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Arwen's Mom
02-03-2012, 05:52 AM
I love squirrels. My hubby does too and so wants one for a pet. I have recommended to him that it is best we do not have one as a pet, but to be satisfied with watching those outside.
When I was a child, I got friendly with a wild squirrel and he would sit on my lap and eat peanuts. When I showed the pics to my hubby, he of course wants to do that. But to be honest, in the area in which I live I am reluctant to do so. I do put out nuts and seeds for the birds and squirrels, but am reluctant to "habituate" them to us. We have a neighbor or two that really hate squirrels and I am worried that if we get them "friendly" they will be at greater risk from my neighbors. Is that a valid concern?

I am also very thankful for this board, as last year our Pastor's kids found a baby squirrel right after a storm. It was in a puddle and quite wet and cold. They brought it to me to save it, but after I warmed him up (under my shirt) he began to cry and then passed on only minutes later. I assumed he had internal injuries and nothing could be done for him. I had him less than a half hour and was amazed at how adorable he was and shocked at how hard I cried when he died. At the time all I could think was "I know nothing about baby squirrels" so I am thankful for this board and now know I have a place to learn about them, heaven forbid if that should ever happen again.

island rehabber
02-03-2012, 06:11 AM
:Welcome Arwen's Mom! Glad you found us :)

There's nothing like a baby squirrel to draw you forever into the squirrel-loving world. You'll find more info than you ever thought existed about them, on this board. And a lot of nutty people, too :D

I'm moving your thread to Introduce Yourself, so you'll get more responses.
Your hubby needs to understand that squirrels really do not make good pets, about 99.8% of the time. You'll see why by reading through this Board -- especially those threads that sound like "Help! My Squirrel is Suddenly Biting Everyone!" There are bunches of them, I'm afraid.

As for your neighbors, it;s best not to make your squirrels tame, as you said. They won't realize that ALL people are not friendly squirrel lovers, and they will go near these neighbors and give them an excuse to do horrible things to get rid of them. :(

02-03-2012, 12:27 PM
:wave123 Arwen.
Your concern about neighbors is correct.
Best to just put some food out, and enjoy from a short distance.

Arwen's Mom
02-03-2012, 03:28 PM

The neighbor tried to get me to take down the squirrel feeder I have. Said the squirrels would...ready for this? He said they would "EAT HIS TRUCK" Really that is what he said. I was like "what? wouldnt they rather eat the yummy corn I am putting out?"

This past year I have noticed less squirrels around here. I dont know if it is because they cut down a few large trees, or if this person is trapping or poisoning them or something.

SO we continue to put food out for them hoping we will see more this year. I love their antics! I even got a video of a squirrel climbing a tree with a slice of pizza he stole from the neighbors garbage. :rotfl

02-03-2012, 03:58 PM
Hi Arwen's Mom.


Sure can tell you love squirrels. You are in the right place.
