View Full Version : Bruises!!!!!????!!!!!!

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-13-2012, 03:43 PM
Does this look like bruises to anyone.
I have to help Simon empty his bladder and I think I pushed too hard yesterday, wasn't getting any.
I have never seen this before .
This is closest picture I could get with my camera

01-13-2012, 05:56 PM
Let's hope and pray that is all it is. Not to try and scare you but internal bleeding looks like that too to. But from where it is I would venture to say that yes you've bruised him. keep a close eye on his tummy, you want to watch that the bruising doesn't get larger.

Belly kisses for Sweet Simon:grouphug

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-13-2012, 06:27 PM
I did think that also so no you didn't scare me, just really pissed at myself because I haven't done this before, why now??
He is acting fine and nothing seems to be bothering him, but I will keep a close watch.
Thank you Lilidukes

01-13-2012, 08:47 PM
Sometimes when expressing, one part of your hand - like a finger -may press harder than another. It's sometimes good to have a soft but firm barrier between your hand and his body, so the pressure is evenly distributed. Trying to think what you can use for someone that small, though...will give it some thought...

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-13-2012, 09:31 PM
need some squirrel size depends

01-15-2012, 06:38 AM
How is Simons belly looking today???

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2012, 11:57 AM
Thanks for asking Lilidukes
I wanted to wait a day or two to see if they would look different

Looks about the same , what do you think
He still is acting fine, eating, playing, pooping all normal.

01-15-2012, 03:27 PM
To me, the one on the left (of the pic) looks smaller in the recent pic. It does look like bruising, esp. since it it symetrical and where it is located (for expressing). Keep a close eye on him, good to hear he is acting good.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-15-2012, 05:55 PM
I really feel awful

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-26-2012, 09:51 PM
Well bruises look much better.
He did have some acorns this past weekend which makes his pee discolored and stains him.:yuck
But he is a Happy Boy!!!
Thank you all!!

01-27-2012, 08:20 AM
Glad the bruises are better. I am amazed that he is in the water like that. When I tried that once, and only once with Bushy the shower curtain came off and I ended up in the tub.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-27-2012, 08:37 AM
Glad the bruises are better. I am amazed that he is in the water like that. When I tried that once, and only once with Bushy the shower curtain came off and I ended up in the tub.

:rotfl Now that is a video i would like to see.
He has to go everyday, its a utility tub and he cant jump, so he doesn't have much choice.
Still growls at me when he knows he is going in :D

Jackie in Tampa
01-27-2012, 09:27 AM
Good Morning Sweet Simon!

I have heard you are a Giants fan...
and although I do not watch TV...
I know the SuperBowl is coming and the Giants MADE THE CUT!!!

Your momma has ordered you custom cage gear for the occasion,
but my little Rocky wanted you to have something special....
so he is sending you a fur lined NY Giants pouch!
We hope you like it and that your team wins!!!!:alright.gif


01-27-2012, 10:52 AM
:rotfl Now that is a video i would like to see.
He has to go everyday, its a utility tub and he cant jump, so he doesn't have much choice.
Still growls at me when he knows he is going in :D

Perhaps a few beach balls, a little sand and his own umbrella and you could convince him he's just going to the beach.:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Belly looks great!:thumbsup

01-27-2012, 10:58 AM
Glad Simon's bruises are all cleard up, he sure looks like a happy and loved little guy. I love the pic where he is all curled up and comfy.

Jackie..I love your cage gear, is so awesome!!

01-27-2012, 01:52 PM
why cant he pee pee on his own.? I cant read but so much soo I did not get the whole story..lol he is soo cute. sam would bite me a new one if I went to put her in a tub of water..lol I beleive she might anyhow..hehehe

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-27-2012, 03:00 PM
jbtartell... So glad to see you on here, hope you and Sam are healing nicely:flash3
Simon had injuries when we found him :osnap so that his hind legs dont work, although they are better :D , and he can not pee and poop with out stimulation because of lack of muscle control
he gets a bath everyday so he doesnt get urine burn blisters and it helps relax him to poo, also he gets massages .
Gina...:thankyou Thank you,we really love him:grouphug
lilidukes :thankyou ........:wave123 glad to see you, none of us are beach goes,lol even tho we live 1 mile from it:dono
Jackie.:alright.gif .........I dont know what to say:thumbsup :thumbsup you have gone above and beyond what I had hoped for:bowdown , awesome, just awesome cant wait to get dem goodies:D :D

Simon says "WHAT NEW STUFF??"