View Full Version : squirrel having seizures

01-18-2012, 01:53 PM
Hi there, I hoped this wasn't going to happen to my squirrel but I guess we all hope that. My squirrel was doing little jitters this morning i was worried but when i looked it up I didn't find anyone acting or saying it was very serious, well now she is having full fledged seizures, my guess is calcium. I crushed up 1 1000mg tums. It was a fruit flavored one, it was the only kind I had on hand and I wanted to act fast.. well at first she absolutely refused to touch it, but after I force fed her a bit she then began to lick it off the spoon on her own. I need to know what I need to be doing to continue her recovery.. I know to continue giving her calcium 100mg per 3-4hrs. But is there anything else i should be doing.. other then possibly getting her a nonfruit flavored tum, lol.

its a flying squirrel, girl, just hit 1 yr old this month..

01-18-2012, 02:04 PM
For now start
Emergency MBD Treatment:

Emergency Treatment for MBD

Get calcium into the squirrel IMMEDIATELY, not later, not tomorrow, NOW.

Delaying treatment can cause death or permanent paralysis.

You will need:

-Tums, rolaids, or calcium supplement (any kind)
-a syringe or spoon

Crush one pill and add a little water or fruit juice to make a paste.
Use the syringe or spoon to force-feed the mixture, a little at a time, until it is all gone.

The first day, give a total of 600-800 mg of calcium, spread throughout the day/night to maintain blood calcium levels.


1. Any kind of calcium pill is okay for the initial dose.
But you must use PLAIN calcium pills (without Vit D) from then on.

2. Try to give many small doses of calcium throughout the day/night to keep blood calcium levels as steady as possible.

3. If seizures or paralysis worsen or return, give another emergency dose, and make sure you check back in to TSB for help as relapses can be very serious.

The acute symptoms (weakness, lethargy, seizures, paralysis) will usually improve within a few hours, but this does not mean the squirrel is cured. It will take many months to rebuild the calcium in the bones. (See the "Long-Term Treatment for MBD" )

More Tips

MBD causes brittle bones that break easily. Try to keep your squirrel confined to a small cage and away from high places, where he might jump and break a bone.

Heat is very soothing for a squirrel with MBD. A heating pad turned to low and placed so they cannot chew the pad or cord, or a rice buddy (a sock filled with dry rice/beans and microwaved for about 20 seconds) will work - squish the sock to distribute rice evenly inside to avoid hot spots.

Long-Term Treatment for MBD

The next step to curing MBD is to fix the diet.

1. Remove ALL seeds, nuts, corn, and treats.

2. Follow the Healthy Diet For Pet Squirrels, which can be found at www.henryspets.com
Your squirrel MUST eat rodent block or squirrel blocks every day.
If your squirrel doesn't like rodent blocks, you can try crushing them up with peanut butter or avocado temporarily.
You can also make a tastier version of squirrel blocks using the recipe at the top of the Squirrel Nutrition forum.

3. In addition to the Healthy Diet, you will need to continue giving extra calcium every day for several weeks.
Either use the syringe/eyedropper or you can try putting the calcium on a small piece of fruit.

Week 1: calcium = 500 mg per day

Week 2: calcium = 250 mg per day

Weeks 3-8: calcium = 100 mg per day

The cause of the acute symptoms—weakness, lethargy, seizures, paralysis—is a drop in blood calcium levels.
If these symptoms return at any time, you will need to give another emergency dose of calcium.

Experts will be on here - so , please keep checking.

In the meantime,

Please answer these questions - that will help the experts to evaluate the situation better:

1. WHat is her history?... how was she found? (any injuries when found etc)

2. What is her daily menu? Please try to be as specific as possible here: what she eats exactly and in what amounts daily and weekly.
2*Does she eat protein?.... does she eat rodent block?... flying squirrels have higher protein requirements that are just as important as rodent block.

3. What her daily activities are like.

:grouphug :grouphug

01-18-2012, 02:36 PM
ok, thanks so much, that is enough to answer my questions and the what I should do from here.

keep her warm.. and follow the calcium extra amounts as you said.

"Week 1: calcium = 500 mg per day

Week 2: calcium = 250 mg per day

Weeks 3-8: calcium = 100 mg per day"

She absolutely hates Henry blocks so I could use a recommendation on how to get her to switch over.. maybe crunch up blocks and conceal it in yummies? lol. Any suggestions there will help. Should I just go with the "Henry's vita-mins" for her and just add that to yogurt or whatever she will take it in? idk if that is good for the long run or not?

also after the first tum she is acting loads better already, I will however continue her on the recover path, d.w. I know that just because she seems better already doesn't mean she is better already. :D

01-18-2012, 02:45 PM
Since this is a flyer, I have to ask what her diet is. Flyers need much more animal protein then other squirrels do and I just want to make sure that her diet covers that. Keep doing the MBD treatment, but if you can, could you post her regular diet?

