View Full Version : Desperate for help

12-13-2011, 01:53 PM
My Squirrel is very sick and I am not sure what to do. Last Thursday I took him to vet because he had stopped eating and was sleeping all the time and had diarrhea. We thought it was lack of calcium and got him a shot. He seemed better on friday. He started eating and had energy. He was still eating on Sat but still diarrhea. Sun and Mon no eating and still diarrhea. Picked up Amforol from vet for diarrhea and it is not working. He has lost all energy again. He has been on solid foods for 2 weeks but I got him to eat a little formula on Monday and a little this morning along with a little bit of a tums in water in case that is the problem. I also force feed him a little of the homemade pedilyte recipe I found on your site last night. No change. I am at a loss and am desperate for any help

12-13-2011, 03:02 PM
How old is he?

What kind of squirrel is he - I see you are in Idaho.

When was he weaned?

What do you normally feed him?

If he has diarrhea, you MUST get hydration into him. Use the homemade pedialyte for the first 24 hours, and if you have to give it to him drop by drop, do it. Dehydration from diarrhea will cause lethargy and loss of appetite.

12-13-2011, 03:38 PM
I believe he is a gray tree squirrel that is 2.5 months old. He is dark brown and tan under belly with long bushy tail. He was weened about 2 weeks ago. I was feeding him Zupreem primate chow with veges and fruit. A few sunflower seeds and 2 almonds per day. He was not eating the chow though. After I took him to the vet she gave me a diet she used from her rehabe days it consisted of 1/5 rodent chow, 1/5 dog food, 1/5 sunflower seeds, 1/5 cracked corn and 1/5 bird seed. Then 2 pieces fruit and 8 pieces veges per day. So when I came back from getting calcium shot I starting him on this diet not knowing any better. From what I have read on your site that was the wrong thing to do.

12-13-2011, 04:09 PM
OMG I would seriously be wondering about this vets credentials. What kind of formula was he drinking before he was weaned?
do everything the TBS rehabbers tell you. They really know what they are talking about. Im so sorry for you and:grouphug your baby

12-13-2011, 04:10 PM
Yeah, the dog food plus the sunflower, corn, etc., are not good. The monkey biscuits are fine, but he may like another block better.

I would get hydration into him, and see if you can get him back on formula. Continue the calcium - you can add it to both the hydration and the formula.

The diarrhea - is there any smell to it? Is it stinky?

12-13-2011, 04:57 PM
No smell and light brown in color. sometimes green. I just forced a tums into him and some pedialyte. His back leg has been really sore since he got his shot. Now he is really limping since we had a battle over the tums. I hope I did not break something. He was fighting me hard. I put him in his box with a rice sock and he went to sleep. I am a mess. I am just trying to keep him alive at this point. I am going to go to the store for food for him. So what should I be feeding him for the next few weeks? Zupreem? Veges? Yogurt?

12-13-2011, 05:05 PM
I was feeding him Esbilac with cream. He did really well on it. He grew like crazy. The problems started when He stopped. He was my moms first because her cat brought him home half dead. Then she went on vacation. she had read that he should have science diet puppy food so that is what she gave me and he hated it. So I ordered the primate food because she said that also worked. He still was not that really into it. I had her info thinking I was only the babysitter. Well he started to really love me and when she came back he didnt want anything thing to do with her so I became the mama. Then he got sick.

12-13-2011, 08:21 PM
A lot of times the adult squirrels will eat Ensure, and it is packed with nutrients and calories. If he likes it - and it is sweet so he may - you can add a little calciu, to each of those feedings.

Have you ever given him avocado? Many squirrels love it and you can hide calcium in avocado pretty easily. He should be on a block diet - you should be able to buy Kaytee Forti-Diet for rats and mice locally at a pet shop. If he likes the ensure you can even soak the blocks in some.

You want to try to come up with ways to sneak the stuff into him so he doesn't fight you.

12-13-2011, 08:57 PM
Now he is having orange diarrhea really bad because I only had berry flavored Tums on had earlier. The pooping is even worse than before. I just got him to eat some formula though with his 100 mg of calcium at the 4 hour mark so that is good. I just wish I could get him to stop the diarrhea poor little man. We are both tramatized. I have cried more in the last week than in months

12-13-2011, 09:45 PM
Does anyone think Kaopectate might be in order?

