View Full Version : New Squirrel Mommy

12-14-2011, 10:04 PM
Hello my name is Josephine, I live in New Jersey and about 3 weeks ago I was sitting inside on my computer :) I had the back door open and I could hear something screaming. I have an indoor outdoor cat that from time to time will catch a mouse or two. So right away I thought it was much more than just a mouse because I could hear it crying for help from inside the house. I ran and got a flash light and followed the cries. And there was the cat rolling around on the ground trying to play with a very young squirrel. It was trying so hard to get back up the tree but that is when I noticed that it was just dragging its back legs. I ripped off my **** LMAO yes my shirt and It was really cold but I didn't have time to run back inside for something to grab it with. So I was able to catch her by hand and brought her inside. I never handled a squirrel before and I was a bit worried that she would bite me. Right away I put her in a cat create with a water bottle to keep her warm. The next morning I ran to the pet store and picked up a baby bottle and cat formula. I would hold her in a ripped up shirt that I used to keep her warm and she could hid in. And as soon as I put that milk to her lips she would drink. So I have been feeding her by bottle for 3 weeks now and she is starting to push the bottle away. Now she is eating on her own and drinking from a gerbil water bottle that I hung on the cage door. I have also placed her in a bigger create. Peanut  Is doing amazing she is even starting to move her back legs and her tail is starting to flicker. She plays and runs still dragging her back legs still but now there is some movement in them. My Hubby went out and cut down a large branch for her to get some excurse on. Still dangling her back legs but she pulls herself up on that branch. I have lots of free time so I get to socialize with her all day. I even know now when she has had enough and just wants to go back in her create and sleep. I am assuming that she fell out of her next and hurt her back. And that is why she is not able to use them yet. But the excurse she is getting is starting to pay off. Today was the first day that her tail starting to flicker and I was like a proud mama yelling out ( My baby is Moving her tail!!!!!!!!!) She seems to really have become very attached to me now as well. She play bites me now  wrestles with my hand and then lays on her side and just plays and plays with me. So after calling a few wildlife rescues placed near here. I have decided to keep my little peanut. I have lots of great ideas about what kind of enclosure to build her. But I think more than anything I am wondering other than nuts what I should feed her. I love that she is taking some of her food and hides it under the sheets and rags she has in her create it’s the funniest thing to watch. Never in a million years would I have guested that I would fall so in love with a squirrel.
I will add some photos of my peanut soon. But any help with what they eat would be great.

12-14-2011, 10:21 PM
Welcome, Josephine!:Welcome

What a great story!

So, I guess, the cat didn't bite her?... because cat bites can be deadly if not treated with antibiotics right away. Since, it's been three weeks ago and she is doing well, I assume, the cat didn't bite her?...
although, often cat claws and even just saliva can be deadly.

It's great that you came looking for information on what to eat, instead of just assuming nuts and seeds.;-)
Squirrels have very specific nutritional needs. If they are not met, squirrels get very sick with MBD (metabolic bone disease), that can leave them crippled and even kill.
The base of their diet should be quality rodent block.
People use different kinds:
henry's healthy block available on www.henryspets.com. The homemade recipe for them is available in Squirrel Nutrition forum, but the ingredients are at henryspet.com.
harlan teklad - at www.harlan.com OR better at www.thecraftyrat.com
Kaytee forti diet for rats and mice, blue bag - at pet stores
Mazuri - at pet stores

in addition to the blocks, good green veggies and safe wild foods (just whatever you bring from outside make sure it is 100% safe)

a piece of fruit and a nut or two - as treats only!

Here is the link to full Diet Recommendations information:
Squirrel Nutrition forum: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=191 - read all stickies

Please feel free to check out forum on Cages, Nest boxes etc http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=199- for ideas on cages and what materials are safe. There are certain requirements, like the bar width should be no more than 1/2 inch etc.
Cage accessories ideas are there, too.
One of our members Jackie in Tampa makes great cage gear that lasts for a long time (unlike the store bought stuff). That helps her to keep her squirrel sanctuary.

If she still takes formula, the best formula for squirrels is Fox Valley, available either at www.henryspets.com or www.foxvalleynutrition.com.

Please never hesitate to ask whatever questions you might have.

With good nutrition they often regain some mobility (depending on the severity of the injury, of course)

12-14-2011, 10:25 PM
Hi Josephine,

Welcome to TSB. You have done a wonderful thing by rescuing little peanut.

The most important thing You can do for peanut is to get her on a good diet. Please read the nutrition section of this forum. Diet is crucial for her to have the nutrients to heal her body and to keep healthy. There is a wealth of experience here. I am glad you found TSB. :Welcome


12-14-2011, 10:25 PM
Never in a million years would I have guested that I would fall so in love with a squirrel.

it's called Squirrel Magic - you are never the same person once you get to know a squirrel:)

12-14-2011, 11:49 PM
That's a pretty lucky squirrel.
Usually when a cat messes with them, they don't live long due to infections.
Raising that little one will be quite an adventure.
If you get a chance, Please read some of the threads in regards to rescued squirrels.
You will find most all are released back into the wild after they recover.
Please understand, it's extremely rare that a squirrel will become a loving family pet.
It's just not in their nature to do so.
We'll do our best to help you through this.

12-15-2011, 10:19 AM
WOW :wahoo Thank you everyone for all the Info and links. I spoke to Joe from the Wildlife sanctuary in Pinelands NJ and he said pretty much the same thing. But he said that since she is starting to get movement back in her legs to wait until spring and then sit outside with her while she is still in her cage. He told me not to push it. That if she wants to go she will go on her own. Not to just place her out and then leave her. She is really amazing. I am very different since I have had her in my life. This morning I had her in a fanny pack while I was doing dishes and she climbed up my arm all on her own with just using her front legs. But then she started to make this strange little noise while sitting on my shoulder and for the first time her tail started to flicker :-) I am going to go and read up on everything you all have told me. Use the links that you have provided and my hubby is building her a beautiful home. I hope that she continues to get stronger.
Thank you again

P.S. Is there any way to post photo on here?

island rehabber
12-15-2011, 11:30 AM
Tail flickering is excellent -- it means she does not have permanent spinal damage :thumbsup. You should be able to post pix now -- I just granted your full access this morning. :)

12-15-2011, 05:06 PM
That's great news :crazy wow I can't tell you how great that makes me feel to know that she wont lose her legs. I was very worried. Thank you so much :-) Oh I have a new question for you now LOL how about baths. Can I wash her like a baby with warm water and a wash cloth? LOL silly question I know. But I just want to make sure I am doing this right. If I lose her because I didn't know enough I will never forgive myself. So Bathing her is something I could use some pointers with LOL.

12-15-2011, 05:12 PM
OMG those pictures are huge sorry everyone LOL

12-15-2011, 05:13 PM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome
Great save. Squirrel magic changes us all! oh and she IS beautiful!!! The resizing of the pics is a pain to get used.

12-15-2011, 05:21 PM
What a precious face!!!!!!!!!!!! She needs her own thread now!

12-15-2011, 05:26 PM
Resized them for you :) She's just adorable :Love_Icon

Jackie in Tampa
12-15-2011, 05:29 PM
:Welcome :wave123 Welcome to TSB, Joshephine and Peanut!

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-15-2011, 05:57 PM
:Welcome :thumbsup :Welcome

12-15-2011, 07:43 PM
Hey thank you for the resize scootersmom :-) How did you do that? And thank you everyone she is beautiful. No one else understands me when I tell them how much I am already in love with my Peanut (AKA Spazzy) LOL she is nuts what a joy she has brought to my life. I can't even put it into words yet. But I find my self checking on her all the time to see if she is awake just to have one on one time with her. I can't wait till her new home is built. Love to all. And thanks again. Btw what about bathing? How should i bath the little stinker???? LOL :-)

12-15-2011, 07:46 PM
Oh another beautiful baby!!! :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome

12-15-2011, 08:17 PM
Thank you Sammys Mom Love her with all my heart. And I am loving getting to see everyones lil babys here. So many :-)

12-15-2011, 09:32 PM
Welcome if you need any help with anything let tim and myself know my name is maureen we are in manahawkin you have people close any time my phone number is 8484805862 I am a nurse and a hick of sorts from arkansas orignially we just released our little man and still out in yard and climbing tree daily lol best of luck if you need us call


12-15-2011, 09:39 PM
unless she pees on herself, you do not really need to bathe her.
Does she pee on herself?
If you have to bathe her, don't dunk her. Just fill a bowl/container/tub with warm water and wipe her with a cloth, you can put her in up to her waist.

They do not like to be bathed.
You have to be very careful - since she won't like it, she might get all spazzy and squirmy and end up diving accidentally. Make sure she does not end up under water as that might cause aspiration pneumonia if she inhales water.

Some ppl wrap them in a fleece blankie and put them in water wrapped- that helps to have a better control of a squirmy squirrel.

So, unless she pees on herself, you do not really need to bathe her.
THey are good at cleaning themselves.

12-15-2011, 09:46 PM
Hey thanks so much maureen you are really close. I used to live in Manahawkin 2 years ago and your like 20 mins from me *Smiles* I will be calling you LOL LOL.

And yes she pees her self because she is still dragging her back legs she always has pee on her. :-( But I will do what you said with the cloth. Thanks so much for your help.:Love_Icon

12-15-2011, 10:07 PM
Hey thanks so much maureen you are really close. I used to live in Manahawkin 2 years ago and your like 20 mins from me *Smiles* I will be calling you LOL LOL.

And yes she pees her self because she is still dragging her back legs she always has pee on her. :-( But I will do what you said with the cloth. Thanks so much for your help.:Love_Icon
if she pees on herself, then, yes, definitely wash that urine off, or she will start getting urine burn

12-15-2011, 10:45 PM
:jump Such a sweet story!!!She is so lucky to have found you!!!

