View Full Version : squirrel died

02-01-2012, 10:44 AM
my baby bacon died and the whole bottom half of her belly isnt there. Her brother was balled up in a corner. i dont know what happened but i was wondering if you guys would know something?

02-01-2012, 11:08 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Bacon.Can you describe her activities/condition for the last 6 or 7 days? Eating OK ? Sleeping alot? Is this an existing wound? Was it the result of a fight? A photo might assist the knowledgable to help determine the cause, if it is other than a direct injury.
Please post a photo of Bacon when she was Happy.

island rehabber
02-01-2012, 11:17 AM
I'm so sorry -- it sounds as if there was a fight between the two. How old were they, and what type of cage were they living in?

02-01-2012, 11:19 AM
Yes, as Stosh said, please desribe:

1. What her daily diet was like? What, in what amounts, how often was she eating?
2. What kind of squirrel is this: gray, flyer, red, fox?
3. Did she have out of cage time?... if yes, are there house plants in the room? if yes, which ones?.... is there anything else potentially toxic in the room?
4. Photo?
5. Are there other pets?
6. What is her history?... How was she found?. how did she get to you?

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

02-01-2012, 11:41 AM
I have had bacon and tracer since two weeks before they opened their eyes. they are brother and we rescued them from a fallen tree back in September 2011. They have always been together and we have them in an aquarium. which i know probably isnt the best but it was just temporary. The aquarium isnt a small one. its pretty big. And they are flyers so i didnt think it would be a problem. But they have been in it for a while so i know it couldnt be that. But i did clean it out yesterday and i just got them an exercise wheel and a new cuttlebone. i have been waiting on some rodent blocks. so they have been eating fresh veggies. but i have always gave them alot of those. they never really fought. they were always so friendly to each other. always playing. She didnt have an existing wound before. It looks like the skin where her genitals were was ripped off. She was suffering symptoms of mbd so i hurried and put her on a treatment and the past week she has been like a new squirrel. it was like she didnt ever sleep she was always up and wanted to play with me. I played with them every day. I always gave them at least an hour each day. my husband did leave last friday for a 3 month trip. could that be a reason?? I am just very confused. I know that tracer is very traumatized and was shaking in a ball when i found them. He came straight to me and looked very depressed so i gave him some food and let him sit there in the open and he looked so distraught. then i was going to make a little bed for him so i can clean out the cage. i went to grab him and put him in his little bed and he attacked my hand and tried to bite me. i finally put him in there wrapped him in a cloth and he has been in his little bed eating this whole time. everytime i open it he looks up and freezes.

02-01-2012, 11:45 AM
Could another animal have gotten in there?

02-01-2012, 11:58 AM
these are the only pets we have and we have the lid taped down because they have tried getting out.they were fine this morning around 7 and when i came downstairs at 10 she was dead

02-01-2012, 12:01 PM
I know we had talked, did you end up adding any animal protein to their diet? I have heard of this in other animals, but never in flyers. I am wondering if she passed and he went after her after she had passed. I know that sounds awful, but if they were lacking in protein, it wouldn't be out of the question he would do this. The aquarium is not a good place for them, as you know. Look on CL, find him a cage with 1/2" bar spacing. I am very sorry to hear this has happened.

02-01-2012, 12:12 PM
I wouldn't necessary cast the blame on the surviving one, he sounds like he's a bit traumatized himself. Is it not possible the "injury" could have been self inflected?
Even though it might kill them, some animals have been known to chew off their own body parts for one reason or the other. Just like with males suckling themselves, it's not good for them, it really can harm them, but they will still do it. :dono

02-01-2012, 12:25 PM
if they're flyers how much meat are were they eating? worms, chicken etc. flyers need a high meat diet.

a couple of days ago she was dry heaving??? but then she seemed fine?

i'm so incredibly sorry for you:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

ps:stepnstone is correct some animals will self mutilate.... and flyers are very, very prone to this... so much so that they can't be spayed/nutered...etc.... i'm thinking it was self inflicted if she had something 'wrong' in that area.....

by the way if they're not on a high meat diet ..at least 4-5 meal worms per day (mrs skul could advise better) then i'd put her brother on some kind of high protein diet fast.... boiled chicken breast... or meal worms...wax worms etc..................not superworms cause (i think) they've got growth hormones...

my first fear with flyers is never mbd but lack of protein.....

i'm going to pm you the diet that mrs skul recommends for flyers.....

at the very least it will be helpful to her brother :grouphug.