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-13-2011, 09:54 PM
Sounds like the Kaopectate is s good idea at this point, only a drop though, just to slow it down. He will need some yogurt also. Plain or vanilla, regular not the non fat stuff.

Jackie in Tampa
12-14-2011, 04:17 AM
Calcium injections would have to be given everyday.
Injections are not a solution. Maintained diet is.

It appears your vet has diagnosed your sq with salmonella.
IF SYMPTOMS are present after 2-3 days, medication should be stopped according to the manufacturer of amforol. Ft Dodge.
I do not like what I read about this drug..:nono

I would call vet and ask for a sulfa based med for what is and has always been the main factor in wild sqs with diarrhea, coccidia.
I prefer sulfamethoxazole trimethorim {SMZ-TMP, Septra, Bactrim}
dosed at 25mg/kg for 5-14 days BID.
Did your vet do a fecal?

I am not doubting vet, just a more common approach to these same symptoms in wild animals.
Most wildlife is born with this one celled protozoa..it infectes the intestinal tract.
It usually remains dormant...until animal is stressed in one way or another...
I am not diagnosing your sq, however I would TREAT THE DIARRHea with the med above, SMZ-TMP NOW!
Whatever the cause, the diarrhea must be stopped. Continue the extra fluids, but pedialyte should only be given for 24 hours, too much salt after vthat and would be conterproductive. Meaning pedi, will also cause dehydration if given too long.
PLain water and sugar water can be substituted. Wet foods such as watermelon and grapsw ill help balance electrolytes also.

Yes, continue with the calcium...but please stop the amforol, it is scarey and doubtful your sq has salmonella unless a fecal was confirmed.

If a cat did puncture your sq, he may have other issues also...the SMZ-TMP would also be on tract to treat bacteria connected with deadly cat saliva.

good luck, hope you can speak with your vet...give him the dose info above and ask that he change meds TODAY...{unless of course salmonella was confirmed}

Can you give us a better time line...TY
when was he found?
at what age?
so you have had him how long?
are there barking dogs or anything that maybe adding stress to his life daily? kids?
loud music? cat?
stress can bring on coccidia.

PS...I do not believe in kaopectate..I believe in getting to the bottom of the issue and treating THAT...just me though.
I am not a vet or a licensed rehabber. However, I am experienced in rehabbing sqs.

12-14-2011, 07:32 AM
I second what Jackie has said. Perhaps we can help you find a more experienced vet, as well. Just based on what he told you to feed, he is not very up to date on things.

island rehabber
12-14-2011, 07:41 AM
I third what Jackie said :thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup....this baby needs AB's to kill the bug in his system before we can get a handle on the MBD, if present. SMZ-TMP, SulfaTrim, Bactrim -- all good!

12-14-2011, 08:30 AM
These are very common drugs at any vet practice that sees the standard dog/cat/bird clients. Your vet should have it right there in the office.

12-14-2011, 08:52 AM
Praying for a quick TURN-Around to a healthy boy.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-14-2011, 09:04 AM
Calcium injections would have to be given everyday.
Injections are not a solution. Maintained diet is.

It appears your vet has diagnosed your sq with salmonella.
IF SYMPTOMS are present after 2-3 days, medication should be stopped according to the manufacturer of amforol. Ft Dodge.
I do not like what I read about this drug..:nono

I would call vet and ask for a sulfa based med for what is and has always been the main factor in wild sqs with diarrhea, coccidia.
I prefer sulfamethoxazole trimethorim {SMZ-TMP, Septra, Bactrim}
dosed at 25mg/kg for 5-14 days BID.
Did your vet do a fecal?

I am not doubting vet, just a more common approach to these same symptoms in wild animals.
Most wildlife is born with this one celled protozoa..it infectes the intestinal tract.
It usually remains dormant...until animal is stressed in one way or another...
I am not diagnosing your sq, however I would TREAT THE DIARRHea with the med above, SMZ-TMP NOW!
Whatever the cause, the diarrhea must be stopped. Continue the extra fluids, but pedialyte should only be given for 24 hours, too much salt after vthat and would be conterproductive. Meaning pedi, will also cause dehydration if given too long.
PLain water and sugar water can be substituted. Wet foods such as watermelon and grapsw ill help balance electrolytes also.

Yes, continue with the calcium...but please stop the amforol, it is scarey and doubtful your sq has salmonella unless a fecal was confirmed.

