View Full Version : Curlie still needs help

01-01-2012, 06:06 PM
Hey everyone! I was going to do a new post earlier but i have lost vision in my left eye from an inflamed eye nerve. So im trying to do everything ive always done half blind and im only 30.
So curlie is doing good. But shes still not eating on her own. I have to syringe stuff into her mouth which she takes very well. The only major worry that i have is the partial paralyses in the hind legs and tail. Will this clear up over the next few weeks? I guess i just need some assurance. Shes letting us hold her and isnt biting. She pees when we pick her up i guess from the paralyses. Iam going to call tomorrow to that henrys company and see if i can get some stuff. Wouldve done it this weekend but was in the emergancy room. So thanks for all the help. Its appreciated.

01-02-2012, 07:31 PM
as long as you are following the Emergency MBD treatment and then, Long-Term MBD treatment, you are doing everything you can.

MBD recover takes long time, sometimes at least a year to recover.
Sometimes, some residual consequences remain, such partial loss of mobility etc.
However, it's too early to say anything for Curlie because you just started treating her.

If you have been following MBD treatment to the letter, most likely, her pain is lessened. If so, what some people did for their squirrels was gentle massage.
Now, it does have to be gentle because her bones are very brittle right now and it is easy to injure her.
You might want to start massage a bit later when the Emergency Treatment has been followed for about a month or two and she is stable.
But massage does help in many situations.

Again, for right now - keep following the Treatment to the letter, make sure she learns to eat her blocks.
For now, while it is critical that she gets her calcium and some nutrition, I would say continue feeding her.
After a couple of months of steady MBD treatment as outlined in the protocol, you could try leaving food for her in the cage so that she can start eating on her own.

I am sure, experienced rehabbers will have more suggestions.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

01-02-2012, 09:45 PM
Thanks astra! Its good to know that all is normal. Curlie has come a long way in the past week. We could barely touch her when this started and now she lets us hold her and kinda relaxes on us. Im going to do a warm bath tomorrow. She does well in a bath as long as i get in with her. And my husband is going to help me. I cant see very well right now so i need help as much as possible. I need some HHBs and some FV. But my husbands mom is dying from brain and lung cancer and we used the money we had to send him to be with her in florida. So i have to wait for that. I was hoping i could get some samples for curlie or maybe get what i need and pay for it over time. I dont know. I think i will call to the henrys store. And talk to them. Ive been encouraged to do it but with no money i felt odd calling. But i have to do it i want curlie to have exactly what she needs.
I need some fv and some hhbs for picky eaters some syringes and some ultra boost. I need to try different hhbs to see what she will eat.

01-02-2012, 09:54 PM
Thanks astra! Its good to know that all is normal. Curlie has come a long way in the past week. We could barely touch her when this started and now she lets us hold her and kinda relaxes on us. Im going to do a warm bath tomorrow. She does well in a bath as long as i get in with her. And my husband is going to help me. I cant see very well right now so i need help as much as possible. I need some HHBs and some FV. But my husbands mom is dying from brain and lung cancer and we used the money we had to send him to be with her in florida. So i have to wait for that. I was hoping i could get some samples for curlie or maybe get what i need and pay for it over time. I dont know. I think i will call to the henrys store. And talk to them. Ive been encouraged to do it but with no money i felt odd calling. But i have to do it i want curlie to have exactly what she needs.
I need some fv and some hhbs for picky eaters some syringes and some ultra boost. I need to try different hhbs to see what she will eat.
yes, definitely call henryspets and talk to them.
Also, Nick at www.foxvalleynutrition.com usually sends you a bill, so you have some time to pay. He is a nice guy, so you could talk to him and explain the situation, and, maybe, he could work something out with you, maybe, extend the pay time or something.
So sorry about your husband's mom... Gosh, that must be so hard and so sad... and so sorry about your vision... your hands are full, for sure:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

