View Full Version : Calcium tablets for squirrels?

01-03-2012, 03:39 PM
Hi, as i am in the UK, there is no specialised diet for my grey squirrel and at the moment she is on a mix of rat food, mealworms, wild food and veg, but i am worried she isn't getting enough calcium

I have found some tablets and was looking for advice as to whether they are safe or not, here is all the info;

calcium carbonate
sweeteners (sorbitol, sucralose)
magnesium stearate
vegetable oil
modified maize starch
maize starch
vitamin D3
antioxidents (tocopherol)

any advice would be great, or if anyone knows of an ulternative i would be very greatful :)

01-03-2012, 04:41 PM
When I was looking for information regarding calcium supplements for my boys, I found this UK based website. They recommend something called 'Stress Powder' and information on where to find it is included.


I know most people on this site prefer that the squirrels get all necessary vitamins and minerals from their diet, rather than from supplements.

01-05-2012, 08:37 AM
:wave123 Cam.
Check your local pet store.
Most carry mineral blocks of some sort. if you check the ingrediants, you can find some listing calcium as a major part.
Another thing you can place in the cage, is a cuttle bone.
Those are in the bird section of the store.

Jackie in Tampa
01-05-2012, 08:58 AM
There is either a plain calcium tablet or a tums in most cages here..
(not with vit D)
couple times a month, I walk around and throw one in...
:) in addition to a healthy diet.
I agree with cuddle bones:thumbsup cheap and calcium!!!!
not reptical or another pet store suppliment...most are generated with a specific critter in mind..
and I know of nothing made for sqs with the exception of this site,


100% natural pet food for rats, mice, squirrels, and hamsters.

antler bones, sea shells, egg shells...all calcium!
My wilds have big beef and pork dog bones they have dug up and drug here..crazy sqs haul them up the tree:) calcium!

01-05-2012, 08:20 PM
I agree, Jackie. :thumbsup

01-06-2012, 05:31 AM
Thanks for the advice, i hadn't thought of cuttle bones before, will be investing in some next time i go shopping!