View Full Version : A little Weird but here goes...

01-07-2012, 01:07 AM
Baby Stella and baby Emma are doing well. Stella is growing like stink weed! Emma is giving me fits. She is much more aggressive than Stella, and I noticed an issue just a moment ago. I read in previous threads about babies learning to suckle on each other, and separation fixes it - but my. Ase is a little more strange here... Baby Emma has had an upset stomach for about a week. I am trying yogurt tonight to help fix. I have noticed her "grooming" herself there, just thought that she was spending extra time ecause of her upset stomach and more mess to clean - but tonight , when I went to get her out of her pouch, I was pulling her out upside down and I saw it - she is swollen and leaky. I think she has learned to suck herself... (why am I the one with the weird squirrel?). What do u suggest? Please tell me u have seen this before and know a fix!

01-07-2012, 01:15 AM
Lirpa, check your private messages - I just sent you one

01-07-2012, 01:15 AM
Can you post a photo of Emma's underbelly? I'm wondering if Emma's actually a boy. It's common for boys to suck on themselves and their litter mates when they lose their mom. Sometimes feeding them more often curbs this behavior. But you'll hear from someone else that knows more about this in case it could be something else.

01-07-2012, 01:17 AM
Can you post a photo of Emma's underbelly? I'm wondering if Emma's actually a boy. It's common for boys to suck on themselves and their litter mates when they lose their mom. Sometimes feeding them more often curbs this behavior. But you'll hear from someone else that knows more about this in case it could be something else.
good point, Miriam!

01-07-2012, 01:28 AM
Someone with more experience needs to help you check for a urinary tract infection. Suckling is common, but I never knew of a girl doing it to herself. They do have pretty big clitorises, so maybe... If it is a UTI, then she will need treatment, though. It can get dangerous if left too long.

01-07-2012, 01:55 AM
I am almost positive it is a girl... Like I said, she is pretty aggressive. But I will Go try to get pics. Wish me luck that I come back w all my fingers if I have To try to flip her upside down ;)

Be right back...

01-07-2012, 02:06 AM
As soon as I get to her cage, she is back at it -

Here she is not doing it: (rare site and pic worthy)

01-07-2012, 02:09 AM



01-07-2012, 02:11 AM
Close up...


It's pretty bad - help?

01-07-2012, 02:14 AM
That is definitely not normal - There is something that is bothering her - Looks like she will need some medical attention
Hopefully someone will be on here soon to help
Poor little thing - I bet it is painful

01-07-2012, 02:19 AM
And it has an awful odor... Yeah, it does look painful. I am just hoping and praying y'all can help us :confused: :confused:

01-07-2012, 02:23 AM
It looks infected :eek: If it is warm to the touch at all, it definitely is. I am no expert, but I think you need to get her on ABs... like yesterday. Can you get her to a vet? Lots of members are in contact with good vets in the US. Please send Island Rehabber a quick PM to bring this thread to her attention. If no one else comes on before morning, she will be able to put you in touch with medical resources and rehabbers in your area.

I think this needs to be stepped up to emergency, too. Maybe make a post in life threatening emergency help and link to this thread as more people check that section.

Good luck! :grouphug

01-07-2012, 02:25 AM
This is the emergency section:

Please make a post there... UTIs can be fatal without immediate ABs. It happened once on this board that a UTI was mistaken for normal suckling and the baby died :(

01-07-2012, 02:29 AM
also, what state are you in?... just in case we need to try and find a vet.
Are you in a legal state?... do you have a vet?

I sent a couple of PMs to some flyer people.
Most likely, they will be able to respond tomorrow morning

01-07-2012, 02:30 AM
Is there anyway u can link this thread on emergency. I am on my phone and it kicks me off the site often, and honestly, I don't know how To link threads to tell u the truth. I appreciate all of Ur help. And btw, I am in a state where it is illegal to own a FS, but not illegal to kill em... (???)

01-07-2012, 02:33 AM
I can wait until morning. Heck, it already is morning here in the south! Ugh! I am worried about her. I can try to take her to a vet tomorrow that takes wild animals, just doubt they will release her back to me. I am Pretty sure that I know what their "quick fix" will be...