12-16-2011, 12:19 AM
Thank you again astra I will get right on that then. I don't want my baby to have pee pee burns :-( Thanks so much to everyone. :Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 12:21 AM
:jump Such a sweet story!!!She is so lucky to have found you!!!
You think so cuteascnb :) I feel like it is me that is the lucky one to have found her. She has filled a place in my heart that I didn't even know needed filling :Love_Icon Love my new baby. :Love_Icon mjs :Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 12:40 AM
You think so cuteascnb :) I feel like it is me that is the lucky one to have found her. She has filled a place in my heart that I didn't even know needed filling :Love_Icon Love my new baby. :Love_Icon mjs :Love_Icon
so well said and so true...:thumbsup it as if they help you discover a new dimension of yourself:grouphug

island rehabber
12-16-2011, 08:05 AM
SMJ, see if a vet can get you a prescription for Silvadene cream. (Silver Sulfadiazine). It is the BEST treatment for urine burn ever created -- but it is by prescription only. Worth having in the medicine cabinet for your little girl. Just in case.

12-16-2011, 09:28 AM
Well that is something I really did want to ask you about. I live in Toms River NJ. If I take her to the vet here. Wont they make me give her up??

12-16-2011, 09:52 AM
I have not gone all the way through the purchase process, but it looks as though this place does not require a prescription for their silvadene:


island rehabber
12-16-2011, 11:17 AM
Well that is something I really did want to ask you about. I live in Toms River NJ. If I take her to the vet here. Wont they make me give her up??

Yes. BUT we have some excellent NJ rehabber members who may be able to help you. I will PM them and alert them to your thread.

12-16-2011, 12:31 PM
I have not gone all the way through the purchase process, but it looks as though this place does not require a prescription for their silvadene:

Oh that is great I will get some right away. :-) Thank you so much. :Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 12:34 PM
Yes. BUT we have some excellent NJ rehabber members who may be able to help you. I will PM them and alert them to your thread.
WOW really :jump That would be really great. I am very worried that if she does god for bid fall ill. When I take her to a vet they will make me give her up. I really don't think I will be able to do that. If that were to happen I might go running out of the vets LOL I laugh because I know me and its something I just might do if in the event someone would make me part with my lil angel. She is a part of me now and I can't even think about losing her. Thank you for your help. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 12:44 PM
WOW really :jump That would be really great. I am very worried that if she does god for bid fall ill. When I take her to a vet they will make me give her up. I really don't think I will be able to do that. If that were to happen I might go running out of the vets LOL I laugh because I know me and its something I just might do if in the event someone would make me part with my lil angel. She is a part of me now and I can't even think about losing her. Thank you for your help. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
yes, don't let anyone take her away from you, especially, because she has this back end injury.
Full recovery from such injuries is very difficult, takes a lot of time, personal attention (like frequent baths etc), monitoring, and even then, it is not guaranteed that a squirrel will recover enough to be released.
Therefore, most of the time, squirrels with such injuries are not bothered with and euthanized: wildlife centres and most rehabbbers are two understaffed and busy to dedicate so much personal attention, and if a wild animal is deemed non-releasable, it must be euthanized.

So, do try not to surrender her.
That NJ rehabber IR mentioned might be the way to go. Otherwise, don't trust just anyone

12-16-2011, 01:30 PM
yes, don't let anyone take her away from you, especially, because she has this back end injury.
Full recovery from such injuries is very difficult, takes a lot of time, personal attention (like frequent baths etc), monitoring, and even then, it is not guaranteed that a squirrel will recover enough to be released.
Therefore, most of the time, squirrels with such injuries are not bothered with and euthanized: wildlife centres and most rehabbbers are two understaffed and busy to dedicate so much personal attention, and if a wild animal is deemed non-releasable, it must be euthanized.

So, do try not to surrender her.
That NJ rehabber IR mentioned might be the way to go. Otherwise, don't trust just anyone
God bless you because you really understand my worries. Even though her back legs are now moving all on there own :jump She is still not 100% she went from 0% of her back legs to 60% in less then 3 weeks. I am with her all day and night. Feeding, cleaning playing and then doing pull ups i call them LMAO since we mounted the large branch to a base I put her on there for 10 mins everyday 5 times a day. Now she has enough energy to sit on my shoulder while I get things done around the house and she side whinds i call it LMAO but pulling her legs up the whole time. When she wakes up to play and eat at 4am I am right there up with her. Its almost as if she makes all that noise just to wake me up. Yes She is in my bed room LMAO I keep her there close to me because I have 2 cats and a dog. I love them so much but I do not trust leaving her in the lilving room over night where they all love to sleep. So she sleeps in her create on the table next to my bed everynight. Ohhh and my hubby really loves that LOL LOL NOT!!!!!!!!!! He wakes up and says your daughter is calling you HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! I am a very very happy go lucky person but my god she has brought so much more sun shine to my life. I would get a fine and maybe even arrested before I hand her over to anyone. So thank you so much for understanding my feelings. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 02:12 PM
God bless you because you really understand my worries. Even though her back legs are now moving all on there own :jump She is still not 100% she went from 0% of her back legs to 60% in less then 3 weeks. I am with her all day and night. Feeding, cleaning playing and then doing pull ups i call them LMAO since we mounted the large branch to a base I put her on there for 10 mins everyday 5 times a day. Now she has enough energy to sit on my shoulder while I get things done around the house and she side whinds i call it LMAO but pulling her legs up the whole time. When she wakes up to play and eat at 4am I am right there up with her. Its almost as if she makes all that noise just to wake me up. oh, I am sure she makes that noise PRECISELY to wake you up - they are very good at training their humans;D.
It's great that she is getting so much exercise! Hopefully, she will recover well enough to be released (and if not - i am sure, she knows she has it made with you;D)

Yes She is in my bed room LMAO I keep her there close to me because I have 2 cats and a dog. I love them so much but I do not trust leaving her in the lilving room over night where they all love to sleep.
:thumbsup that's a wise decision, very important.:thumbsup :grouphug
Please read this thread:

so many people think that their sweet pet dogs and cats are ok, but it's always the first time. They are predators to squirrels, and their instincts are very strong. They are so fast, that the damage will be done before you can blink.
Cat's saliva is deadly. Even if the bite itself might be superficial, the saliva will be fatal unless treated with antibiotics right away (and even there is no guarantee).
Equally important, if she recovers well enough to be released, she needs to have her fear of cats and dogs intact. If she starts seeing them and watching you interact with them safely, she will assume they are safe - that will be her death sentence when/if she is released.
Besides, having cats and dogs around her cage can cause a lot of stress.

So, yes, keep them completely separated.:thumbsup

So she sleeps in her create on the table next to my bed everynight. Ohhh and my hubby really loves that LOL LOL NOT!!!!!!!!!! He wakes up and says your daughter is calling you HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!:rotfl

I am a very very happy go lucky person but my god she has brought so much more sun shine to my life. I would get a fine and maybe even arrested before I hand her over to anyone. So thank you so much for understanding my feelings. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
:thumbsup :grouphug :) :Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 04:59 PM
oh, I am sure she makes that noise PRECISELY to wake you up - they are very good at training their humans;D.
It's great that she is getting so much exercise! Hopefully, she will recover well enough to be released (and if not - i am sure, she knows she has it made with you;D)

:thumbsup that's a wise decision, very important.:thumbsup :grouphug
Please read this thread:

so many people think that their sweet pet dogs and cats are ok, but it's always the first time. They are predators to squirrels, and their instincts are very strong. They are so fast, that the damage will be done before you can blink.
Cat's saliva is deadly. Even if the bite itself might be superficial, the saliva will be fatal unless treated with antibiotics right away (and even there is no guarantee).
Equally important, if she recovers well enough to be released, she needs to have her fear of cats and dogs intact. If she starts seeing them and watching you interact with them safely, she will assume they are safe - that will be her death sentence when/if she is released.
Besides, having cats and dogs around her cage can cause a lot of stress.

So, yes, keep them completely separated.:thumbsup


:thumbsup :grouphug :) :Love_Icon

You know astra you really know how to make me feel a lot better about what I am doing for my little girl. I feel so much better about everything I have done and am doing for her since I joined TSB. Happy to know that for someone like me that didn't have a clue as to how to help or raise this Little angel. I have been making good decisions so far. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 05:41 PM
You know astra you really know how to make me feel a lot better about what I am doing for my little girl. I feel so much better about everything I have done and am doing for her since I joined TSB. Happy to know that for someone like me that didn't have a clue as to how to help or raise this Little angel. I have been making good decisions so far. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
:thumbsup :grouphug :)
yes, give yourself a credit

12-16-2011, 08:06 PM
:flash3 Hiya again, could you pls tell me how to resize photo i can not seem to get it right LOL


Resized them for you :) She's just adorable :Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 08:10 PM
:flash3 Hiya again, could you pls tell me how to resize photo i can not seem to get it right LOL

there should be an option on your computer.
I have a Mac, so it's hard for me to give instructions if you are a PC user.
What I have is in photo preview - whatever PC equivalent is for that - i go to Tools - Adjust Size - and i can choose any size I want. Usually, 600x800 or the next smaller size, I think it is 450x 600 or something like that, work for me.

Maybe, play with whatever you use to view your pics - look for something like: adjust size, edit etc.

Sorry could not be more helpful.

