View Full Version : Pneumonia video

12-22-2011, 04:16 PM
This is a good example of a baby squirrel with pneumonia. This can happen due to exposure but more importantly due to improper feeding technique. Squirrels can aspirate formula if held in the wrong position or if they are allowed to drink too quickly. The formula enters their lungs and the moisture allows infection to set in. So if you're trying to determine whether your baby has pneumonia, watch this video. It is crucial to put a squirrel in this condition on antibiotics immediately.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/mstein1000/th_MVI_0318.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/mstein1000/?action=view&current=MVI_0318.mp4)

To reassure anyone that has a pneumonia baby, there IS hope! A course of Baytril fixed Fudge right up and he went on to become...

...a champion eater.

...and a champion cuddler (he's the pudgy one)

12-22-2011, 04:18 PM
this should be a sticky here

12-22-2011, 04:24 PM
this should be a sticky here

island rehabber
12-22-2011, 04:26 PM
Excellent video, Miriam. This will answer a LOT of questions. Please remember that other symptoms of pneumonia include:

Gradual LOSS OF APPETITE (the baby can't breathe when he tries to eat, so he stops eating...)


COLD TO THE TOUCH, can't retain body heat.

12-22-2011, 04:37 PM

12-22-2011, 06:39 PM
Thanks Miriam :highfive


12-22-2011, 07:02 PM
Except it's been a year and now after re-watching the video, I'm haunted by the sound of Fudge clicking and wheezing. I just keep reminding myself....he turned out just fine and wonderful. But it was a scary few days.

Thank goodness for Baytril...which had been prescribed to "Chip Stein" when he broke his tooth. I will say this, it's much easier to feed Baytril to a sick baby grey than an adult (mostly) healthy flyer.

12-22-2011, 10:22 PM
My little Brodi got pneumonia at about 6 wks. Oh, how I hate that clicking sound and the chest heaving. I thought that I was gonna lose him for sure but with antibiotics and a humidifier he cleared up within a matter of hours. He is now an extremely healthy 12 weeker and is a handful of delight and stress. I love my little critter. He is full of mischief in leaps and bounds.:jump

12-22-2011, 10:58 PM
but with antibiotics and a humidifier he cleared up within a matter of hours
:crazy That's the amazing part, they seem to get better really quickly! :wahoo Though I guess it's also a matter of catching it early. Does this little Brodi have a thread?

01-09-2012, 07:24 AM
Excellent video, Miriam. This will answer a LOT of questions. Please remember that other symptoms of pneumonia include:

Gradual LOSS OF APPETITE (the baby can't breathe when he tries to eat, so he stops eating...)


COLD TO THE TOUCH, can't retain body heat.

...and it sort of comes under lethargy, somewhat, but weakness and fatigue is a sign, too.

Does one always see ALL of the symptoms in the case of pneumonia? Or can it be pneumonia if you only see some?

island rehabber
01-09-2012, 07:27 AM
Does one always see ALL of the symptoms in the case of pneumonia? Or can it be pneumonia if you only see some?
You may only see two out of the three 'classic' symptoms. I nearly let an older baby (7 wks) become critically ill by not realizing she had it....her appetite was off, but I had just put her and her siblings in a new cage and thought she was just freaked out. No...actually she'd gotten terribly cold because she wasn't ready to be off heat, and developed pneumonia. She never was clicking, but she was ill. Baytril cured her. :thumbsup

02-22-2012, 07:16 PM
I have one with pneumonia now, 54 grams, acquired Baytril today and am giving it orally .02ml once per day. I also have clavamox on hand, I know many use that also. Any other advice? I'm so worried.

09-04-2012, 03:49 PM
Excellent video, Miriam. This will answer a LOT of questions. Please remember that other symptoms of pneumonia include:

Gradual LOSS OF APPETITE (the baby can't breathe when he tries to eat, so he stops eating...)


COLD TO THE TOUCH, can't retain body heat.

Please help! My Pixie is 4 weeks old and is just like fudge. She doesn't want to eat and I'm scared to force her because she is breathing through her mouth. She started on baytril this morning. Im a nervous wreck!!!! I knew at 11:00 last night that my baby wasnt herself. This morning full blown symptoms.....OMG! How do I get her to eat without aspirating her?