01-07-2012, 02:36 AM
I can wait until morning. Heck, it already is morning here in the south! Ugh! I am worried about her. I can try to take her to a vet tomorrow that takes wild animals, just doubt they will release her back to me. I am Pretty sure that I know what their "quick fix" will be...
don't take her to just any vet yet, because there is a possibility that if they think she's got too much problems and too much to deal with, they might end up euthanizing her.

DO NOT TAKE HER TO THE VET YET, if you don't have a safe vet.

Please post your state - maybe, just maybe we might have someone in your state with a safe vet.

Do contact Mrs Skul as soon as you can - she is wonderful and very experienced.

01-07-2012, 02:38 AM
don't go anywhere yet, Mrs Skul might be on here (just heard from her)

01-07-2012, 02:43 AM
Okay, I can't take her right now anyway, I have sleeping kids. (human kids). ;)

I am in central Mississippi

Mrs Skul
01-07-2012, 03:29 AM
:wave123 Hi Lirpa
She is a sick little girl! You can see it in her eyes.
She has some kind of infection. By the looks of the Dark Yellow Puss on her tummy. :eek: Is she eating ok? NOW Can you tell me a little about her?:thinking
How old is she? What Kind of Formula are you feeding her? What is he Diet consisting of? Did you find her or Buy her? What is her weight?
Do you have a Water Source in the cage with her? I do not think she is sucking, But she is cleaning and over grooming because she is hurting. :shakehead
This is what is giving her the Tummy problems.
Do you have CranBerry, or CranGrap Juice. (OceanSpray) Do you have any cranberries, And have you feed her any?

Do you have any Antibiotic? Baytrill Is What you are going to need.
Can you get another Picture? This time hold the camera back a little. It might be a little clearer.
I am Usually up all night and morning till 10 or 11 am.:D

Mrs Skul
01-07-2012, 03:35 AM
Administration Can you please MOVE this thread to EMERGENCY!!!:nurse
:thankyou Thank you so much. :thankyou

Mrs Skul
01-07-2012, 04:30 AM
:morning Lirp I hope you call me in the morning. This is a Critical situation hear.:shakehead
She really needs a Vet who will see A Southern Flying Squirrel. BAYTRIL is Needed and Possible a culture. She can DIE from this infection. :eek:
The only time a Flyer will turn to sucking, is when they Have lost Mom and are Hungary.
Flyers are not like Gray Squirrels who have a tendency to suck allot.:nono

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 05:41 AM
I need a town..I have several possibilities...
I also will get baytril to her today, but I need a town name...
lirpa...please send me your info in a PM if you are worried..
I would not worry so much about legalities...but a vet would be great about now....we are going to help your little girl.

Someone PM me if you have LIrpas location...

01-07-2012, 08:37 AM
Thank u all. Sorry I fell asleep last night. I will pm u Jackie and will call u ms skul. I am thinking I will go on and take her to get today. I I don't get her back, so be it - so long as they fix her.

01-07-2012, 08:41 AM
She needs baytril. She is in pain, that is why she is going after herself, and if this is not cleared up fast, she could begin sm'ing. Is anyone near her that can help with meds? I know she is aggressive, but if you can take a warm wet facecloth and try to clean her gently down there and her belly. The water should soothe her a bit. (Or if you can use gloves and get a good grip, even soaking her lower half in warm water for a bit might help with the ouchies, but you have to dry her off completely after.) You also need to extra frequently be changing out her bedding as it will be wet and harbor more bacteria.

01-07-2012, 09:11 AM
Thank u all. Sorry I fell asleep last night. I will pm u Jackie and will call u ms skul. I am thinking I will go on and take her to get today. I I don't get her back, so be it - so long as they fix her.

Since you are not in a legal state, I would suggest that you DON'T do this. Wait until you have a safe, local person to help or receive the meds that Jackie is mailing so that you can do it yourself. I just don't trust most "animal care professionals". I am sorry. Think how you will feel if she is put down and the meds arrive the next morning, too :( I wonder if amoxycillin is an option here? It's a good, general AB, and you can get it at speciality aquarium stores where they sell it to treat fish.

