View Full Version : Biting

12-04-2011, 11:12 AM
Both of my squirrels have been living up to their namesake (as I was warned:D ). Despite having been hurt, Sugar is just as sweet and calm as she could be, but Spice is getting to be a little terror! Don't get me wrong, she can still be sweet but she has no problem 'defending' the cage from 'intruders'. The Official Tree man gets charged at and a mouthful of grunts/teeth chatter if he comes near the cage and she bit me yesterday. In the last day or so, she has been going after my fingers. I presume she is looking for food because she doesn't seem angry as much as she seems excited.

Is this a phase for a 9-wk-old or her personality? What's the best way to avoid getting bit? I'm seeing gloves in my future, LoL!

12-04-2011, 11:15 AM
I also think that Spice might be picking on Sugar a little. She seems exasperated with Spice sometimes and wants out of the cage so she can sit on me and just have some quiet.

12-04-2011, 04:08 PM
it can be a phase, a temperament, something in the environment and a combination of all of the above or some of that.

Are you planning on releasing them?
If yes, then, all you have to do is to adjust and go along, using gloves and other "armor" as necessary;-)
If no, then, you will need to prepare for long-term patience, adaptation etc etc(the usual stuff for all those who are owned by a squirrel;-)).

Other things to check for: scents, perfumes, any changes in the environment; have you changed your shampoo, lotion etc etc?... do you approach them right after shower?...there were situations when if a human approached the cage right after shower, the squirrel would get upset (perhaps, because of the combination of scents), but a couple of hours after a shower everything seemed to be normal.

If Spice becomes too harsh and "abusive" towards Sugar, you might have to separate them.

I am sure, other people will share their thoughts:grouphug

12-04-2011, 04:55 PM
it can be a phase, a temperament, something in the environment and a combination of all of the above or some of that.

Are you planning on releasing them?
If yes, then, all you have to do is to adjust and go along, using gloves and other "armor" as necessary;-)
If no, then, you will need to prepare for long-term patience, adaptation etc etc(the usual stuff for all those who are owned by a squirrel;-)).

Other things to check for: scents, perfumes, any changes in the environment; have you changed your shampoo, lotion etc etc?... do you approach them right after shower?...there were situations when if a human approached the cage right after shower, the squirrel would get upset (perhaps, because of the combination of scents), but a couple of hours after a shower everything seemed to be normal.

If Spice becomes too harsh and "abusive" towards Sugar, you might have to separate them.

I am sure, other people will share their thoughts:grouphug

:goodpost One little thing regarding her biting your fingers---make sure you haven't just been touching nuts or anything she thinks is food. She'll smell it on your fingers and possible nip. Sometimes the nip is because she's mad that you have food and aren't giving it to her! :rotfl

12-04-2011, 08:13 PM
If my husband or I go into Stormy Lee's room without our glasses on, she doesn't recognize us, and acts aggressive. She also bites my husband's fingers so hard, he has to wear gloves to play with her. Since I raised her, she is more gentle with the bites she gives me, so far.