View Full Version : HELP baby bunnies!

02-17-2012, 04:33 PM
Hello, Husband brought home two baby bunnies that the rain was drowning out of their hole. Mother no where. They have hair however their eyes are not open yet. Does anyone know anything about rabbits and what I should do for them? I have know idea what to feed them.

Milo's Mom
02-17-2012, 04:40 PM
Send a PM to squirrelsrule&bunniestoo. She does an incredible amount of bunnies regularly.

02-17-2012, 06:49 PM
Jackie In Tampa has the babies. What a gift she is to all animals small and big. I am so blessed to have gotten to know her and Fred.

02-17-2012, 08:05 PM
YAY! :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
02-22-2012, 07:06 PM
my first cottontails..Flopsy and Mopsy:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
the last pic is the first day we had them.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-22-2012, 08:18 PM
aww bun buns:Welcome

02-22-2012, 09:22 PM
They are beautiful!!!!!!!!

02-22-2012, 10:12 PM
oh they are soooo cute!!! I just wanna kiss their lil noses!:Love_Icon

02-22-2012, 10:34 PM
bunnies with those "disapproving" faces (as Skul once referred to them) ;)

02-23-2012, 01:24 AM
Soooo sweeet. :)

Jackie in Tampa
02-27-2012, 10:56 AM
They are doing good Kim, growing like weeds!:thumbsup
Still making me nervous though.

Good luck this week...:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Nancy in New York
02-27-2012, 12:21 PM
Baby bunnies look just perfect. I have done some....but I tell ya, they are the most difficult little ones to do. A lot of rehabbers up here just don't like getting these baby calls, so my hat off to you Jackie....:bowdown

Jackie in Tampa
03-06-2012, 07:52 AM
The bunnies are doing good!
I moved them to a cage, that's when I noticed definate personalities.
They're a hoot!
The larger of trhe two girls will now slap me when I open the cage, yep, she lungs at me as if she were 7 feet tall! Hilarious! Her sister is shy and it appears she is protecting her...too sweet!
They are doing good I think...they do not hide in the box or under the covers, they are always out in the open..hope this is normal.
They are eating oats and timothy hay, clovers & romaine.
I am still giving them fomula, they appear to enjoy it!
The gentleman that found them, Bruce, will release them back where they came from!!!
When do we do this? at 6 weeks? 8 weeks?:thinking
Thank you all for the great help and advise!:thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
03-09-2012, 08:59 PM
Our babies are getting big:D

03-09-2012, 09:01 PM
I'm so proud of you Jackie, expanding your resume to include cottontails! :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
03-09-2012, 09:03 PM
I'm so proud of you Jackie, expanding your resume to include cottontails! :thumbsupthey're rehabbing me!:)
can you believe it!:bunny :bunny

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-09-2012, 09:17 PM

03-09-2012, 10:32 PM
They look great! Way to go, Jackie!:thumbsup :D They are ready to go. Fantastic, wonderful job :bowdown :bowdown :alright.gif :alright.gif :grouphug

03-10-2012, 06:22 AM
Wow, Jackie they are so beautiful! You have done a great job what a smile they put on my face this morning.

Jackie in Tampa
03-16-2012, 07:50 AM
Releasing bunnies tomorrow!
They have been a wonderful experience:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
They are both very wild animals, and each different from the other.
I can see where they both will be in nature..
I think their survival skills are sharp and hope they live long healthy happy lives..
They are prettier than I could ever imagine.

Bruce, who found them, will pick them up tommorrow, he and Kim will take them back to where they were found!:wott

I have done my part:thumbsup and it feels great!:alright.gif

03-16-2012, 07:58 AM
Awwww, release day is always bittersweet! Great job, Jackie! Guess you need to add bunny wrangler to your resume now!!! Good luck little bun buns!!! Stay undercover, and eat all your veggies!!! Jackie, how much do they weigh now? Do you have a recent pic? I don't release until over 200 grams, but tend to wait a little more depending on the time of year, the individuals and how many I have to release.

island rehabber
03-16-2012, 08:01 AM
:thumbsup:alright.gif Awesome job, JIT! Bunny rehab has got to be the "advanced calculus" of rehabbing...you either get it and you ace it, or you don't! :bowdown They are so beautiful and look so healthy -- hop on, sweet bunbuns, and enjoy the big green world!! :multi:multi

