View Full Version : It is definitely Mites/mange
02-09-2012, 11:03 AM
Hi ladies,
well, I believe it is confirmed that some of my back yard squirrels have mange. I have now seen about 4 of them with missing fur all to varying degrees. the worst one is one I saw this morning, poor little guy. from his head to his mid-section he has no hair and his skin looks really crinkled and pink. One of the other ones has it only on the inside of his arms and on his chest some. You can only see it when he stands up. I also have the original guy the one I posted in a picture. it looks like he may be growing a little of the fur back, but it is hard to tell. Sometimes it is hard to tell some of them apart, except for the one that has the dramatic hair loss.
I spoke to a person at an exotic animal hospital today. She said that yes, it is likely mange. I was worried that maybe by me feeding them that this is was how they were spreading it to one another, but she said no, she said that they burrow together in the nest at night during the winter and that is how it is spread from one to the other. She said that as far as using the Ivermectin, well she said that since I have quite a few with the mange, it is hard to tell one from the other and you have to be very careful in order not to double dose a squirrel or you could kill him. Poor little guys, I feel so bad for them. I orderd the Ivermectin so I am waiting for it to come. I am not sure what to do. My biggest fear is one the little guys having a bad reaction to the ivermectin. If that happened, I could not help him or get him to a vet since he is wild. Any suggestions?? Thanks.
02-09-2012, 11:11 AM
I would pick a time when you see the most of them and go sit down outside with a bowl of goodies and a dish of your ivermectin laced whatever you are going to use. Dose everyone that needs it that day and unless you have stragglers that you can safely identify from the others, do not do a redose for a week so you don't accidently double dose.
There is a spot on type flea/heartworm med for dogs and cats called Revolution that does not have the overdose properties of ivermectin, which can be given orally (a drop on a nut) but it is expensive and only available with a prescription. If you don't have a sympathetic vet, the ivermectin and being very careful is your only choice...
02-09-2012, 11:12 AM
Hi ladies,
well, I believe it is confirmed that some of my back yard squirrels have mange. I have now seen about 4 of them with missing fur all to varying degrees. the worst one is one I saw this morning, poor little guy. from his head to his mid-section he has no hair and his skin looks really crinkled and pink. One of the other ones has it only on the inside of his arms and on his chest some. You can only see it when he stands up. I also have the original guy the one I posted in a picture. it looks like he may be growing a little of the fur back, but it is hard to tell. Sometimes it is hard to tell some of them apart, except for the one that has the dramatic hair loss.
I spoke to a person at an exotic animal hospital today. She said that yes, it is likely mange. I was worried that maybe by me feeding them that this is was how they were spreading it to one another, but she said no, she said that they burrow together in the nest at night during the winter and that is how it is spread from one to the other. She said that as far as using the Ivermectin, well she said that since I have quite a few with the mange, it is hard to tell one from the other and you have to be very careful in order not to double dose a squirrel or you could kill him. Poor little guys, I feel so bad for them. I orderd the Ivermectin so I am waiting for it to come. I am not sure what to do. My biggest fear is one the little guys having a bad reaction to the ivermectin. If that happened, I could not help him or get him to a vet since he is wild. Any suggestions?? Thanks.
yes, esp. when it's to mid-section - that's a classic mange "vest" kind of thing.
And yes, when you start treating them, you have to be super extra careful keeping track of whom you treated, because double dose can kill them.
02-09-2012, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the replies. I have heard of revolution. Our doggy who passed away last april took that at one time. I remember it being a liquid that you put on the dogs back, it was not meant for oral use. Unless there is a different one that is oral, I just have never heard of it. Does this revolution also kill mange/mites?
I am still waiting for my vet to call me. I am thinking maybe he does not want to get involved and maybe that is why he has not called me back. I did order the Ivermectin yesterday so it is suppose to get here today. It is so horrible to see these little guys suffer, I feel so helpless. Why are nature people and some vets so cold about these issues. There response is always
"let nature take it's course, there is nothing you can do, they are wild animals". Why do they not care??
