View Full Version : squirrel yelp?
01-18-2012, 07:07 PM
Hi all,
Can anyone tell me what a squirrel yelp means? My 3 girls have done this a few times since i've had them. It sounds like a small dog yelping. They'll make the sound maybe 4-5 times then quit. Usually out of the blue and no one seems do be in distress or have done something that may have hurt them. It's definitely different than the range of other noises and sounds they make regularly and has me quite puzzled. They also infrequently will make a goose honk/ duck quack kind of sound that i wonder about.
01-18-2012, 07:22 PM
If its the sound I'm thinking of, then it means they are scared/warning/pissed off
Imp makes those calls when he is startled by something, and we usually don't see what it is. We used to think he was seeing ghosts or something until we found a mouse!
Is the sound like : et et et et eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
island rehabber
01-18-2012, 07:30 PM
niapet I love the way you wrote that :rotfl
Yep I am thinking it's their alarm call, too. Often they do a little bark, then a whine. Like: "Nuk! wheeeeeeeeeeee.....NUK! wheeeee............":D It means "I hear or see something that really scares me and I want all of you to know that and act accordingly!"
01-18-2012, 10:43 PM
I always know Imp is okay when he does this, so we just comfort him until he settles down, but it still scares me every time and makes me sad my little guy is scared.
01-19-2012, 04:59 AM
Thanks for the input! That sound certainly does ring the alarm bells with me! It really does sound like a small dog yelp but without the whine inbetween the yelps... just 4-5 intermittent yelps. I was thinking the goose honk/ duck quack sound was the alarm bell (at first i was certain they were choking on something and was ready to attempt a squirrelly heimlich maneuver!)
Just as an aside, i think i finally have the "back in the cage/ bedtime" thing under control. I wrote awhile back for advice on how to get them back in the cage at night. I find that we do alot better when my husband is not present. I'm guessing they were viewing his presence as the last big chase game of the evening.
Anyway, these girls are amazing and have become a huge part of my life. I think this is the first year that i'm hoping for a long winter!
01-19-2012, 07:30 AM
Just as an aside, i think i finally have the "back in the cage/ bedtime" thing under control. I wrote awhile back for advice on how to get them back in the cage at night. I find that we do alot better when my husband is not present. I'm guessing they were viewing his presence as the last big chase game of the evening.
When we want Rama Rota in the cage--and don't have the time for "games" we put a small amount of cream cheese, "Just a Schmeeere" on the back of a spoon, show it to him, and put the spoon in his cage. He will immediately go for the spoon and we can slowly and safely close up the "CASTLE GATES"
island rehabber
01-19-2012, 09:03 AM
a small amount of cream cheese, "Just a Schmeeere" on the back of a spoon,
stosh, you're SUCH a Noo Yawka....:D
01-19-2012, 11:50 AM
When we want Rama Rota in the cage--and don't have the time for "games" we put a small amount of cream cheese, "Just a Schmeeere" on the back of a spoon, show it to him, and put the spoon in his cage. He will immediately go for the spoon and we can slowly and safely close up the "CASTLE GATES" is a piece of cake. Try getting 3 in before the first one grabs the shmeeeeeeeeeeeere and runs back out!
Ooooooo, put some cream cheese on some Cherrios.
The kids will think they're bagels.
01-20-2012, 05:01 AM
Yep they bark when they get startled. My little boy is always "seeing" something that freaks him out. And sometimes he just the wheeze does sound like a duck kinda. My girl is 5 1/2 years old and doesnt make any squirrel noises except for sqeaks. I fell in love all over again today with the boy. He was in his nest and came out to see me at bedtime and layed back in my arms and just fell asleep with me rubbing under his chin. So precious. Hes 7 months old now so it was surprising for him to do that. He doesnt like to be held only petted. Im glad your girls are healthy and have someone to love them.
island rehabber
01-20-2012, 08:21 AM
Ooooooo, put some cream cheese on some Cherrios.
The kids will think they're bagels.
:rotfl:rotfl:rotflyum :rotfl
01-20-2012, 07:10 PM
Yep they bark when they get startled. My little boy is always "seeing" something that freaks him out. And sometimes he just the wheeze does sound like a duck kinda. My girl is 5 1/2 years old and doesnt make any squirrel noises except for sqeaks. I fell in love all over again today with the boy. He was in his nest and came out to see me at bedtime and layed back in my arms and just fell asleep with me rubbing under his chin. So precious. Hes 7 months old now so it was surprising for him to do that. He doesnt like to be held only petted. Im glad your girls are healthy and have someone to love them.
Curliesmom... that's sooooo sweet! Mine don't want to be touched at all but are happy enough to climb all over me like a personal jungle gym. I'd love to have the opportunity to care for one that could not be released (though i'd not wish that on any of them!). If all goes as planned then my girls will be released in the spring. Hopefully they will choose to stay close and continue to allow me to provide suport for them. It's gonna be rough to do, but the thought of denying them the life they are meant for is worse. For now, i'm enjoying every day with them.
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