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 09:18 AM
Since you are not in a legal state, I would suggest that you DON'T do this. Wait until you have a safe, local person to help or receive the meds that Jackie is mailing so that you can do it yourself. I just don't trust most "animal care professionals". I am sorry. Think how you will feel if she is put down and the meds arrive the next morning, too :( I wonder if amoxycillin is an option here? It's a good, general AB, and you can get it at speciality aquarium stores where they sell it to treat fish.kristal, i think you are thinking of tetracycline for fish. most bacteria are resistant to tetra. not worth the trouble imo.
i have a location and am working on help.
do not surrender her yet pplease..
can you give me a update on what she is doing?
is she lethagic?
will she drink fv or water, keep her hydrated please...
it's a must for taking meds...

01-07-2012, 09:27 AM
Well, there is that "fish mox" which is amoxicyllin, as far as I know...

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 09:34 AM
Well, there is that "fish mox" which is amoxicyllin, as far as I know...OK cool...
I have spoke with someone and am waiting for call back...fingers crossed.
Lirpa has been contacted and I am waiting to hear if she can drive to this person if they agree to see her flyer...
so I am waiting all around...
brb when I have help located.

01-07-2012, 09:35 AM
Here is something, maybe. I buy computer components from this company, and they are reputable and reliable.


They also offer affordable shipping with next day delivery options. This could be a good option, no? I have heard that the Baytril has a yucky taste which might make it hard to administer to a difficult squirrel. It sounds like it could be a two person job if the squirrel really won't cooperate. But this stuff is powder, so you could conceal it in a treat. That's how I give meds, whenever possible - by mashing them into a treat.

01-07-2012, 09:38 AM
JIT you are awesome! :grouphug Lirpa & Baby:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 09:54 AM
:dono I left a phone message for lirpa...

01-07-2012, 10:41 AM
Aww...poor baby this stinks! Did we ever find out her diet??? Or if she is still on formula??? She looks quit young! :dono

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 10:41 AM
oh dear..
I have spoken with Lirpa, she has two birthday parties today...
I also talked with my sq friend in Jackson, no go...
she cannot help with this...
although she did mention the animal hospital lirpa knows of...
It doesn't sound ideal...we do not know anything for sure about the place and the risks.
Going to try another idea...
Lirpa says the flyer has eaten 3 ccs today and is very active...:thumbsup
be back when I have made contact with another option

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 11:01 AM
i found baytril in mandeville la ...6 hours round trip..:shakehead
still looking...

01-07-2012, 11:03 AM
this is critical
is there a way to work around those birthday parties?
at least to get the meds or something
even there is no vet, if she gets the meds she could administer them herself

01-07-2012, 11:07 AM
any friends/acquaintances with pets possible meds?

what would be a human equivalent of baytril?... maybe, she could look for a human equivalent?

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 11:08 AM
Pamela lee is 4 hours away in alabama...:shakehead
geocat52 ...I have pmed her...waiting to hear from her

also alittlenutty is 3 hours away

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 11:15 AM
any friends/acquaintances with pets possible meds?

what would be a human equivalent of baytril?... maybe, she could look for a human equivalent?
CIPROfloxacin is baytril
Keflex is also ggod for UTI..(cephalexin}
or amoxicillan...
wonder if her children have been sick lately..I can dose anything with a strength and a weight...
are wqe sure flyers are illegal in Miss?
Banfield may have a vet that will see flyer{petsmart vet}
they usually are not so wrapped up with ;laws...more pet aquainted.

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 11:19 AM
my friend in mandevilla la said if she is willing to drive..she will either give a baytril tablet or is willing to take flyer, has release site in covington and is overwintering 17 flyers currently...
I am running outta options...
wish I had a plane:D
If anyone has a relative near Jackson...please let me know...
I cannot overnight meds as it's saturday...

Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2012, 11:28 AM
just got txt from lirpa, she cannot answer phone right now...
I can read text but very slow to reply and sometimes cannot remember how to...

