View Full Version : Still trying to read everything, but in the meantime...questions!

12-11-2011, 11:30 AM
I am sure the answers to ALL of my questions are in these threads that I am trying to get through!

I am trying to find the answers to all of my newbie questions!

1)how old is my baby?
2 weeks ago, when we found her and then today!
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a383/stephcrouse/2011/023-2.jpg http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a383/stephcrouse/2011/002-8.jpg
2)how much milk should I let her suck down in a feeding, and how many times/day? She is just starting to show some interest in veggies/nuts/fruits, but not really in her rodent blocks (we have tried LM rat blocks and Kaytee rat blocks). I have ordered the milk and blocks recommended here, but for now she is on Esbilac powder mixed 1 part powder:2 parts water. Should I switch to the goats milk/cream/yogurt mix til my order arrives, or just keep with the Esbilac. Her poop is light brown pellets.
3)What size syringe do I need to use, and does it need to have a certain type of tip? Where do I get them? I notice that sometimes she seems to get too much and sneezes.
4)does she still need a heat source? I was using a heating pad, but then read that she could pee on it or chew it and hurt herself. She goes in her nesting box, which has a little fleece bed and some torn up tshirt pieces. She feels warm to the touch. I saw her shiver yesterday, so I layed awake worrying about it all night!
5)She appears to still have some fleas...what can I use on her?
6)I have her in "flight cage", can I put aspen shavings in the bottom, regular kitty litter in the corner box, rabbit water bottle, sticks, bark, pine straw...what else should I use in her habitat? What type of nesting box and materials should I provide? What about out of the cage time?

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-11-2011, 12:04 PM
dont give her anything but rodent block at first

12-11-2011, 12:07 PM
So only milk and rodent block until she is eating that? I ordered the FV formula and I ordered the growth blocks too. I hope they will be here soon!
He has munched banana, avocado, carrot, spinach, romaine, cucumber, almonds...I should not do that? What about adding the yogurt to the Esbilac, or should I switch to goat milk mixture while waiting for FV?

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-11-2011, 12:26 PM
As far a nutrition goes you will get 100 different answers to one question.
I am not trying to say it is wrong to give her all those yummy veggies, how old is she??
I would make sure she has block in the morning and IF she eats it..then give her her veggies at lunch time, then at nigh a piece of fruit , then a nut .

If you start out with just block( and formula, which you want to give as long as she will take it, as long as she is taking formula at least twice a day you don't have to worry to much about the calcium and the vitamins its all in there) it will help her get used to it and not turn into a picky eater, I learned the hard way.

here is a list, I copied from Island Rehabber's post

"BASIC rodent block is to be 70-80% of their diet, always available in their bowl for munching. This would include the following top brands:
Harlan Teklad 2018
Mazuri Rodent block
Zupreem Monkey Biscuits
Kay-Tee Forti-Diet (Blue bag) for Rats & Mice

SUPPLEMENTAL to that diet are the HHB's: one or two per day to ensure that all necessary nutrients are getting into your sqirrel in a form he actually LIKES"

As you read through you will see everyone has their own idea as what is best. I am sure there is a perfect diet but squirrels are individuals just like us and some will like one thing and not another. All this you will find out through trial and error with your little girl.
In the mean time let her chew on blocks as I said just to get used to them, if you just give her nuts that is all she will want and when she no longer wants the formula it will be a battle to get her to eat what she needs to stay healthy.

12-11-2011, 12:45 PM
Good info Laurie... Warmth is probably still a good idea. You should put the heating pad under the cage so she has no access to wires. When do you expect the FV to arrive? If she is doing okay on Esbilac now, it is probably okay for a few days more. The block is most important in the transitioning to solids! It is okay to give veggies, but if possible don't get her started on nuts yet. Lots of fleece for snuggling wherever the heating pad is too.:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome She is very cute!
I also want to mention that her feet will be a lot more comfortable if you can line the cage with newspaper and fleece.

12-11-2011, 02:27 PM
you've already given great advice from SSM and SM.

I will agree that her first solid food must be block.
For now, her main foods should be formula and block.
I would hold off on veggies, too, at this point, especially, since she is not very receptive to the block.
Keep the block in her cage, she won't eat it right away, will play with it, crumble it, nibble, stash etc etc, but eventually, she will start eating it.
When she is eating the block willingly and with pleasure, that's when you could start adding good green veggies.
Once she eats veggies and block well, that's when you can start introducing some fruit and nuts as treats only.
All along, keep giving her formula and do not wean her - let her wean herself.
The longer she is on formula, the better it is for her health.
After she finally weans herself, blocks will take place of formula, that's why it is so important that she learns to like them.