12-16-2011, 10:41 PM
I am using windows 7 so i will give it a try..................Well as you can see its not as big as the other ones LOL so Now I know how to make them smaller for next time. Thanks so much :-) Peanut getting her neck rubbed HEHEHE

12-16-2011, 10:46 PM
Now I am getting the hang of this LOL I love when she nibbles on me hehehehe mjs
I am using windows 7 so i will give it a try..................Well as you can see its not as big as the other ones LOL so Now I know how to make them smaller for next time. Thanks so much :-) Peanut getting her neck rubbed HEHEHE

12-16-2011, 10:46 PM
Peanut getting her neck rubbed HEHEHE:) :grouphug

12-17-2011, 11:05 PM
Happy Saturday everyone :wave123 :wave123 Have a new question about the sleeping pattern of these little babies. Do they always wake up so early HAHAH!!! I mean like 3am early. She is up for hours during the day. Then about 4pm She is so sleepy nothing I do will keep her up. I will wake her up again around 9pm for her last feeding because even though she is not drinking from the bottel as much she still looks for that milk late at night. (Almost cries for it) Then we will stay up till about 11pm and she's out :jump But as soon as it hits about 3 - 4 am she is up up up LOL LOL:multi

12-18-2011, 01:48 AM
Happy Saturday everyone :wave123 :wave123 Have a new question about the sleeping pattern of these little babies. Do they always wake up so early HAHAH!!! I mean like 3am early. She is up for hours during the day. Then about 4pm She is so sleepy nothing I do will keep her up. I will wake her up again around 9pm for her last feeding because even though she is not drinking from the bottel as much she still looks for that milk late at night. (Almost cries for it) Then we will stay up till about 11pm and she's out :jump But as soon as it hits about 3 - 4 am she is up up up LOL LOL:multi
WAY funny! Unfortunately.....squirrels don't understand the concept of "sleeping in". 3 am is super early and you have my sympathies! But Im jealous that she is down at 4 pm. LOL
5 am is when my reds wake up....and breakfast had better be there or else!! Foxers wake up around 7 am. They all nap from noon to 2 and go to bed for the night around 8 or 9 pm. I thought they would follow the cycle of the sun....but I was wrong. Its not light in the morning here until about 9 am....and its dark again by 4 pm. Its like this in the winter here....and I thought it would change the times they wake and go to bed....NOPE!

12-18-2011, 11:40 AM
"5 am is when my reds wake up....and breakfast had better be there or else!!"

Wow, those reds keep you up way early!

The foxers I fed arrived at 1st light and they also wanted to have their breakfast waiting for them!

12-18-2011, 12:01 PM
My older one usually sleeps through the night the little one thinks that 2-3 a.m. is construction time. Followed by very loud munching on either her blocks or wood. Sometime I think I am going to wake up only to have my wife hit me with a frying pan because my squirrels won't let her sleep.

12-18-2011, 12:04 PM
WAY funny! Unfortunately.....squirrels don't understand the concept of "sleeping in". 3 am is super early and you have my sympathies! But Im jealous that she is down at 4 pm. LOL
5 am is when my reds wake up....and breakfast had better be there or else!! Foxers wake up around 7 am. They all nap from noon to 2 and go to bed for the night around 8 or 9 pm. I thought they would follow the cycle of the sun....but I was wrong. Its not light in the morning here until about 9 am....and its dark again by 4 pm. Its like this in the winter here....and I thought it would change the times they wake and go to bed....NOPE!
Émile that is to funny LOL she is still very young so i will just cross my fingers LOL I am going to try and keep her up a bit longer. I let her nap around 4pm only because that is when I start dinner LOL so guess who is going to watch mommy cook tonight mjs

12-18-2011, 12:05 PM
"5 am is when my reds wake up....and breakfast had better be there or else!!"

Wow, those reds keep you up way early!

The foxers I fed arrived at 1st light and they also wanted to have their breakfast waiting for them!
Yes she really does hahahah!!!!!!!!!

12-18-2011, 12:09 PM
My older one usually sleeps through the night the little one thinks that 2-3 a.m. is construction time. Followed by very loud munching on either her blocks or wood. Sometime I think I am going to wake up only to have my wife hit me with a frying pan because my squirrels won't let her sleep.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes she is pretty much doing that same thing. The munching is waking my hubby HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Last night I caught him putting the pillow over his head HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just to funny. Even now I am here on my PC and he is talking to her LOL saying (why do you like to wake us up so early you little trouble maker) LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really loving this though. Getting up that early doesn't really bother me at all. But I do look forward to her sleeping threw the night. Seems like hubby is working overtime now just to finish building her new incloser LOL LOL LOLmjs mjs mjs mjs

12-19-2011, 10:12 PM
Hey guys & gals just wanted to share some new photos of me and my peanut. Just resting together heheh her down time. :-) I am loving her more and more every day.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-20-2011, 12:24 AM
Oh My What a little lover! You can never give or get enough kisses. Great pics.

12-20-2011, 01:11 AM
Oh My What a little lover! You can never give or get enough kisses. Great pics.
Wonderful photos!
A little lover, indeed! What a sweet face! You two together, and the look in your eyes, both of you - :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon

12-20-2011, 01:12 AM
Seems like hubby is working overtime now just to finish building her new incloser LOL LOL LOLmjs mjs mjs mjs

12-20-2011, 07:49 AM
Oh My What a little lover! You can never give or get enough kisses. Great pics.
Nope the more she gives the more I want. She really is very loving with me. Always wanting to get close to my face hahaha:Love_Icon

12-20-2011, 07:50 AM
Wonderful photos!
A little lover, indeed! What a sweet face! You two together, and the look in your eyes, both of you - :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
Talk about the look in my eyes. My family says the same thing. That I have the look of love in my eyes. *Smiles* How could I not. She is amazing :Love_Icon

12-20-2011, 10:35 AM
Always wanting to get close to my face hahaha:Love_Icon
that's a definite sign of love and affection that she wants to show you how much she loves you: in the wild, they rub each other faces and kiss.
So, that's what she is doing, trying to get close to your face:) :Love_Icon :grouphug

12-20-2011, 04:30 PM
that's a definite sign of love and affection that she wants to show you how much she loves you: in the wild, they rub each other faces and kiss.
So, that's what she is doing, trying to get close to your face:) :Love_Icon :grouphug
That is kinda what I thought. She is my little sweetie. Today we went for a yard walk. And it was the first time she started to make squirrel sounds. Flicking her tail like any other squirrel. Big change today mjs First time that I said now that's a squirrel LOL LOL :Love_Icon

12-20-2011, 04:44 PM
oh, she is a sweetie, for sure...
just taking her outside might not be a good idea.
You see, there is a chance that she might not regain her mobility 100%. If that happens, she will be a NR (non-releasable) and will stay with you for the rest of her life. Since she might become a NR, it will be best to help her get used to and accept her indoor life fully.
If she starts spending time outside, all the sounds, smells and previous memories will awaken her wild instincts and she will start wilding up - not something you want for a NR squirrel.
SHe will be pining for something she can never have - living like a wild squirrel in the trees. She will end up being depressed and unhappy being indoors.
Moreover, wildling up might bring more of her squirrelly aggression, she can become more nippy, bitey, moody etc.

So, for now it might be best to help her love indoors as much as possible.

If she does regain the use of her legs 100%, don't worry ;) - during the soft release process she will catch up on all the outdoors and more.

island rehabber
12-20-2011, 04:54 PM

12-20-2011, 11:19 PM
oh, she is a sweetie, for sure...
just taking her outside might not be a good idea.
You see, there is a chance that she might not regain her mobility 100%. If that happens, she will be a NR (non-releasable) and will stay with you for the rest of her life. Since she might become a NR, it will be best to help her get used to and accept her indoor life fully.
If she starts spending time outside, all the sounds, smells and previous memories will awaken her wild instincts and she will start wilding up - not something you want for a NR squirrel.
SHe will be pining for something she can never have - living like a wild squirrel in the trees. She will end up being depressed and unhappy being indoors.
Moreover, wildling up might bring more of her squirrelly aggression, she can become more nippy, bitey, moody etc.

So, for now it might be best to help her love indoors as much as possible.

If she does regain the use of her legs 100%, don't worry ;) - during the soft release process she will catch up on all the outdoors and more.

You know astra you are 100 % right on all counts. While she was sitting on my shoulder outside to day she was chatting her teeth and flicking her tail more then she ever has. When we came back in she was all over the place. More wild then she has ever been since I found her. At first I thought it was a good thing. Then thinking about it. I was asking my self was that a good sign or not. Now hearing what you have said I am thinking not such a good idea. Thanks for your help :Love_Icon mjs

12-21-2011, 01:29 PM
You know astra you are 100 % right on all counts. While she was sitting on my shoulder outside to day she was chatting her teeth and flicking her tail more then she ever has. When we came back in she was all over the place. More wild then she has ever been since I found her. At first I thought it was a good thing. Then thinking about it. I was asking my self was that a good sign or not. Now hearing what you have said I am thinking not such a good idea. Thanks for your help :Love_Icon mjs
:thumbsup :grouphug :)

12-22-2011, 10:59 PM
Hello everyone, hope your all doing well :-) Getting ready for the Holidays :-) Just have a quick question. Any ideas on what I can do about Peanuts nails hahahah she doesn't mean to, but she is really scratching my arms up. I even put on a long sleeve shirt when i handle her because she is really enjoying running around (All over me now) hehehe:jump But even with the shirt on her nails are getting threw and my hubby said I look like a cutter :Cry Any ideas???


12-23-2011, 02:42 PM
Hello everyone, hope your all doing well :-) Getting ready for the Holidays :-) Just have a quick question. Any ideas on what I can do about Peanuts nails hahahah she doesn't mean to, but she is really scratching my arms up. I even put on a long sleeve shirt when i handle her because she is really enjoying running around (All over me now) hehehe:jump But even with the shirt on her nails are getting threw and my hubby said I look like a cutter :Cry Any ideas???

There's really nothing you can do about it.
What seems to help, is wearing a second heavier shirt.
I wear a heavy flannel one over my regular shirt, and it does help a bit.
A sweatshirt also works for this.

12-23-2011, 03:35 PM
There's really nothing you can do about it.
What seems to help, is wearing a second heavier shirt.
I wear a heavy flannel one over my regular shirt, and it does help a bit.
A sweatshirt also works for this.
Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! I just started wearing a flannel Hahahah!!!!!!! Ok thank you Skul :Love_Icon

12-23-2011, 03:39 PM
You are her personal tree now. Flannel, denim and fleece will be your armor and your best friend. Some people use the light thicker sandpaper perches to help with nails. We have one of those stone perches for birds that is edible. Seems to help a bit.