01-07-2012, 07:34 PM
Update: Emma seems to be doing okay ATM - she just ate 5 more cc's of FV. I have read thru the post and want to thank u all for all Of Ur support. Tis is a scary thing when u have sick babies and don't know what to do. I haven't had much luck on meds. I asked around at the birthday parties today, got one more Mom to call. She has several kids and is bound to have dad gum something!!! While digging in my med cabinet today, I found my anxiety meds and taken double dose, but still a nervous wreck. I cleaned out their cage a moment ago and laid all new bedding. While cleaning, Emma was running around and climbing the walls. She acts like she feels fine. Eats well and still plays. Running and climbing, nd taking breaks to lick herself. I think we will make it to Monday for vet help or better chance on meds when I get to the office. I don't know, I feel helpless right now to her. I will keep u posted.

Btw, I have asked a bet friend for the baytril, I am waiting on a reply from him. He was hunting all day, and We expect to hear from him soon.

01-07-2012, 09:31 PM
I would use a cotton ball and a little warm water to clean her off a bit if you havnt alreadythe urine itself is probably irritating her even more. Maybe give her a little bit of diluted cranberry juice between feedings...

01-08-2012, 12:00 AM
I know that I mentioned this before, but I think you should order some amoxicyllin such as this product:


Those are actually packaged as if they are intended for human use (*shh*, don't tell) They are in 500 mg capsules, though, so it seems kind of obvious :innocent.

At least it will be a backup for you if you have any problems with the baytril. I have never used baytril, but Mitch said that it comes as a bitter tasting liquid that you have to use all at once. It sounds easy to mess up if you have a difficult squee and no one to help. But I am sure it is the better option since that's what a vet would probably give :dono .

I also know that company, at least enough to recommend them. I got the RAM and graphics card in my current computer from them, and they have a good reputation as a retailer. I am confident that you can trust them to deliver what you pay for and do it fast.

So yea, this is at least a backup plan that will work for you. If I were you, I would get it. It's better to have as many options as possible for now.

01-08-2012, 11:01 AM
Thank u Krystal for that! That for does look good! I have bookmarked Ur link. As of right now, I think I may have struck gold, well silver since baytril is gold... But I think I struck some antibiotic with A mom I know. If not, she has some dog antibiotics. It is a good drive away, but I am not wanting to go another night. Emma is doing Okay. Just ate more FV and still active.

Jackie in Tampa
01-08-2012, 11:43 AM
please keep us in the loop..
I apologize for hitting dead ends everywhere...:soapbox
I am really upset with a sq owned friend that I thought would help any sq in need......DISSAPOINTED:shakehead

If you do find ABs...know that I can help with dosing.
I have already given you the safe for sqs list of ABs used to treat UTIs..
so hoping you find something!:grouphug

I will send meds tomorrow if you do not!:Love_Icon
Please keep us in the loop...we care!
I know mrs skul worked hard too!:bowdown
I enjoyed talking with you...please stick around!
We need more fun people!!:crazy

01-08-2012, 11:51 AM
Hi, I have two that do this..lol I put some vasaline on them and it stops it..lol but you have to be persistant with them. it is safe and wont hurt them.. try it it works..:crazy

01-08-2012, 11:56 AM
If you have a Tractor Supply call and see if they have amoxicillin. I know they have penicillin.

Jackie in Tampa
01-08-2012, 03:18 PM
Lirpa...have you found meds yet...?
I may have a hit on some help!

Jackie in Tampa
01-08-2012, 03:31 PM
I have called and left a message...hope we have good news!
Has anyone talked to lirpa today or last night?

01-08-2012, 06:06 PM
My turn.
Baytril is by far the prefered AB.
Amoxy is not.
Strongly suggest you do what ever needed to get some Baytril, and skip the Amoxy.
It is not intended to treat squirrels.

01-08-2012, 11:37 PM
Guys, I am here. I got some antibiotics today :). I made a road trip today to a friends house that had some. I haven't had any luck getting baytril but got A human antibiotic while I could. Left Jackie a voicemail so maybe she can help me on dosage and we will try that!