02-09-2012, 11:44 AM
Thanks for the replies. I have heard of revolution. Our doggy who passed away last april took that at one time. I remember it being a liquid that you put on the dogs back, it was not meant for oral use. Unless there is a different one that is oral, I just have never heard of it. Does this revolution also kill mange/mites? yes, Revolution kills mange, but it must be applied directly to the skin, which means you have to part fur between the shoulders and drop it directly on their skin.
THat's almost impossible to do for a wild squirrel
Why are nature people and some vets so cold about these issues. There response is always
"let nature take it's course, there is nothing you can do, they are wild animals". Why do they not care??
because not everyone does... especially, about squirrels:shakehead
02-09-2012, 11:47 AM
Oh, maybe there is a different revolution that is given orally? Crittermom posted something about putting a drop on a nut and giving to the squirrel. Is this a different type of revolution?
02-09-2012, 12:11 PM
Oh, maybe there is a different revolution that is given orally? Crittermom posted something about putting a drop on a nut and giving to the squirrel. Is this a different type of revolution?
it's the same revolution and yes, you can do that.
BUT in my experience, the nut has to be eaten almost right away because that drop evaporates fast, and after it evaporates, I am not sure how effective it is. Of course, some of it penetrates the nut, but... how much?...
I've asked around and no one could give me a clear answer.
So, yes, you can do that, but the nut must be eaten asap before the drop evaporates (I managed to do that, but I also wasted a lot of it because the squirrel would not go for the medicated nut [every time different things], so I ended up wasting a lot of nuts and drops).
But even with Revolution - you still have to be super extra careful so that you do not dose the same squirrel twice.
Whether it's ivermectin or revolution - no double dosing.
Nancy in New York
02-09-2012, 04:37 PM
DO NOT give the Revolution orally. This was once suggested and has since been challenged, as it appears there is no vet that is willing to recommend/approve giving this drug orally as treatment.
02-09-2012, 05:41 PM
DO NOT give the Revolution orally. This was once suggested and has since been challenged, as it appears there is no vet that is willing to recommend/approve giving this drug orally as treatment.
listen to Nancy:thumbsup
02-09-2012, 07:43 PM
Your can buy Revolution from 1800petmeds, but it is a topical. I use it on my cat and I put a drop on Rocky, but she comes to me and I can hold her.
02-10-2012, 12:54 AM
Almost all squirrels -- let alone "surviving" species in urban[alized]areas -- are undernourished (coincidentally just like the humans tied there by debt, wage-slavery "careers", etc. Developers wipe out all natural vegetation that protects and feeds wildlife and leave the barren areas as killing fields of crows, hawks, and sub-human idiots with bb-guns/"varmit"-shooters. The toll is obvious but the malnutrition is chalked up by "house"-scientists as "natural" Liars! The result of misery in any ghetto city, nation (e.g., Rumania), or continent (e.g., Africa) is an infestation of parasites, as if those "human"-feigning parasites that profit from that misery isn't enough: mites, "bed bugs", fleas, bot flies, lice, etc. The rash and scratched-away fur is chalked up as "something going 'round" called "mange". It's the reward for being ransacked....
What I've done to combat it is as follows. Maybe you can come up with some shareable ideas as well.
I took sisal/jute/hemp rope and tied undyed/untreated wool felt strips around the tree trunk just above where I have my squirrel feeders located. I spray the wool with tea tree and neem oils, which treat and prevent all of the aforementioned parasites. As they pass over the wool, they inadvertently get treated. If they wish to pull a strip out, made in 2"x1" pieces (so they do not trip over it while ascending to their nest), they may fend off invasions into their nest-box/nest as well.
I have noticed: (1) that a squirrel's head leads it through parasite-infested trees, it is also the first place that is attacked, with migrations descending later towards the back of their poor defenseless bodies; (2) that they have to lift the feeder with their head and actually scoot a bit of their necks across the same section of the lid's underside. So, I spray the "underneath" area of the lid regularly (shielding the food from the spray) so that they can get a "freebie" treatment without the downside of capture-release.
