View Full Version : anti-parasite plants and/or supplements?

12-05-2011, 12:33 PM
[A brief intro to my pseudonym: I am not outside nature so my actions are as natural as a squirrels; I will not stand by and watch a reified and abstracted nature dole out cruelty and a "dog-eat-dog" which will be best when it has been evolutionarily "left in the dust". It's similar to not just passively viewing a psychopathic gang bully in a Nazi-ized Germany or Bolshevik-ized Russia. Nature is authoritarian when we sadly just "be". It is the "becoming" human to/for which we ought strive. Evolution and freedom come to those who negentropically create it, not to zombie-"citizen" and "Nature" show spectators. Okay, that's the extent of my rant whenever someone tries to justify idleness and slack in terms of living life....]

Now to the joy of my life amidst social collapse and manufactured dissent... squirrels.

I feed my pals via four "flip-up" feeder boxes (all seeds/nuts in shell and raw: black oil sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, pecans, peanuts). I avail and refresh dishes of filtered water nearby. I try to keep all boxes and bowls in areas where feral cats and hawks cannot swoop or pounce to quench their mindless roles as hierarchy-affirming killers.

I have added three minimal squirrel havens about 15-feet up well-branched (but deciduous) trees to act as halfway-house shelters against attack. I have put more substantial nest boxes (with predator-guards, patios, and duo entrances) nearly 30-feet up as "condos" for families. I try to leave appropriate nest materials in small piles nearby rather than paying someone to haul it away. [Why fertilize a yard and then pay someone to de-fertilize later so you can pay for the fertilizer all over again?!] In the case of squirrel-made nests, I have seen them use sticks, patio couch stuffing, long weave-able leaves, etc. If non-dyed wool or natural canvas strands would help I'd leave those out for their use, or even give miniature hammer-and-nail lessons in the warmer Summer hours.

The wind picks up here in the winter and nests sometimes fall from the California Palm trees, leaving very little else for safe and snug homes. We rescued three two-week olds which were later released here along with two other orphans. That was the emotional "hook"; I've returned to my nature which they gift to me now daily: playfulness, industriousness, communitarianism, cross-family sharing. I absolutely love them each and all.

I had to make an effort to coexist with their food gathering and storing needs. I protect my herb gardens by having each in a half oak barrel with a chicken meshed sides/top going up approximately four feet. My fruit trees are each surrounded with twenty Allium plants. I also attached an upside-down plastic bowl (like used in cheap catering operations) around the base. They are welcome to any fallen apricots, apples, peaches, or hazelnuts. This understanding/arrangement seems to be working well for us both.

To protect them as they fatten up on nuts I get at the local wild bird and nearby farms, I spread "Cat Scram" around the perimeters of my yard and have planted Rue to keep the human-abandoned cats at bay. I use a pump (no CO2 cartridges required so always ready) pellet gun to scare off (but not hit) war-fetishized hawks and jive-thieving crows. [My disdain for each is not abstracted camouflaged. I don't tolerate ticks, theocrats, pinworms, socio-psychopathocrats, roundworms, socially-owned wealth extracting bankers, fleas, or whoring politicians either....]

Finally, and I apologize for this post's length -- this being my first post, it is also a self-statement as well -- my question is this: I would like to avail foods or nearby bushes which will help my chums quell and/or prevent parasite (internal/external) attacks. We can eat garlic or Brewer's yeast to fend off fleas, onions to fend off mosquitoes, and wormwood to fend off internal parasites. Has anyone read what will aid (SF Bay area) Red Fox Squirrels with fending off blood-sucking, subdermal-burrowing, and flesh-eating parasites?

Thanks for availing this forum. The folks' messages I read were heartfelt, humorous, and inspiring. I look forward to learning from you all, as we learn from our squirrel life-mates.

best wishes,

12-06-2011, 08:10 AM
:Welcome to another squirrel lover, protector and defender. Believe me we all know that "hook" to which you refer. Off hand, I do not know or have any experience with plants or shrubs that might "fend off" in/external parasites. I have heard that products that contain cedar oil formulations seem to work well and are safe for cats, dogs and wildlife. That is second hand info so maybe a place to begin a bit of research. Glad you found TSB. There is so much to learn here. :wave123


12-07-2011, 03:05 PM
Marty (and all):

thanks for the welcome and info.

