View Full Version : Pink ears...Blood pressure????

01-10-2012, 09:19 AM
I have a 7-8 month old girl Lena who came to me with a head tilt. She had suffered some unknown to me kind of head trauma as a baby. She is very much like jit's Willie except she has no blindness. When we were in Tampa Willie and Lena actually got along great together both running in circles around each other:D . Lena does climb and jump some, wobbles when she sits up, does have balance issues and you can easily spot when she becomes dizzy. She often will run in a small circle for a long time. Lena is a eating machine and will consume anything put in front of her even rodent block. Sleeps like the dead and is extremely active everyday. She is a beauty slim, silky sleek coat, and big full tail.

What I have noticed recently is occasionally her ears, the arm pits and bottoms of her feet becoming Very bright pink.

With the limited knowledge we have with these head traumas I wanted to share this info and see what others think or might know about this. I am wondering if if could possibly be her blood pressure.:dono

01-10-2012, 12:40 PM
Any thoughts.....anyone:thinking

island rehabber
01-10-2012, 12:44 PM
Not sure, but I have a cat whose nose gets bright red under stressful situations (like the vet visit). I mean RED. The vet said he has seen it in freaked-out cats fairly often...could your girl be stressing out when this happens? :dono

01-10-2012, 01:00 PM
Not sure, but I have a cat whose nose gets bright red under stressful situations (like the vet visit). I mean RED. The vet said he has seen it in freaked-out cats fairly often...could your girl be stressing out when this happens? :dono

Lena is very laid back, just kinda happy go lucky all the time.

Just wish we could get more info with head traumas.

01-10-2012, 01:25 PM
Do you have any pictures of the condition?

01-10-2012, 01:30 PM
In cats high blood pressure will show as bright pink ears, i was told this by a vet tech, a couple of hours later my cat had a stroke.

maybe she does have high blood pressure but because there's no symptoms that she can feel she does not notice it.

unfortunately i can't imagine how to help her if she has high blood pressure and the cause is not stress. Hopefully someone can come on soon with better ideas.:grouphug

01-10-2012, 01:33 PM
Not knowing what is going on during those occasions, I can't venture a guess.
A little more info might help.

01-10-2012, 01:45 PM
I have seen the pink when she first gets up in the am. Sometimes after she has been running around playing. Nothing specific seems to trigger it.

Lena is on the healthy diet. A very good girl when it comes to eating.

Wondering if it is her blood pressure if there is anything I could do to help.

01-10-2012, 01:51 PM
In cats high blood pressure will show as bright pink ears, i was told this by a vet tech, a couple of hours later my cat had a stroke.

maybe she does have high blood pressure but because there's no symptoms that she can feel she does not notice it.

unfortunately i can't imagine how to help her if she has high blood pressure and the cause is not stress. Hopefully someone can come on soon with better ideas.:grouphug

If she has high blood pressure: Do you feed her treats like cooked nuts? If so they have salt on them.. I get imps treats from nuts.com its cheaper and you can get raw unprocessed nuts there.

I would make sure to stop giving any food that might be salted if you do at present.

I am something of an herbalist and I would recommend trying to let the little on chew on some garlic cloves (imp loves to do this and will help me peel garlic) also maybe give them some hawthorn berries. These things can lower blood pressure. Although I know garlic is safe for squirrels I am not 100% sure about the hawthorn. I don't see why it would be bad but if anyone knows a reason to avoid it chime in!

01-10-2012, 01:54 PM
Oh and adding more celery, onions and tomatoes to her diet could REALLY help lower blood pressure. :thumbsup

01-10-2012, 02:45 PM
Oh and adding more celery, onions and tomatoes to her diet could REALLY help lower blood pressure. :thumbsup

Never celery because of the strings. I hesitate on onions and garlic as I do know they are very bad for dogs. Tomatoes she does eat. Fruit is very limited like today my kids all had a piece of mango and a couple of fresh cranberries along with their veggies cucumber, green pepper, romaine, mushrooms, butternut squash, tomato and snap peas.

My kids all eat the healthy diet and NEVER EVER get anything junk or salted. Leigh supported me mentally through having to do the tough love with my Ella the queen of junk food. I would never put an animal or myself through that again.:shakehead I have gotten kids in with MBD and put them straight on the healthy diet with good results so far. Feeding healthy right from the start is so much easier.:bowdown

01-10-2012, 02:51 PM
Never celery because of the strings. I hesitate on onions and garlic as I do know they are very bad for dogs. Tomatoes she does eat. Fruit is very limited like today my kids all had a piece of mango and a couple of fresh cranberries along with their veggies cucumber, green pepper, romaine, mushrooms, butternut squash, tomato and snap peas.