12-23-2011, 05:00 PM
You are her personal tree now. Flannel, denim and fleece will be your armor and your best friend. Some people use the light thicker sandpaper perches to help with nails. We have one of those stone perches for birds that is edible. Seems to help a bit.
(also, her personal potty, but, don't tell her)

12-24-2011, 11:51 AM
I am her tree, her potty, her pillow, her teething ring. And I am loving every minute of it. Oh by the way what is the chattering mean LOL I don't know if that’s what you would call it. Sounds like a cross between teeth chattering and purring HAHAHA but she does it all the time. Also she is now making a grunting noise whenever she sees me :thinking


12-24-2011, 12:01 PM
I am her tree, her potty, her pillow, her teething ring. And I am loving every minute of it. Oh by the way what is the chattering mean LOL I don't know if that’s what you would call it. Sounds like a cross between teeth chattering and purring HAHAHA but she does it all the time. Also she is now making a grunting noise whenever she sees me :thinking

well, some of these sounds may mean different things depending on the situation.

Chattering is almost always a warning to stay away, or a way for her to let you know that something is bothering her. Often, chattering may be followed by a bite."I told you I am not in a good mood";) But for it to be a threat/warning, it has to be a 100% chattering - you won't miss it, her whole stance will change, tail will flicker and a very distinct teethy sound - clearly teeth chattering.

BUT purring is a sign of pleasure. It's almost like cats - who purr when they feel good. So, if it's not 100% chattering but more of a purring, then, it might not be a threat described above, because purring is a sign of pleasure.

Grunting can go both ways.
E.g., when I feed wilds, and one becomes upset that I give nuts to others and not only her, she'd sit by my feet, intermittently grunting to express her displeasure at the fact that others are around, and to let them know that she is not happy that they are getting nuts, too.lol;)

BUT in a play, or when everything is fine, grunting is another sign of pleasure.
So, when she starts grunting when she sees you - she is excited to see you! Is it any wonder? :D

Sp, purring and grunting when with you - she is enjoying being with you!

12-24-2011, 12:01 PM
The grunting/vibrating noise I believe is a happy noise. Chattering could mean she's scared or ticked off. Depends on the situation. We kind of learn to look for noises and what leads up to them making them. You have to be a squirrel psychologist. Sometimes simply grinding teeth is them being content. this is my own personal experience of course....others may have different opinions.

12-24-2011, 12:18 PM
The grunting/vibrating noise I believe is a happy noise. Chattering could mean she's scared or ticked off. Depends on the situation. We kind of learn to look for noises and what leads up to them making them. You have to be a squirrel psychologist. Sometimes simply grinding teeth is them being content. this is my own personal experience of course....others may have different opinions.
that's a great word to describe it, Jake!
What you are hearing, NSMJ, is not so much chattering but vibrating.

And grunting/vibrating is a happy sound, indeed.

But Jake is also right, that you will come to understand her by what follows the sounds etc. And you will learn to recognize warning sounds b/c you will know she has warned you lol :D so, don't worry.

But, for now, all her sounds sound like the happy sounds! :thumbsup Especially, when she sees you - she is HAPPY to see you!:grouphug

12-24-2011, 01:37 PM
well, some of these sounds may mean different things depending on the situation.

Chattering is almost always a warning to stay away, or a way for her to let you know that something is bothering her. Often, chattering may be followed by a bite."I told you I am not in a good mood";) But for it to be a threat/warning, it has to be a 100% chattering - you won't miss it, her whole stance will change, tail will flicker and a very distinct teethy sound - clearly teeth chattering.

BUT purring is a sign of pleasure. It's almost like cats - who purr when they feel good. So, if it's not 100% chattering but more of a purring, then, it might not be a threat described above, because purring is a sign of pleasure.

Grunting can go both ways.
E.g., when I feed wilds, and one becomes upset that I give nuts to others and not only her, she'd sit by my feet, intermittently grunting to express her displeasure at the fact that others are around, and to let them know that she is not happy that they are getting nuts, too.lol;)

BUT in a play, or when everything is fine, grunting is another sign of pleasure.
So, when she starts grunting when she sees you - she is excited to see you! Is it any wonder? :D

Sp, purring and grunting when with you - she is enjoying being with you!

You Know Astra I am so glad to hear all this. I was hoping that her grunting was because she is happy to see me. And since she does it first thing in the morning when she sees me getting out of bed it’s a great sound to hear.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon As for her chattering well.......yup she is doing that when she sees my cat HAHAHA She spends a lot of time on my shoulder now more than ever because she is grunting now even more when she doesn't see me. So I am thinking that is her way of calling to me to let me know that she wants to be with me. So up she goes and as soon as the cat is around the chattering and tail flicking starts. Even though my cat is 15 she has not interest in Peanut at all. But Peanut knows she is there and wants her to know to stay away LOL.... LOL

Thanks again and Have a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

12-24-2011, 01:41 PM
The grunting/vibrating noise I believe is a happy noise. Chattering could mean she's scared or ticked off. Depends on the situation. We kind of learn to look for noises and what leads up to them making them. You have to be a squirrel psychologist. Sometimes simply grinding teeth is them being content. this is my own personal experience of course....others may have different opinions.

Well your all right, it varies. Sometimes she just chatters when she is sitting with me. But other times it’s chatter with the tail flicking when she sees my cat. But it’s so great having you all helping me with these things because of all of you I am learning about her more and more every day. She is really amazing. And never in a million years would I have thought that a squirrel would be so affectionate. Wow she is always giving kisses. I mean real ones to. She will find her way to my face and go right to my lips and lick me HAHAHAh

Thanks again *Hugs*

12-24-2011, 01:45 PM
that's a great word to describe it, Jake!
What you are hearing, NSMJ, is not so much chattering but vibrating.

And grunting/vibrating is a happy sound, indeed.

But Jake is also right, that you will come to understand her by what follows the sounds etc. And you will learn to recognize warning sounds b/c you will know she has warned you lol :D so, don't worry.

But, for now, all her sounds sound like the happy sounds! :thumbsup Especially, when she sees you - she is HAPPY to see you!:grouphug

And I am happy to see her so now I am just grunting back at her when ever she does it to me and she seems to love it. And Vibrating is even a better one then chattering I think because she really is vibrating lol I feel her whole body moving when she is doing that. But other then her first bite on the 2 day that i had her. She has never bitten me again. In play all the time, but not in anger.:grouphug :Love_Icon
Thanks so much :jump

12-27-2011, 10:54 PM
Hi guys & Gals, question this morning when i took peanut out i noticed a spot of her hair on her back end is not missing but shorter. It's very strange. Any clues??? :dono

12-27-2011, 11:29 PM
looks like she was biting at it???:dono

12-27-2011, 11:52 PM
looks like she was biting at it???:dono

That is what I thought at first. But its just to perfect of a missing patch. I just don't know. :thinking

12-28-2011, 05:37 PM
Well I know my dogs get hot spots and will bite at there butts and it leaves the same thing....she could also be molting....I dont think its anything to worry about unless it gets worse or the skin is irritated!

12-28-2011, 06:09 PM
I was thinking possible molting. My guys start with little white spots and then they grow until the new hair comes in.

12-29-2011, 10:13 AM
Well I know my dogs get hot spots and will bite at there butts and it leaves the same thing....she could also be molting....I dont think its anything to worry about unless it gets worse or the skin is irritated!
Thanks cute Its not getting worse I think your right though about the molting. It looks more like that. But if she is molting wont it be more then just that one spot? I watch her all the time she is not biting her self. Thank god.


12-29-2011, 10:14 AM
I was thinking possible molting. My guys start with little white spots and then they grow until the new hair comes in.
I do hope that it is just molting. :thankyou

12-29-2011, 11:01 AM
hope so too. Just keep an eye on it. Dusty got two spots on her butt and looked like she had a cobra monocle going on back there...how fitting for her.

island rehabber
12-29-2011, 11:03 AM
Dusty got two spots on her butt and looked like she had a cobra monocle going on back there...how fitting for her.

:rotfl:rotflI've seen that effect, good description!

12-29-2011, 12:40 PM
hope so too. Just keep an eye on it. Dusty got two spots on her butt and looked like she had a cobra monocle going on back there...how fitting for her.
:grouphug Thanks JLP

01-09-2012, 12:24 PM
Hello everyone, hope you all have a great holiday. We are all doing very well here. Peanut is growing up very fast. She still is wanting to sleep the day away and be up all night. Don't know why her sleeping habits are backwards and no matter what I do its still the same. I try and keep her up during the day but she gets upset after awhile so i just let her sleep. Picked up a harness for her and she does seem to love that. We go for walks out in the back yard everyday. She is very playfull more so now then ever. She also seems to love everyone in the house my hubby and my kids. But she cries for mommy :Love_Icon which i love. I am a bit worried that she will not get the full use of her back legs back though. Its been almost 2 months and she still is dragging them behind her :-( they twitch and her tail moves a lot now to but she is still not able to use them to walk or run. But I keep praying that she will get them back. Here are some new pics of my Big baby girl Peanut. I just wish I new how old she really was.

01-10-2012, 09:22 AM
The outdoor excersize might be the best medicine there is.
Be careful with the harness.
The little stinkers can wiggle out of them pretty easy.