I am betting that the wormwood and black walnut oils that fend against human parasites work as well against those attacking squirrels. Since squirrels avoid Allium family plants, that means that onions and garlic will not work. I will keep researching, and pass on what I find.

I will post research on my web site at http://wonderful-squirrels.org (http://wonderful-squirrels.org/).

I'm putting un-dyed wool strips out near nest-boxes and nests today. Just like when the squirrels discovered a use for our torn patio bench's inner stuffing (for their nests) I am hoping that they'll discover and share the use of these non-toxic and warmer "wool felt" strips as well. I recall when they were trying to figure out how to use the squirrel feeder boxes, and how quickly they shared or demo'd their use for their squirrel relatives, close and distant.

I am also looking for a copper-based water-collector to put at the "crown" of our front tree to collect-and-avail rain water for them and for birds (in a non-feral/non-hawk) safe place.

I recently added knotted hemp rope (attached to fence posts at top and bottom) so that, if cornered by a feral cat, the squirrels could scamper up to the horizontal cross-piece of the 6-foot high fencing, where they enjoy a "squirrel racetrack" for playful chases, predator escapes, and for resolving spats via chasing one another. [I try to keep enough feeders set up away from each other so that food is provided without encouraging nest-based spatial spats. It's my view that part of chasing is to encourage survival skills and to strengthen legs and coordination....

I am very interested in learning more of their verbal and tail-flicking ("hello there", "beware of danger", "come home", and "not now") language, so, please anyone, share your experiences, observations, and views!

best wishes to all for the waning days of autumn,

12-10-2011, 03:43 PM
Hi Chris,

Not sure what would work for squirrels in the fight against parasites. I have found orange spray works well for my mice; spraying a cloth and wiping down cages as it kills mites on contact. Only thing you might try for wilds is freshwater diatom powder. NOT the saltwater diatom powder found in pet stores, you want to look for food grade diatom powder found at some plant stores. Use with caution as it can affect good bugs as well, but used in nest boxes it may keep parasites under control.

Feral cats are easy to remove and are a horrible consequence (and victims) of heartless people who think cats can fend for themselves. They are wonderful in their own right. I had one for 16 too short months and when he passed in January he may as well have been a family member for 16 years. I still miss him; Mister Mittens. Alley cat allies may be able to help you with them, or you may have a feral specific local rescue there. NEVER take ANY cats to shelters; they will be deemed unadoptable and gassed; no animal deserves such a fate. Even sweet house cats turn wild in those places; the smell of death will do that to such sensitive beings.

Hawks here are mostly kept at bay thanks to crows (another bird I am not fond of). I worry more about the birds I feed (and blue jays in particular as one of last years babies is a special little one I helped raise). We have foxers here too and once they are adults not many predators can hurt them; biggest threat to adults are cars and/or thoughtless humans.

We practice organic gardening here as well; sandwiched between chemical loving neighbors who just don't "get it".

I have two foxer boys right now; I love watching them interact with me and each other and feel truly blessed they allow me to glimpse their world. I have learned a great deal about their language. I also watch the outside wilds just as much (obsess, perhaps?). They amaze me. Butchie and Joey will be released in the spring; I hope they stay close always!! Amazing how such small furry souls can just suck you in :).

12-10-2011, 05:38 PM
What they all said.
The "hook" is all too familiar here ;-).

As for the plants, I don't know anything or anyone who knows much.
I guess, theoretically, it should work and looks like it is working for you - something very good to know.

Thank you for sharing great ideas on providing escapes for them.

The only thing i was thinking of is when you said "knit" and "wool". Just wanted to make sure those aren't loopy (you know, like loopy knitted things and stuff), because loopy fabrics are kind of dangerous for them: their nails can get caught and ripped as a result. Anything non-loopy, like fleece, t-shirts are safer.

But I am still very interested about the plants that keep them at bay from your fruit trees. How long have you had it this way?... what plants did you put around your trees exactly?... I am curious, because I have a few people who were trying to find ways to keep squirrels away from their flower beds and veggies, but didn't want to hurt them.

I remember reading somewhere that acorns are actually anti-parasitic for them.:dono :thinking