If a cat did puncture your sq, he may have other issues also...the SMZ-TMP would also be on tract to treat bacteria connected with deadly cat saliva.

good luck, hope you can speak with your vet...give him the dose info above and ask that he change meds TODAY...{unless of course salmonella was confirmed}

Can you give us a better time line...TY
when was he found?
at what age?
so you have had him how long?
are there barking dogs or anything that maybe adding stress to his life daily? kids?
loud music? cat?
stress can bring on coccidia.

PS...I do not believe in kaopectate..I believe in getting to the bottom of the issue and treating THAT...just me though.
I am not a vet or a licensed rehabber. However, I am experienced in rehabbing sqs.

No way was I trying to give the wrong advice, it takes several days for me to get anything from my vet and no one was on so I told her what I thought would be ok for Immediate info. If I am out of line here please tell me and I will just encourage from now on, it is just what I would do until I could get better info .

12-14-2011, 09:14 AM
No, absolutely not - if the right meds can't be gotten immediately, she WILL need to get control of the diarrhea, and kao or even a drop of imodium may be necessary.

What I would also do with this baby is get some probiotics into him - it will also help with the tummy. You can use yogurt, but the best source is from Benebac or the like. If you have any chain type pet shops that sell hamsters and the like, they usually will sell what are basically animal probiotics. Benebac is the big name brand but there are others and some of the stores even have their own store brand. The powder is easy - usually sold in little packets - because you can add it to formula or rehydration fluid or anything else. They also make a paste - most animals like the taste and will lick it off your finger.

Jackie in Tampa
12-14-2011, 09:40 AM
No way was I trying to give the wrong advice, it takes several days for me to get anything from my vet and no one was on so I told her what I thought would be ok for Immediate info. If I am out of line here please tell me and I will just encourage from now on, it is just what I would do until I could get better info .
Laurie...not meant to dis credit YOUR advise...I promise..:peace
just a matter of what I do...
Kaopectate doesn't go in my body either!

:poke don't you know by now:crazy ...when I wanna say something..I say it...even if I get a beat'in for it!:D
I have been known to stop murders here and I didn't use too much ethics doing so...:sanp3 :rotfl

we can only put out there what we know and have tried...
it is always up to the care giver to make the CALL..
the decisions are always out of our hands...
we can share, we can pray, we can discuss...
we cannot ever diagnose, that too is upto the caregiver...
they must be the ears eyes and mouth of the sqs in their care..
we are relying on it!

absolutely..your voice is very important and I should be apologizing ..
maybe you thougfht I was discrediting you..not a chance!:peace
we all count!:thumbsup

edit...I mmean I am not discrediting you...
not that I am not apologizing..I did not mean I wasn't aplogizing...geez...does this make sense...
bad with words..

12-14-2011, 10:07 AM
Pinney....how long has he been off the formula? You said he was 8.5 weeks? He's still a baby! If you have been giving him the initial MBD protocol....and he isn't getting better....we may have to steer this in a different direction.
Parasites?? All squirrels have them...so do we. A weakened immune system will allow these parasites to multiply...and eventually cause illness.
Calcium will not hurt him...but I believe Vit D is also in order.
For now....try a small slice of orange....the extra Vit C will help his immune system and also help absorb the calcium. If you still have the Primate food....you can try soaking some in his formula. Ensure is always good....although it did give mine the runs.....
Praying hard for this little one.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-14-2011, 10:31 AM
No Jackie I didn't think that.
I just haven't had the experience most of you have and want to put in my 2 cents here and there to help out with what little I do know and was just hoping it was ok with the rest of you guys who do know more.

I have alot to say and I have lots more questions, just inching in:D
don't want to over step that's all

12-14-2011, 12:17 PM
Can we get an update on this little one?

12-14-2011, 07:12 PM
Gosh, how is this little one doing....
TSB to the rescue I hope. Don't you guys wish we all had skype or Google video together!
See and I learned something new again - never knew about Calcium injections. Ouch!!!!

12-14-2011, 07:30 PM
I totally defer to the experts! Jackie, if we all said what we thought and meant what we said, the world would be so much simpler!!! :goodpost 's

12-14-2011, 10:22 PM
Calcium injections have been around for many decades. They are used to treat Eclampsia.

