View Full Version : how to cope
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 05:40 PM
my little mavie isnt a baby anymore :( hes 18 weeks today and just SO big I was looking back through his thread and its crazy how he went from a little baby blob to the amazing little guy he is today. Honestly he is the most fufilling thing Ive ever done and though im very proud of the squirrel hes became I cant help but miss the baby days. He was so tiny and I LOVE the way he always had that sleepy eyed look on his face. Hes still every bit as cuddly and sweet as can be but I miss my baby :( of course he will always be my baby but its still not the same :(
I know you all think im crazy right now lol but im depressed!!! Make hime small again :hissyfit
12-21-2011, 05:57 PM
Not a soul on the board thinks you are crazy! We all feel the same way silly...:grouphug
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 06:13 PM
really?! i just figured it'd be a little different for people who raise and release 100s of babies lol release time is going to be VERY hard... :poke i hope its a nice loooooooong winter :)
12-21-2011, 06:14 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
We all understand. It's quite an experience watching them grow and develop.
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 06:17 PM
im just glad he hasnt "wilded up" yet... ive been dreading the day.... idk if i can hanndle him hating me lol hes such a sweet sweet boy and loves to be around people hes the best squirrel baby ever, im convinced!!! :jump
Milo's Mom
12-21-2011, 06:20 PM
I cried for days when I released The Fuzzy Five. And still today, nearly 6 months AFTER they were released, my heart hops in delight when I see one of them out flying through the trees or begging for a nut.
You are not crazy and the precious baby days are so short lived...just like us humans.
Although, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw your name and the name of this thread. I actually stopped breathing and closed my eyes for a second while I was clicking on it...I feared the worst!!!! No worries though...just a few more grey hairs for me.
I was feeling the same way about Colombus. He has gotten big too. And I miss the little baby stage. I know how you feel. I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 06:22 PM
lol im sorry MM!!! this isnt the best thread name... i didnt even consider that!!! no worries though Mavryc is very well! loved,fat,spoiled, and just as happy as ever!!!!!!!! :thumbsup
and thank you for caring about my mav man that much :)
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 06:23 PM
I was feeling the same way about Colombus. He has gotten big too. And I miss the little baby stage. I know how you feel. I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug
ugh i wont feel better until someone shrinks him for me!!! lol and where are my pictures of the boys you promised me miss. alex!? :rotfl :rotfl
ugh i wont feel better until someone shrinks him for me!!! lol and where are my pictures of the boys you promised me miss. alex!? :rotfl :rotfl
Aww, I understand.
:rotfl Honestly I was just getting to that, I'll send now :D
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 06:30 PM
kay! i'll be ready for them lol
Sent, I only sent three of each boy... mostly becuse it SOOO hard to get a picture of them still :rotfl
12-21-2011, 06:39 PM
One, or 25 (or in Jackie's case....367), it is never easy. You will always worry about them, and of course, you are giving up a piece of your heart to them. I thought I would die releasing my four craziaks last year....hardest thing I have ever done. I knew in my heart it was what was supposed to be....but that didn't make it hurt any less. I had panic attacks as the time grew closer (and so you know, I had released others, but had never wintered over.....spending all that time makes it harder, at least for me.) You are not crazy, or being ridiculous.....a mom letting go of her baby hurts. My four craziaks left for over two months (not one single sighting of them....I was crushed.) But they are all back. But even before they did come back, after I got over the initial pain of letting go, I did feel happy...for them. This was the life they were meant to have. I saved them, so they could have life, their life. I'm rambling (sorry, got a bad cold), but my point is, we all go through the emotions you are feeling, and although I know that won't make it easier, its always good to know you are not alone!
