View Full Version : Car Question

Lady G
12-25-2011, 11:36 AM
Firstly I wanted to say Merry Christmas, the Eating Machines are gorging on their peanuts and chasing all the birds around. I also wanted to say thank you to each of you for being here and sharing the ups and downs of having "pets".

Anyhoo the boy Squirrel he is quite curious about everything, well the other day he was watching me put stuff in the back of the car, its a station wagon type car, I am sure he was thinking of just hopping right on in.

Now OK I think I could handle it if I was just going to the store BUT what if he jumps in and I am on the way to work or out for a long time - how would I get him out. I take as many precautions as I can, I never ever leave the windows open and I never leave the back open when I am not right there but he jumps a long way sometimes. So how in the event he did get in how would I get him out ??

12-25-2011, 12:25 PM
If he just randomly jump in your car he is weird. Just make a very good last check before you leave. Also honk the horn real quick. If he is in there you should know real fast. It also will scare him away from the car as you leave. If he makes it in maybe always have a nut close by to give to him. Put it on the ground and close the door when he jumps out.