01-10-2012, 10:18 AM
Well she seems to love it when I put it on. So yesterday i took her out deeper into the yard (Field) and I gave her lots of space away from me HAHAHA omg I cried like a baby. As soon as she noticed how far away from her i was she came running to me and ran up my back :Love_Icon :Love_Icon I think she is attatched to me :) :) God knows I am to her. Love this lil baby so much. She is the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night. XOXOXOX

01-10-2012, 10:49 AM
I just read your story, that is the EXACT way Imp came into our lives (but i sent the cat to live with my mother afterwards, Imp gets priority =P)

I would be careful with the harness... I have tried modifying ferret harnesses over and over and no matter what I do Imp can ALWAYS get out... and being outside like that out of the harness is a bit precarious... She might hop on to a tree and be out of reach before you notice. Then it might be days before she decides to come back... This happened with Imp once and an eagle (or really really big hawk) came out of nowhere and tried to grab him. I don't know how but the thing grabbed him and he got out of its grasp.... It was very scary, so keep that in mind..

If you keep her she will bring a lot into your life, but just be warned ... she WILL chew on stuff and ruin your things... We all just sort of accept this reality (right squirrel mommas?) Just make sure ahead of time you and your husband are on the same page and are willing to deal with it. If you keep her until she starts her ..um... renovations in your house.. then decide she has to go... she will most certainly die in the wild.. Imp could never survive out there now.. he is too friendly (to women at least) and curious... Plus he thinks we are the magic food machines...

P.S. Imp eventually adapted to our sleep schedule! He just gets mad if we sleep in on the weekend, he wont have it.

01-10-2012, 12:20 PM
I would be careful with the harness... I have tried modifying ferret harnesses over and over and no matter what I do Imp can ALWAYS get out... and being outside like that out of the harness is a bit precarious... She might hop on to a tree and be out of reach before you notice. Then it might be days before she decides to come back... This happened with Imp once and an eagle (or really really big hawk) came out of nowhere and tried to grab him. I don't know how but the thing grabbed him and he got out of its grasp.... It was very scary, so keep that in mind...
:thumbsup very good point.

Besides, if she is not regaining the use of her back legs, it means she will have to be a NR.
OUtside smells and sounds might awaken her wild instincts and she might end up having difficulty accepting her life indoors, OR she will be constantly conflicted and torn between her indoor life and something that she wants but can't have.
All squirrels as they grow up, become more "squirrelly" one way or the other. Wild smells and sounds can make these "squirrelly" mood swings and instincts more difficult for everyone involved.

She will have her hard times anyway, because of the hormone shifts.
Smelling the outside can worsen those times.

01-10-2012, 12:31 PM
I am a firm believer in allowing these NR kids to be as much of a squirrel as they can possibly be with their disabilities. So that even if their little bodies cannot be total squirrel their spirits can. Sunshine is a beautiful thing:thumbsup

01-10-2012, 12:34 PM
:thumbsup very good point.

Besides, if she is not regaining the use of her back legs, it means she will have to be a NR.
OUtside smells and sounds might awaken her wild instincts and she might end up having difficulty accepting her life indoors, OR she will be constantly conflicted and torn between her indoor life and something that she wants but can't have.
All squirrels as they grow up, become more "squirrelly" one way or the other. Wild smells and sounds can make these "squirrelly" mood swings and instincts more difficult for everyone involved.

She will have her hard times anyway, because of the hormone shifts.
Smelling the outside can worsen those times.

That's for sure. We used to take Imp out on a regular basis until the eagle incident. Once we stopped taking him out so much he did seem to calm down inside and seem to acclimate to indoor life much more.

And DEFINITELY be prepaid for those aforementioned "hormone ****s" Imp goes nuts (excuse the pun) every spring for a couple weeks during breeding season. Then he quiets down and goes back to normal life.


Now if this little girl is going to be a NR, and you are ever looking for a home for her... :poke

Though I suppose it would depend on Imp's reaction to her.. and then there is the fact that she is a she and he is a he... :) + :) + :Love_Icon = :jump

01-10-2012, 05:54 PM
I am a firm believer in allowing these NR kids to be as much of a squirrel as they can possibly be with their disabilities. So that even if their little bodies cannot be total squirrel their spirits can. Sunshine is a beautiful thing:thumbsup
Total agree with you because her body cant but her spirit does and is.:thumbsup

01-10-2012, 06:21 PM
Wow ok so much to take in at once. First I will start with the harness and her behavior she is right now very calm and only becomes very wild and playful indoors with me. The harness happens to be for an iguana. So it is not going to slip of in any way. And if she was to somehow slip out of it she can’t move as fast as the other squirrels yet because of the fact she is only working with two legs. I put her on a tree today and gave her slack. She did a great job of pulling herself up :thumbsup pretty far out of my reach and as soon as I made my lil noise and called to her she jumped out of the tree and into my arms.:jump Did Imp have her spin injured as well? Peanut has not had use of her back legs since I found her. She is just now getting feeling back in her tail and legs so we still have lots of time before she is able to move faster than me. Also I have a huge Indoor porch that we used mostly for storage hahaha. Now it’s squirrel sanctuary dirt and all. But even though it is her place now and there is nothing in there other than trees dirt leaves etc. It is her space and she can make as much as a mess as she wants in there. I make everyone take off their shoes before going inside HAHAHA I do not plan on releasing her she is and will be now my lil girl. I have formed such a bond with her that I will never let her go not back out to the wild or to a new home her home is with me. I would be lost if I gave her up there is no way that is going to happen. And I don’t know if she will ever regain the full use of her back legs again so no matter what direction she goes the only home she knows right now is with me and that is the only home she will ever know. But regardless no matter what changes or what moods she has or will go into I see that she is super happy being outdoors with me for a few hours a day. She will not go too far from me for now. There is no way anything is going to fly down and pick her up while I am sitting inches from her. But comon sence tells me to keep looking around while we are out side. I know that you all know much more about squirrels then I do being that this is my first one but so far everything I decide to do or try with Peanut has been working and I can only go by what her reactions are to the things we do. Last weekend we went on a trip to the city it was a 3 hour ride I was so worried she would get car sick but she slept the whole way and was so happy when I got to my sister’s house. She played with everyone and had blast in my sister’s yard to. And I know she is going to go through changes but like I said before she is a part of my family now and even when she does wrong or messes things up she is still my lil baby. I don’t mean to sound upset or rude but I think when people assume that she will mess up my home because thats what squirrels do, but then that is why i don't give her the run of my home. Or assume that I will be looking or willing to give her up. It’s upsetting because then not many have really read my story about my peanut or seem the love in my eyes for her. Again so sorry but I really don’t like it when people assume. Nothing and I mean nothing she does will ever make me part with her. And as far as renovating my house well that is why my Husband and I have recreated a natural environment on my very lager indoor porch that room that is larger than my own bed room and that is when she lives and plays. I would be a fool to let her loose in my home knowing that she is still a wild baby and the fact that I have a dog and 3 cats. So Peanut has an apartment all of her own that we have spent over 200 dollars so far on and she is still just a baby. A very spoiled baby. I might even buy her a remote control Corvette LOL LOL She is now a NR and even if she gets to 100% with the use of her back legs again she is still a NR because she trust people to much already. I am very smart and I know that she would die if i released her back into the wild.

01-10-2012, 08:22 PM
Its very good to hear that you will back her up no matter what, but like I said MAKE SURE your husband is on the same page. Trust me when I tell you she WILL ruin some of your stuff at some point! Now of course that doesn't mean anything if you are a real squirrel mommy, and it sounds like you are :thumbsup

When squirrels get older they become a hell of a handful. Make sure your porch is well secured, these guys can chew through steel, literally! There is nothing worse then the days your are waiting to get your little baby back if she gets outside unsupervised.

These indoor squirrels just don't understand certain things about the outdoors. For instance when we used to take Imp outside he would climb out huge old oaks up to the tippy top of the branches where there was still plenty of acorns. What he didn't realize is the reason the other squirrels had not taken those acorns yet is because it is sooo very dangerous to go all the way to the ends of the top branches. That is where the birds of prey can spot them and our indoor babies are easy pickings!

I should mention no one here is trying to insult you or anything, these are just all things many of us have leaned the hard way. It would be best to head off problems ahead of time. The fact that Imp slipped out of that eagles grasp is 1 in 1,000,000,000! Most likely if a bird of prey goes after an oblivious indoor spoiled love ball... it will get them.

Again I did not mean to insult you, I just don't want you to loose your little baby! (I was just joking about taking her, unless you want to stop by and let her breed with imp =P).

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-10-2012, 09:13 PM
My Simon has no use of his back legs and no tail movement.
I have taken him outside 4 times in the 3 months I have had him, he goes absolutely crazy!! He cries and barks and runs around and chews on the bars . And this is just for the 15 minutes all creatures are supposed to have of sunshine. As soon as I bring him in he is all calm and cuddly again. I dont want to upset him because it upsets ME. And we can't have that!!
In a perfect world he would play outside and come in for dinner when I called for him, but it isnt that way. I feel he doesn't like it out there, its scary. And honestly I want it to stay scary so he doesn't try to get out and take off, he wouldn't last very long out there. Just how I feel.

01-10-2012, 09:20 PM
My Simon has no use of his back legs and no tail movement.
I have taken him outside 4 times in the 3 months I have had him, he goes absolutely crazy!! He cries and barks and runs around and chews on the bars . And this is just for the 15 minutes all creatures are supposed to have of sunshine. As soon as I bring him in he is all calm and cuddly again. I dont want to upset him because it upsets ME. And we can't have that!!
In a perfect world he would play outside and come in for dinner when I called for him, but it isnt that way. I feel he doesn't like it out there, its scary. And honestly I want it to stay scary so he doesn't try to get out and take off, he wouldn't last very long out there. Just how I feel.

01-10-2012, 09:30 PM
I agree with Niapet, that it's important that your husband is on the same page as you.
You'd be surprised how, unfortunately, sometimes, when the squirrel is all grown and being a squirrel (ie., chews, bites, makes a mess, poops and pees wherever ;-)), some family members become very upset and do not want to deal with that. I know, that's sad, but truth...