For the benefit of us as well as the squirrels, I am also growing a neem tree in the yard (and will be adding numerous others once the proper "take hold" process for the tree is learned. Just as the squirrels love to nibble camellia bush leaves, I would hope that they will nibble at the neem leaves for an antidote to all of the tiny "banker"-like parasites. [Anyone who wants to know where to order a neem tree, which are well-adaptable to most anywhere on the globe, please feel free to contact me.]
I spray the 4 nest-boxes interiors/exteriors I have up in the yard, and am looking into dosing the whole yard with natural anti-parasite [oil] sprays (orange peel , rosemary, neem, tea tree, cinnamon, wormwood, etc.). This will help the birds, skunks, raccoons, wild turkeys, etc., as well.
More ideas? Love to hear 'em! I'll add them all to my web site soon, with pictures, "best deal" sources, etc.
Let's keep our own nature alive by embracing the nature around us.... "Natural selection" is an excuse for hierarchy and its sado-'orgasm' of abuse.
Be well all.
02-11-2012, 04:38 AM
Hi ladies,
I spoke to a person at an exotic animal hospital today. She said that yes, it is likely mange. I was worried that maybe by me feeding them that this is was how they were spreading it to one another, but she said no, she said that they burrow together in the nest at night during the winter and that is how it is spread from one to the other. She said that as far as using the Ivermectin, well she said that since I have quite a few with the mange, it is hard to tell one from the other and you have to be very careful in order not to double dose a squirrel or you could kill him.
It's NOT the mange that would kill them, but the hospital approach, which is the same wretched one that AMA crackpots use: toxins. Try natural treatments and nourishment. For example, you'd get advice from an idiot doctor to bug-bomb yourself if you were attacked by mosquitoes or fleas. Try garlic and onions. Big Pharma and Chemical pushers keep poisoning everyone and everything they can find, as a matter of showing us just how powerful they are. Their television-flooding ads always end up in deaths that are pre-written into the "cost of doing business"; they make 20,000% on some of their common psycho-actives. [See "The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale" <at> by Dr. Doug Henderson and Dr. Gary Null. The mental weakness of the Rockefeller-owned pushers knows no ends, except in ending all life! They also gang up on anyone who speaks badly of their life-ransacking psychoses.
Get that "hospital" (where disease is welcomed, and emergency cases breed bonuses) doctor to take the "cure" and see if s/he dares. How little they must think of squirrels and all other lifeforms to be so quick and "caring". Note how almost all prescribing "docs" refuse all the medicine that they throw at captive public school kids! They are cowards as well as mental midgets. They are the real vermin, the real lice, the social mange.
02-11-2012, 05:42 AM
NON, I like some of your ideas - the neem oil and using the feeders to actually "dose" them - truly inspired! However, I am a pragmatist. I take from both natural and trad med as needed and I wouldn't hesitate for a New York Minute to dose these guys with ivermectin as described - in a controlled situation - sit out there with a bowl of food at the same time for a few days so they come to you and dose ONE day per week.
At the same time I would start to try to improve their diet. I live on a woods and have probably literally :shakehead someone help me hundreds of wilds that come from miles around to mooch, and I feed them the same rat blocks many rehabbers feed. They are giant and beautiful and I seldom see any skin issues.
I think some of the anti-parasite ideas NON mentions are really excellent and should help, too. I am going to steal them this summer.:D
And I wouldn't trap and move him either - that is absurd - an extra strain on his system. If you treat him he will begin to get better right away.