09-04-2012, 04:26 PM
Use a 1cc syringe and go one drop at a time only. Feed less formula, but more frequently, and be patient the baytril kicks in fast and appetite is usually better the next day:)

09-04-2012, 05:22 PM
This is so nerve racking!! Thank you for the advice! I will try this at her next feeding. Do you think I caught it in time?:thankyou

09-04-2012, 08:54 PM
Ms. Pixie just drank 1 1/2 cc of pedialyte. She actually wanted it:crazy I hope my baby is on the road to improvement. Thanks for the info!!!

island rehabber
09-04-2012, 10:00 PM
Baytril usually kicks pneumonia's butt -- she should be on the way to recovery :thumbsup.

09-07-2012, 01:37 PM
Someone please help! My baby Pixie (4 week old) now has diarehea really bad. She is still taking Baytril for 4 more days. I have been mixing blueberry yogart with her esbilac formula. Should I stop the yogart, formula or both? Should I start her on pedialyte? Please advise!!!! Thaksin advance!

Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 01:41 PM
The Esbilac is giving her the runny poops. STOP FEEDING IT TO HER RIGHT NOW!

Mix up some hydration fluid and feed her as much as she will take. Runny poop can quickly cause dehydration.

Hydration Fluid

1 quart warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt

Then, go get the stuff to make Goat's Milk Formula.

Goats Milk Formula

3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt

Formula will last 48 hours in refrigerator.

For the first few feedings do not add whipping cream

09-07-2012, 10:31 PM
The video wont show up? is there a link?

09-08-2012, 07:31 PM
just click on the pic and it will start:crazy

09-08-2012, 11:09 PM
By chance is there a video for proper feeding techniques at various ages?

Mrs Skul
09-09-2012, 02:56 AM
:wave123 Hi Ablissful1
You need to look in the,
The Baby Squirrels Questions.Feeding Baby Squirrels.
IR has it posted and it is a STICKY! (This is meaning it stays at the Top all the time.)
Never Feed a Cold or Dehydrated Baby. :shakehead Never Feed them on their Back or Leaning back. They Aspirate to easy. Always feed while holding them on a Pillow, or a Counter Top. Just until you get the hang of it.
Keep the Baby wrapped up like a Burrito to keep them warm.
Now What Kind of Squirrel do you have? Are you having any Problems? Are you feeding FoxVally 32/40? Esbilac is no longer Recommended for Feeding Baby Squirrels. To many were DIEING. :Cry
Do you have a Gram scale to weigh the Baby, and a Heating Pad to keep them warm? :thumbsup3
If you could start a thread, Post some Pictures, and the Weight. We can help you with the Age of the Baby. (That is if you do not know.) :D We are hear to help You in any way. We just care about the Baby Squirrels.
Hear are a few cites you can order Supply's for feeding a Baby. Henry's can get the FV shipped out within 3 days. (Usually)
:Welcome :Welcome Good Luck and Welcome to The Squirrel Board!!! :Welcome :Welcome

Country Heart
11-07-2012, 12:41 PM
The video wont show up? is there a link?

I don't see a link either.

Maybe someone could either add back the link or change the name of the thread. :dono

02-20-2013, 11:59 PM
question, not that my babies are sick, but can you sub out baytril for tylan?

Nancy in New York
02-21-2013, 12:07 AM
question, not that my babies are sick, but can you sub out baytril for tylan?

Baytril is an antibiotic, and do you mean Tylenol?
If so, tylenol is a pain reliever.:) But we never give that to squirrels.
BUT you can give squirrels infant ibuprofen, it's dosed by their weight.

02-21-2013, 12:13 AM
Baytril is an antibiotic, and do you mean Tylenol?
If so, tylenol is a pain reliever.:) But we never give that to squirrels.

No, not tylenol, and I would never :)
It's called Tylan, and it's sold at Tractor Supply Companies, and it's also an AB for respiratory. Anyone know anything about it for squirrels?

02-21-2013, 04:43 AM
No, not tylenol, and I would never :)
It's called Tylan, and it's sold at Tractor Supply Companies, and it's also an AB for respiratory. Anyone know anything about it for squirrels?

