View Full Version : Darly is having difficulties

Pennys dad
02-02-2012, 09:49 PM
Darly came to us on 01-29-12 one of three who were left without their mother who must have died. She is an eastern grey about 6-7 weeks old and the smallest of the litter. Since we got her she has had smelly diarrea, sort of yellowish discharge. At first they all were dehydrated and we put them on pedialyte for the first few feedings which helped. They were then given Fox Valley and are taking between 4-6 cc's every four hours. She is an eager eater and seems normal in every other way. I was told that they were suckling each other and we also have been giving her .05 cc's of Trimeth/Sulpha suspension 240mg/5ml for what we thought might be the cause of the diarrea every 12 hrs. So far she still has problems. Does anyone have any thoughts on her condition and how to help this orphan girl out?
Pennys dad

02-02-2012, 09:52 PM
Neither of the others has loose stool? I'm sure a more experience person will be along soon! Just sending some prayers for the baby! :grouphug

Pennys dad
02-02-2012, 10:04 PM
Thank you for your thoughts, and no the other two are not having any problems. Darly is peeing and what bothers me is she seems to be OK in all other ways, playing, sleeping, climbing the cage, and interaction with her brother and sister.
Pennys dad

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-02-2012, 10:05 PM
Try giving her a little yogurt with her formula, regular, not low fat
plain or vanilla.

Pennys dad
02-02-2012, 10:12 PM
Would Dannon all natural vanilla be OK and how much seeing she is only up to 4 cc's at her feedings. I do mix a little heavy cream with the FV for taste which worked well for our last baby Sammy who is now on week one of wilding up for release (22 wks old ).
Pennys dad

02-02-2012, 10:16 PM
I think maybe skipping the heavy cream until figuring out the potty issue might be good. Add the yogurt and remove the cream.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-02-2012, 10:16 PM
I would take out the cream and replace it with the yogurt for starters.
no more than 1 part yogurt to 4 parts formula.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-02-2012, 10:17 PM
I think maybe skipping the heavy cream until figuring out the potty issue might be good. Add the yogurt and remove the cream.
we think alike

Pennys dad
02-02-2012, 10:23 PM
I should add that she had this problem from the minute I got her and her brother out of the tree they were clinging on to. Her sister was brought to us by my neighbor from the ground under the tree and we went back to see if there were others, which she and Daniel were the only ones there.
Dixie her sister seems to be the alpha of the bunch.
Pennys dad

02-02-2012, 11:05 PM
i sent PMs to several experienced people who might be able to help figure this out.
Please keep checking back here.

Yes, remove the cream.
Hydrate her - diarrhea leads to dehydration and dehydration can be deadly, much more serious than even a light starvation.
Just don't mix hydrating fluid with formula - they always have to be separate.
Hydrate between feedings.

Depending on how severe the diarrhea,
sometimes, it is recommended to stop formula and just hydrate for a few feedings. Once she becomes stable, re-introduce formula, but dilute it more, say, instead of 2/1, do 3/1.
Do not add heavy cream as that can be too much for her little GI.

But I am not an expert, so please keep checking back - someone will be on here soon.

02-02-2012, 11:09 PM
My 2 cents...try reducing the volume of her feeding a little. There is no exact science for that, 5-7% is a general rule but exceptions arise. Overfeeding can cause diarrhea. She is smaller and may not be able to handle as much as her sibs. Are you able to weigh her daily to make sure she is gaining and not losing weight?

Added note...I would follow the other advice as well, not instead of!

02-02-2012, 11:12 PM
Could she have a parasite?

02-02-2012, 11:34 PM
Could she have a parasite?
a good point.

Could you describe her poop? Does it have a really foul smell or a regular poop smell?... Color? Running diarrhea, or just mushy?
Could you take pictures of her poop?

Since you are in FL, you could bring her poop for testing for parasites.
Will that be possible?

Although, most of the time parasites are usually accompanied by other symptoms, like lethargy etc, it is still worth considering (because you never know).

So, if there is a way to bring her poop for fecal test, that would be a good thing.

