View Full Version : Help my squirrels stopped eating HHBs

02-13-2012, 10:29 PM
We just returned from a five day vacation and found everyday supply of HHBs uneaten and hidden in their hammock out of site of their babysitter. Poor babysitter thought they were eaten and then fed them veggies and nuts before bedtime. Now my babies won't even think about eating the HHBs.

I tried tough love and gave them nothing else until I couldn't stand it anymore. I ended up making formula and crumbling HHBs in it hoping they would eat at 2:40 this afternoon. Still nothing. They woke up at 6:30. 6:30 to 2:40 without food. They took a couple of licks of formula but just a couple.

Still trying to be tough I put in fresh HHBs and left the house at 4:30 to pick up my daughter only to return to a little tiny amount of HHBs gone. They probably kicked it off their eating shelf rather than ate it.

At my wits end I got their favorite food, and avacado and finely cheese grated one HHB over it so it would stick and they would have no choice but to eat some. Well they only ate about half of the serving. I tried to hand feed it to them to no avail. I think they detest it now. I offered no other food and they went most of the day without eating because they absolutely did not want to eat the HHBs.

I know they need their calcium that is why I tried the formula with HHBs thinking that the milk would sweeten the taste but they are about 20 wks old and would only just lick it a few times. They haven't wanted formula for about 3 wks now.

They also have a open supply of rat block that they never pay any attention to but to hide. I clean their cage of all stashes everyday. I know that they are hungry because they are searching for food although the fresh HHBs are in front of their faces. They are being stubborn and it makes me sad:shakehead

Other than that their personalities are so amazing. They seriously let me love on them for extreme long periods of time and i got in all of the belly rubs and snuggling and cuddling in that I so desperately needed from being gone. I was so afraid that they would forget who I was but they did not and we hugged and loved and bonded the entire day. They are sooo loving to me still and will lay in my hands for along time for their belly and cheek rubs.

Their activity level has not changed a bit. They are still extremely active and wore my clothes out by using me as their personal tree, along with running and chasing each other throughout the house.

These are my special babies and deserve the best in the world. How do I get them back on track as far as their diet goes. I cannot stand to see them hungry when fresh HHBs are in front of them and they will not eat!!!:dono

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-13-2012, 10:35 PM
it can take a couple of days, sometimes longer. THEY WILL NOT LET THEMSELVES STARVE.
If you really cant stand it , make some boo boo cookies
a mixture of block, formula,nuts and fruit. I can send you the recipe if you like.
Don't dispare , you can win.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-13-2012, 10:37 PM
I have even tried spreading Nuttla on HHR, I have a very picky eater also. If he had his way it would just be blueberries, almonds and acorns.

02-13-2012, 10:55 PM
I ended up making them a nutella, formula and finely grated HHB block brownie. I even tasted it first and it tasted like chocolate cake and they ignored the sh$t out of it. They love nutella plain but will NOT take it with HHB or formula mixed in with it.

I RARELY let them even taste nutella because I try to keep them in love with the HHBs but I know with 5 days without HHBs is not a good thing.

I cannot believe being as active as they are that they went all day without eating. This is not how I wanted to treat them on my first day back. They usually eat their HHBs then veggies with fruit and two nuts a night. Only problem is, is that their nutrition comes first and they won't eat their nutrition:nono

Aren't they still too young for picky eaters HHBs? I think they have to be 9 months or older for that, right? :thinking

02-13-2012, 11:07 PM
Please send the boo boo cookie recipe.:wave123

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-13-2012, 11:09 PM
I have picky eater, adult and youth in my freezer and switch around.
On a bad day...
Block in the morning, new block in afternoon, new block at night.
each time, a new block dont just leave the first one in the cage.
next day repeat...
next day repeat...
as soon as he eats his block, all crumbs are removed.
then veggies. you get the jist of this, but you cant give in, they are smart and will play you.

02-13-2012, 11:18 PM
How long did it take before your loverbutt started enjoying the HHBs again?:thinking

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-13-2012, 11:20 PM
4 days

02-13-2012, 11:25 PM
Thanks for the recipe. I will try it tomorrow as a treat if they eat their HHBs. Or if they don't by 4:30 5:00. Does this sound right? Or is it HHBs and nothing else for 4 days? UGH!

02-14-2012, 12:27 AM
You may have to improvise and feed them a lot of calcium rich veggies and try different recipes of homemade treats. Its hard, I know because my Hammy will not eat any kind of block. I cannot get him to eat yogurt either. He's very picky. He does love broccoli, celery and other green things. I don't give him corn. He did develope MBD and we overcame it. Now he's big and healthy. Read nutrition forum and get your sources to learn what to feed. You may can give them crushed up calcium on their food. It has to have magnesium also to help absorb into their system.:)