01-18-2012, 03:02 PM
Guys, this is a flyer - much smaller than a gray squirrel - I think you may want to adjust the calcium amounts downward to compensate for the much smaller body mass... Pretty sure the MBD protocol is written around an average FL gray - maybe a pound pound and a half...??

01-18-2012, 04:30 PM
Guys, this is a flyer - much smaller than a gray squirrel - I think you may want to adjust the calcium amounts downward to compensate for the much smaller body mass... Pretty sure the MBD protocol is written around an average FL gray - maybe a pound pound and a half...??
:goodpost :goodpost I was thinking the same:thinking

01-18-2012, 04:46 PM
I am advised that the quantities need to be 1/2 of what is in our protocol for a flyer. The real key is breaking it into many doses so the blood levels stay relatively steady, especially in the first part of the treatment when they are symptomatic.:thumbsup

01-18-2012, 04:51 PM
HHB's are wonderful for flyers...if you can get her to eat them. We need to know her diet...also do you use FV at all....its good to sprinkle over yogurt! Chicken, waxworms are a must everyday!!! :grouphug :grouphug and prayers for you and your lil girl

01-18-2012, 05:28 PM
Yes, as Crittermom said. More, smaller doses through the day and night is best, slowly going down over weeks the amounts. I would actually suggest dropping by 50 each drop, as well and watch her closely to see how she does with each decrease. It is important we know the rest of her diet, as with flyers, they need lots of animal protein. And also, if you have been feeding her any birdseed, that is very bad, as they use lots of vitamin A in birdseed, which is too much for flyers.

Mrs Skul
01-19-2012, 06:03 AM
:morning Katrina
How is your Little Girl this morning? Please keep her QUIET and in something small with a Heat source. You can keep her in a pouch on you if she stays with no running around! :nono Can you post a picture and What EXACTLY you feed her? When was her Last Seizer? :thinking After each seizer, Rub some Maple Syrup, or Molasses on her gums and or in her mouth. Do you have a 1cc Syringe and Nipple? Get a few syringe from the Pharmacy or Vet. You are going to need them. Do you feed any Squirrel Block or Rodent Block? :thinking Are you feeding any kind of Fresh Vegatables? :dono Flying Squirrels make their own Vitamin D, and need Mushrooms every Day. You need to give at least 3 to 4 Veg, and some green salad. She might not eat in at first. She has to get use to it. Now what about Protean? "They need a large amount every day." Like MealWorms, WaxWorms, Freeze Dried Chicken ,Chicken Chip, Chicken Poppers, Boiled Chicken or Cooked Eggs? You can also feed the Chicken Bone cut in half They love the Bone Marrow. :thumbsup5
("Have you read the Squirrels Nutrition?") Hear is the Link. :thumbsup3
Hear are 3 cites where you can order Squirrel Supply and Blocks.
http://henryspets.com <X> http://foxvalleynutrition.com/main/prod.asp <X> http://www.squirrelsandmore.com/
MBD Is Serious! It is going to take a Very long time to get the Calcium Levels back where they need to be. {("MONTHS")} Be careful not to let her Jump, Fall, Run Around, She can break her Bones. MBD Leaches Calcium from the Bones and they become Brittle. :eek: You will alway have to watch her diet now very close. ("When you get her levels back to normal. It will not take much to throw her back into MBD deficients.")
Did you Find this Flyer when she was a Baby? Did you BUY her from a Pet store? What kind of formula did you feed? You need to Buy some FoxVally 32/40! Try to get her to take some mixed like a formula. You also can mix the FV Powder in with a Full Fay Yogurt 1 TBS Yogurt to 1 tsp of FV Powder. You can feed as a treat off your finger or just add it in a dish with her Vegatables.

01-19-2012, 07:11 AM
ok sorry for not answering til now, I had work, I work overnight.

umm her current diet according to what I should have been feeding her is absolutely awful. :dono She eats a mix of pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, peanuts, pistachio, and raisins. It's a nut n' berry wild bird seed mix. I also give her pine nuts, banana chips, and different types of the dried fruit and yogurt covered fruit. I tried a worm once and she was literally scared of it.. She screamed at it/me and went in her "nest". She acted grumpy with me for a few days, lol. So I didnt try it again. She really refuses the blocks, only time I managed to get her to nibble on one was when I took all the nuts out and only had the blocks in her cage..