02-11-2012, 08:32 AM
Well, one of my little backyard squirrels that has mange, probably 35% of his hair is gone now. I talked to a lady at the wildlife rehab facility and she said I should try and trap him in one of those have a heart traps. She said if we can get him in there, they will be able to help him by giving him parasitics and vitamins to help him get well again. They also said that there is a high outbreak of sartopic mange among squirrels going around this year. She said that if we do not get him, he will likely die due to the cold weather and exposure. He would not go back to his nest last night in tree his leaf nest out in front of my neighbors. I think he may have went underneath one of our back porch steps on the second floor that is enclosed. He still must be cold in there. I am going to get one of those have a heart traps and see what I can do. I may not be able to get him to go in there, even with putting treats in there. Also the rehab lady said that I may end up with a different squirrel and I would have to just let the healthy one out and keep trying to get the sick one. This is so sad. I feel so bad for this little squirrel. There are a few with mange here, some not so bad as others. The rehab lady also said that if there are others here that have mild mange that has not accelerated yet, that maybe they can give us some stuff to put on their food. I mentioned that Ivermectin and she said they only use that in injection form at the animal hospital and it has to be dosed precisely or it can hurt the animal. Maybe they have something esle that is different from the ivermectin and revolution. So that is where I am now. I hope I can get him..... I am worried sick.. He may not even come out today as it is cold here today. :(
02-11-2012, 02:33 PM
Responding here to your PM PP because your status doesn't seem to allow PM's yet.
Yes, it's best to refrigerate it in an airtight container; as for the expiry date, there should be an expiry date on the container. You might want to check with a vet over the phone but if I recall it is usually good for at least a year.
02-12-2012, 03:42 AM
I am a pragmatist. I take from both natural and trad med as needed and I wouldn't hesitate for a New York Minute to dose these guys with ivermectin as described....
I guess that we all have had a dose of lies that make us think that pompous doctors who treat us with 1/2 hour coursework on nutrition "know what's best for us", even if they time-and-again are proven whores for Big Pharma, and when their "cures" kill more people than if the symptom was left alone. So, with squirrels.
Is nature so stupid that only AMA and likeminded "vets" can sort out its silliness with their elitist "science"? Remember that Agent Orange, sterile seeds (Monsanto), the ever-releasing toxicity of plastics and asphalt are all brought to us by the very same people as bring us "miracle" toxins. If we weren't already so blinded by propaganda the toxins would blind us. In the meanwhile, we will all lay flowers at the feet of the neo-clergy who have traded in "father" for "doctor" as a sign of their higher status than all of us lowlies. Squirrels are one step lower than us on that enforced scarcity pyramid: scarcity of rights, scarcity of truth, scarcity of compassion. We're all just numbers "down here" to those cogs on the way to "up there". How laughable that "title of mediocrity" is. I still say, I wouldn't give one pharmaceutical anything to anyone or anything until after the CEO and his/her lackies all take (and survive with 'better health') full doses of it for months beforehand. They won't so I won't. Criminals rarely show that kind of commitment when running a con-job.... Read the PDR, of all pending lawsuits, of the "kill rate", or the "side" effects (which ARE the effects, not something "on the side"), and check books like The Natural Pharmacist Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions Bible (Richard Harkness, Pharm., FASCP and Steven Bratman, M.D.). I have noted that when I went to what really is just a franchised hospital (e.g., Muir, Kaiser) that the obese-and-unhealthy doctor dismissed my letting her know what herbs, etc. that my naturopath had me taking. Since she didn't know about interactions or, ultimately care about my health resulting from her practiced negligence, ignorance, and felonious disregard, I walked out. I suggest that you start challenging the notion that "alternative" is NOT the ONLY healthy approach. Just because you have two views does NOT mean that you have to aim between them. If one kills you should I choose a half-life approach to appease some illogical sense that I have "extrapolated truth? No. The AMA sense is not healthy AT ALL. The AMA was founded by John D. Rockefeller. They have suppressed hundreds of cures and preventions because misery and disease pay for their Guccis, etc. The same self-anointed elite suppress free energy. The lies we feed ourselves must stop because that is a daily bailout that cannot be blamed on Wall Street or someone else. It's us surrendering intelligence and a now-suppressed (except for in Rodale books) near-past in both natural and human health which invasively and deceptively injects themselves (with State force) as the mediators and rulers of all life. Until we trust ourselves and each other, we are selfless slavery-addicts. Who died and put Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, ad finitum, ad nauseam in charge of health and nature? Us, that's who.
