View Full Version : Do Male squirrels attack babies

02-03-2012, 12:48 PM
I have a male and female that I have raised since the dog brought them home. I have battled with whether or not to let them go but living in the city there are so many dangers. They are precious of course but I am stressed about IF she has babies will my male hurt them.

island rehabber
02-03-2012, 01:04 PM
If they are grey squirrels, it's highly unlikely that a sister and brother will mate in captivity. The female needs to be literally chased for over an hour by several males in order for her body temp to rise to the level required for conception. This really can't happen in a cage, in a home.

02-03-2012, 01:45 PM
If they are grey squirrels, it's highly unlikely that a sister and brother will mate in captivity. The female needs to be literally chased for over an hour by several males in order for her body temp to rise to the level required for conception. This really can't happen in a cage, in a home.
and, normally, they do not breed with their family members

02-03-2012, 03:34 PM
Thanks I hope and pray that will be the result. Can you also give me your advice on the best food. I tried to monkey biscuits since birth and they never eat them. So they get fruit, veggies, and nuts but I want to know what is best.

02-03-2012, 03:58 PM
Thanks I hope and pray that will be the result. Can you also give me your advice on the best food. I tried to monkey biscuits since birth and they never eat them. So they get fruit, veggies, and nuts but I want to know what is best.

Please read our forum on squirrel nutrition. There are alternitives but they do need and require some sort of block daily for their survival. Without the proper nutrition they are at risk for MBD. MBD cripples, MBD kills!

02-03-2012, 04:04 PM
Thanks I hope and pray that will be the result. Can you also give me your advice on the best food. I tried to monkey biscuits since birth and they never eat them. So they get fruit, veggies, and nuts but I want to know what is best.
Great question!
Because nutrition is crucial for their health. Poor nutrition leads to MBD - horrible disease.

Squirrels need squirrel/rodent block (or its equivalent) daily.
Henry's Healthy Block - formulated specifically for squirrels - available at www.henryspets.com you will need 2-3 daily (it says on the package)

People also use commercial rodent block:
Kaytee forti diet for rats and mice (blue bag), Mazuri for rats and mice - available at petstores (Petco, Petsmart)
Harlan Teklad (I think, people use 2018, but not sure) - www.thecraftyrat.com

Commercial rodent block - 3-5 blocks daily on average

To make them eat blocks you will need to practice some tough love if they give you a hard time.

Sometimes, people make BooBalls - use them as a treat, as part of the block and to help squirrels transition to the block.

Nuts should be used only as treats - AFTER the daily blocks and veggies have been eaten, 1-2 per day.


Healthful Diet for Pet squirrels: http://www.thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32218

Dealing with Picky Eaters: http://www.thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31473

Some people like to rotate blocks: one day - HHB, another - Kaytee etc.
Some squirrels end up liking only one kind of block, others - always need variety and get bored quickly. So, you will need to see what your squirrels' preferences are like.
It would be great to start with HHBs first.

02-03-2012, 04:07 PM
require some sort of block daily for their survival. Without the proper nutrition they are at risk for MBD. MBD cripples, MBD kills!

Nancy in New York
02-03-2012, 04:18 PM
I have a male and female that I have raised since the dog brought them home. I have battled with whether or not to let them go but living in the city there are so many dangers. They are precious of course but I am stressed about IF she has babies will my male hurt them.

You do know that they really don't make good pets, right? Perhaps we can find a rehabber that will release them in their yard....Owning a squirrel that wants to be in the wild....does NOT make a great pet, very few people have success with that once they get older...:shakehead

02-03-2012, 06:03 PM
There is another problem that no one has yet addressed. I had 2 non-releasable squirrels , a male and a female; Nancy and Stevie. Nancy had head trauma and Stevie I was told was blind. They were raised together since they were very young. The pair went to live as adults with someone else. Nancy died of what was probably a brain aneurism, Stevie (who wasn't really blind) almost died of grief, he then became super aggressive to other squirrels. A friend of mine also raised 2 squirrels (another unrelated male and female) together since an early age. The female past away (from a birth condition) and the surviving male has become so aggressive to other squirrels and people that he will live caged a very long time. He is very dangerous.
Don't let this happen to your babies that you love. Love them enough to let them go and become free tree dwelling squirrels. Spring when there is new wild food growing, and a ton of leaves to make wonderful dreys is a wonderful time to release and let them be free. Do it for them,:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug