View Full Version : Sounther Flying Squirrel Breeding

12-05-2011, 10:30 PM

I am planing breed my male and female flying squirrels. Theres just one problem, I don't know how to breed flying squirrels. So any help would be appreciated. I know how to care for one just not how to breed one!


12-13-2011, 11:41 AM
In case you're still checking.
We generally do not advocate the breeding of flyers.
If that happens, it's usually by accident.

12-13-2011, 09:16 PM
I don't want to sound like a snoot:poke ! I was considering it as well, until everyone here gave me some good advice, and I decided not to (right now), If I do...I will kepp the babies...Im not in it for making money I just love my fur balls!

HOWEVER...I'm gonna tell you the same thing everyone here told me...DONT DO IT!!! first off...your flyers will become detatched from you and will become very territorial! Second....what do you plan on doing with the babies??? In most states you have to have a liscense to BREED and SELL!!! Third...If you have flyers you know how difficult they can be, the time, money that goes into them...multiply that by as many babies they will have. PLEASE DO THE RESEARCH FIRST!!! I would not reccomend breeding right now!