Tylan is the brand name for tylosin related to erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin.
It's known as an antibiotic that belongs to the macrolide class, better known as treatment for colitis and chronic diarrhea.
Tylan is made up of Streptomyces fradiae, which is a bacterium. It contains anti- inflammatory properties and acts as a soothing agent for the large intestine and is mainly used for managing diarrhea and normal gut bacteria when it's been disrupted by the use of antimicrobial administration.

It is not listed among WMB's antibiotic/antimicrobials reference guide.

02-21-2013, 07:15 AM
Tylan is the brand name for tylosin related to erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin.
It's known as an antibiotic that belongs to the macrolide class, better known as treatment for colitis and chronic diarrhea.
Tylan is made up of Streptomyces fradiae, which is a bacterium. It contains anti- inflammatory properties and acts as a soothing agent for the large intestine and is mainly used for managing diarrhea and normal gut bacteria when it's been disrupted by the use of antimicrobial administration.

It is not listed among WMB's antibiotic/antimicrobials reference guide.

Good to know and thanks for the answer!:goodpost

11-13-2013, 01:50 PM
Would squirrels that have pneumonia throw up?

island rehabber
11-13-2013, 01:57 PM
Not likely. Vomiting is almost always a sign of some toxin having been ingested -- either in their food or some household object they got into and chewed on.. :(

11-13-2013, 02:14 PM
Not likely. Vomiting is almost always a sign of some toxin having been ingested -- either in their food or some household object they got into and chewed on.. :(

Unless it is accompanied by NO POOP. Vomiting with no poop is usually an intestinal blockage of some kind.

11-13-2013, 02:15 PM
I wish there was a way for me to find out what it was? We were always so careful.. He was only ever allowed out in one room, which has no chemicals in there because that is the room we have our ferrets cage in and they get into everything.. Could it have been like a bad acorn? (not sure if thats possible but i saw the other post about how chestnuts can be bad0.

11-13-2013, 02:41 PM
I wish there was a way for me to find out what it was? We were always so careful.. He was only ever allowed out in one room, which has no chemicals in there because that is the room we have our ferrets cage in and they get into everything.. Could it have been like a bad acorn? (not sure if thats possible but i saw the other post about how chestnuts can be bad0.

ABSOLUTELY. If you cut an acorn open you will see that they are very similar to chestnuts - the texture is almost like fibrous raw potato, not like a normal nutmeat. They are "wet" nuts - lots of moisture in them and THAT is the problem. We have seen several on here get ill and die from bad acorns.

This year was a "no acorn" year where I am, so I did not gather any. Normally this is what I do: I spread a tarp on the ground under one of the oaks in the evening, and the next morning I gather the nuts that have fallen from the tree the night before - that way I don't get any that have been sitting on the ground for any length of time. I go through them, discard any that are cracked or have holes, then I wash them and spread them out to dry for about 24 hours. Then I freeze them and keep them frozen until I need them.

11-13-2013, 03:13 PM
So sad that is probably what it was then... Feel so awful now.. Do you think I could've done anything to save him if that was what went wrong?

11-13-2013, 03:42 PM
So sad that is probably what it was then... Feel so awful now.. Do you think I could've done anything to save him if that was what went wrong?

I am so sorry for your baby. Some years ago I was involved in an emergency thread with some people who had two squirrels, brother and sister, that suddenly started vomiting. We brainstormed like crazy and were finally able to narrow it to (likely) bad acorns. About the only thing you can do is try to flood the animal with hydration and hope that between the vomiting and extra urination that you can get enough of the mold toxins, usually aflatoxins, flushed out of the body before they do too much damage. It depends on so much - like how much did they eat, how soon after did the vomiting start, etc. They were only able to pull one of their babies through - she was the more submissive of the two and very likely got less of the bad acorn than her brother did. If you read the thread Jackie linked to in the Chestnut post, you will see probably the most experienced person on the board with lots of medical knowledge and good vets who was unable to help one of her babies and the other only survived after months in intensive care.

Again, I am so sorry about your baby - it is obvious you guys loved him, and we all KNOW how it feels to lose one of these little gems. Being on this board and participating in the emergency threads has had the result of making me EXTREMELY cautious about everything I provide, and there are many items that other members feed freely that I will not because of it.

11-13-2013, 04:02 PM
It's also good to have some activated charcoal on hand.

11-13-2013, 05:40 PM
Activated charcoal?

