longer. My main concerns have been will he be able to find food and water and be safe from predators and humans. If I knew he was O.K. on those aspects of his outing, I couldn't be more happy to know he is being what nature had planned for him...a free squirrel!
Thanks again,
Troopers dad
Nancy in New York
02-26-2012, 06:01 PM
It's always the not knowing that is the hardest part. I agree....all you want is their health and happiness....and a text message every now and then.
Just one thing, if Trooper isn't back by around 9:00 I would close his doors and move the cage. You don't want him coming into the cage sometime during the night, him thinking it's safe...and having a preditor get him with the door being open.
Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-26-2012, 06:06 PM
There really is no right way or wrong way here, I too liked what
Kristal said, it all depends on the squirrel, they all have different personalities.
I always said I wish I lived in a squirrelly world where they could go out each day to play in the trees and come home for dinner play with me an then to bed, but ...well
Charley Chuckles
02-26-2012, 06:10 PM
Early release isn't necessarily a bad thing. I had one of my girls get out of the release cage which is outside a couple weeks ago. She didn't go far but I sat under the tree all day with her trying to get her back :shakehead well when it started getting dark she came to me and I was able to have a smaller cage and I threw a nut in it she went in after it and I got her back into the release cage with her sisters :thumbsup I know how you feel but I truly don't recommend sitting all day under a tree :osnap :rotfl They find their way home it is surprising as long as he has food and water she will be fine and I am sure she will come back and she may be ready to be on her own now mine are going to be released next week/then again I am in Florida....try not to worry this happens a lot :tilt
02-26-2012, 07:07 PM
Yea... they all have their own unique personalities. That is for sure. It's a horrible feeling to be missing a squirrel, I know :(. They are so clever and agile, though. They are not helpless at all, even coddled ones. It sounds like Trooper got to run around enough to be quite strong and sure on his feet, too. I think it is likely that he will find his way back to you :):grouphug
02-26-2012, 08:30 PM
I am praying for you little ones safe return :grouphug :Love_Icon
02-26-2012, 10:10 PM
I am sure you will hear from everyone that has had a baby come back but when I released Pixel he came back daily for months. Sometimes I would go out back and call him for an hour Really an hour not that it just seemed like an hour but when he was close and heard me he would come down and go inside with me. Timing was important squirrels are usually active for a few hours in the morning and evening so your odds are better that way. Don't give up they love us they really do and they do come back.
02-26-2012, 10:12 PM
Thank you all for your thoughts, time to reply to my emails and prayers. It is comforting to know I don't have to feel like a freak because I feel so much for a living being so many people find as a nuisance. I never thought a squirrel could be so loving, nurturing and able to give back for all the effort one puts into trying to save their lives and make it a better one.
I would not be sincere if I didn't say that I will miss his kisses, grooming, nudges and the little grunts of pleasure he gave me every time he got a belly rub, a sponge bath and the wrestling/boxing games he loved to play with me every night. Or the way he grabbed my thumb and threw it over his head so I could give him a rub with his favorite tooth brush.
Pound per pound, I never got that payback from any cat or dog I ever owned. He seemed to be my real friend and seek me every minute I was in his presence. Never let me alone for too long! To feel wanted in that clean, no-strings-attached manner is the most wonderful feeling!
My heart hurts for not knowing how is he doing, but my soul feels he is doing what he wants and that gives me some sort of comfort.
Again, thank you all for the good thoughts and comments.
Trooper's dad.
02-26-2012, 10:30 PM
Trooper will be back, but don't be surprised if he doesn't want to be inside with you anymore or ever in a cage again. He's released himself and now he is going to be a grown up boy.
02-26-2012, 10:38 PM
I am sure you will hear from everyone that has had a baby come back but when I released Pixel he came back daily for months. Sometimes I would go out back and call him for an hour Really an hour not that it just seemed like an hour but when he was close and heard me he would come down and go inside with me. Timing was important squirrels are usually active for a few hours in the morning and evening so your odds are better that way. Don't give up they love us they really do and they do come back.