01-02-2012, 11:10 PM
Yes its been one ordeal after another. In april 2011 i had a blood clot in my right lung. Was hospitalyzed for 6 days. Now i have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. Now i have a swollen optic nerve. I have to get a spinal tap done to tell me if its multiple scelrosis or just the stress.
Jasons mom has been battleing cancer for 2 1/2 years. It started in her colon went to her liver now its gone to her lungs and into her brain. We just got the call for him to go to her. We have been married almost 12 years (jan 8) and she is like a mom to me. And now curlies sick too. Its just all this stress is making my body fall apart. But at least curlies getting better. Thats a huge burden off my shoulders. I hope to post pics soon. Shes worth getting a look at. She poses for the camera. But newt wont hold still for a pic. I can usually get him when hes sleepy and not woke up yet lol hes my little man he gets into a lot of trouble. Hes the troublemaker and curlies the queen of this castle ;)

01-03-2012, 10:18 AM
Yes its been one ordeal after another. In april 2011 i had a blood clot in my right lung. Was hospitalyzed for 6 days. Now i have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. Now i have a swollen optic nerve. I have to get a spinal tap done to tell me if its multiple scelrosis or just the stress.
Jasons mom has been battleing cancer for 2 1/2 years. It started in her colon went to her liver now its gone to her lungs and into her brain. We just got the call for him to go to her. We have been married almost 12 years (jan 8) and she is like a mom to me. And now curlies sick too. Its just all this stress is making my body fall apart. But at least curlies getting better. Thats a huge burden off my shoulders. I hope to post pics soon. Shes worth getting a look at. She poses for the camera. But newt wont hold still for a pic. I can usually get him when hes sleepy and not woke up yet lol hes my little man he gets into a lot of trouble. Hes the troublemaker and curlies the queen of this castle ;)
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug keeping you and your family in my prayers:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

01-03-2012, 04:18 PM
Okay, just sent a package for Curlie from Henry's. FV, Ultra Boost, (10) 3cc syringes and a bag of picky blocks. God bless!

01-03-2012, 08:00 PM
Okay, just sent a package for Curlie from Henry's. FV, Ultra Boost, (10) 3cc syringes and a bag of picky blocks. God bless!
:thankyou :thumbsup :grouphug

01-04-2012, 02:00 PM
Thank you so much gayle. I wont forget your help. This will get me thru until my husband comes home. We dont know how long he will be gone to FL probably a week or two. As you can see i posted a picture of our curlie girl with jason holding her. Its because of all you people on squirrel board that shes still alive. Shes walking and we can hold her now. Shes no longer hunched in her bottom. Shes still not eating but im working with her and having the fv will help bigtime. So thankful. When jason gets home im making a donation to sq. And grabbing more stuff from henrys :)

01-05-2012, 12:36 AM
As you can see i posted a picture of our curlie girl with jason holding her. Its because of all you people on squirrel board that shes still alive.
hmmm... are you sure you posted a picture?... because I do not see it anywhere:dono

01-05-2012, 05:05 PM
I thought i did it shows up on my profile. I do all this on my phone and its not a smart phone so maybe it got messed up? It shows up on my profile. I dont know. Anyway curlie is eating a little now. Finally. She ate some cucumber and acorn squash. She has other stuff i bought today. Couldnt find any kale so i got some greens. She nibbled that too. Newt is flap happy about everything new. Hes a nut. Curlies more cautious. Cant wait til the hhbs and fv comes. I know she will eat that. She will be ready for them when they arrive. Thank you everyone for the help with her. She will live a long time and shes very loved.

01-05-2012, 06:16 PM
I thought i did it shows up on my profile. I do all this on my phone and its not a smart phone so maybe it got messed up? It shows up on my profile. I dont know. Anyway curlie is eating a little now. Finally. She ate some cucumber and acorn squash. She has other stuff i bought today. Couldnt find any kale so i got some greens. She nibbled that too. Newt is flap happy about everything new. Hes a nut. Curlies more cautious. Cant wait til the hhbs and fv comes. I know she will eat that. She will be ready for them when they arrive. Thank you everyone for the help with her. She will live a long time and shes very loved.
so glad she ate some.
I think you mean the photo in your avatar - yes, that I can see.
I thought you had posted pics in the thread itself.

Newt is a good boy - easy to please.