11-13-2013, 05:50 PM
Yes, it's not regular charcoal, it's specially made to absorb toxins. Hospitals and vets everywhere have it to treat ingestion of toxins. It has to be given quickly though, after about two hours its effectiveness is nill as whatever could be absorbed probably already has been. You can buy it at drug stores, usually in the vitamin isle, or just ask the pharmacist.

Sometimes it's also good to have ipecac on hand too in case they should be made to vomit it up. Sometimes you're supposed to, sometimes not. Depends on the toxin.

Both are great if you have children too.

05-22-2014, 09:08 PM
Thank you Miriam,
I cried watching this. I am so glad he is doing great!

08-16-2014, 01:15 AM
I am really not sure on weight. Maybe 35g?

Ill make sure I go get a scale.Also thanks for the estimate on the weight!:thankyou

08-16-2014, 01:17 AM
I started your own thread. Let's get this info there so as to not let people think it is an old thread.

08-16-2014, 01:18 AM
I started your own thread. Let's get this info there so as to not let people think it is an old thread.


09-08-2014, 08:24 PM
Is there anything that I can give my babies when clicking without waiting on a vet and prescription? Only 1 is clicking...

09-04-2015, 12:51 PM
How did you get the Baytril? My vet won't treat wildlife and I do not know what to do

09-04-2015, 12:57 PM
Look around for any leftover antibiotics you, ask family and friends what they may have. You will need only 1 tablet / capsule.

Cipro will work best for squirrel pneumonia and its commonly prescribed, especially for women. Once you know what antibiotics you have, create a new post in Help Needed, explain your baby is clicking and list the antibiotics you were able to locate. Someone will help with more instructions from there....

09-08-2015, 01:37 PM
Thats what happens to my Alvin! Im so heartbroken today
Excellent video, Miriam. This will answer a LOT of questions. Please remember that other symptoms of pneumonia include:

Gradual LOSS OF APPETITE (the baby can't breathe when he tries to eat, so he stops eating...)


COLD TO THE TOUCH, can't retain body heat.

09-08-2015, 02:49 PM
Call everyone you know and see if they have any antibiotics left over from their last illness. Cipro is normally given for either urinary tract infections and often for upper respiratory issues. All you will need is ONE pill. See what you can get.

09-08-2015, 03:17 PM
It is too late for little Alvin, he passed away. :(

Call everyone you know and see if they have any antibiotics left over from their last illness. Cipro is normally given for either urinary tract infections and often for upper respiratory issues. All you will need is ONE pill. See what you can get.

05-20-2016, 12:52 AM
How much baytril did you give and how often?

05-20-2016, 03:32 AM
How much baytril did you give and how often?

One can not just give Baytril to a squirrel without knowing the strength of the medication.
Depending on the strength it may need to be broken down. All medications for squirrels are
dosed according to their body weight.

If you suspect Pneumonia please post in the emergency forum giving the weight of the squirrel
in question and the strength of the Baytril. Dosing will be sent to you in a private message, we
do not post dosages on the open board.

09-05-2016, 05:45 AM
I have a 5 week old that I'm pretty sure has pneumonia. He won't eat and is so lathargic and limp. I thought he wasn't eating because I was in the transition process of milks and figured he just didn't like it but now I know something is wrong. Tomorrow is Labor Day and I'm sure the vets are all closed so if anyone in the south Florida area has the antibiotics on hand I would really appreciate that. I will come to you and pay the appropriate price.
Does anyone know how much time I have I don't hear weezing or any clicking noises

09-05-2016, 06:48 AM
I have a 5 week old that I'm pretty sure has pneumonia. He won't eat and is so lathargic and limp. I thought he wasn't eating because I was in the transition process of milks and figured he just didn't like it but now I know something is wrong. Tomorrow is Labor Day and I'm sure the vets are all closed so if anyone in the south Florida area has the antibiotics on hand I would really appreciate that. I will come to you and pay the appropriate price.
Does anyone know how much time I have I don't hear weezing or any clicking noises

I have re-posted your plea here: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?54966-Help-possible-pneumonia-in-Delray-Beach-FL&p=1177591#post1177591

It is best not to attach to an old post, and also to put as much info as you can in the title - this will draw people close to you and who may be able to help.

Has this baby aspirated formula? Bubbles of milk come out the nose - like you when you swallow something "the wrong way"??