02-27-2012, 01:32 PM
The update for today is we have not seen any signs of him. Did not touch his food, either outside cage or inside where it used to be. Two windows open and his UV lamp left on for him to see it in the dark if he wanted to come back later in the evening, even though they are not nocturnal, I thought if he really got hungry he might come back for chow.
I am restraining myself from anthropomorphizing his behavior and think that he is supposed to do things like a human would, but it is difficult since I am not very experienced with squirrel thinking mode, only what I've read in books, this forum and my wonderful six months I had with Trooper.
For instance: if he is not taking food from us, which was the only source he knew, and he has experienced now two nights of frost without a nest and the cover of my lab, would his instincts, his fur and his nose drive him to support himself without suffering. I fear he is out there, cold; hungry and scared.
Today I left the cage out with the mini-door open. I just hope he could show himself so I can be put out of this misery!
Trooper's dad,
Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-27-2012, 01:43 PM
How large an area can you access?
I would widen my search circling the house farther and farther out
calling to him.
He may have been chased away by other squirrels in your immediate yard and is in a tree not too far off and would come to you.
Did he come to you before when you called?
or he found himself a sweetheart.
02-27-2012, 01:46 PM
They are brighter than we think. They even surprise me, sometimes, with how much they really understand. He will investigate what he sees others eating. He will know that some things are food from smelling and tooth testing them. For warmth, they cuddle and shiver. I remember reading that squirrels can raise their body temperature by 10 degrees by shivering and that this is more than any other animal. At the very least you can be fairly certain that he won't freeze to death.
I hope you see your friend again soon! Keep an eye out for him around sundown. :grouphug
02-27-2012, 02:01 PM
I understand how hard this is for you, I know how I would feel in your place. It's hard enough to see them go when it's planned, to have one go like this has to be torture. :grouphug
I know it's eaiser said then done but try to focus on the positive. Even though he was raised by you he was always a wild animal, and wilds have a natural built in instint for survival. You may very well see him again, I do hope so. For now, I would bet he's still exploring everything in that new wide open space full of wonders...
Jackie in Tampa
02-27-2012, 02:33 PM
my guess, he is watching you as you seek him...
squirrel is a noun ..
and adjective.:)
:poke stay positive dad!
02-27-2012, 02:39 PM
my guess, he is watching you as you seek him...
squirrel is a noun ..
and adjective.:)
:rotfl Too true :D
02-27-2012, 03:03 PM
We KNOW they're SMART
We HOPE they'll BE O.K.
We PRAY that they return SOON
02-28-2012, 01:27 PM
Thank you all for the advice and encouragement. I know I sound like a sap, bleeding heart; but we had a very special relationship, he was a real friend to me and he knew I was to him.
He did not necessarily come when I called him, but he did so in 70% of the times I did call his name. I will widen my search area as we have juveniles in the same backyard and have been stealing all the nuts I put for Trooper.
If he's found a sweetheart, I couldn't be more happy for him as if my own son got married tomorrow! Trooper was my other son for me, since I cared for him from when he was 1 week old.
I'll just have to wait it out and hope for the best. I wish I could have another one to soothe my soul until I hear again form Trooper.
I named him Trooper because he fell from a 20 feet tall nest that was raided by crows and his cuts, bruises and punctures made him look like a mini-Rambo or paratrooper after falling through trees. Since he survived all that and my care attempts to make him live, I hope he is true to his name and making it out there, even if it is tough at first.
He'll make me proud! I know.
Regards to all of you out there who really understand how I feel without passing any judgement.
Trooper's dad.
02-28-2012, 01:31 PM
my guess, he is watching you as you seek him...
squirrel is a noun ..
and adjective.:)
02-28-2012, 01:32 PM
Thank you all for the advice and encouragement. I know I sound like a sap, bleeding heart; but we had a very special relationship, he was a real friend to me and he knew I was to him.