Jackie in Tampa
03-16-2012, 08:17 AM
Awwww, release day is always bittersweet! Great job, Jackie! Guess you need to add bunny wrangler to your resume now!!! Good luck little bun buns!!! Stay undercover, and eat all your veggies!!! Jackie, how much do they weigh now? Do you have a recent pic? I don't release until over 200 grams, but tend to wait a little more depending on the time of year, the individuals and how many I have to release.
of shoot, I read 150 grams somewhere..
I do not know what I am doing..:peace
I have a scale..I had great pics too, but somehow erased them..they would not download..
errr, technology..I guess I pushed too many buttons..
let me see what they weigh and if I can get new pics..
I know one looked like she doubled her size overnight., she looked long this AM.:D

03-16-2012, 08:27 AM
Yeah, most things online say 150, I like to err on the side of caution, as long as they are not too stressed, until they are 200-250 even sometimes (again, depends on bunnies, some are more at ease then others.) I think B&S2 does 200 grams, too, if possible.

One thing I judge by, and this will vary from bun to bun, is do they freeze when they get scared or try to do the zig zag scatter? If they are still freezing up, they are not ready yet.

Jackie in Tampa
03-16-2012, 08:33 AM
the larger girl, slaps me:D

Jackie in Tampa
03-16-2012, 08:45 AM
ok, I just found the LOST PICS...:dono :thinking
they're from yesterday and these girls grew over night!

Jackie in Tampa
03-16-2012, 08:46 AM
will try to get better in prespective pics and a weight..
do you see those pretty poops! Amen.

03-16-2012, 09:23 AM
SnowCap, my nr wild cottontail, who turns 3 this year, slaps me all the time!! lol (Esp. when I take to long to give her her greens!!!! lol) they look really good, will be good to know a weight. Great job! Buns are not easy, so you really should be proud!!!

Nancy in New York
03-16-2012, 09:39 AM
They look amazing Jackie....what a fantastic job you did...as always!!!!!!!
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

Jackie in Tampa
03-16-2012, 09:42 AM
SnowCap, my nr wild cottontail, who turns 3 this year, slaps me all the time!! lol (Esp. when I take to long to give her her greens!!!! lol) they look really good, will be good to know a weight. Great job! Buns are not easy, so you really should be proud!!!
I am sooo supersticious Pappy..stop saying that til their gone/released..:crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy
I am a constant worry and have no back up plan for them..if something were to go upside down..
my old vet is rabbit doctor, but if it happens suddenly, what can ya do?

years ago, I rescued a domestic rabbit, he was doing good, had been here for a few months, Freds rabbit...I allowed him out back for fresh air and run time..
son of a gun if he did not eat something toxic...fred saw him shakin his head and twitching immediately after he ate it, rubbing face..
picked him up, he started shaking violently, called the vet on the way, by the time she had him in her hands, less than 30 mminutes had passed, he was in full blown seizures and we did immediate euthanasia ...
that fast...so yes, I know theya re fragile...
and everything ya read about them says so too, stop scare'in me!:osnap

I swear they were easy..:sanp3 :dono
hate to jinx myself...:peace

03-16-2012, 09:50 AM
Jackie, if it makes you feel better, you have really gotten through the hardest part....when they transition from formula to food. (Well, on formula is not easy either, but....) I think that is where many have issues. Yes things can happen suddenly (I did loose two when I felt we were good to go) but usually you get here, you can at least breath a little easier. Isn't it amazing how fast they grow!

Jackie in Tampa
03-16-2012, 09:52 AM
Isn't it amazing how fast they grow!:poke do you mean how fast I aged!:D

Jackie in Tampa
03-16-2012, 03:45 PM
Flopsy and Mopsy weigh 227 & 213 grams!
They will be released tomorrow at dusk!:jump

Jackie in Tampa
03-18-2012, 04:16 AM
Our baby bunnies are back home where they were born.
Thanks Bruce and Kim:bowdown
Poor little Flopsy and Mopsy were terrified after their 25 minute ride home.
I was told they did not want to leave the cage, so their sleep box was placed late afternoon under some shrubs, hoping they would explore at dusk.
These were my first bunnies, so not sure if they stay together or are on their own. One was very shy and the other very protective of her, I think.
They were alwasy that way..distinct personalities and so very different.
Bruce will go ck them in the morning, just to make sure they aren't waiting for their Fv...:D

:bowdown Thanks again B & K!..we did good!:thumbsup

This was a different twist to rehabbing for me, precious big ears!
pic is where their box is tucked in the brush...they are hiding!!