I got her in may, at that time she was already eating the bird seed mix. The person i got her from told me that it was what they like to eat. I got her for free, they said they found her at their job. They were a receptionist at a rental cabin place. When they got her she was still a baby, I'm not sure how they cared for her at that time.. I just know they got her in Jan. of last yr. and at that time she was tiny and pink. When I first got her they told me she was a he, I later found out that if she was a boy it would have been very obvious because they have.. rather large private parts. When she was found she had no injuries, they just couldn't let her stay in the rental and would have thrown her out to die in the cold.

Her last seizure was yesterday afternoon about 30mins before I made my first post. I fed her that tums and have been giving her some calcium every few hrs since then, except while I was at work. This morning when I got home from work she was acting way better more energy. She is not running all crazy in the cage like she would if she was in good health but she did pop her head out and come to me for the calcium rather then me digging her out which I think is a good sign. She has no sign of any paralysis, she is walking just fine and her tail is moving normal.

I know her diet needs some major change, I'm willing to suck in advice like a sponge. any more questions about her please ask.

Jackie in Tampa
01-19-2012, 07:19 AM
you are getting great info..
hoping you can turn her around..:grouphug
I have no experience in MBD in a flyer...however I have worked with many greys..and I have many flyers here..
so not totally inexperienced.
I would think that getting 300 mg of additional calcium in her a day would do good..reducing the levels weekly and finding a good balance after intense treatment is followed.
250-300mgs, not all at once...but gradually throught the day...
ammending her diet is also key..
HHbs are my favorite avenue to good health, but you can use a good quaility rat block also, but will need this to be 80% of her diet..so she will need to become an eating machine.
I would guess even a flyer will need to eat roughly 4-5 a day minimum of Kaytee brand or similar.
I believe in tough love and NO JUNK FOOD!!!!!!!
HHBs and variety of veggies daily, including mushrooms and yogurt EVERDAY!
worms one a week at least 4-5 is ideal!
No suppliments in the drinking water.
I also allow blackoil seed or sunflower seeds, just a few a day..
a wee little dry oatmeal and a nut in the shell every few days and a pecan half or almond outta the shell everyday!
You are getting great info from a few really good flyer folks..just wanted to add my two cents..
IF she will continue taking formula...that's the best insurance ever!

PS, For several years , I vacationed in a cabin up on the mountain behind Dolly Wood, called The Crow's Nest (belongs to some friends)..For Thanksgiving!
love Pigeon Forge..

01-19-2012, 07:27 AM
The place she was found is actually right behind Dollywood, you could hear the train and see the smoke a lot of times from the Dollywood train.

01-19-2012, 07:29 AM
Jackie, I think more worms then that. I feed worms every day, I truly believe they need them, unless they are getting another source of animal protein, such as chicken. Not trying to step on toes, so please don't be mad. I feed my flyers approx. 5-10 waxworms a day. Sometimes I also will feed them super worms, usually 1-2 since they are so big instead of the waxies (they won't eat mealies).

01-19-2012, 07:39 AM
Ok, this is the info. that I have gathered so far, let me know if it is correct and add in any more suggestions, also answer the questions please.:D

I need to get her on HHB's, I read the picky eaters guide so I will go with that to get her on them..
worms everyday, yogurt everyday and mushrooms everyday

Do I need to be using the FV formula sprinkled in her food if I am doing HHB's?
Do I need to get the Henry's Vita-mins and put in her food as well? What amounts of mushrooms, yogurt, worms, and HHB's per day? Should I be trying to change her diet now when she is already ill, wait a week for her to recover some or should I wait until she is completely better? :dono

Jackie in Tampa
01-19-2012, 07:43 AM
pappy , you are so right..I only feed supers and always everyday give dried chicken treats..
Milos kitchen or Cadet Brand is what I have available..
Being my flyers are outside, there's bugs available too.

The good thing about flyers is there are many ways to keep them healthy...they are great eaters.
I think when you have a whole slew of sqs they are competitive and eat better than if just one..
so mine are easy...
No waste ever.