Meanwhile, baby Emma seems to be doing surprisingly Well. She is still eating well and being quite active. I have a good feeling here that this antibiotic will knock it out. It is just a blessing that I have had yalls thoughts and prayers and that she has made it thru the weekend with no Vet. I am definately keeping y'all posted, it has been a hellacious weekend!!! Thank u ms skul and Jackie for talking with me personally thru this, and for everyone on u That has offered thoughts and suggestions thru TSB. I will keep all updated and posted when I touch back base w jackie for dosage! ;) ::::hugs::::

01-08-2012, 11:50 PM
Guys, I am here. I got some antibiotics today :). I made a road trip today to a friends house that had some. I haven't had any luck getting baytril but got A human antibiotic while I could. Left Jackie a voicemail so maybe she can help me on dosage and we will try that!

Meanwhile, baby Emma seems to be doing surprisingly Well. She is still eating well and being quite active. I have a good feeling here that this antibiotic will knock it out. It is just a blessing that I have had yalls thoughts and prayers and that she has made it thru the weekend with no Vet. I am definately keeping y'all posted, it has been a hellacious weekend!!! Thank u ms skul and Jackie for talking with me personally thru this, and for everyone on u That has offered thoughts and suggestions thru TSB. I will keep all updated and posted when I touch back base w jackie for dosage! ;) ::::hugs::::
Is there any way you can get her in to see a vet? Its so hard to diagnose from a picture.
Hate to be the squeeky wheel....but if this isn't a UTI.....the ABs aren't going to do much but rob her of good gut flora. If its a yeast infection ( constant licking and red irritation are common in yeast infections)...the ABs could make it worse. The area in which she has the irritation is also very common for yeast infections.

01-09-2012, 05:11 PM
Update while driving, just left vet and......


Jackie in Tampa
01-09-2012, 05:44 PM
:thumbsup :bowdown :Love_Icon
Update while driving, just left vet and......


Mrs Skul
01-09-2012, 11:20 PM
:wahoo :alright.gif :wott
Way to go Lirpa:thumbsup3
Did the Vet see Emma? If so what did he think it was?
Jacki I wish we could have done more. Even The People I helped in the past had no AB! :shakehead
Keeping Baby Emma in my prayers.
Thank you Lipra for caring and running around looking. :grouphug
Thanks Jacki & Astra for helping me out. :thumbsup5
:thankyou TSB Members :alright.gif

Mrs Skul
01-09-2012, 11:58 PM
Hi, I have two that do this..lol I put some Vaseline on them and it stops it..lol but you have to be persistent with them. it is safe and wont hurt them.. try it it works..:crazy
:sanp3 :threadjack :osnap
Jbtartell Are you talking about your 3</>9 week old Flyers Babies? :thinking
If they are sucking on them self still or each other something is Wrong! Do you have my P Number? Send me a PM with your Number.
I will call you and we can talk. Baby Emma Is NOT Sucking on her self. :nono She is just Cleaning and over Pruning.
Which made for a very sore Inflamed Tinkel, and what started it, a UTI. Young Squirrels usually stop sucking because they are finally getting Enough Food/Nourishment. ("Usually the Babies have been with out mom and are starving. That is when they start looking for anything they can suck.")
ThreadJacking From Mrs Skul will no longer exists! :D :hidechair

01-10-2012, 12:02 AM
Thank u all!!!!!

Yes the vet saw Emma! I made a road trip yesterday for some antibiotic and when I got home, I didn't have baby Emma's exact weight. I knew I could use the scales at work, but I also knew this was going on too long for baby Emma. Poor thing was miserable!!! I called a friend of a friend who knows a vet friend and told him my situation. He agreed that I should bring her in and say she is a "sugar glider". Did it, got her back in rooms and took Stella with me. I needed to have Stella so that the vet could see that I really was capable and had a very Healthy and happy flier to prove. I will say that he did compliment my babies, he said that they both look good and gave me compliments on a job well done. Stated that He knows how hard it is to keep baby gliders healthy and I told him that I had an online support group. By his smile, I think he may have known what I was talking about! ((((hugs))))

Well he looked at her and said that she has urine scalding. Said that it is a bacterial infection in her urine and the leakage and fur holding it in has scalded and irritated her poonanny. It was only getting worse because it was steadily seeping. She was holding her urine and only releasing in increments probably because of pain, so it was staying wet. He gave her a strong shot of anti-inflammatory Steroid (like decadron) and put her on 5 days of baytril. He picked her up and handled her like a pro! I was very pleased w him! He only got bit one time!