Another thing to be aware of: since you live in a state where it is illegal to keep a squirrel as a pet, it is best not to let too many people know about her.
It is best not to let friends, acquaintances, especially their kids and so on, see her and interact with her.
Moreover, don't let your neighbors, mailmen, deliver guys, plumbers, service people etc etc - whoever enters your home - know she is inside and that you keep her.
Unfortunately, there is always some meddlesome busybody "concerned" citizen who might report you.
If you get reported, people will come, seize her and euthanize her because she is unreleasable. All unreleasable wild animals, who cannot live in the wild, get euthanized.

Also, as she grows older, she might become less friendly with strangers.
Besides, since she is a wild prey animal (ie., an animal that always needs to be on guard more or less, instinctively), if something spooks her, upsets, her, someone touches her the wrong way - she might bite, and she might bite a child.
If she bites someone - that might end up ugly. Again, you will risk having her seized from you and euthanized.

Again, this is not to scare you, but you need to know and be aware.
There have been sad tragic cases of beloved squirrels being seized and euthanized.
That's sad, but it is reality.

So, keep her very low key.
If someone comes in, make sure you can put her in her cage/room away from everyone's eyes.
Ask your relatives not to tell anyone about her. (And since it is hard for children to keep a secret, that's another reason not to show her to children).
You can't be too careful when you are in an illegal state.

Also, it will be great for her if she has a full run of one room (again, just make sure it is squirrel-proof), but I think, you already know that ;)

EDIT: while we are at it, JUST IN CASE (God forbid), you have the right not to let anyone inside your home without a warrant. So, again , just in case, it's good to know so that you will have time to hide her.
But if you keep everything low key, you won't have to worry about it.

Mrs Skul
01-24-2012, 12:03 AM
MBD Treatment


Emergency Treatment for MBD

Get calcium into the squirrel IMMEDIATELY, not later, not tomorrow, NOW.
Delaying treatment can cause death or permanent paralysis.

You will need:
Tums, rolaids, or calcium supplement (any kind)
a syringe or spoon
Crush one pill and add a little water or fruit juice to make a paste. Use the syringe or spoon to force-feed the mixture, a little at a time, until it is all gone.

After you give the initial dose of calcium, give 100 mg calcium every 4 hours. If symptoms return or do not improve, try dosing more often: every 3 hours. Severe cases may need 50 mg calcium every 2 hours.

Your squirrel's symptoms should improve within a few hours; within 1-3 days your squirrel should be alert, active, and eating, with no seizures or paralysis. You should be giving 500-600 mg calcium per day. Keep track of how many doses you give so you can adjust the dosage if needed. You should work with TSB members to do this.


Any kind of calcium pill is okay for the initial dose. But you must use PLAIN calcium carbonate (without Vit D) from then on.

Many small doses of calcium throughout the day/night are best to keep blood calcium levels as steady as possible.

If symptoms worsen or return, give an emergency dose of 100 mg calcium, then consult with TSB members or a rehabber or veterinarian to adjust the dosing schedule. Relapses are very serious and often fatal.

White feces or a white film on dried urine may mean the dosage can be reduced, as this indicates not all of the calcium is being absorbed. It may also mean you need to give smaller doses more often.

The acute symptoms (weakness, lethargy, seizures, paralysis) will usually improve within a few hours, but this does not mean the squirrel is cured. It will take many months to rebuild the calcium in the bones. (See the "Long-Term Treatment for MBD" below.)

More Tips

MBD causes brittle bones that break easily. You should pad the bottom of your squirrel's cage and keep him away from high places, where he might jump and break a bone.

Heat is very soothing for a squirrel with MBD. A heating pad turned to low and placed so they cannot chew the pad or cord, or a rice buddy (a sock filled with dry rice/beans and microwaved for about 20 seconds) will work. Squirrels with hind-end paralysis may benefit from gentle massage of the legs and hips.

Long-Term Treatment for MBD

The next step to curing MBD is to fix the diet.

1. Remove ALL seeds, nuts, corn, and treats, including stashes.

2. Follow the Healthy Diet For Pet Squirrels, which can be found here: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=32046 and on the Henry’s Healthy Pets website (http://www.henryspets.com/pages/Healthy-Diet.html). Your squirrel MUST eat rodent blocks or squirrel blocks every day (either 2 Henry's Healthy Squirrel Blocks per day, or a small handful of commercial rodent block per day). If you choose to feed commercial rodent blocks, which are extremely hard, you should crush them up with peanut butter, yogurt, fruit juice, avocado, baby food, etc., to make them easier to chew and improve the taste.

3. You will need to continue giving extra calcium every day for many weeks. You can use a syringe or spoon, or you can mix the calcium with a small amount of peanut butter, crushed nuts, yogurt, baby food, or any food the squirrel likes. An easy way to dose the calcium is to mix 500 mg of calcium powder with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or other tasty food and roll it into 5 little balls; each ball will contain 100 mg calcium.

Calcium Dosage:

Continue to give 500-600 mg calcium per day for 1 week. Then try reducing the total daily amount by 50 mg. If the squirrel remains stable for 1 week, reduce the daily amount by another 50 mg. Continue this weekly reduction until the squirrel is only getting around 100 mg of extra calcium per day. Continue this for at least another 2 weeks. If at any time symptoms return, give an emergency 100 mg dose, then go back to a higher dosage for 1-2 weeks.

The treatment for each squirrel may be slightly different and you should work with a rehabber or TSB members to tailor the treatment to your squirrel's needs. Depending on the age of the squirrel, severity of disease, and other factors, your squirrel may need extra calcium for many months, perhaps for life.

Important Information
The MBD treatment is a "standardized" treatment that will get most cases on the road to recovery. But every case is different and the treatment should be customized to each squirrel. Severe cases sometimes need more aggressive treatment. There is a limit to how much calcium the body can absorb at one time, so lower doses of calcium given more often is the key with severe cases.

What is MBD?
Calcium is a very important nutrient. It strengthen the bones, but also plays a vital role in all body functions. Every cell in the body contains water plus small amounts of dissolved minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals allow the cells to transmit small electrical signals. Without this cell-to-cell communication, the organs can't function: your heart can't beat, your nerves can't transmit impulses; in fact, you would die.

When there isn't enough calcium in the diet, the body will dissolve the calcium from the bones and use that instead. This eventually causes the bones to become depleted of calcium. Eventually the bones become so depleted, there isn't enough calcium left to maintain sufficient calcium in the cellular fluids, and the organs can't function properly. This is what causes the symptoms of MBD: loss of appetite, lethargy, muscle pain, paralysis, seizures, and eventually death. Humans don't get this type of severe MBD, partly because our calcium requirement is lower and our bones are much bigger, allowing us to store more calcium.

By giving high doses of calcium orally, you are artificially maintaining your squirrel's blood calcium levels because his bones no longer contain enough calcium to maintain his calcium levels normally.

Once the emergency calcium is given, your squirrel's blood calcium levels should normalize fairly quickly. He should "bounce back" and act normal or almost normal. If you are still seeing symptoms such as seizures, loss of appetite, lethargy, or paralysis, the calcium levels may still be too low. This means the body will try to pull the remaining calcium from the bones, which means the MBD is actually getting worse. So stabilizing blood calcium levels is critical. The next step to actually curing the MBD is rebuilding bone. This is the part that takes a long time.

Stabilizing the blood calcium levels can and must be done quickly. In severe cases, calcium may be needed more often throughout the day and night, as often as every 2 hours.
Henry's Healthy Pets
Henry's Healthy Blocks, Fox Valley Formula, Fleecies Cage Gear and more

The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings; they are other nations… ~Henry Beston, The Outermost House, 1928

Last edited by 4skwerlz : 12-09-2011 at 10:43 PM.

Mrs Skul
01-24-2012, 03:05 AM
:wave123 Hi Josephine
I am glad Peanut is feeling better. Call me tomorrow with a update. I am glad it was just 1 seizure. :grouphug Keep her warm and Fallow the MBD Treatment as we discussed. Be sure to read the Squirrel Nutrition and pick up some fresh Veg. I would start out with the Salad of 4 greens, and 4 Veggies or more. Romaine, Kale, Ediva O/R Gidiva Red, or Ediva O/R Gidiva Whitish/Yellow, It's kinda of Pare shaped. :thinking Their is also a 4 Pack of Lettuce that has a Acorn Leaf shape and 3 other kinds in with. 2 are green and 2 are Reddish / with Green. I would also get Avocado, Broccoli,Sugar Snap Peas, Cherry Tomatoes, ButterNut Squash,Acorn Squash,Cucumber, Apple, Orange & Peel, Pear, Blue Berry. (About 4 Blue Berries if she likes them.) :thumbsup3
Don't forget the Vanilla Yogurt! The FV and The Squirrel Blocks, should be their by Friday. :thumbsup
You might have to hold the Stock of Kale or Romain for Peanut to try. "Newton would not eat it until I held it for him." :D You can feed the Leaf and Stock of the Broccoli, just Peel a little off for her to find the good. You also can Nook some Squash just enough to make soft. :thumbsup5
Ask the Veg.Stocker if you can have some of the Loose Pieces of Dark Green Leafy stuff. They just throw it away.:D :dono
http://henryspets.com <~>http://foxvalleynutrition.com/main/prod.asp <~>http://www.squirrelsandmore.com/

01-24-2012, 08:05 PM
:wave123 Hi Josephine
I am glad Peanut is feeling better. Call me tomorrow with a update. I am glad it was just 1 seizure. :grouphug Keep her warm and Fallow the MBD Treatment as we discussed. Be sure to read the Squirrel Nutrition and pick up some fresh Veg. I would start out with the Salad of 4 greens, and 4 Veggies or more. Romaine, Kale, Ediva O/R Gidiva Red, or Ediva O/R Gidiva Whitish/Yellow, It's kinda of Pare shaped. :thinking Their is also a 4 Pack of Lettuce that has a Acorn Leaf shape and 3 other kinds in with. 2 are green and 2 are Reddish / with Green. I would also get Avocado, Broccoli,Sugar Snap Peas, Cherry Tomatoes, ButterNut Squash,Acorn Squash,Cucumber, Apple, Orange & Peel, Pear, Blue Berry. (About 4 Blue Berries if she likes them.) :thumbsup3
Don't forget the Vanilla Yogurt! The FV and The Squirrel Blocks, should be their by Friday. :thumbsup
You might have to hold the Stock of Kale or Romain for Peanut to try. "Newton would not eat it until I held it for him." :D You can feed the Leaf and Stock of the Broccoli, just Peel a little off for her to find the good. You also can Nook some Squash just enough to make soft. :thumbsup5
Ask the Veg.Stocker if you can have some of the Loose Pieces of Dark Green Leafy stuff. They just throw it away.:D :dono
http://henryspets.com <~>http://foxvalleynutrition.com/main/prod.asp <~>http://www.squirrelsandmore.com/

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. Staying up so late in the night just to help me with Peanut. I am putting up my post about what happne right now. Thank you again and will talk to you soon. God bless XOXOXOX:thankyou :bowdown

01-24-2012, 08:08 PM
Hello all hope everyone is well……. Just have to tell you all what has happen here over the last 24 hours and hope that any new mommy’s will read about this experience that I have had and learn something from it.