12-14-2011, 10:51 PM
Hi guys. He was doing better this morning. I gave him keopectate at 1:30 am and it seems to have worked. I gave him 100 mg calcium every 4 hours yesterday and 500 mg today. He ate formula and some blocks today with some blueberry activia and really liked that. Then he took a nap and woke up tonight and had diarrhea again so I gave him 1 more drop of keopectate with his formula. He is still limping on his leg from the calcium shot last week and he was hanging on neck today and all of the sudden he tried to jump on the top of the fridge and fell off to the floor so he is really limping now. He just cant catch a break. I am really concerned about the diarrhea though. I have had him since he was just barely born and he has never had this problem until now so I am concerned maybe there is something more going on with him than MBD. He was stressed out becaused I found out my 2 lovely cats were torturing him all night but I have resolved that issue. That was only going on for about a week though and it did start about the time he got sick and when I moved him into a bigger cage. He stopped eating in the bigger though so I moved him back to his old cage 1.5 days later which is the beginning of when he got sick

12-14-2011, 11:21 PM
You say he ate formula... I don't know if I missed something but... what kind of formula is he taking? Is it still Esbilac? If so, THAT could be the culprit for the diarrhea> Many of us have had very bad experiences with the Esbilac. Also, if he has diarrhea, be careful with the fruit as fruit (and avocado too) will usually make the diarrhea worse.

Maybe the experts can chime in farther on that?

12-14-2011, 11:59 PM
Hi guys. He was doing better this morning. I gave him keopectate at 1:30 am and it seems to have worked. I gave him 100 mg calcium every 4 hours yesterday and 500 mg today. He ate formula and some blocks today with some blueberry activia and really liked that. Then he took a nap and woke up tonight and had diarrhea again so I gave him 1 more drop of keopectate with his formula. He is still limping on his leg from the calcium shot last week and he was hanging on neck today and all of the sudden he tried to jump on the top of the fridge and fell off to the floor so he is really limping now. He just cant catch a break. I am really concerned about the diarrhea though. I have had him since he was just barely born and he has never had this problem until now so I am concerned maybe there is something more going on with him than MBD. He was stressed out becaused I found out my 2 lovely cats were torturing him all night but I have resolved that issue. That was only going on for about a week though and it did start about the time he got sick and when I moved him into a bigger cage. He stopped eating in the bigger though so I moved him back to his old cage 1.5 days later which is the beginning of when he got sick

When you say the cats were torturing him, what do you mean exactly? Was there any physical contact?

12-15-2011, 12:05 AM
I think I attached pics?

12-15-2011, 12:07 AM
Ok huge pics sorry going to half to learn how to do that. Was tring to show you pic of him when i got him I think he was just born. Tiny.

12-15-2011, 12:20 AM
No physical contact. They were jumping on his cage and scaring the crap out of him. Emotional torture. I had his cage by a window and they were using the window ledge to jump up on the top of his cage in the middle of the night. I heard it one night and put a stop to it but I had noticed he was more nervous in the daytime and when i found out that night I wondered if it had been going on all week. That could make anyone shaken up. It it would have been happening to me I would have had to take up drinking or take a pill.

12-15-2011, 12:51 AM
Resized via; http://www.shrinkpictures.com/resize.php

Jackie in Tampa
12-15-2011, 04:10 AM
from my heart..
please place his cage on a table, they hate hate hate being on the floor, they feel vunerable...
also, can you cover the top of his cage with some fleece...it gives them a secure feeling with lots of fleece inside to snuggle in.

MBD is a lack of calcium in the blood stream and body...the body actually drains/leaches the calcium out of the bones, leaving them brittle...please do not allow him to jump...

If your sweet sq observes cats NOW...when he is released he will disreguard them and eventually cats will be his dimise, please keep them seperate if possible..

Can you give us an example of his dialy diet?
What formula are you using?

From the precious pics you posted, it looks like he was 3 weeks'ish old when you found him:Love_Icon :bowdown

If he is stilll having diarrhea, he needs to be getting replacement fluids.
I guess the suggested ABs were side tracked...hmmm, kaopectate is not going to fix his issues. In all actuallity it masks symptoms and until his intestines are clean and clear, he will not absorb all the nutrients he should be.