I am sure, she will love FV and HHBs ;)

01-08-2012, 01:40 AM
how are Curlie and her humans doing?:grouphug

01-08-2012, 08:16 AM
I got a PM from Curlie's mom. She said Curie is eating the FV and boost :thumbsup
She also asked about a tooth issue. Said that one bottom tooth looks like it is "chipped all the way down" and the other is broken off shorter. She wanted to know if this could be MBD related. I am not sure so if anyone can answer this question...:thankyou

Jackie in Tampa
01-08-2012, 08:26 AM
did teeth damage happen as a result of cage chewing?
a fall?
of course low calcium means brittle bones, that includes teeth...
cage chewing is a biggie..a major NO NO!
If this is the cause, a new cage is in order asap.

Immediately as in today...nuts in the shell and fresh green branches as well as deadfall wood needs to be offered..
deer antlers etc...if there is no injury, he should be able to get his teeth under control by himself if given chew stuff.
If he continues to chew bars, many injuries can and will occur.
Teeth are important for good health and if releasable...sqs need teeth!
Cage chewing is the number one reason for odontomas...
With a pic, I can advise better as for the teeth growing back with or without trimming help.

ALSO...a new cage...bar spacing is soooooooo IMPORTANT.
I try to push that evertytime I see someone shopping for cages...
1/2 inch is best...or 1/2x 1/2 hardware cloth for the do it yourself'ers...

Hope they can grow out in a uniform manor without incident.

01-08-2012, 08:31 AM
I gather that he is not in a cage. She said he used to sleep in a drawer, but since he is not feeling well has moved to the back of a chair. With a pillow etc., though I did suggest a nest box might be in order. He seems to be free-roaming otherwise. Maybe he is chewing something around the house that caused the damage?:dono
Also, they do clip his top teeth, but he has never had bottom tooth issues before this.

Jackie in Tampa
01-08-2012, 08:37 AM
I gather that he is not in a cage. She said he used to sleep in a drawer, but since he is not feeling well has moved to the back of a chair. With a pillow etc., though I did suggest a nest box might be in order. He seems to be free-roaming otherwise. Maybe he is chewing something around the house that caused the damage?:dono
Also, they do clip his top teeth, but he has never had bottom tooth issues before this.
I guess I missed something..
why do they clip uppers?
we may need pics to help.
If he fell, teeth break easy.:sanp3

I hate to be a baddie here...http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_30.gif
EVERY SQ needs a cage...even if door is NEVER closed...all sqs need a cage!
Common sense says so...not to be a butthhead...but there will always be times that they need to be protected...better to get them used to caging while they are young...
no cage equals danger!

01-08-2012, 08:42 AM
I have asked Curle's mom to send a pic to be posted. She doesn't have internet so has to use a phone. I told her I would post it for her.
As for the cage, or lack of, I thought the same thing, but assumed I was being paranoid. I have some tendencies :sanp3 to be a bit conservative. Thank-you Jackie for the info. You are so experienced that I would hardly think to differ! :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
01-08-2012, 09:23 AM
I have asked Curle's mom to send a pic to be posted. She doesn't have internet so has to use a phone. I told her I would post it for her.
As for the cage, or lack of, I thought the same thing, but assumed I was being paranoid. I have some tendencies :sanp3 to be a bit conservative. Thank-you Jackie for the info. You are so experienced that I would hardly think to differ! :grouphug
I am not THE KNOW...but I am nervous when no cage is available.
Someone's gonna get hurt before it's over...
No one should visit until the sq can be contained for safety...and if there are other pets...it's a no win situation at best...
Thank you fr being her voice..we all need help, glad you are there for her! TY!
Will lurk for pics...
Not that I am expert, but have seen enough teeth{and felt them too} to know normal.
Please find out what they are clipping with...ugh...soft metal is a bad thing...cheap is not advised when buying clipppers...german steel or BUST!
Soft metal allows slow break, not fast clean clip..
there is a possibility of the teeth moving when being clipped.....

when teeth twist in their socket, odontomas are a sure thing eventually...
I am a worrier...:dono

01-08-2012, 10:51 AM
Hello all! Just wanted to thank everyone for the ideas and help and all. Now to let you know more about curlie. She is a female eastern grey and she is 5 1/2 years old. When she was young we tried cages several different ones and each time we put her in them she would chew and bite til her mouth foamed and bled. Fearing that she would hurt herself we stopped with the cages. She had a nest box but preferred the couch arm(inside) then she moved to the closet then into my husbands pillow then downtairs again to stuffed animals then she found the underwear drawer which she has stayed in for three years now. It ceased being an underwear drawer but she used some boxers as her bedding. We are getting two carriers for when we need them. She had a bedroom all to herself and never chews on anything. We have deer antlers everwhere and we make sure to close her door when people come over which isnt often. I stay at home 24/7 with her and the 7 month old male Newt. He needs more watching than she does.

