View Full Version : metacam drug interactions?

02-10-2012, 05:28 PM
I seem to recall a thread in the Emergency Forum regarding a certain protocol when administering metacam~~ how much time before/ after other drugs, and some drug interactions it may have if a squirrel is taking multiple medications. can somebody explain it to me? :thinking

02-10-2012, 10:13 PM
I don't know what was on another post, but I can tell you something about Metacam. It is the animal version of Meloxicam. It is a prescription medication called an NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory). Metacam has been cleared for use in horses, dogs, cats and cattle. Use in squirrels is considered an off label use. No studies were done to establish an exact dosage or safety limits in them. As far as Metacam in general. It can cause stomach and intestinal inflammation and bleeding, should not be used if the animal is dehydrated, and the drug takes a long time 12+ hours for a dose to clear the system. All NSAIDs act as an anticoagulant, so they can prevent blood from clotting. They are also damaging to the liver and kidneys. You never want to double up on them, such as using Metacam and Motrin, or Tylenol, aspirin, etc. Ibuprofen, acetominofen, etc. are all in the same drug class. When my vet has prescribed metacam, it is for three days only, because of the length of time for it to clear the system and tendency to remain in the system and increase to a toxic level. I am not sure what type of pre existing condition or problem you were thinking of. If I haven't answered the question, let me know. Merck's Veterinary Manual is online and you can find answers to most questions about medications and diseases there.

Jackie in Tampa
02-11-2012, 12:27 AM
I want to add, it is not to be used with steroids such as dex and pred.
It is given once every 24 hours.
I use this med often with sqs with wonderful results.

It is most effective first 5 days for it's inflamamtion properties, and is often used long term for chronic issues such as athritis.
Never give to a dehydrated critter, like Margie said, it can cause renal failure.
Metacam is a brand name for meloxicam.
Merck is great Margie, but usually doesn't give thorough side effect and drug interaction info..
I like www.drugs.com (http://www.drugs.com) or the manufactures site, they are usually well detailed.

Hope this helps missPixie.

02-11-2012, 10:49 PM
Margie and Jackie, yes thank you! very helpful. exactly what I was looking for! :thankyou