02-01-2012, 02:22 PM
I . But i did clean it out yesterday and i just got them an exercise wheel and a new cuttlebone. i have been waiting on some rodent blocks. so they have been eating fresh veggies. .
My Rama's Tail is so long he cant use a wheel---BUT--your flyers just got a NEW exercise wheel.Not being familiar with it-- Is it possible to get a wheel spinning and then get caught up in it and get cut and/or PINCHED ??
Just speculating >>>

02-01-2012, 03:03 PM
My Rama's Tail is so long he cant use a wheel---BUT--your flyers just got a NEW exercise wheel.Not being familiar with it-- Is it possible to get a wheel spinning and then get caught up in it and get cut and/or PINCHED ??
Just speculating >>>
very probable

02-01-2012, 08:40 PM
thank you so much. I just wished i knew what happened. the squirrels started playing on the wheel last night but they moved so fast that i dont know which one was playing on it or both. it is a metal wheel but i made sure all the sharp parts were filed down before i put it in there. I didnt know they need that much protein in their diet. i gave them some chicken on sunday. but i heard somewhere that it would be a treat and not to give it to them everyday. but its nice to know that they are supposed to have it. I will definetly start giving tracer more. It could have been self mutilation. I kinda dont want to believe that it was tracer that killed her. But i guess he could have gotten more territorial. But i dont know.

02-01-2012, 08:46 PM
aww...I am so sorry!!! RIP lil bacon! I would also think it was the wheel! and yes they need protien EVERYDAY!!! waxworms, chicken...so on

02-01-2012, 08:50 PM
Get rid of the wheel. It may be defective. She might have gotten caught in between the moving wheel and the frame. Did you say these are flyers?

I'm so sorry you lost your baby like this. It must be really awful for you and her brother. Accidents do happen. They happen with human children too.

02-01-2012, 09:01 PM
this is very sad... even harder on her brother, probably...
i don't think he did anything.
He sounds very traumatized himself... poor little fuzzer...
maybe, he saw what happened and that's why he got all frightened and curled up in a ball... poor little guy

Show him extra love... you both need it:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

02-02-2012, 01:02 AM
From your description, I think it likely that the wound you describe is post-mortem (inflicted after Bacon died). There would be a lot of blood everywhere otherwise. The blood-flow is strong in that area. Blood would be on Tracer, on the walls, and on the ceiling if Bacon's heart was still beating at the time.

A carcass is typically consumed head-first where nutrition is highest or anus-first for ease of access to internal organs. It is very possible that Bacon died from complications of MBD, any number of undetected ailments, or birth defects. Tracer followed his instincts first but is now confused about the loss of his companion.

I am very sorry that you have lost Bacon and also that you had to see this disturbing sight. :grouphug It must be very difficult, but please know that it is a natural turn of events and that Tracer didn't mean anything by it. You now have the opportunity to give Tracer your full attention, love, and support. Bacon did not die in vain and the lessons that he taught you can be used to help his brother.

Raising squirrels or any wild animal is not easy and is fraught with peril. They are surprisingly delicate things when they are in our human world. We all are always learning and the animals never run out of things to teach us. :Love_Icon

02-02-2012, 04:34 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss and confusion, dear. :( :grouphug

02-02-2012, 05:07 AM
I do not believe your baby was attacked by her sib. Those metal wheels are killers

I bought one for my deermouse - same wheel I bought for my hamsters when I was a kid...set it up and looked at it and realized that any creature jumping out of the wheel while it was spinning could get scizzored between the wheel and the stand. In Nate's case, she liked the wheel, preferring to climb on top of it so I used zip ties to rig it so it cannot spin and she uses it as a climbing toy.

Silent Spinner wheels are available at most pet shops and are completely open in the front - they is nothing for the animal to have to jump through or past to get in and out.

I am so sorry. I bet she got injured in the wheel and self mutilated trying to help herself...how terrible. Please don't blame her brother...

Mrs Skul
02-02-2012, 05:52 AM
:Love_Icon Sweet Little Angel Bacon :Love_Icon
Tracer&Bacon I am so sorry. :grouphug

Mrs Skul
02-02-2012, 06:06 AM
:grouphug Please I need to TALK To you!
These Questions and Answer might be a little distasteful right now. You might even think about starting a new Thread in LifeThreating For Tracer.
Post His whole History and DIET. {"Protean is a Must Daily! Meal Worms, WaxWorms, And or Freeze Dried Chicken, Cooked Chicken Chicken Poppers and Chicken Chips. You can even give Chicken Bone cut in half."} But I need to know to help Tracer. How is he doing? Is their any cuts or Bites on Him. :dono Did you take any Pictures of how you found the both of them? PLEASE DO NOT POST THEM HERE. :nono Did or Can you get a picture of Her?
I need to Know what There diet is? Is their any way a Rat or Mouse could have gotten in with them? Flyers do not eat on one another EVER!
IF they have been starved very Badly then this might happen. If Bacon had gotten caught in between the wheel.
She would Disembowel her self to get away from it. Take the Wheel out Immanently. Tracer can get hurt badly. :shakehead
I am sending you a PM with my Phone number. :Phone2 I Need to talk to you. Can you send me your Number? :Phone Can you to call me PLEASE.
The Best Wheel For Flyer and Stealth Wheels. They cant get hurt on them.