Good luck to all the guinea-pig squirrels.
island rehabber
02-12-2012, 04:53 AM
wow. um....okay....:thinking
I'm throwing a BS flag on #16.
Pure speculation and heavy bias on opinion.
Sorry 'bout that.
02-13-2012, 04:29 AM
"Speculation" is done by bankers.
I have lived through the jaws of the doctoring elite.
My father was a plaintiff's attorney who had dozens of people suffer at the hands of these clueless, incompetent, and disease-and-death pimps for the offspring of Nazi Germany's I.G.Farben. They weren't "defeated"; they were imported (Project Paperclip, etc.) into power here!
Take a look at:
"News and Information about Personal Injury Lawsuits (", "Pharmaceutical Industry, AMA and FDA Endangering Your Health for Profit (";
"Zero deaths caused by vitamins, minerals, amino acids or herbs (";
"Prescription drug deaths skyrocket 68 percent over five years as Americans swallow more pills (";
"Psychiatric Drugs: Chemical Warfare on Humans (";
"How many people die from prescription pharmaceutical drugs each year? (";
Shocking Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry (";
"False animal test results & damages caused ( ges_caused)";
"Pharmaceutical waste runoff causing shrimp, other marine life to commit suicide (";
"Did you know that Pharmaceutical based Medicine is officially one of the Leading Causes of Death & Injury in Developed Countries? (";
"Drug Deaths Now Outnumber Traffic Fatalities in US (";
"27 Years Later and No Recorded Deaths from Vitamins but 3 Million Dead from Pharmaceutical Drugs (";
"Engineered Plagues? (";
etc.. etc., etc.
I'm not paranoid but I am using my senses and brain (the first things lost when you take Xanax, Welbutrin, etc.) to view a reality that is NOT found in the vile fantasy-world of television (e.g., "New Jersey [S/W]hores"), in monopoly media, and other propaganda machinations. I, as I'm certain you do as well) value life (and lifeforms) more than the rite (and rights) of psychopathic profiteering. However, that requires more than talk; it means changing the way you live 'what could be' rather than dying to comply with 'what is', right? Otherwise, it's just a spectacle of valuing life. Those in power are there as a result of planning, not accident. They have slandered, plotted, outlawed, sidestepped, cheated, paid-off, threatened, and murdered to get where they are today... in power of bodies, minds, land, air, water, food, health, decision-making, and the fate of all nature. Unless one finds that tolerable and magnificent in some Heideggerian philosophy for the insane, then one has to begin resisting the urge to always comply with what it projects as healthy, as normal, as natural, as logical. Else, one ought reconsider the concepts of "colonized behavior", "engineered brain damage", "mass suicide", "genocide", and "slavery".
Squirrels are usually treated as "pests" by governments, "yardcare" companies, "garden shops", etc. People are now falling into that same category. Practice one and the other becomes easier to not see. Ted Turner wants to rid the world of 90% of the human population. He's not alone. Gates is paying for tainted AIDS and other vaccinations for a whole continent as some expansion of the Jonestown "kool-aid" experiment. Well, it is cheaper if we do it to ourselves, and that may be the only argument between factions "up there". Like pesticides, herbicides, GMO, plastics, the toxins put into squirrels, people, water, soil, and air keeps on killing and mutating and diseasing. It's an efficiency of which the few "up there", with their mad scientist-whores, are very proud. It's what allows Kissinger and Brzezinski to tear-and-swallow humanity at the same table without arguing. The nutrient chart does NOT have pharmaceutical or synthetic trademarked chemicals on it, but is going to slip them in as they outlaw nature every time we go into denial (to each other and ourselves) about that fact. We are frozen in the headlights of a vehicle we are driving. The only "brake" is to "break" with the whole con job.
