View Full Version : question on cage

11-29-2011, 10:18 AM
Hey I put this in another thread but maybe it was the wrong place. I have a large ferret cage that is older and i wanted to spruce it up :) is there any paint that is safe to use on the cage? I dont want to do anything that may harm Dexter. Thanks

11-29-2011, 02:58 PM
If its a ferret cage im assuming its steel, not wood? If so then I suggest not painting it. The cost to properly sand and paint it would cost more than a new cage and even then you cant guarantee it was done correctly. Squirrels constantly chew, so naturally they are going to chew on the bars thus eating paint chips. No matter how "safe" a paint says it is, they all say not for consumption and I personally wouldnt want to take the risk.
Have you checked on Craigslist for a new cage? Also I suggest looking through peoples threads posted showing the awesome cages they made! Skys the limit with them, you can build it to suit your needs/space while giving your kiddo ALOT more space! :jump

11-30-2011, 09:17 AM
Thank you so much. . . . I kinda figured as much, but it never hurts to ask :) I just got this cage for such a good deal, i thought anyway, haha. I paid 40 and its huge. . . anyway he likes it so thats what matters, haha. . . . . Thanks.

Jackie in Tampa
11-30-2011, 10:04 AM
I have painted cages...several
I use an airless sprayer and Ben Moore Aura lure Paint...
it latex interior house paint, satin finish...in a gallon type can/paint.

However I have never spray painted a cage with regular spray enamel...
like Rustoleum
many small bird cages that get left here when peeps drop off sqs, have been spray painted...
I am not saying do it or not...
just saying what I have/know/do!:thumbsup
yes sqs chew everything...I have never had a sq die from eating paint.:dono I seriously doubt they eat what they chew...mainly destroyers!:D

Jackie in Tampa
11-30-2011, 10:22 AM
this cage is Sarah's...it is 3 years old I would guess...maybe older..??
That's 4 Skwerlz playing the mandolin:D

12-08-2011, 09:40 PM
WOW THATS REALLY NICE!!!! looks cozy and very squirrel fun :)) do they enjoy the music :) thanks for telling me what you used!!! I have another post about it, but what do you have in the bottom of the cage? Just trying to figure out what's best. . . I don't think I'm doing it rright and maybe not controlling the urine odor as much as I could by maybe using different bedding. Anyway thanks :)