01-08-2012, 11:03 AM
I promise that they get into nothing bad. I play with both of them every day. Other than the bad diet they are loved very much. Newt will be released in the spring. I thought it would be colder than this or he would already be gone. But theres no buds on the trees and its getting colder now so he has stayed. We will be getting the carriers and im thinking about an outside cage for not only newt but for curlie too. If we lived in the nc mountains we would have an outside cage already. But theres roads and cars and people everywhere here so they stay inside. We take curlie outside a lot. She just rides on our shoulders. Im sorry if it seemed like i just let them do whatever. I just dont trust cages. A man that had a squirrel put his in a tiny cage and its hand got stuck and it ripped its toes off. Three from one hand.
We also have a cherry tree set up in our livingroom with ropes everywhere so they can climb and swing and play. I would rather they be free to run and play then be caged. But we do need carriers.

01-08-2012, 11:25 AM
What size carrier and cage would you recommend? Theyre both about 1 pound. Curlies got more active but still not really eating anything. Im still feeding her the fv with boost. How much and how many times a day should i do that? Im feeding her 10 ccs of it 2-3 times a day. I give her a block in the morning but she wont touch them yet. Only thing shes ate is some cucumber and acorn squash but not much of it. Shes lost weight from her more than healthy 1.4 pounds that she was. Ive tried everything to get her to eat. But until she does i will keep doing what im doing. She hates me because i have the syringe. She gets so mad. But she takes the mix. Im still giving cal too . I love her so much shes my baby and its hard to see her this way. Oh i almost forgot. We clipped her top teeth only once because they were too long. We dont touch the bottom ones. I will try to get a pic on here.

Jackie in Tampa
01-08-2012, 11:29 AM
I must say...you have it under control!
Sounds like Curlie and Newt have a wonderful life...:bowdown :Love_Icon
no one comes here either, I know what you mean...I allow my sqs everywhere..
I have two that I leave out when I am gone...
they follow all rules and know how to party safely! Ha!
Jane and Scout! My good kids!:D sorta!

We love pics...so lets see some sqly action!@!!!!!:jump

01-08-2012, 12:35 PM
Here is the picture that Curlie's Mom sent of Curlie's teeth. As you can see the orange is gone and it is quite a bit longer.

01-08-2012, 01:03 PM
Thanks gayle for posting the pic. I just dont know if its from the mbd or something else. She hasnt been chewing on anything since she got sick. I just dont know.
Thanks jackie. I try to have control over the "kids" but most of the time they control us. Mostly newt is the one to watch out for. Hes into everything. Hes young and sometimes simply weird but hes a good boy. Curlie is the queen of this castle lol. She gets her way a lot. She has always hated feet but newt loves feet. I cant walk thru the house without him running along trying to grab my feet to lick and tickle. Hes a nut. He runs back and forth at the back door trying to see everything and sometimes he gets spooked and runs chittering away to his ropes and barks and sqeals and carries on. Hes so sweet. Hes a good boy but doesnt like to be held. I can pet him all i want but he doesnt like to be held still.

01-09-2012, 11:23 PM
Ok i have an update on curlies situation and progress. She and i have gotten into a routine with the cal and fv with boost. In the mornings i offer henry blocks which so far she doesnt touch just kinda tries to bury them so i grab some formula and get to feeding. Ive learned where to hold her so she cant jam her face down into the towel she does that a lot. I am doing 100mg of cal 5-6 times a day(i talked to leigh about this) and i try differnt veggies thru the day. So far shes only taken brocoli and cucumber. The stuff she doesnt eat gets consumed by newt(hes a pig cant help it i guess lol). So i wait to see if she will eat if she doesnt its more formula. Then formula before bed. She seems a little more active. I go to pick up my husband at the airport tomorrow morning so she should rebound with him here. She loves her daddy.