I urge people, while it's not considered a "terrorist act" to THINK before treating advice from pushers as so high-and-mighty, and to align with nature rather than those destroying it as "in the way". That is my "bs". ;-)
The name of this site is "TheSQUIRRELboard".
It really isn't a place for radical political discussion.
If you wish to engage in unfounded political discourse, there are other sites more suitable for that.
This particular thread is about mange.
Please try to stay within the topic.
02-13-2012, 09:06 AM
The name of this site is "TheSQUIRRELboard".
It really isn't a place for radical political discussion.
If you wish to engage in unfounded political discourse, there are other sites more suitable for that.
This particular thread is about mange.
Please try to stay within the topic.
:goodpost :thankyou :bowdown
Time to re-address the original topic.
If there is a means to treat for mange, perhaps that may be the best course.
Puddinpie mentioned that there was a known outbreak, and I just think it best to consider that.
Knowing that these are wilds, I see no issue with Puddinpie giving us a better general idea as to location.
It might be a great help.
02-14-2012, 12:18 AM
I have contributed much to that "cause", and don't consider it being "radical" to say what I believe is incorrect "remedy", as well as why it is incorrect. Censorship is cowardly., and calling opinion "radicalizing" is very Orwellian.
02-14-2012, 01:44 AM
yes, Revolution kills mange, but it must be applied directly to the skin, which means you have to part fur between the shoulders and drop it directly on their skin.
THat's almost impossible to do for a wild squirrel
because not everyone does... especially, about squirrels:shakehead
There are more than two views here, so do not throw "natural"/anti-toxin methods in with "not caring". That would be a vile falsification of the method, like blaming Nader for Gore and Kerry being idiots.
There is a big difference between what a hands-off view is, what a toxin-based hands-really-on method is, and what a hands-on natural view is. If you reduce views down to an "us versus them" schism, in this case throwing natural treatments in with the don't care approach, that is a great disservice to the concept of argumentation and logic. Paradox is not spelled "pair"-adox. The treatment approaches are not just two, as in "good" (mine) and "evil" (not-mine). In "flatland" there is only "either/or". In reality there are many views. The most prevalent treatment is rarely the wisest or healthiest, else, knowledge would be standing still, ever frozen... patented and trademarked.
Toxins, in my research, are not good for anyone but their manufacturer and those who wish to move the symptom to a new symptom for which more toxins may be sold. Hasn't everyone cringed when hearing the fast-talk side-effects for so may medicines that cause death and worse symptoms. Am I alone here?!
All medicine today is a synthetic copy of something that already exists in nature. Everything! Aspirin is a copy of White Willow Bark. It's not surprising that Bayer and Bristol-Meyers, who were in league with the Nazi-backing I.G.Farben in WWII, have long sought to make access to White Willow bark illegal BECAUSE then, their synthetics, trademarked and patented, would replace nature. That is a scam, unethical, criminal.
Using poison to treat un-health has no logic. My mother died from idiots using a carcinogen, cobalt, to treat her cancer caused by X-ray machines she encountered as a nurse. There's so much truth and lies in that whole ensemble of characters. I caution as blindness the use of toxins on squirrels, especially when mange rarely kills, and the treating toxin DOES. Prove that it does not kill one squirrel, just like vitamins have not killed one person was presented to the FDA wanting to ban their use, and I'll listen "with open arms". ;-)
There is an "Off Topics" forum further down the forum page.
Suggest you use that for your opinions, instead of highjacking Puddinpie's thread.
02-15-2012, 03:43 AM
There is an "Off Topics" forum further down the forum page.
Suggest you use that for your opinions, instead of highjacking Puddinpie's thread.
Once again, your "political" view pretends to be apolitical but calls me names for having opinions. What a poor magician-censor.
The name "Revolution" says it all... being as far from any kind of "revolution" as "Liberty Mutual" is from either liberty or mutuality.
That I consider the drug vile and its use deadly, is not a "political" statement.
