View Full Version : squirrel having issues with his nest in tree infront of my house??
02-09-2012, 07:11 PM
I have noticed that the little squirrel that lives outside in a tree that is infront of our house, well actually infront of out neighbors house, well he has mange as he has missing fur and it always itching. ( we have several squirrels in our area that we feed that have this condition, some worse than others). Anyhow, I noticed the little guy usually was sleeping in the top nest of leaves in the tree, but tonight I saw him sitting on the tree limb itching like crazy ( likely the mites). Anyhow, I seen him go down to a nest in the same tree that is a little lower than the top one. I believe he is abandoning it due to it likely being infested. I saw him run across the street and try to get into another nest with another squirrel, but he chased him away. So now I saw him collect a couple of leaves ( we do not have hardly any leaves now that it is winter) that he could find and took them into the lower nest. I feel bad for him. What is he going to do?? I am sure he needs to build a different nest, one that is not infested, but there are no leaves around. Is there anything I can do to help him?? I have no clue where I could even get leaves so he could use them. Also, he is obviously sleeping in that nest alone. Will he freeze in there without having any other squirrels to nest with?? Please advise if you have any ideas.
02-09-2012, 07:14 PM
is there a way you could make a nest box and hang it up for him?
They are not hard to make, it is a one-day job.
So many people are making their own cages and nest boxes here, that they can help you with ideas and the easiest ways.
02-09-2012, 07:21 PM
I am not sure, I live in the City and would really have no way to get that high up in this tree to put a nest in it, and also we do not own it, it is on someone elses property. I was trying to think something I could put out there that maybe he could use for a new nest, but there are not any leaves in abundance right now due to it being winter. Would placing like strips of flannel cloth be something he would use??? I mean I do not even know if he would bring it up to the tree or not. Then what if it rains, wouldn't that get wet? I feel so bad for him :(
02-09-2012, 07:23 PM
I meant for him to put the flannel inside the other nest he is in now, not that he would make the nest out of only flannel. There is another nest of leaves there, not sure it is is infested either or not.
02-09-2012, 07:38 PM
The best material for outdoor bedding is the fiberfill batting they put inside quilts - literally called quilt batting. It is available at fabric departments, places like Michael's, etc. Water pours right through it without actualy wetting it and it is very warm and insulating. You don't want natural fiber as it will absorb water - get the polyester. Cut it into small pieces - maybe 4" squares - the size of a big leaf.
02-09-2012, 07:41 PM
Thanks Crittersmom. I am going to do that. Now I just hope he will bring it up there. Should I just lay it near the tree tomorrow morning??
02-09-2012, 07:48 PM
I would just toss some pieces at the base of the tree and see what happens.
02-09-2012, 08:11 PM
Thanks crittermom.
I would just toss some pieces at the base of the tree and see what happens.
02-10-2012, 12:28 PM
Well, I put out a couple small pieces of the polyester fill I took out of a pillow we had. It said it is 100% polyester. I laid a coupld down in theback yard not to far from where they eat. I also put on by this squirrels tree. I watched him go up to it this morning siff it and walk away:dono . Was hoping he would have took it up to his nest. Now it is starting to snow, just light flurries. I am afraid the stuff is gonna get all wet. I have extra peices in here I could always put new out later. Maybe he does not need it, I cannot figure these little guys out :)
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