View Full Version : Flying Squirrel

11-27-2011, 08:44 PM
HelloMy name is Jessica. I rescued a flying squirrel from my sisters cat and I need help with it. I don't know if it is a male or female or how old it is. It has brought my family alot of joy. It has became one of my kids. When I'm not awake it is in its cage. The rest of the time we are unseparable. I love Lucky alot.

11-27-2011, 09:19 PM
Welcome Luckysmom,
I would recommend that you post in Help needed forum - this forum is just a welcome introduction forum.
Help forums - Emergency life-Threatening and Non-Life threatening - are monitored by experienced rehabbers more often.

When you post in a Help forum please indicate:

1. When you found your little guy
2. What he eats daily and in what amounts - very important, what formula was he on, if he still eats formula or if he weaned himself
3. You said you need help with him - what kind of help are you looking for?... just general help on how to keep him healthy?... or is he not feeling well?
If he is not feeling well and you are looking for help with his health, please
describe his symptoms in detail, when they started, how they started, if they got worse, if it started suddenly or gradually.
Also, include if he could have gotten into something toxic (like house plants or an unidentified piece of food or something, etc)
4. What kind of cage does he have? What do you use in his cage for bedding etc.
5. post photos of him/her. Several photos from different angles and a photo of his/her underside that will help identify the gender (although, boys are very distinct from girls and if he is a boy you won't miss it)
Beside, photos are absolutely mandatory here!:D

6. You said s/he was cat - caught. How long ago was that?
Did you give him any antibiotics after that? Cat saliva can be very dangerous and often leads to fatal sad outcomes.
If you gave him antibiotics, what kind? for how long?
was it vet prescribed?

I hope, I didn't miss anything, but if I did, I am sure someone will add and/or correct me.

Please do re-post in one of the Help forums (depending on the kind of help you are looking for : Emergency Life-Treatening or Non-Life Threatening) and answer the above questions in as much detail as possible.

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

11-27-2011, 09:46 PM
I'm new to flyers too....still learning....I've learned a lot from everyone on here, I agree with posting under a different topic...maybe the breed specific under flying squirrels. Ask any questions u might have....especially how long ago he was with the cat....saliva can kill them easily! :wave123

11-27-2011, 10:55 PM
Yes, what Astra said. :goodpost Astra!

And :Welcome to you and your flyer.

11-28-2011, 08:02 PM
post a pic of the squirrels underside. they can tell you on here if it is a boy or girl. pretty hard to get that wrong. we love pics on here. i have four flyers myself. love them. they are so cute!

11-28-2011, 09:42 PM
Here is a new link to her post with a pic of the baby...I think its a girl (pretty sure...like u said pretty hard not to tell the differance:rotfl )


11-29-2011, 11:03 AM
Yup, female.