Please restrict his outta cage experiences...keep him calm and still allowing his injuries to heal. Continue to give extra calcium...and call the vet and ask for proper meds.
good luck

12-15-2011, 09:53 PM
I went to the the vet and got him antibiotics. He still has diarrhea. I fed him formula this morning and I tried some in afternoon but he refused. He wont eat. but we will soldier on

island rehabber
12-15-2011, 10:32 PM
Do whatever you can to get hydration into him. Try fruit-flavored Pedialyte. Try water with a bit of apple juice in it. ANYTHING.

12-16-2011, 12:59 AM
Do whatever you can to get hydration into him. Try fruit-flavored Pedialyte. Try water with a bit of apple juice in it. ANYTHING.

When I have had babies that wouldn't take regular Pedialyte or the homemade version, they seemed to really like the Winn Dixie brand, apple flavored. The brand Pedialyte comes in an apple flavor in the Pedialyte Singles and Pedialyte Powders (mix with your own water).

Jackie in Tampa
12-16-2011, 02:44 AM
drops count ...every drop is beneficial...
try slipping the syringe thru the side of his mouth if he is clammed up, please continue to coax the fluids in him, anything!
so glad you were able to get the ABs...:thumbsup
if the vet has given a sulfa based med, you should see improvements very soon...the stool will firm in a day sometimes..
his appetite should pick back up also.
keep us in the loop, hopefullly good results to follow!:Love_Icon

12-16-2011, 07:52 AM
Hi Pinney!

Its great you've found us!

Please get all the information you need

and I hope you :Squirrel grow strong and stays well


12-16-2011, 08:19 AM
What abs did you get? Did the do a fecal on him to rule out parasites? Coccidia lives in their system, and stress can make it grow crazy and cause diarrhea. With the cats torturing him, the new cage, etc, that def. qualifies as stressed. I would push the fluids for 24 hours, the work back with diluted formula over a few days (make sure to give plain yogurt via syringe to help keep his gut floura from getting too messed up on the abs). Jackie is right, kao isn't the best.

12-16-2011, 10:02 AM
Hi guys. He was doing better this morning. I gave him keopectate at 1:30 am and it seems to have worked. I gave him 100 mg calcium every 4 hours yesterday and 500 mg today. He ate formula and some blocks today with some blueberry activia and really liked that. Then he took a nap and woke up tonight and had diarrhea again so I gave him 1 more drop of keopectate with his formula. He is still limping on his leg from the calcium shot last week and he was hanging on neck today and all of the sudden he tried to jump on the top of the fridge and fell off to the floor so he is really limping now. He just cant catch a break. I am really concerned about the diarrhea though. I have had him since he was just barely born and he has never had this problem until now so I am concerned maybe there is something more going on with him than MBD. He was stressed out becaused I found out my 2 lovely cats were torturing him all night but I have resolved that issue. That was only going on for about a week though and it did start about the time he got sick and when I moved him into a bigger cage. He stopped eating in the bigger though so I moved him back to his old cage 1.5 days later which is the beginning of when he got sick

please try dannon or a greek yogurt right now...activia with diarrhea :thinking

12-16-2011, 07:50 PM
I will go and get him different yogurt. All he has eaten today is a little yogurt and 1 cherio. He still has diarrhea but not as often. The vet gave him SMZ. I have had to force feed it to him it a tiny bit of formula. He has been drinking water regularly on his own which is a good thing. His poop looks kind of jelly like. Not sure what that means. He will not drink formula now because he is associating that with me force feeding him I think. I am worried about him not eating. He did come out of his box this morning and sit in front of his light for a while. I am ever hopeful

12-16-2011, 07:53 PM
He needs nutrition. Please try the Ensure. You can get it at any drug or grocery store.

12-16-2011, 07:55 PM
try putting formula and yogurt in shallow flat bottomed dishes and see if he wont lap on his own.

12-16-2011, 09:12 PM
He needs nutrition. Please try the Ensure. You can get it at any drug or grocery store.

They make Pecan flavored Ensure.....It saved Knotheads life.

12-16-2011, 09:59 PM
The jelly like poop is usually mucus from inflammation. Sometimes when diarrhea is bad and the body is dehydrated, the diarrhea will have a mucuslike texture since there isn't enough fluid to make it runny. You can get Imodium in liquid that is easy to give a drop to little ones. It works much better than Kaopectate.

