View Full Version : Rehabbers, when did your babies wean?

12-17-2011, 09:23 PM
To the rehabbers out there I'd like to know at what ages do your squirrels normally start to wean off of the syringe feedings and also off of formula all together? What do you guys consider as "the healthy norm?"

FYI, mine are taking Henry blocks now. I am specifically looking for info about age and what you have found through your experiences.

12-17-2011, 10:10 PM
Im not a rehabber but from reading ALOT on TSB I remember hearing that as long as they will take it give it to them. However, both of my flyers have gotten to the point where they did not want it anymore...There like children, basically pushing it away...they were both about 10-11 weeks old! I know that you can sprinkle the fox valley on yogurt and stuff as a supplement as well...hope this helped a little!

island rehabber
12-17-2011, 10:10 PM
Most wean themselves between 9-11 weeks old. However, I've had more than a few who enjoyed their FV breakfast well into the 20th week and beyond....and have thankfully had only several who started weaning at 7 weeks old. As I've mentioned before, inevitably the early weaners have less than attractive tails....skinny or sparsely furred.

12-17-2011, 10:20 PM
I usually wean my rehab and release babies at about 10-12 weeks. I wean them on to block or like you said HHB's. I don't let them even smell other food other than formula and block for about 3 weeks after weaning. Until they love block. If they are being overwintered I usually let them go a few weeks longer or until I can't stand being bitten and scratched to pieces anymore!! If I had a NR, I think I would never wean them as long as they would take formula.