Having that called "bs" might be considered "political", or as a strange sort of chest-beating act.
Either way it has conveniently never been questioned for its taunt.
"Big fish in a small pond" is a psycho-emotional problem you may wish to transcend in your adolescent years.
Defending myself against that hormone-driven frat-machismo is not "hijacking", except when someone sees a thread as private turf. Fine. Enjoy the fantasy.
Apparently when someone critiques drug usage, that entitles someone else to to sociopathically dismiss with intentional attacks of "bs", when you don't even know me. But then, you never cared to find out either, which is where the pathos is exhibited. Nazi-trialing me as a "hijacker" (sounding so very like Rumsfeld) for defending myself against that attack on me for having a valid and referenced opinion, if not the most political of acts, is childishly-rude, and smacks of not wanting to learn how to care for squirrels in new and possibly more enlightened ways from each other. It shows that you don't care to learn from anyone and will shout down anything that challenges your static view of "helping".
The narcissistic intolerance for contradiction, slandering, and irrationality are charms I shall share with others, in case they wish to find proto-fascist 'comrades' instead of open-mindness, [dia]logical dialogue, and humane treatment of either squirrels or strangers....
Good luck with whatever it is that you do.
02-15-2012, 04:15 AM
:frustratedx :bang :banana
Oh, no, SnS. It's quite funny.
I know this is off-topic, but, I don't think Puddin will mind.
I'm sure you're aware of the old magician trick of "mis-direction".
That's when you can distract your subject to the point where they are unaware of what is really going on.
Sometimes the subject gets rather irrate because they tried soooo hard to trip you up, and fail.....miserably.
Back on topic.
BTW, are you aware that Puddinpie's questions and concerns are being addressed and answered in a different thread without unnecessary disruption?:rotfl
02-15-2012, 12:26 PM
Hi NotOutsideNature,
I can relate to a few points you have made and I even would agree with some of what you've shared so far.
I agree that pharmaceutical industry often has its own agenda and not people's best health interests. I, too, try to stick to natural remedies whenever possible and avoid "pills."
Unfortunately, our knowledge of natural remedies is not as deep and extensive as to cover all possible illnesses and health issues.
Therefore, there are situations when people have to use traditional medicine and surgical intervention.
Sometimes, traditional medicine and natural remedies work together beautifully, complementing each other.
Of course, in both cases people need to educate themselves about the treatments, medications and remedies. Sometimes, it is possible. Other times, people have to go with the options they have.
This is such a complicated situation that absolute categorical positions often turn out to be unhelpful.
Before ALL people can rely on natural remedies more, a tremendous educative work must be done on a large scale. Until then, expecting all people to accept and go with natural remedies is unrealistic.
Especially, since, as I mentioned before, sometimes, there are no natural remedies for certain health issues, and other times - traditional medicine and natural remedies work synergically.
Either way, militant and aggressive ways of delivering the message is counterproductive. It only antagonizes people and turns them off.
And Skul is right: this is not the place for this sort of discussions.
Although, no one "owns" threads in the legal sense, still, when a person starts a thread with a certain question - this thread is that person's thread because it was started with a specific purpose/question in mind.
To start filling a thread with information that digresses significantly from the purpose that the person intended for the thread is unhelpful, confusing and not right.
The primary focus of this board is squirrels and that determines how the board is organized: into forums with a specific focus so as to help people find the information/help faster and easier. People start their threads accordingly in each forum.
So, if someone started a thread, it was with a specific narrowed down topic in mind and starting discussions in that thread that digress from the thread's topic is called colloquially "thread-jacking".
So, if you would like to start this discussion, it will be best to start a new thread in Off Topic posts.
02-15-2012, 12:39 PM
Skul, I was not aware of the other thread but happy to hear it. This one has me scraping the crap off my shoes every time I step into it!
Puts me to mind of a friend's daughter... Woman spent many years in college, holds several degrees. Always talks like a well read text book,
has an opinion on everything, got the personality of a dried fish and ain't got a lick of common sense!
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