He did not necessarily come when I called him, but he did so in 70% of the times I did call his name. I will widen my search area as we have juveniles in the same backyard and have been stealing all the nuts I put for Trooper.
If he's found a sweetheart, I couldn't be more happy for him as if my own son got married tomorrow! Trooper was my other son for me, since I cared for him from when he was 1 week old.
I'll just have to wait it out and hope for the best. I wish I could have another one to soothe my soul until I hear again form Trooper.
I named him Trooper because he fell from a 20 feet tall nest that was raided by crows and his cuts, bruises and punctures made him look like a mini-Rambo or paratrooper after falling through trees. Since he survived all that and my care attempts to make him live, I hope he is true to his name and making it out there, even if it is tough at first.
He'll make me proud! I know.
Regards to all of you out there who really understand how I feel without passing any judgement.
Trooper's dad.
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Uno's Mom
02-28-2012, 07:12 PM
I am so sorry for the agony you are enduring since Trooper's escape. My first release was not a "planned" release. My son was watching Chomper when I was at work. We were giving him "tree time" every day because he was so restless inside. I was obviously clueless...anyway, my son left him alone briefly and then could't find him. It was the coldest night of the fall and he was outside. Everyday for a week I walked 2 1/2 acres calling and looking for him. No Chomper. Then when I was beyond despair I found him in the same tree he was lost in. I had put his small cage on a branch up high about the third day and put fresh food every day.
He stayed nearby for another five months until he was about a year old and then moved several properties away and quit coming back. It has been a little over six months since I last saw him and still hope for a sighting. I think I will always worry about's part of being a squirrel parent.
I hope you see Trooper soon. One thing I found helpful (don't think I'm too crazy) was to find a big tree and sit in it. I used an extension ladder and found a safe y section to use. Chomper was much mpre comfortable coming to me and felt safer in the tree than on the ground. He even let me pet and scratch him for long periods...something he had never done before. Just a thought.
02-28-2012, 07:43 PM
I see your pics and I want to go investigate the area. Very nice. I am sure he is just about looking at all the great things. The longest Talula was out was 3 days. The only reason I got her back is she was thirsty and hungry. Trooper looks like he has food and water and maybe the age to get himself a lady. Its that time right? I am sure he will be home in no more than 7 days. Seems like a long time I am sure. As long as the weather is good I am sure he is fine. Talula was out in 20 degree weather. When she came down the tree she was warm like she had been in a blanket. These squirrels are sooooooooooooo smart it should amaze everybody. I think as humans we sell them a bit short in the survival department. Just hang in there. I am sure he is alright.
02-28-2012, 08:04 PM
QUOTE: One thing I found helpful (don't think I'm too crazy) was to find a big tree and sit in it. I used an extension ladder [/QUOTE]
:jump :jump :jump
Sorry Uno's Mom---Don't mean to laugh but I was just imagining what the accident report would look like.:rotfl :rotfl WHAT HAPPENED? I fell out of a tree. WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN THE TREE? Sitting. WHY WERE YOU SITTING IN THE TREE? Looking for my squirrel.:squirrel1 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 Gosh you just can't make this stuff up.
Trooper, I think your little paratrooper Trooper WILL return. Keep looking up!
Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-28-2012, 08:06 PM
Uno's Mom
02-28-2012, 08:37 PM
QUOTE: One thing I found helpful (don't think I'm too crazy) was to find a big tree and sit in it. I used an extension ladder.
:jump :jump :jump
Sorry Uno's Mom---Don't mean to laugh but I was just imagining what the accident report would look like.:rotfl :rotfl WHAT HAPPENED? I fell out of a tree. WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN THE TREE? Sitting. WHY WERE YOU SITTING IN THE TREE? Looking for my squirrel.:squirrel1 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 Gosh you just can't make this stuff up.
Trooper, I think your little paratrooper Trooper WILL return. Keep looking up !
Yes, I've often imagined that conversation with an ER doc!! Then today while I was outside feeding my last release, Red, the County Commissioner called and my husband told him to hang on while he checked to see what tree I was in!! If that doesn't ruin your creditability I don't know what does!