I would be fibbing if I said I am flyer expert...
having 70 well mannered self maintaining mini monkeys has been wonderful fun...but I have only raised maybe 20 or so myself.
I can say only one had serious issues on arriving..and he turned around well.
I do have Vitamix from Henry's site and do use it weekly, a sprinkle on the yogurt bowl makes me feel better!
Pappy, as NINY says..it takes a village!:thumbsup

01-19-2012, 09:03 AM
Jackie, I know your guys are outside, so that makes it a bit differrent as I am sure bugs fly in to get snagged.
There is so little known about these cute little guys, we are all still learning and trying to figure it all out! (On a side note, I have added more bugs in the diet of my greys and I have to say, their fur is nicer, they have more muscle, they just look so much better over all. Not that they looked bad, but I do see a difference.) I figure any critter that normally lives outside, animal protein plays a role in their diet to some degree. I am far from an expert, but from watching my wilds and just seeing the difference in my guys I know the bugs and protein is huge for them. Between my flyers, gliders, greys, Neeko and my geckos, I go through ALOT of bugs (I usually order 5000 mealies, 1000 waxworms every 2-3 weeks and I buy supers at Petco, as well. yeah, lots of bugs....good thing I am not squeamish about handling them! :crazy Oh, plus crickets, too! Now those, they give me the heebie jeebies....lol)

Jackie in Tampa
01-19-2012, 09:07 AM
:rotfl what's sceamish??
I started out using a fork...so much trouble..too much!:nono
now I just bare hand it! gross but easier!

and let's get real...
they are just bugs and the kooties come off with soap:) :sanp3
:jump that's alot of bugs Pappy!:jump

01-19-2012, 09:11 AM
I reach right in, grab a handful at a time (well, except the crickets....use 2 ft. bamboo tweezers for those.....yuck! lol Plus, you don't wanna handfeed a gecko, their aim isn't great! lol)

01-19-2012, 11:01 AM
ok. I just went out and bought natural yogurt, mushrooms, meal worms, some snap green beans, and bell peppers. I accidentally forgot the syringe but so far she is eating her calcium right from the spoon. I also ordered her calcium and vitamins from Henry's website I also got blocks.

so now that i have all this stuff, how much of the mushroom, yogurt, meal worms, etc. should I be giving her each day? and when should I force change her diet? now when she is hurt, or after she recovers some?

01-19-2012, 12:53 PM
Just a couple slices of mushroom each day is fine.
If she takes the worms, four or five is fine. Even two is better than none.
We roll ours in RepCal powder before we give them.
A tsp of yogurt would be a good start.
Several small pieces of each of the other foods. About the size of a filbert nut.
I would consider starting her new diet as soon as possible.
Reduce what you have been feeding to about one quarter, and put the other foods in with it.
She's probably going to shun the good stuff for a while.
Flyers are really picky little monsters, so, that's why the variety.
If you have HHB's, smear a little peanut butter on one. She may go after it.

01-21-2012, 07:17 AM
Just wanted to post that it has been a few days since the seizure, she is doing great now, been giving her calcium each day to get her back to health. She keeps acting all hyper as if nothing ever happened now, it has been hard to keep her from moving too much, don't want her to hurt herself.

Also I have now changed her diet, she is not taking too well to the new one yet, but she has got to the point of at least nibbling them, which I suppose is good. Each day I give her some yogurt, which she does eat (with the calcium hiding inside :) ) I put the meal worms, rodent blocks, mushrooms, and a few other pieces of veggies(varies by day). She always eats the yogurt and then kind of nibbles on the others at this point.

I think that so far she is doing great on her trek to recovery and happy health.

Nancy in New York
01-21-2012, 07:31 AM
Just wanted to post that it has been a few days since the seizure, she is doing great now, been giving her calcium each day to get her back to health. She keeps acting all hyper as if nothing ever happened now, it has been hard to keep her from moving too much, don't want her to hurt herself.

Also I have now changed her diet, she is not taking too well to the new one yet, but she has got to the point of at least nibbling them, which I suppose is good. Each day I give her some yogurt, which she does eat (with the calcium hiding inside :) ) I put the meal worms, rodent blocks, mushrooms, and a few other pieces of veggies(varies by day). She always eats the yogurt and then kind of nibbles on the others at this point.

I think that so far she is doing great on her trek to recovery and happy health.

Sounds like an excellent update. Remember this is a life change, and it will be slow. Especially in the beginning it's so important to stay tough with the foods and treats...once they have the treats, they want them all the time...:nono
Good Luck with your little one...:grouphug :grouphug

01-21-2012, 08:28 AM
Try getting waxworms instead, she will more likely like then better (and you can roll em' in calcium powder before feeding). Yes, it will take a bit, but she won't starve herself. If there is only good choices, she will eat them, you just have to use tough love! You actually both have to be retrained, and I know the urge to give her a nut will be very strong. When she has been doig good eating, you can give her one small almond as a treat. But not for some time, let her get established eating good first.