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 06:48 PM
One, or 25 (or in Jackie's case....367), it is never easy. You will always worry about them, and of course, you are giving up a piece of your heart to them. I thought I would die releasing my four craziaks last year....hardest thing I have ever done. I knew in my heart it was what was supposed to be....but that didn't make it hurt any less. I had panic attacks as the time grew closer (and so you know, I had released others, but had never wintered over.....spending all that time makes it harder, at least for me.) You are not crazy, or being ridiculous.....a mom letting go of her baby hurts. My four craziaks left for over two months (not one single sighting of them....I was crushed.) But they are all back. But even before they did come back, after I got over the initial pain of letting go, I did feel happy...for them. This was the life they were meant to have. I saved them, so they could have life, their life. I'm rambling (sorry, got a bad cold), but my point is, we all go through the emotions you are feeling, and although I know that won't make it easier, its always good to know you are not alone!
thank you pappy! this is why i love this board its the only place i can talk gush and coo about mavie without people going "seriously? hes a squirrel!!" lol im so thankful to have met all of you wonderful people! you all make everything a little better and its so much easier to be the best mommy i can be because of all of you who have already been through what im going through now!
its also nice to talk with new mommys like alex as well!! we get to learn together lol
Much agreed. :thankyou to all that have helped me along the way.
And learning was a lot easier with my new mommy buddy :D
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 06:55 PM
ikr?! i just :Love_Icon you alex!!! lol and the boys are getting so big its crazy :D youre doing a wonderful job!!!
Yay:jump Love!!! I :Love_Icon you too =)
I know, I cant wait to head to PetSmart again and buy more toys! If I had had more money today my house would have overflowed! :rotfl
:thankyou Mav looks great too! I dont creep on your Facebook :rotfl Okay maybe a little :poke
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 07:20 PM
lol theres only like 700+ pics of him there!!!!!! 5 albums i think?! ready for number 6!!! lol you'll have to check it out after Christmas i'll have pics of him getting his presents on there for sure!!!! :jump he has quite a pile of them..
Milo's Mom
12-21-2011, 07:51 PM
Much agreed. :thankyou to all that have helped me along the way.
And learning was a lot easier with my new mommy buddy :D
Alex! How are the boys? Can you post some pics? I'd love to see them. They must be huge by now!!!
lol theres only like 700+ pics of him there!!!!!! 5 albums i think?! ready for number 6!!! lol you'll have to check it out after Christmas i'll have pics of him getting his presents on there for sure!!!! :jump he has quite a pile of them..
I'll definately check them out, once I sweeten my mom up a bit I'll ask to add you on Facebook... :D Better bring out my battle armor... She almost caught me on here tonight, luckily my kitten blocked her view for most of the time, but I think she suspected something... :osnap
12-21-2011, 09:13 PM
:grouphug I know! Just *thinking* of the day when your squirrel will be old enough not to need ya anymore will practically kill ya. I believe most of us here have been there. I've raised and (re)released only one solo squirrel, and the emotions that surfaced were ones I'd never tell a single non-squeep. :D But we 'get' ya here! :thumbsup
It makes me happy to see you and Alex sharing your new-squammy-buddy moments. That's cool.
And I had to pick my heart out of my feet when I read the title, too. I thought the worst until I saw that it was in Baby Squirrel Questions. Sheesh, don't DO that to us, woman! :poke
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 09:16 PM
I'll definately check them out, once I sweeten my mom up a bit I'll ask to add you on Facebook... :D Better bring out my battle armor... She almost caught me on here tonight, luckily my kitten blocked her view for most of the time, but I think she suspected something... :osnap
you better watch it!! lol id HATE to not be able to talk to you anymore :( but we always have email!! lol
Mavrycs Mommy
12-21-2011, 09:18 PM
:grouphug I know! Just *thinking* of the day when your squirrel will be old enough not to need ya anymore will practically kill ya. I believe most of us here have been there. I've raised and (re)released only one solo squirrel, and the emotions that surfaced were ones I'd never tell a single non-squeep. :D But we 'get' ya here! :thumbsup
It makes me happy to see you and Alex sharing your new-squammy-buddy moments. That's cool.
And I had to pick my heart out of my feet when I read the title, too. I thought the worst until I saw that it was in Baby Squirrel Questions. Sheesh, don't DO that to us, woman! :poke
lol sorry!!!!! il better think my title names next time :P
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