What you are looking for is Cipro - it is a VERY commonly prescribed antibiotic and is almost all doctors prescribe for urinary tract infections. I would immediately start contacting all of your female friends and see if you can get your hands on just ONE cipro pill. Hopefully someone near you will see this and have one.

We will need to know the size of the pill in milligrams (cipro is sold as either 250 or 500mg and we need to know which) and the weight of your baby in grams. Inexpensive scales that weigh in grams can be found easily at Walmart in the appliance department - they are used by dieters to weigh food - less than $20. If we have the size of the pill and the weight of the squirrel we can give you very specific dosing info.

03-20-2017, 01:35 PM
I am moving your post to a new thread in the emergency forum.

Help! I have a baby about 5 weeks old (her eyes are still closed but her siblings are open). She just started making a clicking sound, not enthusiastic about eating. What do I need to do??

06-11-2017, 12:00 PM
I cannot load the video. Is it still available?

09-10-2017, 11:13 AM
Where is it that you can find Baytril?!

This is a good example of a baby squirrel with pneumonia. This can happen due to exposure but more importantly due to improper feeding technique. Squirrels can aspirate formula if held in the wrong position or if they are allowed to drink too quickly. The formula enters their lungs and the moisture allows infection to set in. So if you're trying to determine whether your baby has pneumonia, watch this video. It is crucial to put a squirrel in this condition on antibiotics immediately.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/mstein1000/th_MVI_0318.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/mstein1000/?action=view&current=MVI_0318.mp4)

To reassure anyone that has a pneumonia baby, there IS hope! A course of Baytril fixed Fudge right up and he went on to become...

...a champion eater.

...and a champion cuddler (he's the pudgy one)

Nancy in New York
09-10-2017, 11:38 AM
Do you need Baytril?
If this is for aspiration pneumonia, you will need it ASAP.
We have some members in Maryland that may be
able to help you if you are close.

09-10-2017, 11:54 AM
Yes in need have one baby sneezing and starting to quietly click. I am in Harford County MD!

Do you need Baytril?
If this is for aspiration pneumonia, you will need it ASAP.
We have some members in Maryland that may be
able to help you if you are close.

Nancy in New York
09-10-2017, 11:59 AM
Yes in need have one baby sneezing and starting to quietly click. I am in Harford County MD!

Sending you a pm in one minute.

09-10-2017, 10:45 PM
I have a baby that has this but don't have the surfurm to give him is there anything else I can give him?? I'm in Florida and we're in the middle of a hurricane so no stores are open he weight 1.6oz and he's about three weeks plz help

09-11-2017, 01:05 AM
What antibiotics do you have?

09-11-2017, 08:13 AM
Baytril is what is used for squirrels, but I have found that amoxicillin will help, or one valley of Cipro.

I have a baby that has this but don't have the surfurm to give him is there anything else I can give him?? I'm in Florida and we're in the middle of a hurricane so no stores are open he weight 1.6oz and he's about three weeks plz help

09-24-2017, 02:17 PM
I just have a baby whith advance pneumonia vet save it by using 2 antibiotique chloropalm and enrofloxacin

07-21-2019, 12:15 AM
This is a good example of a baby squirrel with pneumonia. This can happen due to exposure but more importantly due to improper feeding technique. Squirrels can aspirate formula if held in the wrong position or if they are allowed to drink too quickly. The formula enters their lungs and the moisture allows infection to set in. So if you're trying to determine whether your baby has pneumonia, watch this video. It is crucial to put a squirrel in this condition on antibiotics immediately.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/mstein1000/th_MVI_0318.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/mstein1000/?action=view&current=MVI_0318.mp4)

To reassure anyone that has a pneumonia baby, there IS hope! A course of Baytril fixed Fudge right up and he went on to become...

...a champion eater.

...and a champion cuddler (he's the pudgy one)

Where can you get baytril?I can only find itas an RX and no one in our area will look at wild animals— the vets I mean

07-21-2019, 10:47 AM
Ssrichardson28, you need to try to get an antibiotic from a friend or family that might have a leftover antibiotic. All you need is one pill. Let us know what you get and we can dose it. Ciprofloxacin would be best but we can use others. Baytril is a veterinary antibiotic that is similar to Ciprofloxacin. We can dose either human or veterinary antibiotics.