The worst experience I think I have ever had with any animal in my life. My little peanut was playing like she always does in her play room. My hubby and I were playing with her and taking video. Peanut went from playing to having a full blown out seizure right in front of my eyes. I was crying harder than I have ever cried in my life. To see the pain she was feeling in her eyes. At the time I thought she was having a heart attack. From playing too much Once I realized that she was ok I ran to TSB and contacted Astra she called Mrs Skuill (AKA Christal) for me and Christal called me not even 10 mins later. And by the way that was a faster respond that I got from her then I have even gotten from 9-11 HAHAH Well turn out that since this is my first baby she is not getting enough calcium in her diet.

Christal walked me threw everything I had to do and let me know that Peanut is showing signs of MBD So If anyone is like me and this is your first time taking care of a squirrel you have to and I mean you REALLY HAVE TO READ UP ON MBD and how easily your squirrel can develop this disorder. What Peanut suffered last night I don’t want to ever seen this again. I almost lost her. Well it’s been about 18 hours now and Peanut is doing much better thanks to the help of Christal and Astra. Reading up on MBD It’s note joke you have to know……………Any new mommy’s out there please please read up on what MBD is and how important it is to make sure your babies are on the right diet.

01-25-2012, 02:35 AM
I am sorry you had to witness that with your baby. :( I think I too may have if I had not found this community when I did. I had Jiffy on peanuts and little colorful disks that come in rat/mouse feed, dried fruit too. Turns out, everything in that entree is wrong. :\ I'm glad they fixed me when they did. Now the little guy gets Mazuri blocks everyday, maybe a couple of small pieces of bell pepper since I like to keep that around. Brussel Sprouts and snap peas. :)

We have a lot of good guardian angels here looking out for the babies and us newcomers. :)


01-25-2012, 09:00 AM
I am sorry you had to witness that with your baby. :( I think I too may have if I had not found this community when I did. I had Jiffy on peanuts and little colorful disks that come in rat/mouse feed, dried fruit too. Turns out, everything in that entree is wrong. :\ I'm glad they fixed me when they did. Now the little guy gets Mazuri blocks everyday, maybe a couple of small pieces of bell pepper since I like to keep that around. Brussel Sprouts and snap peas. :)

We have a lot of good guardian angels here looking out for the babies and us newcomers. :)

Hello :wave123 JNS yes we do. I am so thankful for all the help that i got so fast. It might have been to late for my Peanut. How old is Jiffy? Do you have pics posted?

Jackie in Tampa
01-25-2012, 11:11 AM
there are 100 posts already.and you have some of the best in the world as far as sq helpers...they are the bomb!!!!!
Astra and mrsSkul are dynamos!!!Thank God for them both!

I have not read the thread...but I want to add...no loud noise, no bright lights..
do not come in to a dark room and flip on a BRIGHT light...that alone can cause seizures..anything sudden...no slamming doors, no loud music, no barking dogs etc...
I always rub molasses on gums after a seizure. Molasses contains calcium naturally.
Seizures deplete brain calcium...seizures are the final phase before death, please change diet..it is KEY! to your sqs health and life.
No jumping...brittle bones..calcium is robbed from blood first, then bones and organs, lastly the brain...
please please please make change...even if you have to instill tough love...sqs will eat when they get hungry enough.
No junk food, no corn ever!!!!!!!!! No seeds, peanuts or sugary human foods...no cheating!!
Thank you for finding help and thank you for loving one of Gods most precious gifts!
A Squirrel!:Love_Icon

01-25-2012, 11:39 AM
Indeed I do have a story started with some pictures. :) Hes in the Nursery, under "Jiffy the Nut" :)

01-25-2012, 12:21 PM
Indeed I do have a story started with some pictures. :) Hes in the Nursery, under "Jiffy the Nut" :)
Oh wow what a great story :jump and he is just to cute. It's so amazing how these little ones can change our lives over night. You have done really great with him. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

01-25-2012, 02:33 PM
He most definitely has helped me overcome a lot of stress in the past few months. Its been a hard year on me, but the little guy cheers me up. :)

01-25-2012, 06:04 PM
He most definitely has helped me overcome a lot of stress in the past few months. Its been a hard year on me, but the little guy cheers me up. :)

I Know what you mean :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

Sweet Simon's Mommy
01-27-2012, 06:43 PM
Hey Jo , was that you that posted on Simon's video??

Does she drag her hindquarters? give her lots of stuff to climb on.
I got boxes covered with blankets, so he could grab it, and anything no more then a couple of feet off the ground for starters, he can climb much better than walk.

01-27-2012, 09:40 PM
Hey Jo , was that you that posted on Simon's video??

Does she drag her hindquarters? give her lots of stuff to climb on.
I got boxes covered with blankets, so he could grab it, and anything no more then a couple of feet off the ground for starters, he can climb much better than walk.

Yes yes yes it was me *Smiles* *Hugs* Your Simon gave me so much hope for my peanut. All i did was cry for like 20 mins after watching him. Peanut is great at climbing everything already just not jumping yet. My camera isnt so good but i will try and get a video going so you can see what she does. Love these pictures of Simon he is so handsome hahahah. Peanut is really doing so much better now that she is on the right diet. What a scare, I almost lost her :-( but now its like nothing ever happen.
Lots of hugs & Kisses to you and to Simnon xoxoxoxox

02-13-2012, 09:57 AM
Good morning everyone :D

Keeping busy here with my peanut girl that is doing so great. Thanks to everyone here that help me threw her MBD. But here we are today with two new issues.

One she seems to have a few fleas now. :-( and i think maybe ear mites to. I can see that there is some dirt cluster in both of her ears and since she cant groom her self well. She has been rubbing her head on her pillow a lot.I am lost as to what to do about her ears.

As for the fleas can i use kitty flea powder or dip to remove them from her? And what about her cage is there something i can use to spray it just in case there are flea eggs in there? I'm so sad my baby has bugs :-( I have only pulled off 2 but hard to really see if there are any more. Just want to drown them LMAO And I think the sand box (AKA dirt box) I made for her is how she has these issues. That has already been thrown out. Going to pick up fresh soil LOL LOL no more out side dirt. HAHAH!!!!

02-13-2012, 10:14 AM
welcome to TSB:grouphug
peanut is soo adorable!

02-13-2012, 10:27 AM
welcome to TSB:grouphug
peanut is soo adorable!

Awww Thank you so much :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

02-13-2012, 12:16 PM
Just noticed the cage.
A friend has one like that for flyers.
It's a great unit.

02-13-2012, 06:34 PM
Just noticed the cage.
A friend has one like that for flyers.
It's a great unit.

Those are pictures of Simon hahah that is his cage. Mine should be here soon I got it from Henry's the own with two doors. Just waiting for it to come now. :jump

02-13-2012, 09:04 PM
the new cages are awesome i have one for my flyers, I got the antique white!!!

02-13-2012, 09:12 PM
Hi Josephine,

Post your health-related questions in Help Forums (either Emergency Life-Threatening or Non-Life Threatening, depending on the situation) - this way you will get a faster and expert response.
This forum is an Introductory forum only and does not get as much attention.

Yes, I think you can use kitten powder - but I don't remember for sure which kind or what, so please re-post your question in the Help forum.

Also, she might get ear mights, especially, if she cannot use her back legs (they groom themselves with back legs, too).
Some people have dealt with this problem - so, again, post it in the Help forum.

DO NOT SPRAY YOUR CAGE with ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It can be toxic.


What soil are you getting?....
If it is commercial kind or something, PLEASE POST ABOUT IT IN THE HELP FORUM before you give it to her, to make sure it is safe.
A lot of commercial stuff is full of chemicals that might be toxic.

SO, please repost your questions in Help forum AND always ask before giving stuff to her - dangers are lurking where you would not even think to expect them. It is always better to be on the safe side.

Also, about MBD - I am sure Mrs Skul mentioned that : MBD treatment/maintenance should continue for a long time. She might not be out of the woods yet. Close monitoring, strict diet - very important even if she seems to be better!:grouphug

02-13-2012, 11:56 PM
the new cages are awesome i have one for my flyers, I got the antique white!!!

Wow the white is nice. Can't wait for mine to get here. I got the silver one. :jump :jump

02-14-2012, 12:00 AM
Hi Josephine,

Post your health-related questions in Help Forums (either Emergency Life-Threatening or Non-Life Threatening, depending on the situation) - this way you will get a faster and expert response.
This forum is an Introductory forum only and does not get as much attention.

Yes, I think you can use kitten powder - but I don't remember for sure which kind or what, so please re-post your question in the Help forum.

Also, she might get ear mights, especially, if she cannot use her back legs (they groom themselves with back legs, too).
Some people have dealt with this problem - so, again, post it in the Help forum.
DO NOT SPRAY YOUR CAGE with ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It can be toxic.


