View Full Version : Question about Grey Squirrel Reuniting

01-26-2012, 09:53 AM
Normally here in Missouri we get baby squirrel right around Valentine's Day. However, this year's weather is beyond bizarre so it is possible that babies will not go as planned. I run a 24 hour Wildlife Hotline for the entire state of Missouri & Southwestern Illinois and we received a call on Jan 14th, a full MONTH early, from a resident that has baby squirrels in his attic. Apparently he bought this home in December last year and there were many squirrels living in the attic. But he did the right things and installed a one way door, closed all the other holes where they could get in, trimmed trees, repaired damage, etc. A week or two later he took down the one way door, satisfied that he was squirrel free. Fast forward to a few weeks later, he has a HVAC heating and cooling guy out to inspect the fireplace 'blower' which he plans on using to heat the house, and the man has to go to the attic to inspect it. Sure enough, once in the attic he noticed a brand new hole that was newly created for a squirrel door. He goes to repair the hole and sees five little pinkie, super tiny baby squirrels in the attic space.

He calls us, and we asked him to please leave them be for now... Well, honestly we asked him to call us back in a month bcz IT'S TOO SOON FOR BABIES! But we were kidding. The resident is okay with giving them a little bit of time, but my worry is that exclusion with reuniting is going to be difficult now that it is REALLY cold outside. He really doesn't want to let them live in the attic past when they can start doing any damage and move around on their own. Any ideas on how to help this guy and not inadvertently harm the squirrels? Normally we would exclude Mom and put babies out for her to come back and get, but these guys are so little and it is so cold that they would die of exposure too quickly. Ugh.... it's not time for babies yet!

01-26-2012, 11:05 AM
Would the homeowner be willing to stick a boom box up there with the music CRANKED for a while? Mama may just move the babies out herself if the surroundings are inhospitable enough..

01-26-2012, 11:10 AM
Here is a bizarre article I read......Dryer sheets will get rid of Squirrels..I know but I read it so it must be true

01-26-2012, 11:13 AM
21.Repel rodents: Use dryer sheets to keep out mice, skunks, squirrels, rats, etc from your basement, garages, boats, campers, and clubhouses

01-26-2012, 11:19 AM
This is awesome and is safe (and quiet)


I help my local animal control when he gets calls.

01-26-2012, 11:22 AM
No, I know I could probably get her to move them. I'm just worried that it is still so early in the year and so cold that they may not have a better place to go. These kids might only make it if they stay in that attic. He has a battery operated strobe light that i can have him move up there. Those usually work really well at keeping Mom up all night, not able to sleep with one eye open, and they're cheap. I just don't know if relocation is such a great idea yet. Born right around 1/14/12, they are still pinkies.

If they'll be okay moving, I'll start the strobe, radio, ammonia in ziploc bags, all the normal move on stuff.