The rule of thumb is to feed 5-7% of their body weight. Some babies eat more, others - a bit less. YOu willl need to monitor her weight and how she does overall.
As for more feeding details - I will let the experienced rehabbers share their knowledge.

1cc syringes are the best, as they are the safest in terms of avoiding aspiration. Always control the flow, do not let her control. They can suck pretty strongly, so you have to go very slowly. As they say here, if she is getting mad at you because you are so slow, then you are going at the right pace.
Silicone nipples are used, too.
All are available either at www.henryspets.com or www.chrissquirrelsandmore.com

in addition to fleece you can use t-shirts and anything that is non-loopy.

Keep the heating pad. You will know when she does not need it anymore.
But while she is a baby,she needs a heat source.

No - shavings, straw, kitty litter, doggy pads (here is a link to info about dog liners: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30460)
People use Carefresh, shredded paper etc. Again, people will share their experience.
Just for now I'd take the shavings, straw and kitty litter out. Just use papers for now.

As for nesting boxes - cardboard is ok for now. Later, you can check out the forum on Cages, Nest boxes etc. You can also post a separate thread with your question - people will respond with ideas. Same for cages - there are certain things to watch for in cages (e.g., the width of bars, size etc) - so, post a question, and check the forum.

You can give her tissue paper box, toilet paper - they love those and use it for nesting material;-).

ok, got to go.

I am sure, experienced ppl will be on soon.

12-11-2011, 02:44 PM
one more thing forgot:


1. of course, because they are predators, and as sweet as they might be with you, they are predators to your squirrel. THeir instincts are very strong and they will act on those instincts before you can realize what just happened.

check this out:http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28790

2. because she needs to have her fear of predators intact.
She cannot lose her fear of dogs and cats, or it will be her death sentence when she is released.
SHe should not see you interact with them either, because she will take cues from you and will assume they are safe.
Whether she is in the cage, or out of the cage - she should not see dogs and cats.

For better gender identification, could you post a photo of her underside?... it's hard to tell by just looking at her sweet face ;-).

12-11-2011, 05:33 PM
I'm pretty sure she is indeed a she. I would love help with figuring out her age.
I am still unsure how I can put the heating pad in her cage, so that it will do any good, without her having access to it... What if I put it in the cage and the layed a plastic rubbermaid lid on it, then a layer of fleece or a few tshirts, then her nest box? That way she coulnt get to the pad, but the heat could radiate through the plastic... I could have the cord trailing out of the cafe below the lid as well.
Ack, I already put Aspen chips in! I will remove them in the morning and just do papers and fleece/t shirts. I guess it is time to clean out the closets and drawers anyway. :)
So, I think I have the wrong rodent blocks, my kaytee bag is dark green. I will stop the other foods, I just thought I was starving the poor thing!
Thanks for all of your advice so far!!!!

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-11-2011, 05:40 PM
Heating pad goes under her cage not in it, she will chew on it and that would be very bad(LOL), she will get on it and off it herself, keep it on low, if her tail is fluffed and up she may not need one. How long have you had her??
Go to Chris's web site
she has pics of different ages so you can figure out her age. You'll be fine.

12-11-2011, 06:05 PM
She looked little enough to still need the heat, but be very careful not to let her get at that cord!

12-11-2011, 06:46 PM
Heating pad goes under her cage not in it, she will chew on it and that would be very bad(LOL), she will get on it and off it herself, keep it on low,
never put the squirrel on the pad directly, whether with fleece on top of whatever.
The pad is always UNDER HALF of the cage/container/etc, set on low. No direct contact with the pad!

12-11-2011, 07:03 PM
I am huge believer in food grade diatomaceous earth. Anyone have any history using this on squirrels? It is completely organic and will not harm the squirrel if they were to ingest it.


Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-11-2011, 07:15 PM
I am huge believer in food grade diatomaceous earth. Anyone have any history using this on squirrels? It is completely organic and will not harm the squirrel if they were to ingest it.


Good stuff ..............my dog is allergic to all the Front-line and all that other flea stuff that's how I found out about it.