Mrs Skul
02-03-2012, 01:02 AM
Hi Penny Dad :wave123
You might be dealing with a Parasite. Do you have Albon or SMZTMP ? These are use for Guardia and Coxsida. "I know I butchered these 2 words." :D Dose she Have a Foul smell to her? (Like Rot or Death?) {"Not just a Diarrhea smell."} :D
Lets just leave the formula like it is. Which FV are you using? FV 23/40 or FV 20/50? When adding the cream and yogurt mixing will be.
2TBS Water
1TBS FV Powder
1/2tsp Yogurt
1 TBS Heavy Cream
Be sure to mix the cream in last.
Do you have any Immodium for Children? May be some Diarrhea for Children? Give her some. What is her weight? :dono
What is this? Is it a Antibiotic? :dono I am not familiar with the name. :thinking Trimeth/Sulpha suspension 240mg/5ml
If she had Diarrhea be for you found her. Stress can cause the Immune system to be low. The the 2 Nasties can creep in. Rocki Kids got this. They still played and Ruff housed. They were on Albon for 14 days. :thinking Hope this helps.

Jackie in Tampa
02-03-2012, 01:08 AM
hi Penny'sdad!
let's address the smz-tmp...
if one has a parasite they all will...sooo, if only one is having diarhea, probably not a parasite..
also, with coccidia, they remain active and eating, fyi.
giardia is the issue with stinky poops.

Some sqs digest better than others, almost like premmie babies will.
Like others have said, remove the heavy cream, leave the yogurt, give pedi in between formula feedings if she appears wrinkley/dehydrated..
if she has had too much pedi, it will be counter productive..it's recommended for not more than 24 hours straight.
keep the sqs and the formula warm...pedi too if needed.
yes, could be over feeding...go slow too.

I have freds phone again, so call if you need anything...
good luck

Pennys dad
02-03-2012, 09:09 AM
Thanks to all for the info. I went to bed early do to the feeding schedule and will try to answer all the questions. The poop is light yellow and does smell, as for parasites the others are fine and all share the same living space. I do have SMZTMP, it has been refridgerated but I don't know how long it's good to use. The FV is 20/50 day one I just got rushed to me due to Sammy being a good eater and finishing off all but a dab left. She, as I said seems to be normal in every other way. I do have a Vet that I could take her to but money is tight now and if I can I'd rather not. I'll try the diet changes and if that dosen't work she go to the vet. I don't think that she is dehydrated now from this, I do the check on her every 2-3 hours.
For all the input my wife and I are very grateful to the Board
Pennys dad, Phil

Pennys dad
02-03-2012, 05:49 PM
If all goes well she will visit aunt Jackie tonight. Perhaps we'll get to the "bottom" of this, right now she and the others are sleeping their feeding is coming up
Pennys dad

02-03-2012, 05:51 PM
If all goes well she will visit aunt Jackie tonight. Perhaps we'll get to the "bottom" of this, right now she and the others are sleeping their feeding is coming up
Pennys dad

Jackie in Tampa
02-04-2012, 07:05 AM
they're so cute Phil, about 6 weeks old!
:poke It's about time you start rehabbing, we know your heart is soooooo right!:thumbsup
100% hard core SQUIRREL!
I was so happy to finally meet Kathie too!:Love_Icon
Get wll baby girl:grouphug

Pennys dad
02-04-2012, 02:54 PM
Darly seems to be doing much better. She is playful and her bottom is 100% improved. Her visit to Jackie seemed to be the turning point. The medicine is working. Now God willing and with alot of love and care she and Dixie and Daniel will be on thier way to join all the others in our back yard. My extreme thanks to all who have given advice and Jackie for being so nice helping me with our squirrels. I only hope this is the last time I'll need help with these guys.
Pennys dad...Phil

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-04-2012, 02:57 PM
Thank for caring:thumbsup

Pennys dad
03-07-2012, 10:44 AM
Well last night after their early evening feeding I gave Darly, Daniel and Dixie a treat of fresh cut oak sticks and oak leaf sprouts. Everyone had their own stick and leaf bunch. I turned my back and then all hell broke loose with I think Daniel and Darly in mortal combat. The loser was Darly with a chip out of her ear and scared to death. Also my arm shredded when I broke up the fight. These guys have only been like this when we give them pecans so we made adjustments about that. Is this normal? They all live and sleep together in their large cage and are now about 11-12 weeks old. I'm concerned about the blood letting, theirs and mine. Any ideas? as I said all is fine until food is given. They also are still on FV with veggie plates and avocado slices which also cause a problem so I give them to them individually and there isn't a fight
Pennys dad