View Full Version : Relocating help needed in Pell City, AL

12-04-2011, 05:42 PM
One of our company's drivers has a mega squirrel problem in his shop attic. Does anyone know who to contact in the Birmingham, AL area that can help him live trap them and relocate them? They are chewing the wiring and everything else as well. If you know of someone who can help please let me know. Thanks so much everyone!!!!

12-04-2011, 07:13 PM
One of our company's drivers has a mega squirrel problem in his shop attic. Does anyone know who to contact in the Birmingham, AL area that can help him live trap them and relocate them? They are chewing the wiring and everything else as well. If you know of someone who can help please let me know. Thanks so much everyone!!!!
i do not know, but... is it absolutely necessary to relocate them right now?

The reason I am asking is that if they are relocated right now, there is a very high risk they will die at the new place:

1. All their food stashes are at their old place, where they are right now.
Squirrels have it hard even with food stashes that often do no last through the winter, but without their stashes at all - that will be beyond rough;

2. At the new place they will have to compete for the new territory and new "homes". Competing for territory and fighting for a good home is hard and stressful as it is.
BUt in the winter is much more stressful because all warm spots (tree holes and such) are all taken by now. Without a nice dry and warm hole, they will freeze to death in the winter.
All good trees are taken, all good tree holes and secret soffit areas are taken.

3. Trapping, relocation etc are in and of themselves very, very stressful. Add to that the horrible stress of fighting for a place to sleep and no food - that's a recipe for the weakened and stressed immune system that will most likely result in a bad case of mange and mange in the winter - freezing death.

Relocating in the winter is very, very risky.

Relocating in the Spring is just as bad for the reasons above + mating season. When you relocate a squirrel in the spring, the risk of separating mother from her babies is very high. Or, if the squirrel gets very stressed out, she might end up harming herself and/or her babies, or abandoning them.

Can they wait till summer?
they should have relocated them in the summer.

What is so bad that they absolutely have to relocate them right now?
If it is squirrels living in their attic, they can put up some nest boxes in their yard and then follow all procedures (e.g., first, make sure the squirrels aren't inside etc etc etc) and close entrances to the attic (or wherever they are).
But have them put nest boxes first, so that squirrels will have somewhere to go (and so that they do not come back).

I hope, someone will be on here with their ideas and suggestions.
Someone with more experience than I have.
But winter and spring are not good times for relocation.
Summer (late june, early july) is the best time for that. But not late July because that's when the 2nd baby season starts.
Of course, depending on your climate the baby season calendar might be slightly off in either direction, but you need to follow it if you decide to relocate animals
(same goes for pretty much any animal you want to relocate)

12-04-2011, 08:46 PM
Unfortunately this time summer is not an option. This man is ready to open fire on them. They moved into the attic of his shop about two weeks ago. He is very frustrated and ready to kill these poor little ones. I know relocating would not be the best idea normally, but right now it seems to be the only one.

12-04-2011, 08:52 PM
Ammonia soaked rags might work to get them to relocate themselves. I have also heard that Lowes and Home Depot sell something as a deterrent that works. Loud music and or flashing lights can also make them uncomfortable enough to vacate. Good luck!

12-04-2011, 09:03 PM
there is a company in Toronto that installs these one-way doors: a squirrel can get out, but not back in.
Perhaps, you could call your local wildlife removal services and see who uses such doors.
Just make sure and get guarantees that they will relocate and not kill them.
I preferred to personally participate when raccoons had to be relocated, and I personally spoke to the wlidlife remover guy when our landlord wanted to get rid of squirrels in the attic.

Do try ammonia rugs, but they have to be very strong to work.
Another thing - Gosh, wish I remembered, just recently, I think, JLM was looking for ways to deter squirrels from her neighbors' car.
People gave all kinds of suggestions.
Send her a pm (or e-mail if it's listed) - maybe, she could share.

They do sell sound deterrents at Home Depot. Also, setting up radio in the attic helps, or bright lights.

Since he is so upset (although, if they moved only two weeks ago, there is no way that they have done any irreparable serious damage for him to become that upset), you might have to take this into your own hands.

Talk to him and suggest those scent/sound removing techniques. Just explain to him that this might take a few days. If nothing works, you will trap and relocate them yourself. But try to explain to him that trapping should be used as the last resort (for the reasons I explained above).

If nothing else works, you might have to get traps from HomeDepot and do it yourself (if you clean the traps and make them look like new, you can return them).

But do contact JLM first. And CritterMom - I think CrM had a very good suggestion (as usual;-)

12-04-2011, 09:53 PM
Thanks so much for the suggestions! I will definitely pass them along and also contact the two members for more ideas. Thank y'all!!!!

12-04-2011, 10:20 PM
Critter Mom suggested bags filled with moth balls and hung inside the car engine compartment. This I did, and it seems to have worked.

I also heard of creating one way doors placed over the entrance to the present nest. Once the doors are up, they can go out but not come back in.

Perhaps those ultrasonic devices that emit sounds too high for humans to hear might work. I do not know what effect they have on pets, though. I think they might be pitched at something obnoxious to rodents but not dogs or cats.

Live trapping and relocating is very stressful for them, but it is less stressful than outright extermination. A lesser of two evils?

Jackie in Tampa
12-05-2011, 04:23 AM
I agree...moth balls...
although they are VERY poisonous...they usually work with most unwanted critters...
snakes hate'em!

Tell the truth, if you were a sq... an attic looks really good this time of year...
the dude should have maintained his building better...
I know, I have sqs in my attic, drawers, bathroom etc...:D
and bats in my belfry too!:crazy

12-05-2011, 04:52 AM
Yup, mothballs. You don't need to put them in net bags - that is just to keep them from rolling around and falling out of the engine compartment of a car. I would pitch a couple boxes up there, give it a couple days, then SEAL the access areas. If he is lazy and won't seal it up, he will need to refresh the area with more mothballs every month or so in a humid area like AL as they do "evaporate" more quickly in humidity.

12-05-2011, 01:23 PM
As far as mothballs go I got in a little girl & boy last spring with CNS issues from eating the darn things (mothballs) so I would be very careful if there may be babies in the attic!!! Is there a rehabber in the area that can overwinter them if they are caught?
How many are there??? If the situation gets desperate enough I will overwinter them.....I can't trap them but I can offer a home for now????