Now 9 hours later, $170.00 less, and one seriously pissed off Emma, (Lol) we are doing much better. Her poonanny is looking better already! She is not rubbing her bottom on the bottom of the cage like a dog on concrete anymore, and I think she is actually contemplating forgiving me for making her get a shot and letting that mean ole man squeeze her bobo's.

I start baytril in the morning, and he also gave me an Ointment to put on her three times a day. I think this post can be moved from life threatening now. All we are dealing with are runny poops. But we r keeping her hydrated And she is getting extra TLC. Thank u all again for Ur help and support!!!! I will post updated pics of her soon!

Mrs Skul
01-10-2012, 12:19 AM
:bowdown What a Angel The Vet Is! :bowdown
:Love_Icon I am glad Emma is doing better. I am sure your nerves are shot by now.:D BUT You are doing a Wonderful Job April. :grouphug
Now when did the runny pooh start, and are you feeding Yogurt every day? :thinking

01-10-2012, 01:03 AM
She has had runny poop for a week now. He said that should clear up with rest of the ailments. It has been a snot consistency and color of yellow infection. Tonight it was the consistency of squeezed mustard and was a pale green. Looks like they are beginning to harden more, hopefully the color will go normal with her getting better. Her whole insides just got jacked up It seems.

U are right, I took her off of yogurt last week. I wasn't sure what was making her sick so I killed it, and fed her strictly fox valley. I need to start her back on it, will start her back tomorrow with the baytril. Y'all have to keep me in line here, I am definately worn out, scatter brained and stressed! I have to be at work early in the morning so will give her medicines before work and get her yogurt for her lunchtime feeding. Question, do y'all mix the baytril with the fox valley, or give it to her strait befor formula????????

Jackie in Tampa
01-10-2012, 08:23 AM
yogurt yogurt yogurt...
the ABs will destroy the good bacterias as well as the bad bacterias...ABs know no difference...they just kill bacterias...
so the need to replenish the GOOD gut flora can be done with a solid probotic...some peeps use acidiopholis, some use ben bac, while myself and others use yogurt!
It will help with runny poops also...
try letting her lap it, or if she'll take formula, add it to that!
Whatever you decide and she will do...is right!!!
I am happy the vet saw her...and sorry she bite him!! he'll survive!!!:D
:bowdown good job!!!
:poke I told ya huh!:tilt

01-10-2012, 08:57 AM
Good news!! Im so glad she was able to be seen by a vet and the proper meds were given!!! Good job Squama!

Mrs Skul
01-11-2012, 03:30 AM
:wave123 Hi April
You need to give the Batril BY ITS SELF. :thumbsup3
Then feed the Formula. If you add the AB to the formula she might not drink it all.
Also she might start thinking that NASTY TASTING FORMULA! YUK YUK YUK! and stop taking formula. :eek:
I think Jacki was talking about adding the Yogurt to the Formula. :thinking Not Adding the AB to Formula.:nono
I am glad Emma is feeling much better. Your doing a Wonderful job. Keep us posted. :thumbsup5

01-11-2012, 06:16 AM
Thank u all!!!!!
Well he looked at her and said that she has urine scalding. Said that it is a bacterial infection in her urine and the leakage and fur holding it in has scalded and irritated her poonanny. It was only getting worse because it was steadily seeping. She was holding her urine and only releasing in increments probably because of pain, so it was staying wet. He gave her a strong shot of anti-inflammatory Steroid (like decadron) and put her on 5 days of baytril. He picked her up and handled her like a pro! I was very pleased w him! He only got bit one time!


I start baytril in the morning, and he also gave me an Ointment to put on her three times a day. I think this post can be moved from life threatening now. All we are dealing with are runny poops. But we r keeping her hydrated And she is getting extra TLC. Thank u all again for Ur help and support!!!! I will post updated pics of her soon!