08-16-2019, 05:48 PM
:crazy That's the amazing part, they seem to get better really quickly! :wahoo Though I guess it's also a matter of catching it early. Does this little Brodi have a thread?

What did you use in the humidifier?? Please help i have a squireel whos having the same issue shes an antelope ground squirrel

10-01-2019, 05:26 PM
I have an about 8week old grey squirrel. We've had him for 3 weeks. He's been doing well, eating, gaining weight. Today after feeding he was breathing heavy and if I held him up to my ear i hear a click.... not like the video. He just wanted to lay down and sleep after that. His heart seems to beating fast. His snuggle snack is moving constantly. I haven't offered food since he's been the last 2 hours. Should I treat for pneumonia? Or wait and see. I only have a 500 mg amoxicillin caplet or And cephalexin. He weighs 160g

03-29-2022, 05:50 PM
Shoot! The video won't play for me either....would be so good to see it and know

04-03-2022, 03:51 AM
:confused:Unable to view video! I have a 7 week old, Eastern Grey, Male, Tre Mac, who I have had since he was approximately 10 days old. He weighs roughly 180g and has been doing very well eating and growing but he started making a clicking noise after he fell asleep tonight once he got done eating - not sure if it is aspiration pneumonia but I dont want to take the risk so looking to find which antibotics I may start him on ASAP? As well as the strength and amount and how often? FYI: He has only ever slept on fleece blankets so not worried about bedding being the culprit for clicking noise. I have some left over Amoxicllin Oral Suspension USP 400mg/5ml but not sure if animals/squirrels can take it safely :dono PLEASE :help:help HELP! Thank :thankyou You In Advance 🥰

06-19-2023, 08:15 PM
My son was with his dad for the weekend and brought home a northern flying squirrel. It’s about 5 1/2 to 6 weeks weighs 40 g and I’ve realized he starting to make the dreaded clicking noise. I have found some amoxicillin 500 I need help with dosing to save this little guy, his name is trooper because that’s what he is a little trooper!! Please help us through this!!

06-19-2023, 08:29 PM
I sent you dosing by PM.

We need pics! We NEVER get to see NORTHERN flyers!

08-11-2023, 06:12 PM
I know this is an “old thread” but it is a STICKY, and the original post and accompanying video contain critical, life saving, IMPORTANT information for ALL TSB…
YET…the video linked in the first post is no longer able to be viewed via photo bucket.

Im hoping someone can either track down the original video with a usable/viewable link, OR maybe we can update this sticky with a new one, that is just as helpful/valid???

{{I know in the year since I’ve been on TSB NONE of the photobucket video links have ever worked. Which tbh has been absolutely devastating, when reading through so many amazing legacy threads with videos that I’ve never been able to watch 😢😢🥺🥺 (Jeffery, Rama Rotas earlier posts, krista, and many others) }}

03-10-2024, 10:54 PM
Marshmallow is his name. We got 4 babies at about 2-3 days old. 2 of them passed very quickly. The other 2 were bigger to begin with. My girl passed away 2 days ago after I noticed they had stopped gaining weight. I research so much that night to find I needed to go back to only Pedialyte. Upon the first feeding of just pedialyte I was to late and she didn’t make it through the night. The last surviving boy is NOT DOING WELL AT ALL!!!I honestly didn’t think he would make it past his sister by very long!!! I noticed the clicking when he breaths last night! He should be close to 2 weeks old now and only weighs 16 grams. He won’t drink just the pedialyte so I literally colored it with puppy formula just to give a little flavor. He is still urinating before and after feedings but hasn’t pooped now in about 6 hours. I will be heading to the place where I think I can get antibiotics (Bombgars) in the morning… I can’t help but feel guilty because he looks awful but is fighting like hell! Which in turn makes me keep fighting harder and harder to save him!!! He won’t eat off of a nipple either. I drip a drop onto my hand and he licks it up… I lightly bugger suck his nose after he eats because I’m pretty sure if he did aspirate that’s how it happened… I have the feeling something happened to mama either at birth or right after. 2 babies were so small and sickly looking and the 2 strong ones started thriving at first! My kids and I are so attached to this little man and don’t want to lose him but I cry just looking at him! He has fought so hard!