12-16-2011, 10:53 PM
I will go and get him different yogurt. All he has eaten today is a little yogurt and 1 cherio. He still has diarrhea but not as often. The vet gave him SMZ. I have had to force feed it to him it a tiny bit of formula. He has been drinking water regularly on his own which is a good thing. His poop looks kind of jelly like. Not sure what that means. He will not drink formula now because he is associating that with me force feeding him I think. I am worried about him not eating. He did come out of his box this morning and sit in front of his light for a while. I am ever hopeful
Pinney....I too had to give yucky tasting meds with my guy Flash.....and he too associated the syringe with something horrid.
I tried everything to get him to take it again....but only one thing worked. Maple syrup. Try dipping the end of the syringe (FV filled) in syrup and let him taste it...you may have to force it a bit at first....but Flash at least figured out that syringes were ok again. I hope it can work for your guy too!

12-16-2011, 11:16 PM
I will try the maple syrup. I tried everything with him tonight. Yogurt, babyfood, peanut butter and apple juice he would have none of it. I even tried cheese. I finally had to force the AB's into him and it was not pleasant for him or for me. I will try the ensure. He is really picky. I did get him to eat a few tiny pieces of sweet potatoe and apple. I was so greatful he ate anything that I did not care what it was at this point. He is starving hisself.

12-17-2011, 11:31 PM
If you have a gastro/intestinal infection, you don't feel like eating, either. Just think how you feel when you get a bad stomach flu. This sounds like a bad case of something like salmonella or E coli possibly from some of the fruits or veggies he had eaten a couple of days before getting sick. Always introduce new foods gradually. Just a little bit the first day, and then increase slowly so you don't overwhelm the digestive tract. Sometimes, vomiting and diarrhea can be their own cause. Once it starts, it causes irritation that causes more to happen and a vicious circle continues the cycle. You might have to give Sub cutaneous fluids by injection for a while and nothing by mouth and let the gut rest. Don't be surprised that the Vet didn't know what the proper diet was. I was at my Vet with my cat last week and talking about Stormy Lee. He asked me what I was feeding her and when I told him, he was surprised that I didn't feed corn and lots of nuts. He thought since they loved them, it was what they should be fed. Vets aren't taught nutrition, not even for the animals they normally treat.

12-18-2011, 12:59 AM
If you have a gastro/intestinal infection, you don't feel like eating, either. Just think how you feel when you get a bad stomach flu. This sounds like a bad case of something like salmonella or E coli possibly from some of the fruits or veggies he had eaten a couple of days before getting sick. Always introduce new foods gradually. Just a little bit the first day, and then increase slowly so you don't overwhelm the digestive tract. Sometimes, vomiting and diarrhea can be their own cause. Once it starts, it causes irritation that causes more to happen and a vicious circle continues the cycle. You might have to give Sub cutaneous fluids by injection for a while and nothing by mouth and let the gut rest. Don't be surprised that the Vet didn't know what the proper diet was. I was at my Vet with my cat last week and talking about Stormy Lee. He asked me what I was feeding her and when I told him, he was surprised that I didn't feed corn and lots of nuts. He thought since they loved them, it was what they should be fed. Vets aren't taught nutrition, not even for the animals they normally treat.
Great info Margie! In the 2 years I have been rehabbing squirrels....I have learned soooo much....with the help of my vet and others. My vet is still learning as well. ( im lucky...most don't bother or are not interested in squirrels.....but he loved Flash.....his first real encounter with a squirrel) He passes on what he learns to the UND for confirmation and eventually the info get backs to me.
With all that said...I will pass on what we ( Dr. Motter and I) have learned about the inner workings of a squirrel. If you go to your vet and have a fecal done.....he/she may find things that are alarming...things like E.Coli and Strep or Staph. Keep in mind ( depending on the levels) that these things are found in most normal healthy squirrels. ( this was hard for me to grasp).
A healthy immune system keeps it all in check.
It sure sounds like a tummy issue with your guy....could be a bug....could be an allergy. :dono
If its a bug ( virus) the diarrhea may be necessary to eliminate the body of it. ( I personally am not a big fan of things to stop the diarrhea...as I believe its the bodys own defense) This is where it gets tricky.....because just having diarrhea has its own problems.
Maybe your guy could use a bit of an immune booster....and keep a close eye on what he eats...as to rule out an allergy.
Fluids are essential if he still has diarrhea....they will keep him hydrated and also help "cleanse" the GI. These may have to be forced.....and yes its stressful. You will have to be the "Mean Mommy" for awhile...because it will save his life! He will thank you later...:Love_Icon
For anyone else interested in what Motter and the UND have found to be "normal" in a squirrel I can pass on that info. :peace