That extension ladder just came down in January. I would come home from work at 11:30 pm, shine my headlights on the ladder, and climb up to see if Chomper was home. As long as he was in his house he'd come out for a few scratches and then go back to bed.
02-28-2012, 08:44 PM
I climb on my roof everynight - to check and make sure Scrappy is in his nest box - I normal - doesn't everyone do that - Check on their squirrels before they go to bed!!!!!!:rotfl
03-01-2012, 03:18 AM
That extension ladder just came down in January. I would come home from work at 11:30 pm, shine my headlights on the ladder, and climb up to see if Chomper was home. As long as he was in his house he'd come out for a few scratches and then go back to bed.
This is such a wonderful and sweet image, UM :) I think you must be a very intuitive person and an excellent "listener" to meet a released squirrel on his terms and be accepted there.
Thank you all for the advice and encouragement. I know I sound like a sap, bleeding heart; but we had a very special relationship, he was a real friend to me and he knew I was to him....
Regards to all of you out there who really understand how I feel without passing any judgement.
Trooper's dad.
TD, I literally winced when I read those words. I know too well how it feels when one writes words like that. You are not a sap. You are a good and decent and compassionate man. The world does not have nearly enough of those. It does, however, have too many of the type who are ready to hurt and dump on and put you and other people down... and worse. TOO many of them. So please don't do their work for them.
Please don't reproach yourself for your own, best qualities. :Love_Icon
I am thinking of you and your guy :grouphug
03-01-2012, 04:22 PM
Five days ago, I agonized about how to start this tread about loosing Trooper in my backyard.. today for those who are still reading this post and who cared to soothe my soul, I am glad to inform that Trooper is back in his beloved home!!
As you might expect, this reunion had his high moments, Hollywood style. It's 9:00am in the morning and I am driving to work, after placing veggies and nuts on a plate and setting my time lapse camera to catch pictures of which squirrel was eating the stuff.
Right in the middle of my crossing a long bridge over troubled waters, my wife calls and sounds like a desperate 911 one. Unintelligible, she is trying to describe her sighting of a squirrel on our front lawn, after our neighbor across the street had called about possibly recognizing him (all those street pole posters paid off).
Because Trooper chose to escapade on the worse weather we've had this year, with temps in the 40's (sorry, this is the southwest; I know it doesn't compare to snow country or Buffalo, NY, but that's cold for us here) and raining for the past two days, including this morning, his fur was wet and so he looked more like a juvenile to my wife than Trooper. His tail was also more "rat like" due to wetness so she had her doubts, until..... she saw Trooper's peculiar molting gray patches on his rump.
Because all the wild squirrels in our neighborhood have all their body grayed out due to the colder temperature, I knew this was an anomaly and possibly could be him. So despite being 20 miles away from home, I finished crossing the bridge and turned around. As luck would have it, at the return side of the bridge crossing I needed to pay a toll, for which I only had $1 and the toll was $5. I blurred out the toll-person my plight, and he waved me through without paying wishing me luck! I never knew my car could fly, but if didn't it certainly felt like Steve McQueen in that San Francisco chase movie....
When I got home, my wife was sitting in her robe on my neighbor's backyard, drenched top-to-bottom, where by now Trooper had decided to come back and at the sound of her voice remained close to her but skittish. When I got back he took one look at me and jumped on my shoulder, grunting and purring.
The pictures below were taken 10 minutes after he got back, and started to eat and drink. he lost 1.3 ounces, so he might not have had such a great outing after all, especially since he did not have any stash or larder to draw from.
So, sorry for the long story, but I am sure many of you would like to have heard all the details. Thank you for each and every word of encouragement, consolation, support, education and prayers. I and my wife only know how helpful they were to us, as we are given another chance to have Trooper in our lives again.163970
03-01-2012, 04:27 PM
So happy for you! Trooper looks pretty darned happy, too!