My kids all eat the healthy diet and NEVER EVER get anything junk or salted. Leigh supported me mentally through having to do the tough love with my Ella the queen of junk food. I would never put an animal or myself through that again.:shakehead I have gotten kids in with MBD and put them straight on the healthy diet with good results so far. Feeding healthy right from the start is so much easier.:bowdown

The celery is actually the best for blood pressure. What I would recommend is either buying your celery with the leaves still attached. I prefer to do this anyway because the leaves are the best flavor and go in all my cooking. Then you can feed her the leaves and she can still get the benefits without the strings..

The other option would be to get celery seed and let her munch on those. She might even prefer this option? The only thing is I am not absolutely sure if the seeds have the same photochemicals that help with blood pressure the plant does. They most likely do but I am not sure.

Personally I would recommend giving her the celery leaf. If she is anything like Imp she will love to munch on the herbage.

I wouldn't be concerned about the garlic. Squirrels are about as closely related to dogs and cats as we are. Imp likes garlic cloves and has never had a problem, though he doesnt eat it much or very often.

P.S. The blood pressure lowering benefits of Celery has been shown to be effective in lab animals, i.e rodents.. so you can be sure it will help your little girl.

01-10-2012, 03:14 PM
Do you have her on any kind of heat source or heat near by? Pink/red ears in other rodents is usually due to elevated body temp ( fever/ heat exhaustion/ infection) and are warm to the touch. Just throwing it out there. I'd watch to see if she has any kind of ear/tooth infection.

01-10-2012, 03:45 PM
you could mince the celery ....

we can't give celery to rabbits without chopping them into at least ....1/6 inch pieces otherwise they'll choke.

thanks niapet... good to know about those veges/herbals for helping blood pressure:thumbsup

01-10-2012, 03:52 PM
you could mince the celery ....

we can't give celery to rabbits without chopping them into at least ....1/6 inch pieces otherwise they'll choke.

thanks niapet... good to know about those veges/herbals for helping blood pressure:thumbsup

NP I love herbalism, we use almost exclusively herbal medicine in this house and I make all my extracts and tinctures myself.

I can't over emphasis how powerful celery can be for blood pressure. In humans, as little as a couple stalks a day had significant effects. That's not much at all and the leaves are even more concentrated.

01-10-2012, 04:39 PM
I have seen the pink when she first gets up in the am. Sometimes after she has been running around playing. Nothing specific seems to trigger it.
Lena is on the healthy diet. A very good girl when it comes to eating.

Wondering if it is her blood pressure if there is anything I could do to help.

I have a friend who's cat lost mobility from her waist down due to high blood pressure, was put on blood pressure medication. She regained her mobility and has been doing o.k. so far. Don't know what the medication is, just understand there are medications for it.

01-10-2012, 07:05 PM
stepnstone that's amazing about your friends cat.:thumbsup

NP I love herbalism, we use almost exclusively herbal medicine in this house and I make all my extracts and tinctures myself.

I can't over emphasis how powerful celery can be for blood pressure. In humans, as little as a couple stalks a day had significant effects. That's not much at all and the leaves are even more concentrated.:D :thumbsup

my rabbit loved the leaves lol....:D

i wanted to add that celery is best organic... most greens are ...but i would wash them well ...i always use dr.bronners baby soap undiluted on celery, along with a pastry brush (it's easier to get in the grooves :D)

01-10-2012, 07:41 PM
stepnstone that's amazing about your friends cat.:thumbsup

:D :thumbsup

my rabbit loved the leaves lol....:D

i wanted to add that celery is best organic... most greens are ...but i would wash them well ...i always use dr.bronners baby soap undiluted on celery, along with a pastry brush (it's easier to get in the grooves :D)

This is a good point! Pesticides can be even more detrimental to our little furry friend do to their vastly smaller body mass. I would always buy organic for squirrels even if they are too expensive for ourselves.

01-10-2012, 08:56 PM
Do you have her on any kind of heat source or heat near by? Pink/red ears in other rodents is usually due to elevated body temp ( fever/ heat exhaustion/ infection) and are warm to the touch. Just throwing it out there. I'd watch to see if she has any kind of ear/tooth infection.

Lena is inside, has a cage mate T-Rex she sleeps with (he has nerve damage to his front legs). Teeth are all good, urine is fine, ears are clean, a lot of food goes in and perfect poopies come out.. Her activity level is always high. She isn't doing or acting any different. Dizzy spells don't seem any different. The bright pink has started just in the past 3 weeks. And it comes and goes.

Always concerned about any changes with my kids. Lena is such a special free spirit and brings a smile to all. She loves to help me clean house by riding on the broom as I sweep, everyone else runs, Lena jumps on.:rotfl