View Full Version : Hiya! New to squirrels in general!!

12-09-2011, 09:03 AM
Hi everyone. Ive been lurking for a while and have very recenctly got two flying squirrels! My names Tommy, im 22 (i think, lifes a blur after 20!) and I live in the UK.

Ive only kept crested geckos before, ive had three of them for 14 months now. Pascal, Gordan Geiko and Winnebago Barry Tinkleton. They're such sweet things and ive wanted more pets ever since. Anywhos, after loads of searching I found 2 advertisements for breeding pairs in Newark which is in the midlands of england, about 160miles from where i live. I had to go look at them and see.

When i got there they belonged to a lovely old man called Geoff. He's been taking in strays for years, be it degus, chinchillas, chipmunks, ferrets, anything really! He bought 4 flyers last year, a set of 2 sisters and 2 brothers. He put a boy and girl of each together and one set had babies, the other set have not yet. However he was struggling to look after them all with crippling arthritis, his hands were completly folded up, but he genuinly seemed to love all his pets. However with his hands he couldnt keep up with them all, and the cages were a bit of a state. After seeing it all I had to have them if just to give them some more love. So after alot of curfuffle i got them in my car and left! they spent there first night with me in a smaller container with newspaper, food and a bit of substrate, they spent the day snuggled up asleep and the night chirpping and munching hazelnuts.

The next day i got the pressure washer out and made sure the cage was spotless. They're pretty settled it seemed. I made sure all windows and risks were blocked up and left the cage open night 1 for them to explore. That they did, however they were very resistant to be caught, i think they're still quite scared and not used to handling. I hope to make an effort with them tonight by towling up the bathroom and sitting in there with them and some pecans. It may take a while but id love them to take to me. If im lucky they'll have babies too so i can really get them to bond with me.

Ive named them Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj. Quite like my rap! They are so sweet, just very afraid. Geoff used to feed them parrot mix and suppliment it with nuts and some frech fruit. (they love oranges!)

So any help or advice would be massive! And thanks for your time I suppose, the forums seem really friendly and i'd love to get involved!

Kind Regards.

island rehabber
12-09-2011, 10:23 AM
:Welcome Tommy!
You sound like you will be a great HOF (Human Owned by Flyers) :D. My suggestion is that you also put a thread in the Flying Squirrels Forum, so that our excellent flyer folks here can enjoy your little guys with you and give you lots of great advice. Pictures, of course, are a must around here :D.

LOVE the names of your critters.......Gordon Geiko :rotfl:thumbsup

12-09-2011, 11:50 AM
Glad to meet ya - I love flyers! OMG and I love England - been there 10+ times - Now to have my Mcvitties and PG Tips!
PS we are all serious dorks for photos too!!!!

12-09-2011, 02:22 PM
This Is one of them. Not sure at this stage if its the male or female?!


Another of it being outrageously cute.


This is the other who likes to hide up the back of sets of draws!


And the set-up they came with. I am looking for a different cage, but spent out from the squirrels and xmas, plus they've managed in this cage for a year, so should (i hope) be ok for another month or so.

The geckos are in the other, with the towells there so they can run about and get back up to the cage. They're still pretty terrified of me, wont accept food. I think theres way too much bedding and not enough boxes, or toys obv, thats what im buying this weekend. Just want them to love me really!!!


12-09-2011, 09:59 PM

12-09-2011, 10:34 PM
RODENT BLOCK EVERYDAY!!! KAYTEE OR HHB's (Henry healthy blocks), CHICKEN, WAXWORMS, MUSHROOMS & YOGURT (dannon vanilla is good)EVERYDAY!!! They are very prone to metobolic bone disease, so knowing the RIGHT VEGGIES and FRUIT is important...some good starters are below...VERY LITTLE SEEDS....it may take a little while for them to adjust to a new diet but it is very important if you want them to live a long and healthy life!!!

sugar snap peas(they tend to love these)
sweet potatos(a fav)

grapes(peel first is reccomended)

Its good to offer a variety I switch everyday (keeping the daily stuff), 2 extra veggies and 2 fruits!

Rodent block(mine love HENRYS) needs to be the MAJORITY of the diet

Fresh water daily

Stuff to limit:

they need places to hide, pouches, hammocks and things to climb like ropes...
I have an online store called sadies shop and everything is very reasonable...:wave123


p.s. I wouldn't use any shavings at all...I get these liners that are like very fine sand paper that also helps with their lil claws! The cage should be ok...I cant tell exactly the demensions but it should be ok till you get another!

12-10-2011, 01:21 AM
Thats awsome thanks! Do you ship internationally??

12-10-2011, 01:49 AM
Sorry for the double post, but ive ordered the heatlthy blocks and the mbd treatment as i dont suppose parrot mix has that much calcium. Just to be sure. And should i just get rid of all the substrate and just leave them with a sand bath or something else for burying??

12-10-2011, 02:09 AM
AGH! Triple post! Sorry! Do you have the name for the cage liners at all?

12-10-2011, 09:15 AM
Not sure what the substrate is.
The thing to avoid is cedar shavings and extremely dusty material.
You might also check the type of water bottle you have.
The types that have a ball valve in the tube can be hazardous due to the squirrel getting its teeth or tongue caught.
If you can find a couple small boxes at least 10cm square, cut a 3.0-3.5cm hole in them for nest boxes.
Small bird houses work quite well. Just check the entrance hole size, you may need to enlarge it.
Put some cotton or fibrefil batting in, and some outside.
They will build a great nest with it.
The foods that have been mentioned are fine.
The fruit should be limited to small amounts because of high sugar.
Other items that work well are small chunks of cucumber, tomatoe, and rose hips.
Since you've had geckos, I know you can find the worms that were mentioned.
Protien high foods are very important.
Give the kids a chicken bone, too. Just remove it after a couple days.