View Full Version : New to the board, but not to squirrels...

11-23-2011, 06:18 PM
Our little guy, Squirrely, came to us with 2 broken bones after being rescued from cats! His right front arm was broken near the shoulder and healed without incident, but his left lower leg bones now look bent because he wouldn't ever keep a splint on. The bones are slightly crooked, he looks like he has a second knee sticking out below his real one, and he has trouble balancing sometimes.

He took a course of antibiotics after being x-rayed and splinted, and is as healthy as any grey squirrel I've ever seen. He lives in, on, and around a big parrot cage with 2 types of acorns, fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and Henry's Growth-Block. I've had him for almost 2 months now, and estimate that he's around 4.5 months. I'm sure I'm off a little on his age, but he was fully furred and his eyes were open, and his bottom teeth emerged shortly after we got him.

Since day 1 with us he has gobbled down formula of 1/2 water, 1/4 Hartz puppy formula, and 1/4 heavy cream. He only accepts it once a day now, and generally drinks 1-2 tbsp of it at night before bed. I just found this board a few days ago, and our first bag of Henry's blocks arrived today. He LOVED them. I'm now wondering if I should switch him over to Fox Valley formula. Volume-wise, the formula still makes up a lot of his diet, and I wonder if I need to be worried about the quality of his formula since he's eating everything else now.

Also, how long did your babies keep drinking formula? I'll happily feed him formula into adult-hood if he wants it, but is there a certain point where I should cut him off? If he's going to keep eating formula for a long time, I'll definitely get Fox Valley, but not if he's going to forget all about it in the near future.

I've raised a few grey and flying squirrels but not ever for this long, so I'm new to the weaning transition. Usually I pass them on to the rehabber after their eyes open and they become fully active.


island rehabber
11-23-2011, 06:24 PM
IMHO, since he is a 'captive' or non-releasable squirrel, I would keep him on formula for as long as possible. There are people with NR's who are 2+ years old and still take formula once a day; it is your BEST insurance against Metabolic Bone Disease. Transition him to the FV as soon as you can and take it from there. :thumbsup

11-23-2011, 06:30 PM
Wonderful, thanks. I'll order some and keep offering him all that he wants!

Do you have a suggestion how to transition over? Should I take days, weeks, or a month to transition to 100% Fox Valley, or is it possible to just switch completely. He is trying new foods every day, but I don't want to shock his system or anything.

11-23-2011, 06:32 PM
Welcome, SquirrleysMom!:Welcome

Yes, he still needs to be on formula, so definitely switch to FV.
It makes all the difference what formula they take. Sorry to say, but Harzt is the worst formula out there b/c it is nutritionally incorrect.
FV was formulated specifically for squirrels - the best stuff.

Keep him on formula for as long as he will take it.
Never wean him, let him wean himself (and even then try to sneak some formula in his daily menu).

It's great that you started him on Henry's HEalthy block - when he eventually weans himself off formula, blocks will be his insurance against MBD. That's why it is so important that he gets used to eating block.
I think, the daily portion of henry's blocks is 2 per day.
So, for now formula + henry's block should be the base of his daily menu, once he starts eating his daily blocks willingly, you could start adding good green veggies.

Since he has trouble balancing, he will most likely become a NR (non-releasable). SOmething to consider - will you be able to keep him as NR?... it is a great commitment, but with the help of experienced people here you will get all the help there is. A lot of people keep NRs.

And photos are an absolute must here.:poke :)
A piece of fruit and a nut or two - as treats only.

11-23-2011, 06:35 PM
Wonderful, thanks. I'll order some and keep offering him all that he wants!

Do you have a suggestion how to transition over? Should I take days, weeks, or a month to transition to 100% Fox Valley, or is it possible to just switch completely. He is trying new foods every day, but I don't want to shock his system or anything.
this is the general formula of how to transition:

mix the old formula according to instructions and the FV formula according to instructions.
Then, take 25% of FV and 75% of the old formula - for a few feedings, see how he does
then, 50% FV + 50% old formula - again, monitor him
then, 75% FV + 25% old formula - again, monitor him
then, 100%.
This can take a couple of days or a week or two - all depends on how well your little guy transitions. If there are no GI issues, you will be able to transition faster. If he turns out to be more sensitive, then, you will need to take it a bit slower.

11-23-2011, 06:55 PM
Thanks for the fast replies! I'll be ordering the new formula tonight!

I am seriously considering keeping him, as long as he stays fairly tame as he matures. Right now I'm not working and I spend all day with him, morning to night. I am friends with a local rehabber, and my family has taken animals to her for about 25 years now. If I can't keep him then he will go to her and live with her other NR's. I am going back to school in January so our quality time will be cut a little shorter. I guess he will tell me if he's ever ready to go.

We have had an Umbrella cockatoo and a Timneh african grey for the last 10 years or so, and I am definitely used to destructive pets!

Thanks for the transitioning schedule! It's amazing all the things I've learned here from you guys in just a few days!

Here he is!





island rehabber
11-23-2011, 06:57 PM
omg, that 'turtleneck' shot is just too precious for words!! What an adorable boy!!! :Love_Icon

11-23-2011, 07:04 PM
omg, that 'turtleneck' shot is just too precious for words!! What an adorable boy!!! :Love_Icon

That's our "Squirrely Burrito". He used to love to sleep in a sock! Thanks! Sometimes I think he knows EXACTLY how cute he is!

island rehabber
11-23-2011, 07:07 PM
Sometimes I think he knows EXACTLY how cute he is!

oh trust me, they do. :D

11-25-2011, 05:45 PM
This is my baby boy, 7 weeks ago today. You can tell he is just waking up from the knockout gas!


The emergency vet Dr. (who as it turns out, is a girl I went to elementary school with) didn't have any squirrel experience, but she tried her best with him. The splint was made out of the barrel of a syringe. It's my opinion that a shorter one would have been better. Moving his leg from the hip caused it to slip down, and the break was below the knee. Since I waited 4 days to take him in it wasn't set properly. I'm trying not to feel like his bent bones/ disability is my fault for taking him in sooner. I read online, and my rehabber friend reassured me, that splinting something so small can sometimes just cause more issues. I'm glad he was looked at and given antibiotics. I lost a 5 week old storm-baby about a month before Squirrely came to us, so the $150 was worth the vet trip.

11-25-2011, 06:43 PM
I wonder if the issue is more about stiffness of the joints?:thinking