12-11-2011, 07:33 PM
:Welcome Hello :wave123
Please be sure your baby is eating formula with block offered and then only block until she is firmly established on block as 70-80% of her diet. I see or have turned over to me so many sick and dying squirrels due to improper diet. Mostly lack of calcium. It causes a severe disease (MBD) that can cause death if not caught in time. In a few months you can offer healthy food and even nuts to your baby but if they even taste any other kind of food especially nuts they will never want the blocks again. Please consider the rodent block diet first and branch out from there in a few months. You will have less diet related worries and many years of a happy healthy squirrel.


12-11-2011, 07:42 PM
Dawn dishwashing detergent, unscented - against fleas.

Dissolve some in a bowl (don't remember if there are any specific proportions of how much dawn per gallon of water... i'd think, just use common sense)
don't have to dunk her. You can take a washcloth or something and sort of wipe her. Or you could keep her in the bowl up to her waist or so, and keep wiping her off. If she is squirmy, use a towel - wrap her - and same thing: keep wiping her with the dawn. Then, rinse (ie., wipe her with clean water).

Kitten flea powder works well , too. Don't put it directly on her. Put some on a paper towel and rub it all over her body.

So, whatever you have /easier for you: dawn, flea powder, revolution (one drop between shoulders - part the fur to put the drop directly on her skin)

12-11-2011, 08:41 PM
I currently have her in this cage:
I was afraid putting the heating pad in the tray, under the floor bars, wouldn't provide enough heat, and she would still be able to pee on it...I have placed it the way I described and put newspaper and tshirts and fleece scraps on the floor of that half her cage with her nesting box. I hope it is enough to keep her warm! I can barely feel heat when I put my hand on the floor of the cage. The pad is set on lo.
I have moved her to my oldest daughter's room, where the door can be closed and no dogs or cats can get in. What about sunlight though? There are windows in the room, so will just opening them during daylight hours be enough?
She weighs 170g, so I will try to make my tired brain find that Esbilac formula to figure out how much she is supposed to get per day, and then I have to divide that into four feeds? I have been feeding her at 7, 11:30, 4:00, and 9:00.
I gave her a Dawn towel wrap/bath the first day she got here to get rid of fleas, but obviously I didn't get them all, I see her scratching and nibbling herself. I can get a single dose of revolution at the vet tomorrow along with some better syringes.

12-11-2011, 09:11 PM
Feed her 5-7% of her body weight. That would be for a 170 gr squirrel 8.5 to 11.9 ccs at each feeding 4x per day.


12-11-2011, 09:36 PM
Thank you Marty!!! I have been giving her around 10-12cc/feed, and she still seems a bit hungry, but I've been cutting her off. She has free access to the rodent block.

12-11-2011, 09:42 PM
Thank you Marty!!! I have been giving her around 10-12cc/feed, and she still seems a bit hungry, but I've been cutting her off. She has free access to the rodent block.

Sounds fine. I would not increase the amount per feeding as it will cause GI upset. You could go to 5 feedings a day if you think she is really hungry. I think she is fine with 4x and rodent block.


12-12-2011, 10:06 AM
I prefer to address my friend's squirrels by their FIRST NAMES....
...and her name is ??????????????

12-12-2011, 10:26 AM
The Best Present--in the WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-12-2011, 10:33 AM
The Best Present--in the WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-12-2011, 10:40 AM
The Best Present--in the WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stosh just too cute

12-12-2011, 11:09 AM
Ha ha ha, cute!

Her name is "Locket" :Love_Icon

12-14-2011, 02:02 PM
Yay, my FV and Henry's blocks just got here! :jump

So, I'm off to give her her first taste of yummy baked goodness, and need to figure up her milk amount/feeding. Time to weigh a squirrel...never thought I would hear myself say that! mjs

12-15-2011, 01:47 AM
Go slow.
A little bit at a time.
Work the way up.
If they take to it right off the bat, go.
If not, work them into it.
The FV will probably not cause any issues,
solids may.
Observe and learn, just as we did.

12-15-2011, 07:33 AM
She grabbed the block and chowed down! :thumbsup
The milk is a winner too.

Jackie in Tampa
12-15-2011, 07:46 AM
go Locket go!:Love_Icon

12-15-2011, 10:24 AM
Another cute squirrel baby pic :)

island rehabber
12-15-2011, 10:32 AM
aaaaaaaaaaak, teh cuteness!!!! :Love_Icon