What soil are you getting?....
If it is commercial kind or something, PLEASE POST ABOUT IT IN THE HELP FORUM before you give it to her, to make sure it is safe.
A lot of commercial stuff is full of chemicals that might be toxic.

SO, please repost your questions in Help forum AND always ask before giving stuff to her - dangers are lurking where you would not even think to expect them. It is always better to be on the safe side.

Also, about MBD - I am sure Mrs Skul mentioned that : MBD treatment/maintenance should continue for a long time. She might not be out of the woods yet. Close monitoring, strict diet - very important even if she seems to be better!:grouphug

Oh for the MBD she is on it the right diet now and is staying on it till Mrs Skuly says diffrent. If it were not for her i would have lost my baby. As for the soil I am not going to get it. I was think more of using a bedding that she can use instead. But I will take all these questions to the Help forum as you said. Thank you so much for letting me know.

02-14-2012, 12:07 AM
the new cages are awesome i have one for my flyers, I got the antique white!!!

Love it so cozy to. I got the silver one, should be here any day now :-) :jump :jump

02-15-2012, 11:58 AM
the new cages are awesome i have one for my flyers, I got the antique white!!!
Just a quick hint.
As you put it together, dab a very small bit of grease to the end threads of the screws.
Makes it far easier to disassemble again if needed.

02-15-2012, 02:20 PM
Just a quick hint.
As you put it together, dab a very small bit of grease to the end threads of the screws.
Makes it far easier to disassemble again if needed.

Oh ok good to know :jump Thank you so much

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-15-2012, 03:02 PM
Here are so other pointers i got when i got my cage !

02-15-2012, 04:29 PM
Woooo Hoooo my cage just got here. But..................... for some reason the tray seems to be to small. HAHAHA!!!!!! Unless i am putting those two bars on wrong....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha:jump :jump :jump

02-15-2012, 04:52 PM
Woooo Hoooo my cage just got here. But..................... for some reason the tray seems to be to small. HAHAHA!!!!!! Unless i am putting those two bars on wrong....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha:jump :jump :jump

OMG Never Mind hahahaha I got it right now. Back to setting up and I will take some picks. Have to wait for Peanut to dry up though because just had a bath. She was stinky today HAHAHA

I just hope she loves the cage as much as I do. Even have my little man helping put it together. Ciao for now be back soon SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:jump :jump :jump :jump

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-15-2012, 05:27 PM
:multi :jump :multi :multi :worthless

02-15-2012, 05:34 PM
:multi :jump :multi :multi :worthless

I am working on it. A bit upset Atm there is a lot of damage to the cage. Just got off the phone with Henerys. Sending pics of the damage areas :crybaby

02-16-2012, 12:52 PM
:multi :jump :multi :multi :worthless
HI there SSM let me ask you something about this cage. Mine came yesterday as you know and it has some damage to it. I did my best holding some parts together that would not meet, but mine is very shaky. Does yours feel shaky LOL even when Peanut is inside moving around the whole cage shakes :-(

I think she is still in shock to LOL not moving around much in there yet. And I had to move her nest bed down because she seems scared to climb up to it.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-16-2012, 01:34 PM
Mine is different, only one door with a lot of little doors ,
BUT>> The material you have on the bottom of the cage, can ravel and your baby can get caught in it, a toe or foot and can very very dangerous, there have been posts here about such things, Please replace it with fleece, or even the fake sheep skin they sell at Walmart in the dog bed department , I use that and pieces of fleece

02-16-2012, 03:19 PM
Mine is different, only one door with a lot of little doors ,
BUT>> The material you have on the bottom of the cage, can ravel and your baby can get caught in it, a toe or foot and can very very dangerous, there have been posts here about such things, Please replace it with fleece, or even the fake sheep skin they sell at Walmart in the dog bed department , I use that and pieces of fleece

Will do, will pick some up today. But that material is what i have been using in the bottom of her tank since i found her. Plus it is velcroed tight other then that little end that is sticking out. But I like the idea of fleecce or sheep skin. Thank you so so much SSM. :wave123

Sweet Simon's Mommy
02-16-2012, 04:04 PM
Hey no problem just passing on info that was passed to me when started out!!
There is a lot of info in my introduction thread

02-16-2012, 07:40 PM
Hey no problem just passing on info that was passed to me when started out!!
There is a lot of info in my introduction thread

You are the best *Smiles* Have to hit WalMart tomorrow K-Mart didn't have Nada :-(

02-17-2012, 01:55 AM
The cage, being just rectangular in shape, will have some movement.
Nothing to worry about as long as the screws are tight.

Another member (Patjones) clued me into a little trick he uses for material.
He hits up a local Goodwill store, and finds all kinds of fleece type items.
Might be worth a look, and, it's inexpensive.

02-17-2012, 08:58 AM
The cage, being just rectangular in shape, will have some movement.
Nothing to worry about as long as the screws are tight.

Another member (Patjones) clued me into a little trick he uses for material.
He hits up a local Goodwill store, and finds all kinds of fleece type items.
Might be worth a look, and, it's inexpensive.

Well I moved it last night and it might have just been my floor after all HAHAH!!!! Because now its not moving as much. Thats a great idea to. I will have to try that on Tues because I think today they are closed and Monday to. But I will give them a call. Thanks so much Skul *Smiles* :wave123

Mrs Skul
02-21-2012, 07:43 PM
:wave123 Hi Josephine and Peanut
How is the Diet going? Is she still eating all her new Foods? What about her Blocks?
Revolution is what I use for my Squirrels. If you buy from Vet for your Cats or Dog. Just put 2 or 3 drops between her shoulders. Then put the rest on the other animal.
PLEASE PLEASE Be careful Putting Flee Powder on Squirrels. :nono They can Ingest it into the Lungs,
and Cause Phenomena, or other Problems.:eek: (Not knowing which one you use.)
Call me Josephine if I need to send some Revolution for Peanut!!! :thumbsup3
If you put Dirt in the button of the Room or a container for her to Play in. You can Put it in the Oven and cook it on low. (200) I think for 1 hr. :thinking I know it is Posted somewhere. :D
That will kill all the Flee Eggs and other Bugs. Love the Cage.:thumbsup5

03-03-2012, 05:13 PM

:wave123 Hi Josephine and Peanut
How is the Diet going? Is she still eating all her new Foods? What about her Blocks?
Revolution is what I use for my Squirrels. If you buy from Vet for your Cats or Dog. Just put 2 or 3 drops between her shoulders. Then put the rest on the other animal.
PLEASE PLEASE Be careful Putting Flee Powder on Squirrels. :nono They can Ingest it into the Lungs,
and Cause Phenomena, or other Problems.:eek: (Not knowing which one you use.)
Call me Josephine if I need to send some Revolution for Peanut!!! :thumbsup3
If you put Dirt in the button of the Room or a container for her to Play in. You can Put it in the Oven and cook it on low. (200) I think for 1 hr. :thinking I know it is Posted somewhere. :D
That will kill all the Flee Eggs and other Bugs. Love the Cage.:thumbsup5

Hellooooooooo:wave123 :wave123 Peanut is doing great on all counts. She loves her new home and she is rid of all little buggies. I got rid of the dirt and put some Cozy Critter in the play area. She doesn't like it as much as the dirt but she still goes in it from time to time to hide her toys and her nuts (one every other day she gets now.) Loves her sugar snaps and is eatting all her greens like a big girl and yes loves her blocks. Just sent out for another bag. I only give her two of those a day and what she doesn't eat i throw away before bed time. Her sleeping is still all messy though. She will get up at 4am till about noon then she is out again till almost 8pm and is not very happy if i wake her up during her sleeping time LOL LOL Still not to much change with the use of her back legs. But she is just a happy healthy little girl. Getting bigger by the day and still loves her snuggle time with mommy. I think she would rather I keep her cuddled up to me all day then sleep in her cage. :D But all in all everything is great. I am back to work on monday so I have been pretty busy getting ready for that to. But thank you again for everything you have done for us. We love you tons..........:grouphug

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-03-2012, 05:32 PM
Give her some news paper, paper towel roll or box of tissues you are in for hours of fun watching her tear it up and making a nest.

03-08-2012, 09:59 PM
Give her some news paper, paper towel roll or box of tissues you are in for hours of fun watching her tear it up and making a nest.

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! that was such a great idea SSM but guess what she did??? She took just enough into her bed and passed out. Now that I leave her cage open for her to come and go. Well she is up at about 9pm after sleeping all day almost and stays up till about 3am playing and running around. I have done everything I can think of to keep her up more during the day. But she gets very upset and starts grunting because she wants to goto sleep. She will pass out even if i have her on my shoulder haha could it have something to do with her age? Because I never see Squirrels her size out during the day at all. I don't know what to do to keep her up anymore. She likes the night shift LOL:jump

03-15-2012, 08:35 AM
Ok Ok what is up with the feet????????? Peanut really hates feet LOL even my feet. She sees them and she starts grunting and attacking my feet. Now I always have to make sure i am wearing closed toes shoes around her if she is playing because she wants to rip my toes right off LMAO :rotfl :rotfl

Sweet Simon's Mommy
03-15-2012, 03:47 PM
feet are the enemy!!
They dont get that they are attached to you

03-15-2012, 04:36 PM
feet are the enemy!!
They dont get that they are attached to you

HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg she got me real good today. That's funny but so crazy. She goes from sitting on my knee to jumping down and going after my feet LOL LOL I'm glad its not just her. But wow to funny. :jump

03-19-2012, 06:36 PM
Hey all new question here. The other night I was eatting my salad and Peanut for the first time seem like she really wanted something from my plate. So ofcourse I gave up the rest of my meal to her hahaha and the one and only thing that she went for was my green olives LOL Like it was a nut she grunted when i tried to take it from her HAHAHA so my question is, can she eat green olives????:thinking :thinking :thinking