12-18-2011, 02:10 AM
The bacteria that causes illnesses are usually normally found somewhere in the body. It just gets in the wrong place, or gets out of control and becomes more numerous than normal. E. Coli is a bowel bacteria. Normal in feces and doesn't cause a problem unless ingested by mouth by someone else. Staph aureus is normal on the skin, but causes nasty infections if it gets into a wound or surgical site. It's not just squirrels that have these bacteria in their digestive tracts and stool samples, but every other animal (including humans), as well. When you are adapted to regular exposure to them in your environment, you don't get sick. Your body builds up a natural defense. But introduce a strange one, and it makes the body ill. Think of Montezuma's Revenge as an example.

12-18-2011, 02:14 AM
The bacteria that causes illnesses are usually normally found somewhere in the body. It just gets in the wrong place, or gets out of control and becomes more numerous than normal. E. Coli is a bowel bacteria. Normal in feces and doesn't cause a problem unless ingested by mouth by someone else. Staph aureus is normal on the skin, but causes nasty infections if it gets into a wound or surgical site. It's not just squirrels that have these bacteria in their digestive tracts and stool samples, but every other animal (including humans), as well. When you are adapted to regular exposure to them in your environment, you don't get sick. Your body builds up a natural defense. But introduce a strange one, and it makes the body ill. Think of Montezuma's Revenge as an example.
Very well said! :thumbsup

12-21-2011, 01:20 PM
Saw the pictures of your little guy and he looks to have been just slightly older then Butchie. The other picture of him on your shoulder, another Butchie lookalike :Love_Icon :Love_Icon . I really hope he gets better; prayers/good vibes being sent your way. I went through this almost three weeks ago with Butchie being sick and it was hell but he has improved enough to be a brat again :rotfl . What helped with him:

1. He hated the syringe too. He also started refusing foods and liquids given to him via syringe, even if I tried feeding them without the syringe. He eventually did get over this but HATES berry flavored tums, still, no matter how I offer them. He has decided that the new bottle of tropical fruit tums (I bought kroger brand) is pretty good.

2. He first refused the ensure, I bought vanilla since that is all they had at the time. When I was down to my last bottle (I was mixing it in food for wild orphans), he decided he loved it! Try soaking a piece of whole grain bread in a bit of ensure. I have the pecan ensure now and he likes that too and he needs the extra calories so I offer as much as he wants.

3. Sometimes plain calcium carbonate mixes better. Avocado was recommended and it works very well :). I have also taken apple and mashed it up and mixed in the calcium. Whatever your guy likes best. Pecans (or whatever his favorite nut is). Grind into a powder and add a bit of water, juice or ensure, crush a calcium carbonate or tums in that. Like I said, Butchie is really tricky with the calcium, so I had to get creative. Keep trying.

4. If he likes snuggling or being pet or scratched around his ears, lots of that. When Butchie was too sick to move I would just scratch his ears and tell him how much I loved him and how proud I was of him fighting and how I was trying to help him feel better. Maybe the words weren't understood but I think in his own way he got it. Made me feel better; I think it helped him feel better too and gave us some special bonding time. Your boy is much younger and a singleton so I am guessing he is pretty attached to you? Watch his activity outside his cage (sit on the floor with him) and just snuggle with him if he likes that.

I hope this helps, and I hope he feels better soon!!

12-21-2011, 01:27 PM
I will try the maple syrup. I tried everything with him tonight. Yogurt, babyfood, peanut butter and apple juice he would have none of it. I even tried cheese. I finally had to force the AB's into him and it was not pleasant for him or for me. I will try the ensure. He is really picky. I did get him to eat a few tiny pieces of sweet potatoe and apple. I was so greatful he ate anything that I did not care what it was at this point. He is starving hisself.
Went through this exact thing with Butchie; even his favorites went untouched. It's maddening; when they are that sick it's sooo hard to get them to like anything. Keep trying; I found that if I stopped and just scratched Butchie's ears for a few seconds, then tried again, SOMETIMES he would nibble a bit. If he is eating something stick with that just to get nutrition into him. Sometimes once they get started eating one food again they get their appetite back enough to try more. Every tiny bit helps!!