View Full Version : Out of the Closet...

02-19-2012, 01:41 PM
Have always loved squirrels and can't explain why; some people challenge my addiction to these lovely animals. Glad I found your forum so I have people to relate to. I recently moved to Atlanta from Yellowstone Park in WY, and unlike WY, the squirrels here are scared out of their wits; they will shoot off like rockets at the sight of me. I'm slowly getting them accustomed to my presence now that they've discovered my bird seed. I have no desire to tame them, only to enjoy and photograph. I think my friends find it peculiar that I adore squirrels as much as I do since I raise draft horses... going from a 2400 lb animal to one that weighs less than a pound seems to furrow their brows. Perhaps here no one will find me to be so 'alien' with my love and fascination with squirrels. Here are my first photos... they are from afar because I have to shoot out the window (quietly) with a short telephoto.

Milo's Mom
02-19-2012, 01:52 PM
Welcome to TSB!! Your pictures are stunning and will be enjoyed by many, I promise!

Squirrels are magical. There is something about them and a lot of people do not understand us "nuts"! :rotfl

Just wanted to say Hi and welcome! Keep them pics coming!!!

02-19-2012, 01:54 PM
Thank you so much Milo's Mom. I'm hoping to really make some friends here :). It's so refreshing and enjoyable to share the love of these wonderful, special animals.

02-19-2012, 01:54 PM
Beautiful Pics!

02-19-2012, 02:00 PM
:wave123 and :Welcome

You are one of us, for sure. All of us have had to deal at one time or another with people who cannot understand our passion for these little fuzzers, and judging from these photos you certainly are going to fit right in with this board since we're all pic addicts too. :flash3 Yours are just beautiful.

It certainly must be a huge change from WY - although it must have been just beautiful in Yellowstone. What kind did you have out there?

Stick around, and read the stickies - you never know when you'll come across a squirrel in need. You'd be surprised how many of us came to rehabilitate squirrels simply because Mother Nature placed one on our path.... and trust me, once that happens your life will be forever changed. :)

02-19-2012, 04:02 PM
Hello and :Welcome to the squirrel board:jump

02-19-2012, 04:05 PM
Thanks for the welcome, Mitch. Sadly, in WY, I didn't have any at the ranch and really missed them... I grew up outside of Seattle and was very accustomed to them. The WY ranch was in barley, sugar beets, and of course the Clydesdales so it wasn't particularly attractive to squirrels. Up in the park there are many but I didn't get to spend much time there. As far as identifying, I am not at all adept at identifying the types but really hope to learn from this forum. I love squirrels, always have - just drawn to them since I was a child :).

02-19-2012, 04:07 PM
I meant to say ScooterzMom and rocky... sorry folks, I have some name learning ahead of me. Please the forgive the spelling for a while.

02-19-2012, 04:11 PM
No problem on the names LS... Mitch will do just as well :) So happens that hubby's from Yakima, WA and my bro-in-laws now live in Seattle. Small world.... ;)

02-19-2012, 10:54 PM
Lovely photos! More, please!
And yes, there is some Squirrel Magic... BUT it is very selective... it chooses very special people to cast its spell upon ;) you are one of the chosen and privileged few! Welcome to the club! ;)

02-23-2012, 12:01 PM
Glad you're out of the closet! :Welcome

Awesome photos. Thanks so much for sharing them!

02-23-2012, 12:02 PM
Have to add that the 2nd picture--your squirrel-friend with the seeds on his or her nose--is stunning!