03-01-2012, 04:32 PM
This Is AWSOME..:multi :multi :multi :multi :multi :jump :jump :jump
I am so happy trooper is home. He loves you so much he could not stay away:wahoo :wahoo :wahoo
03-01-2012, 04:32 PM
Oh welcome home Trooper! I have been following this thread and praying for your safe return! You worried our parents to death! :grouphug :thumbsup :grouphug
03-01-2012, 04:51 PM
O Trooper! You have such a big grin on your face! This was all a big lark for you! You scared your Dad to distraction.:nono I bet if you could talk it would be non-stop about what you saw and did.
Nancy in New York
03-01-2012, 04:55 PM
Like SammysMom....I too was checking in this thread everytime there was a new post.....and to say I'm thrilled is an understatement.
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:fireworks :fireworks TROOPERS HOME, TROOPERS HOME, TROOPERS HOME:fireworks :fireworks
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
03-01-2012, 05:03 PM
Oh Trooper's Dad and Mom,
This story has made my day!!!!:wahoo :wahoo :wahoo Thanks for ALL the details (mom's frantic call, dad rushing back home, the toll booth story,the LOST squirrel posters:rotfl , mom in the rain, and Trooper jumping on dad's shoulder--grunting and purring).:multi :multi I am so happy for you. If Trooper could only speak. He would have a story to tell. This story has some great lessons, NEVER GIVE UP and there's NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Trooper is a real beauty.:highfive
03-01-2012, 05:14 PM
I know your heart has to be much lighter now.
Good boy Trooper, you were sorely missed.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
03-01-2012, 05:37 PM
Like SammysMom....I too was checking in this thread everytime there was a new post.....and to say I'm thrilled is an understatement.
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:fireworks :fireworks TROOPERS HOME, TROOPERS HOME, TROOPERS HOME:fireworks :fireworks
:wave :wave :wave :wave :wave
:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
:fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks
:goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe :goofwe
:hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper
:drummer :rockin :rockband
03-01-2012, 05:38 PM
Ahh, I am super happy for you.:) You just put a big smile on my face :flash3
03-01-2012, 05:53 PM
Thanks all of you. I swear if Dr. Bones from Star Trek were to use his Tricorder on each and every one of you, he would be puzzled and blurb to James T. Kirk the following explicit: "..but Jim, these people have squirrel hearts inside their bodies, they must be a breed apart;... out of this galaxy!!"
Well, let me tell you Bones... you're right!
Like James Cagney once said in his portrayal of George M. Cohan's "Yankee Doodle Dandy".... my mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thank you....and I THANK YOU!!
Trooper's dad.
03-01-2012, 05:53 PM
:wott Couldnot have read better news, I have been stalking this thread hopeing to hear this very thing! You made my day! :alright.gif
I'm happy for you both and Trooper as well, the expression on Trooper's face in that first picture says it all... :grouphug
Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-01-2012, 05:59 PM
:squirrel1 :hyper :hyper :hyper :squirrel1 :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :squirrel1 :hyper :hyper :hyper :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana:banana :banana :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks:fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :squirrel1 :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper
03-01-2012, 06:15 PM
Well he certainly took long enough but thank god he's back home! I was watching the posts several times a day myself. :jump
03-01-2012, 07:12 PM
:jump :jump :jump :jump :jump :multi :multi :multi :multi :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
03-01-2012, 07:37 PM
:grouphug Great News!!!!! I Also have been watching this thread, just dying inside, because my Skeeter girl is about Troopers age and I would just die without her. I am so happy for you, all of our prayers came true and now Trooper is safe and sound in the warmth of his own special place. :wahoo
Just wonderful!!!!!!!:Love_Icon
:grouphug TROOPER :grouphug
Mrs Skul
03-01-2012, 08:19 PM
:goofwe :bunny:monkey :poop :banstick :banana :shine :wiggle :violionist :hyper :rockband :rockin :banstick :banana :bounce2 :fireworks
Wonderful News.
TROOPER Came Home!!!:Love_Icon
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