Wow, good news is so very welcome today :) On a personal note, I am so glad that this thread was pressed into emergency for immediate help. I was one of the super-dumb people that did not pick up on the fact that one poor baby had a UTI some time ago... with fatal consequences. I felt beyond terrible and so ashamed about that one. It made me not want to come around for quite a while, even. But at least it was not completely in vain because now more of us know what could be a bad sign and know what might take a turn for the worst and do so much too fast. Here's to Baby Emma :beerchug May she have a long, healthy and joyful life. :)

Mrs Skul
01-11-2012, 08:57 PM
:wave123 Lirpa
How is Emma doing to day? :dono Can we get a few Picture? I would love to watch her progress.
Good Job Mom. :highfive Keep us posted. Christal

01-11-2012, 09:45 PM
:D Hidey High! Emma is doing okay! I have her on the yogurt and she seems to be doing better still. Im gonna be honest here, I think that dad blasted steriod shot has made her 9 foot tall and bullet proof!! She is a biting little joker!!! like, a lot. she seems to be feeling good - foot loose and fancy free if i do say so myself. Poop is looking a lot better and she is runnign around all over her cage, but when it comes to feeding time, i better stick that nipple in her mouth before i even ATTEMPT to grab her to pull her out of the cage. And when she is finished eating, uh uh.... dont go grabbin her to put her back in it without protection. WTF?!?! she was never this bad. "Patience my dear"... thats all i keep tellin myself. i know patience will cure this - but dad gum it! lol

i am working late tonight (gotta love retail) - so will take pictures when i get home this afternoon! May turn my phone around and show her on the screen that she aint no blasted sasquatch!

thanks for checkin in!!! ((((hugs))))

01-11-2012, 09:47 PM
Wow, good news is so very welcome today :) On a personal note, I am so glad that this thread was pressed into emergency for immediate help. I was one of the super-dumb people that did not pick up on the fact that one poor baby had a UTI some time ago... with fatal consequences. I felt beyond terrible and so ashamed about that one. It made me not want to come around for quite a while, even. But at least it was not completely in vain because now more of us know what could be a bad sign and know what might take a turn for the worst and do so much too fast. Here's to Baby Emma :beerchug May she have a long, healthy and joyful life. :)

((((hugs))))) i am sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for all of your help! I am glad that you did stick around after the fact - been great meetin ya!

01-12-2012, 04:06 AM
:D Hidey High! Emma is doing okay! I have her on the yogurt and she seems to be doing better still. Im gonna be honest here, I think that dad blasted steriod shot has made her 9 foot tall and bullet proof!! She is a biting little joker!!! like, a lot. she seems to be feeling good - foot loose and fancy free if i do say so myself. Poop is looking a lot better and she is runnign around all over her cage, but when it comes to feeding time, i better stick that nipple in her mouth before i even ATTEMPT to grab her to pull her out of the cage. And when she is finished eating, uh uh.... dont go grabbin her to put her back in it without protection. WTF?!?! she was never this bad. "Patience my dear"... thats all i keep tellin myself. i know patience will cure this - but dad gum it! lol

i am working late tonight (gotta love retail) - so will take pictures when i get home this afternoon! May turn my phone around and show her on the screen that she aint no blasted sasquatch!


Mrs Skul
01-12-2012, 04:07 AM
:morning Lipra
The Steroids will make her a little more aggressive. :D That is WHY we call Darla a Box Shark! (When she had her Babies.)
You need to let her run all the Energy out be for putting her up. You might try Putting something she really really likes into the cage.
That way she has to go inside to eat it. :thumbsup3
Then close the door. She will get use to it. Hang Tuff! :D

01-12-2012, 04:31 AM
Heh, "box shark" is pretty funny, too :p

01-12-2012, 06:15 AM
:morning Lipra
The Steroids will make her a little more aggressive. :D That is WHY we call Darla a Box Shark! (When she had her Babies.)
You need to let her run all the Energy out be for putting her up. You might try Putting something she really really likes into the cage.
That way she has to go inside to eat it. :thumbsup3
Then close the door. She will get use to it. Hang Tuff! :D

So basically, a flyer with 'roid rage? Hey, what could go wrong?:eek: :rotfl

01-14-2012, 08:52 AM
EMMA Up-Date>>EMMA Up-Date>>EMMA Up-Date

Photo ???? Please !

Nancy in New York
01-14-2012, 09:07 AM
EMMA Up-Date>>EMMA Up-Date>>EMMA Up-Date

Photo ???? Please !

Stosh.....EMMA is here, new pictures and all!!!!